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Minutes interim-2023-core-01: Wed 15:00

Meeting Minutes Constrained RESTful Environments (core) WG
Date and time 2023-01-18 15:00
Title Minutes interim-2023-core-01: Wed 15:00
State Active
Other versions markdown
Last updated 2023-01-18


CoRE Virtual interim - 2023-01-18 - 15:00-16:30 UTC


  • Marco Tiloca, RISE
  • Jaime Jiménez, Ericsson
  • Carsten Bormann, TZI

Remote instructions



Minute takers: Christian Amsüss, Marco Tiloca, Rikard Höglund
Jabber scribes:


Note Well

MT doing introductions.

Remember that the note well applies, for IPR but also for WG
and code of conduct. Please be nice to each other.

Jabber & Minutes / Agenda bashing

MT: Thanks Francesca for wrapping up the pending errata!

Conditional Attributes for Constrained RESTful Environments

Presented slides:

BS presenting updates since last time IETF meeting.

BS: Since IETF 115, issues addressed based on a review from Marco and
requested an IoT-Directorate review. Submitted new v -06, with
pseudocode moved to an Appendix and revisited.
BS: Early review from IoT-Dir was accepted, Ines is on it.

BS (p6): pmax was recognized as an attribute that can contribute to
amplification issues by setting very small timeouts. See:

BS: ToDo: Work on security considerations (not only pmax, also epmax).

BS (p7): Got another review more about how this draft deviates from the
original intention of observe in RFC 7641, suggesting to present things
differently to achieve the same effect, especially defining how the
server updates resource state instead of notification sending, and how
the client influences it. See:

BS: "it's not the latest state" is justified by the query applying a
filter on the resource. MJK, what do you think?
MJK: Got other comments first. Considered position...
CB: I'd like to simplify the statement in the review as "Don't fork
CoAP". What we do should allow implementations that are around and don't
know this specification to keep working. If a CoAP implementation would
need to change its behavior, we messed up. If server gets new semantics,
it's fine.
CA: Agreed with the sentiment from the slide. We're not altering the
properties of RFC 7641, just viewing an altered resource. On CB's: This
is not a fork, as long as nobody expects to use these parameters on
resources that don't advertise supporting it.
MJK: My main point was what CA said, that's why I deferred. And you
don't have to use query parameters; when they're used, the query
parameters create a new resource (as Klaus proposes). We create a new
resource state that gets observed. So it doesn't break anything, but it
deserves further consideration thinking of scenarios we could come up
with where things do get broken. We went over this with Klaus in
Montreal some time ago, maybe we can recover the diagram from back then.

MJK: On the recommendation about amplification attacks, it's hard to be
normative there. I don't think we can tell for instance to operators of
an industrial control systems what to do, and it should be clear that
times need to be considered in the network context, and that pmax should
be bound adequately.
CA: It shoudn't be up to this document to say anything other than
generally reminding about what is stated by RFC 7641 about
amplification/congestion. If that was not sufficient, it would require
an actual update. We have a protocol for that, which should provide
adequate measures.
BS: The view aspect also comes in here.
MJK: The actual value of the number doesn't need to change for the
resource state to be changed. These things are all hints. The server
should never be prohibited from sending an extra notification even when
the state didn't change -- prohibiting that would be assuming too much
authority over how people use this.

MT: On epmax, do you plan considerations along the lines of "The server
should think about what it's best for itself when accepting epmax"?
BS: I think this has always been the case already, we don't mandate
things (other than maybe with pmax), so the server is free to decide
what it wants to apply.
MT: It's still considerations, after all.

MT: Another comment in the second review was about pmax to be better as
a new CoAP option rather than a query parameter, since it's extending
the Observe behavior: the server might end up sending a notification
even when it would not otherwise because the resource representation has
not changed. And extensions are done by means of options.
MK: So adding a CoAP option to modify pmax behavior?
MT: I read the review comment that way. But it also relates to the
previous comment from MJK: prohibiting extra notifications would be
assuming too much authority.
CA: Using a CoAP option sounds like that we would re-introduce a lot of
the cache-control material that we deliberately left out of CoAP
compared to HTTP. I like keeping the caching model simple.
CB: We need to hone our understanding of what "changing resource state"
means. If I have a new temperature reading with the same value than the
old one, the new reading may have a different lifetime. That's useful
state for the lifetime to have. We encode that in Max-Age, which may not
even change, but it has a new meaning when expressed at a later time.
Also, a server may want to tell the client that "actually I don't have a
new measurement, I'm surprised, so here is the old measurement with the
smaller current max-age" (so in terms of expiry, the state didn't change
but the information is new because the server authoritatively said it's
still so). This we need to understand better. I don't have a clear
opinion on what is the best way, but "Only change in the payload creates
new notifications" may come up short.
MJK: I would like to be able to think about it for each resource state.
So each resource state has a finite lifetime, so, when the same value is
communicated again, the server is communicating a new value with a new
end-time. There is no reason to prevent that, unless someone can define
what it breaks. Maybe we can broaden our notion of resource state? We
may also encode "I'm expecting it to be updated".

BS: MJK, do you think we could include some of that in the justification
of pmax?
MJK: That is a good idea, we may need more discussion on the definition
of "resource state".
MT: These clarifications will be good to have anyway, both in terms of
"not extending observe, not forking CoAP" and on the effects of using
BS: What I took from the comments is that there is little guidance on
how query parameters can interfere with the correct operation of
observe, specifically making sure that the client receives a consistent
state of the server. It might be nice to consider that as a broader
work. If you, today, have a CoAP implementation that has Observe, and
set a query parameter, what does it change? Clarify in T2TRG? It's not
in the Observe RFC.
CA: I think the information is there but hidden behind the definition of
"a resource", so it may need clarification.
MT: Good to phrase out that observation is already of a "special"
representation of the resource. It will come back again otherwise, and
it also helps again to support that no update/fork is happening.

MJK, summarizing: Our work item is to update the draft with a prototype
discussion along these lines, but also to take the discussion broader
(which may get in the way of updating the draft).

CB: What also needs to be in the discussion is how proxies on the way do
the right thing. A proxy needs to know what's going on without
interpreting the query parameters.
CA: Is there a question on the right behaviour, or is it about how we
phrase it? My understanding is that the proxies's role is pretty clear.
From its point of view, what is going on is just about a lot of
resources. The only potential open question is: can the proxy rely on
what it has seen in the traffic passing through itself (that the
resource adheres to the specification), and apply the specification
CB: The worst case is if there's a client observing a resource through
two proxies, in between of which you can't use observe. How do we
interact with it?
CA: Should we not describe that case for proxies in general? Because
otherwise it will be missing for proxies in general, like those not
implementing this specification.
CB: Yes, it's a problem to be solved in a general way.
CB: The view we had is that we did solve the problem, and new stuff
coming up warrants revisiting whether we did it right.
MJK: For a reverse proxy, it's clear that the parameters are meant for
the endpoint, for forward proxies it is not the case.
CA: The forward proxy just has to transparently forward, it's not an
MJK: That is the perception right now.
MT: How much can be said in this document? Anything at all?
BS: We identified many fundamental issues about resource retrieval and
MJK: There can be a special section on this in the document.
MT: Note that the document has always been informational.
BS: We had a section about proxies, I know. There's also the last
paragraph in Implementation considerations, but we may need an actual
"Proxy considerations" section.
MJK: Yes, part of that diagram with Klaus was about chained proxies. We
don't have showstoppers here, we just have to make it clear how it could

CB: Another thing to consider is that the local cache in the client has
very similar considerations. What fixes the proxy also ensures that the
local cache won't create problems.
BS: We will try to document that too.

CA: Just one more note: if there's a leg without observe, the
notification sending might degrade. That's ok, it can just happen. It's
fine if eventual consistency is there, which probably still is.
(CB on chat: +1)


Presented slides:

CB presenting the deck about two documents

CB (p1): RFC 9254 is done. Working on CORE-SID, with comments from Rob
Wilton. COMI was blocked by YANG-CBOR/CORE-SID issues. YANG-LIBRARY may
need to be revisited because YANG moved so fast (but this is not for
this meeting)

YANG Schema Item iDentifier (YANG SID)

Latest mails from Rob Wilton

CB (p2): #146 about documents objectives is mostly done and could be
merged. #141 is about communication between module authors and users,
but also for communication among module authors. Assumptions about who
has control there don't work in general situations, this is why the SID
file issues came up. A recent comment by MCR on the PR addresses this
MCR (p4): I can quickly render a patch to YANG to be able to read the
new field and save it with whatever value it had before, it should be
easy to do, whether it's this version or another. The real questions is
how we mark this as stable, and who does it. Like what options on the
command line, and who puts that option and when. And that's a process
issue. Regardless what we put in the JSON, we can make YANG mostly work.
We need to decide what must be done.
CB: Encoding "who" made that statement has the problem that other
questions come (why, when); be careful to not create a god variable that
encodes the history of the universe. We have to go through the SID
mechanics, ensuring the types of communication we want are open. A
client (user of the module) cares about none of that; actors modifying
the module need to communicate clearly.
CB (p3): Rob gave feedback recently, which was very useful and detailed.
It will take some days to process. One point from him was that we need a
way to record Obsolete SID assignments. If you want to encode that you
don't want to use it to avoid confusing older implementations, there is
a need to encode this in the SID files. Perhaps by encoding "high-water
marks" in the ranges, but that gets complicated. Having a status of
"obsolete" is useful; the interesting thing is that you don't care about
the YANG path, only about the SID number.
CB: We need to define who determined if something is stable, and what
unstable actually means. We may need to convene a design team meeting
for this. The plan is to process Rob's feedback (going into next week).
There are also some new issues that require thinking, and issues left
open from before that need work. We will have one or more design team
meetings, edit the document, and then generate a version -20 covering
these issues.

CoAP Management Interface (COMI)

CB (p6): This document has been in a frozen state for a while; after
thawing, we found an issue with "k". The issue is that we're trying for
HTTP compatibility with GET, but the native way is FETCH.
CB (p7): The current definition of setting up the k-parameter is very
complicated. We need to look at the parameters and set up different
encodings, which produce either decimal or base64 digits. But for
strings, the current definition tries to be "transparent", which is good
but causes problems. The current proposal doesn't optimize for strings.
We might need to have expansion with 3-4 cases.
CB (p8): Comma separation is ambiguous vs. plain strings (the previous
draft does not work). We could simplify to say "everything is base64",
or turn it into using a CBOR sequence.
CA: The whole point of this is to be a bit more compatible with HTTP,
right? If we end up doing custom things anyway, can't we just make FETCH
happen and use it?
CB: From my point of view, yes! The decision to have both was taken 3-4
years ago when there were CoAP implementations out there that couldn't.
We might decide that this was overtaken by events. But not all requests
require a key, and just sending a SID might be nice. Interesting

CA: FETCH is now around and established; that's also what was given to
the DNS over CoAP authors.
CB: The question remains of how much stuff of COMI is deployed where it
can't be updated to FETCH. But yes, a component that is not present has
the smallest amount of bugs.
CB: So the question is: now in 2023, do we still need to cater to
non-FETCH supporting implementations?
CB: The plan is to get k-simplification done, and moving the draft
forward. We need to find out who can push it forward. The authors are
currently not focusing on this work. We need work and feedback to finish
it. The next step is a design team meeting, to decide about the updates
towards version -12.

Constrained Resource Identifiers (HREF)

Presented slides:

MT presenting, not being an author, following up on discussions started
in October 2022.

MT (p2): In CRIs, a URI Scheme can be indicated as text string or
negative integer, which has been the case from the start. October
discussion: How to make this extensible? More schemes with an integer ID
defined upfront, and a new registry to enable future registrations.
MT (p3): Good in general, but also concrete motivational cases:
-observe-multicast-notifications uses this and has open PR to change to
use CRIs, which in turn would use the negative integers;
-core-groupcomm-proxy would also use part of it for the value of a CoAP
MT (p4): PR #57 is still open, one open point still deserving
attention is pending.
MT (p5): Added more URI Schemes for which the draft defines an integer
ID upfront. Also added a wiki for collecting URI schemes, see Wiki
. That part was uncontroversial.
MT (p6): The main thing was to create the new IANA registry and define
the registration guidelines. The registry has been added to the PR, with
"Expert Review" as registration policy. We need to be careful with
registrations in 1+0 and 1+1 space (due to those having lower overhead
and being few in number). As to provisionally registered URI Schemes,
they would get a 1+2 integer ID, unless believed otherwise by the
Designated Expert of the new registry.
MT (p5): We also need to ensure awareness of the registry existence (and
CRIs existence altogether). To do this, the text will ask IANA to add a
note ni the "URI Schemes" registry, highlighting the existence of this
new registry and the possibility of registrations of IDs.
MT (p7): Big open point -- When should an ID registration happen? We
want to avoid that a new URI scheme is registered, while an ID is not
right away but it is in the future. Then implementations using CRIs
might be getting stuck and worsen interoperability, being the text form
confidently used for a long while.
MT (p7): One proposal, in the current PR text, is to do
pre-registrations from the -href draft, but then allow the registration
of an ID only upon registration of the new URI Scheme itself, at the
discretion of the authors of the URI scheme. But this leaves open the
issue that authors of the URI Scheme may just not care (yet) and/or the
need/convenience for an ID is not clear at that moment. That might
change later on, when it would be too late for registering an ID. So
maybe it's too strict.
MT (p7): The alternative is to have the -href draft pre-register all
existing URI schemes, and then any newly registered URI-scheme in the
future will trigger an (ideally automatic) ID registration too. This
solves both problems. Input is welcome, further discussions will happen
on Friday's Coral/HREF design team meeting.
CB: This is the "x-dash" problem coming up again. Once an official name
is out, new users won't pick it up for interoperability. We'd like to
reap the benefits of numeric identifiers and not get stuck.
MT: Any input? (seems none for now). Otherwise we get back to it on

MT: There are also some Github issues still around, and some still to be
possible to close already. Some cleanup should be possible to do on


None. See you in two weeks.