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Liaison statement
Response to IETF IAB liaison

Additional information about IETF liaison relationships is available on the IETF webpage and the Internet Architecture Board liaison webpage.
State Posted
Submitted Date 2009-03-05
From Group ITU-T-SG-13
From Contact Tatiana Kurakova
To Group IAB
To Contacts Olaf Kolkman <>
Cc Scott Bradner <>
Response Contact Olivier Le Grand < >
Naotaka Morita <>
Technical Contact Olivier Le Grand < >
Naotaka Morita <>
Purpose For action
Deadline 2009-08-01 Action Taken
Attachments Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.2015 (Y.ipsplit)
SG13 thanks the IETF IAB for its liaison statement contained in SG13 TD GEN
0050 regarding Y.2015, Y.FAid-loc-split and Y.ipv6split.

1) Status of Recommendation ITU-T Y.2015:
In recognizing the responsibility of the IETF with respect to IP related
matters, the draft Recommendation Y.2015 has been extensively revised. The
revisions have been made on the basis of input from experts who participate in
the IETF. It should be noted, however, that Y.2015 is not solely concerned with
subjects under the jurisdiction of IETF, as it concerns IMS-based systems which
include network-based functionalities associated with the architectures of 3rd
Generation Mobile Services and other NGN application service contexts. The
revisions made allow a number of different mapping possibilities, which we
believe accommodate a wide range of possible services and solutions. The thrust
of the document remains requirements oriented, requirements which reflect the
wishes of ITU-T members, including network operators. We do not believe that
Y.2015 conflicts in any way with IETF work, and we would indeed appreciate any
guidance on solutions developed by the IETF that could be deployed to meet some
or all of the requirements specified therein for particular contexts of
interest to the IETF. Accordingly, we attach a copy of Y.2015 which was
approved by ITU-T SG13 in its January 2009 meeting and look forward to your
guidance on how these requirements could be realized, in the context of your
responsibilities. 2) Status of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.FAid-loc-split:
With respect to Y.FAid-loc-split under development in Q.5/13, ("Functional
Architecture of id-loc-split in NGN") we are not yet in a position to provide
any documentation as the process is still in its very formative stages. The
IAB-ITU-T-NGN Liaison for the IAB (Ms Monique Morrow) offered some helpful
suggestions as to how we might proceed by identifying specific cases to be
covered and proposed that a subsequent gap analysis could be prepared. As soon
as we have something concrete available we will forward this for your
consideration. In the meantime any information you feel might be useful to us
regarding existing and/or emerging solutions would be welcome. 3) Status of
draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.ipv6split: Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.ipv6split
is being developed by Q7/13 which was former Q9/13 under last study periods in
ITU-T. For the last study period, SG13 has published 4 Recommendations which
were mainly focused on what requirements of IPv6 for the NGN are and Q7/13 had
sent LS to IETF three times on Aug. 2005(TD57Rev.1), Jan. 2006(TD111) and Jan.
2008(TD463Rev.1) respectively for letting you know of our work in advance. In
this regards, Q7/13 would like to inform you that we decided to develop a draft
Recommendation titled Framework of ID/LOC separation in IPv6-based NGN
(Y.ipv6split) at its previous meeting in Sept., 2008. The main scope of this
draft Recommendation is entirely identifying the requirement issues of
ID/Locator separation from the NGN’s point of view, rather than developing any
specific IP protocol itself. So, we, Q7/13, believe that there is not the
overlapping with IETF activities. Because its draft Recommendation is still in
the beginning stage, we, Q7/13, would like to send it later for your guidance
on how this requirement could be realized. 4) Collaboration between ITU-T SG13
and IETF Since we are at the start of a new study period we would like to
solicit the help of the IETF, and enter into a period of continuous
collaboration with the IETF for the whole of this study period on this subject
based on our respective meetings and respective outputs as they become
available. To enhance collaboration between ITU-T SG13 and IETF, SG13 agreed to
appoint Mr. Igor Faynberg (USA, Alcatel-Lucent) as a liaison rapporteur to IETF.

Attachment: TD 23 (PLEN/13) (Recommendation ITU-T Y.2015)