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Minutes IETF118: 6lo

Meeting Minutes IPv6 over Networks of Resource-constrained Nodes (6lo) WG
Date and time 2023-11-10 12:00
Title Minutes IETF118: 6lo
State Active
Other versions plain text
Last updated 2023-11-12

6lo WG Agenda - IETF 118, Prague
12:00-14:00 (UTC) @ Berlin 3/4
13:00-15:00 (Meeting venue time) @ Berlin 3/4
Friday, November 10, 2023

  Chairs: Shwetha Bhandari, Carles Gomez
  Responsible AD: Erik Kline

  Minute takers: Georgios Papadopoulos, Laurent Toutain
  Jabber scribe: TBD

Introduction and draft status Bhandari/Gomez 10 min
Agenda bashing; blue sheets; scribe; Jabber scribe

Carles presents the agenda of the day.
No comment on the agenda.

1 new RFC 9453 is published.
1 AD evaluation,
Pascal: Will work on Erik comments,
After the Erik comments, the document is in the revised that is needed.
There are 3 active documents, and today they will be presented.

no comment on the document status.

IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Prefix Registration Pascal Thubert 15 min

Part of a family of draft to delegate prefix to the host

    defines an abstract technique for a GW to get the prefixes

    host register the prefix to the router,

    in mobility case, all the device under the router will have to remember.
    Better to keep the prefix and inform the router.

in the draft, a way to avertise the prefix to the router.

Pascal mentiones that there is a related draft in v6ops WG with Prefix
delegation per device

This draft is a perfect companion for what is done here.

Generalizing the concept of owning an address to towning a prefix

The objective is for a host to do not depend on the link-local, but having the
DHCP server is in charge.

No Question or comments.

Carles: need some reviews.
Pascal: will publish an updated version.

After -02 feedback from the WG is expected.

Transmission of SCHC-compressed Packets over IEEE 802.15.4 Carles Gomez 20 min

Carles presents the latest updates of the draft.

    Carles gives a quick reminder of the draft.
    2 updates -3 and -04 with comments from Kila? and Georgios.
    Single-hop communication was added.
    document has been reorganized

Feedback from Georgios that UDP header can be between from 2 to 4 bytes. and
fix the size for all the IPHC headers.

Carles presents the transition stack with UDP/CoAP compression

Laurent comments:
SCHC architecture is still in the beginning, the comments of the authors would
be more than welcome for the SCHC architecture draft.

    3.3 Single-hop communication section is added.

Adnan: this draft is being specific for 15.4 technology, but the WG is rather
6lo. Carles: this question was asked back in time to the WG, and the answer was
that at the moment lets focus on one single technology.

    Section 3.4.1. SRO, a topology Figure was added.
    Section 3.4.2. TRO, a topology Figure was added.

It would be good to mention in the document in which condition each
approach/mode to apply. For example Management can change the rules on end
points but not on routers.

Carles: agreed. We have started working on it (Appendix B of the draft).

Adnan: add security considerations

replace SCHC Header to Compressed header to avoid ambiguities with work done by

Path-Aware Semantic Addressing for LLNs Luigi Iannone 10 min

    This new revision has few minor fixes.
    Don’t mention technical solution, but stated the risk.
    update 8505 and use a bit, document is stable

Carles: there was a lot of discussion, maybe it would be good to have some
reviews from the WG.

Luigi: a statement on non impact of DAD has to be added.

Generic Address Assignment Option for 6LoWPAN ND Luigi Iannone 10 min

    In the format, ROVR was added.

Adnan: what you are doing with GAAO option. can we use only one message ?
Luigi: there is a risk since no confirmation, but need to be more studied.

Pascal: confused but the two multicast, there is only one.
Luigi: agreed.

Luigi: asks if GAAO has the interest of the group to go forward, if not it will
go together (merged) with PASA document.

Pascal: very optimistic with they idea of GAAO, continue to work,

The group has to agree on 1 or 2 documents (PASA and GAAO)

Esko: keep it separate
Carles: same opinion in favor of GAAO, not sure if 1 or 2 documents, but in any
case GAAO is a framework and PASA is a use case for that.
        GAAO may accommodate any future mechanism that might arise beyond PASA.

Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Short-Range OWC Younghwan Choi 10 min

OWC: LED Modulation defined by IEEE 802.15.7
two topologies P2P and star

Mesh topology is done with route-over

Pascal: (comment on slide 8): it is not only related to the MTU. Need to
consider whether Path MTU discovery is needed.

Carsten: 15.7 was unidirectional, how to build a subnet?
Adnan: same remark, if is not bi-directionnal

Younghwan: devices can have receiver and sender.

Adnan: OWN does not reflect Short range ?

Carles: 15.7 focus on wireless personal area networks, which are short range.

Carsten: can you give to the list which hardware to work on this

Esko: explicitly state how to get bi directionnal.

Carles: any other questions or comments? [No questions]

Session adjourned at 14:37

---------------- Chat, for the record ---------------------------

Erik Kline: I might be a few minutes late, coming from an IESG+IAB meeting, but
don't let me hold everyone up

Carles Gomez: OK, Erik

Carles Gomez: If there is anything you might want to mention regarding the
multicast reg draft, perhaps you can do it so later in the meeting, at some

Erik Kline: AD Eval is done, just need a revised I-D before going to IETF LC

Carles Gomez: Great, thanks, Erik!

Pascal Thubert: I'm sorry I missed or lost the request fir a revised I-D

Erik Kline: It just happened last night. The mail would have gone to the draft
authors auto-list, which might be an old email address?

Here's the datatracker history tab, which has the feedback:

Abdussalam Baryun: yes I read to review,

Abdussalam Baryun: need to review

Pascal Thubert: Erik: did you send the message to 6lo? I'm not seeing it

Pascal Thubert: I'm mostly not using the cisco email though I still have access
for a little while

Pascal Thubert: please consider sending over gmail to me.

Erik Kline: I used the datatracker state change mechanism, which posted to the
history and the email address of the authors in the draft (which is probably
your Cisco address)

I'll forward to your gmail right now

Pascal Thubert: Thanks Erik!

Erik Kline: sent

Carsten Bormann: IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks--Part
15.7: Short-Range Optical Wireless Communications

Carsten Bormann: