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PPSP Tracker Protocol--Extended Protocol (PPSP-TP/1.1)

The information below is for an old version of the document.
Document Type
This is an older version of an Internet-Draft whose latest revision state is "Expired".
Authors Rachel Huang , Rui António dos Santos Cruz , Mario Sera Nunes , Joao P. Taveira
Last updated 2012-10-22
RFC stream (None)
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PPSP                                                        Rachel Huang
INTERNET-DRAFT                                                    Huawei
Intended Status: Standards Track                             Rui S. Cruz
Expires: April 25, 2013                                   Mario S. Nunes
                                                         Joao P. Taveira
                                                        October 22, 2012

         PPSP Tracker Protocol--Extended Protocol (PPSP-TP/1.1)


   This document specifies the extended Peer-to-Peer Streaming Protocol
   - Tracker Protocol (PPSP-TP/1.1), a new extension protocol
   complementing the basic core messages and usages specified in
   PPSP=TP/1.0  for the exchange of meta information between trackers
   and peers, such as initial offer/request of participation in
   multimedia content streaming, content information, peer lists and
   reports of activity and status. It extends PPSP-TP/1.0 to include new
   optional messages providing granular controls and usages in the
   communications between peer and tracker. The extension protocol is
   retro-compatible with PPSP-TP/1.0.

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted to IETF in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

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Copyright and License Notice

   Copyright (c) 2012 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors. All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document. Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.


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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
   2.  Terminology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
     3.  PPSP-TP/1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
     3.1. Request Messages  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
       3.1.1. Enhanced Request Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4 CONNECT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4 STAT_REPORT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
       3.1.2. New Request Messages  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5 JOIN  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5 DISCONNECT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6 FIND  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     3.2. Extended Tracker Transaction State Machine  . . . . . . . .  8
       3.2.1. Normal Operation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
       3.2.2. Error Conditions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
     3.3. Extended Request/Response Syntax and Format . . . . . . . . 11
       3.3.1. Extended Semantics of PPSPTrackerProtocol Elements  . . 14
       3.3.2. Extended Request/Response Element in Request Messages . 18
     3.4. Compatibility with PPSP-TP/1.0  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
   4. Request/Response Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
     4.1. Enhanced CONNECT Request  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
       4.1.1 Registration CONNECT Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
       4.1.2 Fast CONNECT Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
     4.2. DISCONNECT Request  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
     4.3. JOIN Request  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
     4.4. FIND Request  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
     4.5. Enhanced STAT_REPORT Request  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
     4.6. Error and Recovery Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
   5. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
   6. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
   7. Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
   8  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
     8.1  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
     8.2  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
   Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36


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1.  Introduction

   The PPSP Tracker Protocol is one of the Peer-to-Peer Streaming
   Protocol which specifies standard format/encoding of information and
   messages between PPSP peers and PPSP trackers.  Based on the
   requirements defined in [I-D.ietf-ppsp-problem-statement], PPSP-
   TP/1.0 specified in [I-D.cruz-ppsp-base-tracker-protocol] has
   provided the basic core messages to be exchanged between trackers and
   peers in order to carry out some fundamental operations.  They are
   mandatory messages covering most basic use cases and MUST be
   implemented in all PPSP-based streaming systems.

   This document specifies PPSP-TP/1.1 to complement the basic core
   messages and usages specified in [I-D.cruz-ppsp-base-tracker-
   protocol].  It extends PPSP-TP/1.0 to include some new optional
   messages for providing granular controls and usages in some dedicated
   scenarios.  The extension protocol is retro-compatible with PPSP-
   TP/1.0. For a peer, it can implement either PPSP-TP/1.0 or PPSP-
   TP/1.1.  For a tracker, it is recommended to implement PPSP-TP/1.1,
   which is also able to deal with the requests of PPSP-TP/1.0.

2.  Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

   This draft uses terms defined in [I-D.ietf-ppsp-problem-statement]
   and [I-D.cruz-ppsp-base-tracker-protocol].

3.  PPSP-TP/1.1 Overview

3.1. Request Messages

3.1.1. Enhanced Request Messages

   In this section, the request messages specified in PPSP-TP/1.0 are
   extended to enable granular control and optional information
   delivery. CONNECT

   Besides the semantics defined in PPSP-TP/1.0 specification, the
   enhanced CONNECT Request message is also used when a peer registers
   in the tracker without simultaneously requesting additional actions
   to be carried upon successful registration.  In such a case, the
   tracker records the Peer-ID, connect-time (referenced to the absolute
   time), optional peer IP addresses and link status (if present in the

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   request), and waits for further requests from the peer.

   This message is also extended to allow a peer participating in some
   swarms as LEECH and simultaneously joining other swarms as SEED when
   it registers in the tracker.  For example, a peer is a seeder of
   several certain contents that it generated, but it is also a consumer
   of a streaming program.  For some reason the connectivity failed and
   it wants to reconnect from the point it was before.  Then the
   enhanced CONNECT request message could satisfy this kind of usage. STAT_REPORT

   The STAT_REPORT Request message is extended to allow the exchange of
   content data information, like chunkmaps, between an active peer and
   a tracker.  The information can be used by a tracker as a
   qualification to select appropriate peer lists when peers request to
   the tracker for the peer lists of some specific contents.  An example
   of a STAT_REPORT for multiple properties is illustrated in subsection

3.1.2. New Request Messages

   Three new messages, listed in Table 1, are introduced in this section
   to extend those specified in PPSP-TP/1.0 [I-D.cruz-ppsp-base-tracker-

                         | PPSP Tracker  |
                         | Extension     |
                         | Req. Messages |
                         | DISCONNECT    |
                         | JOIN          |
                         | FIND          |

                    Table 1: Extended Request Messages JOIN

   The JOIN Request message is used for a peer to notify the tracker
   that it wishes to participate in a swarm.  The tracker records the
   content availability, i.e., adds the peer to the peers list for the
   swarm.  On receiving a JOIN message, the tracker first checks the
   PeerMode type and then decides the next step (more details are
   referred in section 4.3).

   A use case of this request message is showed in Figure 1.  In this

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   case, the seeder of a certain provider has already registered in a
   tracker through the CONNECT message.  When it receives some "Start"
   activation signal for a program x, it could send the JOIN message to
   the connected tracker to join the swarm.  When it receives another
   signal for joining another program y, it can send the JOIN message to
   the tracker to request for joining the other swarm, but remaining
   sharing the content for the first one.

               +-------------+                   +---------+
               | Peer Seeder |                   | Tracker |
               +-------------+                   +---------+
                      |                               |
               Start->|--CONNECT -------------------->|
                      :                               :
               Start->|--JOIN x---------------------->|
                      :                               :
               Start->|--JOIN y---------------------->|
                      :                               :

               Figure 1: An Example of JOIN Request Message Usages DISCONNECT

   The DISCONNECT Request message is used when the peer intends to no
   longer participate in a specific swarm, or in all swarms.  When
   receiving the message from a peer, the tracker deletes the
   corresponding activity records related to the peer (including its
   status and all content status for the corresponding swarms).

   Continuing the example in 3.1.1, when the newly joined program is no
   longer available, a "DISCONNECT z" message is sent by the seeder to
   indicate that it leaves swarm z.  Note that this activity does not
   affect other swarms (swarm x, y).  The seeder still maintains active
   all the other swarms it participates in.

   Another use case is that this request message can be used to stop
   peer participation in all swarms and de-register from the system.  In
   such a case, DISCONNECT message will have the same effect of timer
   expiring (from the tracker perspective), but providing a graceful
   disconnect from the system. FIND

   The FIND Request message allows a peer to request the tracker for the
   peer list of a swarm.  The request can include specific content

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   scopes, either media content representations or specific chunks of a
   media representation in a swarm.  On receiving a FIND message, the
   tracker finds the peers, listed in content status of the specified
   swarm that can satisfy the requesting peer's requirements, returning
   the list to the requesting peer.  To create the peer list, the
   tracker may take peer status, capabilities and peers priority into
   consideration.  Peer priority may be determined by network topology
   preference, operator policy preference, etc.

   This message can be used in scenarios when peers want to obtain the
   updated peer lists from the tracker.  For example, when a peer acting
   as leech has joined a swarm, and after a while part of the content is
   not available in the previously known peers, it can send a FIND
   request message to the tracker to update the peer lists which could
   satisfy the peer's requirement.

   Another scenario could be found when a peer has changed its primary
   network attachment. One example is that a peer with a LAN and a WiFi
   interface which are going through different routers.  The peer is
   using some PPSPO-based P2P application which can keep working when
   the peer switches from the LAN to the WiFi (for example, unplugging
   the Ethernet cable, the P2P connection can recover automatically). 
   In this case, the peer can send a FIND Request message to the tracker
   for the updated peer lists.  And the response replied by the tracker
   to the FIND Request message should include the requesting peer
   transport address as well as the required peer list.

   An example of usage of the enhanced request messages in PPSP-TP/1.1
   is the illustrated in Figure 2.  

   In that figure a peers starts by connecting to the system (using the
   semantics of PPSP-TP/1.1 Registration CONNECT) after which JOINs a
   specific swarm (swarm_a) in SEED mode.  

   While active the peer periodically updates the tracker using
   STAT_REPORT messages.  Later, the peer JOINs another swarm (swarm_b)
   but in LEECH mode, i.e., the end-user intended to watch that content
   while still sharing the first one.  During the stream the peer
   requests an updated list of peers in that swarm to the tracker. 

   When finished streaming the second content the peer DISCONNECTs from
   the corresponding swarm (swarm_b) while still sharing the first
   content (swarm_a).  

   Later the peer DISCONNECTs from the system.  


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                 +--------+                     +---------+
                 |  Peer  |                     | Tracker |
                 +--------+                     +---------+
                     |                               |
                     :                               :
                     :                               :
                     :                               :
                     :                               :
                     :                               :
                     :                               :
                     :                               :

      Figure 2: Example of a session for a PPSP-TP extended version.

3.2. Extended Tracker Transaction State Machine

   The tracker state machine has been introduced in PPSP-TP/1.0
   [I-D.cruz-ppsp-base-tracker-protocol].  Every tracker MUST keep a
   tracker state machine in which the state transitions are triggered by
   peer registrations.  In addition to the tracker state machine, a
   transaction state machine for each registered Peer-ID is also
   specified.  In this specification, as some additional granularity
   messages have been introduced, an extended "per-Peer-ID" transaction
   state machine (Figure 2) is specified to provide more functionality
   and detailed control to the tracker protocol.  PPSP-TP/1.1 MUST
   include both "per-Peer-ID" transaction state machines to remain
   compatible with PPSP-TP/1.0.  A Tracker implementing PPSP-TP/1.1
   could instantiate corresponding "per-Peer-ID" transaction state
   machine based on the version of the CONNECT request message received
   from the peer.

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                                  +-------+  rcv CONNECT(@)
                                  | START |  --------------- (1)
                                  +-------+  [snd OK response]
                     +-----------+    |      strt init timer
                     | TERMINATE |    |
                     +-----------+    |        ----    rcv FIND
                           ^          |      /      \  or
      rcv CONNECT(@)       |          |     |   (A)  | rcv CONNECT
      rcv DISCONNECT (nil) |          v     v        | or
      ---------------- (5) |      +------------+    /  rcv STAT_REPORT
      snd OK response      |      | PEER       |--     ---------------
      stop track timer     |      | REGISTERED |       snd error
      clean peer info      |      +------------+       rst init timer
      del registration     |          |  ^  |
                           |          |  |  |  rcv @action=join
                           |          |  |  |  rcv JOIN
      on timeout           |          |  |  |  ----------------- (2)
      ---------------- (C) |          |  |  |  snd OK (PeerList)
      clean peer info      |         /  /  /   stop init timer
      del registration     +<-------   /  /    strt track timer
                           |          /  /
      rcv DISCONNECT (x)   |      (6)/  /         rcv FIND or JOIN
      ---------------- (6) |        /  /          ----------------- (3)
      snd OK response       \      /  /   ----    snd OK (PeerList)
                      ----   \    |  /  /      \  rst track timer
                    /      \  \   | |  |        |
                   |        |  |  | |  |        | rcv CONNECT(@) (7)
     rcv CONNECT(@)|  (B)   |  |  | |  |        | rcv STAT_REPORT    (4)
      -----------  |        v  |  | v  v        | rcv DISCONNECT (x) (4)
      snd error     \     +--------------+      /------------------
      rst track timer ----|   TRACKING   |----    snd OK response(4)
                          +--------------+        rst track timer
                                                  snd OK(PList)(7)

          Figure 3: Extended Per-Peer-ID Transaction State Machine

   The state diagram in Figure 3 illustrates the complete state changes
   together with the causing events and resulting actions when
   implementing basic tracker protocol with extended protocol.  Note
   that specific error conditions are not shown in the state diagram.

3.2.1. Normal Operation

   On normal operation the extended process consists of the following

      1) When an enhanced CONNECT message is received from a peer, if

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      successfully authenticated and validated, the tracker registers
      the Peer-ID and associated information (IP addresses).  In case
      the CONNECT request also includes Swarm @action requests (using
      the same semantics of PPSP-TP/1.0), it moves to PEER REGISTERED
      state carrying the Swarm @action to be performed.  In case the
      CONNECT request does not contain any Swarm @action requests, it
      sends the response of successful registration to peer, starts the
      "init timer" and moves to PEER REGISTERED state.

   2) While PEER REGISTERED, when a JOIN message or swarm @action="JOIN"
      request is received with valid swarm information, the tracker
      stops the "init timer", starts the "track timer" and sends the
      response of successful join to the peer.  The response MAY contain
      the appropriate list of peers in the swarm, depending on PeerMode.
       A successful request in this state starts the TRACKING state
      associated with the peer-ID for the requested swarm.

   3) While TRACKING, a JOIN or FIND message received with valid swarm
      information from the peer resets the "track timer" and is
      responded with a successful condition, either for the JOIN to (an
      additional) swarm or for including the appropriate list of peers
      for the scope in the FIND request.

   4) While TRACKING, a DISCONNECT(x) message received from the peer,
      containing a valid x=Swarm-ID resets the "track timer" and is
      responded with a successful condition.  The tracker cleans the
      information associated with the participation of the Peer-ID in
      the specified swarm(s).

      In TRACKING state a STAT_REPORT message received from the peer
      resets the "track timer" and is responded with a successful
      condition.  The STAT_REPORT message MAY contain information
      related with Swarm-IDs to which the peer is joined.

   5) From either PEER REGISTERED or TRACKING states a DISCONNECT(x)
      message received from the peer, where x=nil, the tracker stops the
      "track timer", cleans the information associated with the
      participation of the Peer-ID in the the swarm(s) joined, responds
      with a successful condition, deletes the registration of the Peer-
      ID and transitions to TERMINATED state for that Peer-ID.  The same
      operations are performed if a CONNECT message including valid
      Swarm @action="LEAVE" requests (using the same semantics of PPSP-
      TP/1.0) is received while in TRACKING state (valid actions in
      Table 9).

   6) From TRACKING state a DISCONNECT(x) message received from the
      peer, where x=ALL or x=Swarm-ID is the last swarm, the tracker
      stops the "track timer", cleans the information associated with

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      the participation of the Peer-ID in the the swarm(s) joined,
      responds with a successful condition and transitions to PEER
      REGISTERED state.

   7) While TRACKING, a CONNECT message received from the peer including
      a valid pair of Swarm @action requests (one being @action="LEAVE"
      and the other being @action="JOIN", using the same semantics of
      PPSP-TP/1.0), resets the "track timer" and is responded with a
      successful condition (valid actions in Table 9).  For the
      @action="JOIN" the response to the request MAY include the
      appropriate list of peers.

3.2.2. Error Conditions

   A) At the PEER REGISTERED state (while the "init timer" has not
      expired) receiving FIND, CONNECT or STAT_REPORT messages from the
      peer is considered as an error condition.  The tracker responds
      with error code 403 Forbidden, and resets the "init timer" one
      last time.

   B) At the TRACKING state (while the "track timer" has not expired)
      receiving an enhanced CONNECT message or swarm @action="JOIN"
      request from the peer is considered an error condition.  The
      tracker responds with error code 403 Forbidden, and resets the
      "track timer".

      NOTE: This situation may correspond to a malfunction at the peer
      or to malicious conditions.  A preventive measure would be to
      reset the "track timer" one last time and if no valid message is
      received proceed to TERMINATE state for the Peer-ID by de-
      registering the peer and cleaning all peer information.

   C) Without receiving messages from the peer, either from PEER
      REGISTERED sate (controlled by init timer) or TRACKING state
      (controlled by track timer), on timeout the tracker cleans all the
      information associated with the Peer-ID in all swarms it was
      joined, deletes the registration, and transitions to TERMINATE
      state for that Peer-ID.   The same action is taken if no valid
      message is received at the PEER REGISTERED state after the last
      "init timer" expires.

3.3. Extended Request/Response Syntax and Format

   The architecture of PPSP-TP/1.1 is consistent with the architecture
   of the the basic tracker protocol specified in PPSP- TP/1.0
   [I-D.cruz-ppsp-base-tracker-protocol].  It still uses the layered
   architecture of PPSP-TP/1.0.  Besides that, the message syntax is
   identical with that used by PPSP-TP/1.0.  Note that PPSP-TP/1.1 is

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   compatible with all the syntax and formats of PPSP-TP/1.0.  The
   difference is that some request/response syntax has been extended in
   PPSP-TP/1.1 to contain the new optional messages.  This section
   extends the generic format of Request to satisfy the extended request
   messages. The extended generic format of a Request is the following:

       <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <PPSPTrackerProtocol xmlns="TBD"

   The generic format of a Response is the following:

       <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <PPSPTrackerProtocol xmlns="TBD"

   The version of PPSPTrackerProtocol has been changed to 1.1 which
   indicates that the peer is using extended tracker protocol (PPSP-

   Besides that, syntax of some elements has been extended for three
   extended request messages.

   The SwarmID element MUST be present in FIND, JOIN and DISCONNECT

   The PeerNum element MAY be present in JOIN and FIND requests and MAY
   contain the attribute @abilityNAT to inform the tracker on the
   preferred type of peers, in what concerns their NAT traversal
   situation, to be returned in a peer list.

   The PeerGroup element MAY be present in CONNECT requests and

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   responses and MAY be present in responses to JOIN and FIND requests
   if the corresponding responses return information about peers.

   One element "ContentGroup" is added to the format of Request.  It MAY
   be present in requests referencing content, i.e., JOIN and FIND, if
   the request includes a content scope.

   The extended semantics of the attributes and elements within a
   PPSPTrackerProtocol root element is described in subsection 3.3.1.


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3.3.1. Extended Semantics of PPSPTrackerProtocol Elements

   The extended semantics for PPSP-TP/1.1 are described bellow.

   | Element Name or      | Use     | Description                      |
   | Attribute Name       |         |                                  |
   | PPSPTrackerProtocol  | 1       | The root element.                |
   |   @version           | M       | Provides the version of PPSP-TP. |
   |   Request            | 0...1   | Provides the request method      |
   |                      |         | and MUST be present in Request.  |
   |   Response           | 0...1   | Provides the response method     |
   |                      |         | and MUST be present in Response. |
   |   TransactionID      | M       | Root transaction Identification. |
   |     Result           | 0...N   | Result of @action MUST be present|
   |                      |         | in Responses.                    |
   |     @transactionID   | CM      | Identifier of the @action.       |
   |   PeerID             | 0...1   | Peer Identification.             |
   |                      |         | MUST be present in Request.      |
   |   SwarmID            | 0...N   | Swarm Identification.            |
   |                      |         | MUST be present in Requests.     |
   |     @action          | CM      | Must be set to JOIN or LEAVE.    |
   |     @peerMode        | CM      | Mode of Peer participation in    |
   |                      |         | the swarm, "LEECH" or "SEED".    |
   |     @transactionID   | CM      | Identifier for the @action.      |
   |   PeerNUM            | 0...1   | Maximum peers to be received     |
   |                      |         | with capabilities indicated.     |
   |     @abilityNAT      | CM      | Type of NAT traversal peers, as  |
   |                      |         | "No-NAT","STUN","TURN" or "PROXY"|
   |     @concurrentLinks | CM      | Concurrent connectivity level of |
   |                      |         | peers, "HIGH", "LOW" or "NORMAL" |
   |     @onlineTime      | CM      | Availability or online duration  |
   |                      |         | of peers, "HIGH" or "NORMAL"     |
   |     @uploadBWlevel   | CM      | Upload bandwidth capability of   |
   |                      |         | peers, "HIGH" or "NORMAL"        |
   |   PeerGroup          | 0...1   | Information on peers (Table 3)   |
   |   ContentGroup       | 0...1   | Information on content (Table 4) |
   |   StatisticsGroup    | 0...1   | Statistic data (Table 5)         |
   | Legend:                                                           |
   | Use for attributes: M=Mandatory, OP=Optional,                     |
   |                     CM=Conditionally Mandatory                    |
   | Use for elements: minOccurs...maxOccurs (N=unbounded)             |
   | Elements are represented by their name (case-sensitive)           |
   | Attribute names (case-sensitive) are preceded with an @           |
              Table 2: Semantics of the Extended PPSPTrackerProtocol.

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   The semantics of PeerGroup element is almost identical with that in
   PPSP-TP/1.0.  It is listed below for convenience of reading.  The
   implementation of this element has been extended in this
   specification, which is described in 4.3.

   | Element Name or      | Use     | Description                      |
   | Attribute Name       |         |                                  |
   | PeerGroup            | 0...1   | Contains description of peers.   |
   |   PeerInfo           | 1...N   | Provides information on a peer.  |
   |     @swarmID         | 0...1   | Swarm Identification.            |
   |     PeerID           | 0...1   | Peer Identification.             |
   |                      |         | MAY be present in responses.     |
   |     PeerAddress      | 0...N   | IP Address information.          |
   |       @addrType      | M       | Type of IP address, which can be |
   |                      |         | "ipv4" or "ipv6"                 |
   |       @priority      | CM      | The priority of this interface.  |
   |                      |         | Used for NAT traversal.          |
   |       @type          | CM      | Describes the address for NAT    |
   |                      |         | traversal, which can be "HOST"   |
   |                      |         | "REFLEXIVE" or "PROXY".          |
   |       @connection    | OP      | Access type ("3G", "ADSL", etc.) |
   |       @asn           | OP      | Autonomous System number.        |
   |       @ip            | M       | IP address value.                |
   |       @port          | M       | IP service port value.           |
   |       @peerProtocol  | OP      | PPSP Peer Protocol supported.    |
   | Legend:                                                           |
   | Use for attributes: M=Mandatory, OP=Optional,                     |
   |                     CM=Conditionally Mandatory                    |
   | Use for elements: minOccurs...maxOccurs (N=unbounded)             |
   | Elements are represented by their name (case-sensitive)           |
   | Attribute names (case-sensitive) are preceded with an @           |

              Table 3: Semantics of PeerGroup.


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   Table 4 describes the semantics of StatisticsGroup element.

   | Element Name or      | Use     | Description                      |
   | Attribute Name       |         |                                  |
   | StatisticsGroup      | 0...1   | Provides statistic data on peer  |
   |                      |         | and content.                     |
   |   Stat               | 1...N   | Groups statistics property data. |
   |     @property        | M       | The property to be reported.     |
   |                      |         | Property values in Table 5.      |
   |     SwarmID          | 0...1   | Swarm Identification.            |
   |     UploadedBytes    | 0...1   | Bytes sent to swarm.             |
   |     DownloadedBytes  | 0...1   | Bytes received from swarm.       |
   |     AvailBandwidth   | 0...1   | Upstream Bandwidth available.    |
   |     Representation   | 0...N   | Describes a component of content.|
   |       @id            | CM      | Unique identifier for this       |
   |                      |         | Representation.                  |
   |       SegmentInfo    | 1...N   | Provides segment information by  |
   |                      |         | segment range. The chunkmap can  |
   |                      |         | be encoded in Base64 [RFC4648].  |
   |         @startIndex  | CM      | The index of the first media     |
   |                      |         | segment in the chunkmap report   |
   |                      |         | for this Representation.         |
   |         @endIndex    | CM      | The index of the last media      |
   |                      |         | segment in the chunkmap report   |
   |                      |         | for this Representation.         |
   |         @chunkmapSize| CM      | Size of chunkmap reported.       |
   | Legend:                                                           |
   | Use for attributes: M=Mandatory, OP=Optional,                     |
   |                     CM=Conditionally Mandatory                    |
   | Use for elements: minOccurs...maxOccurs (N=unbounded)             |
   | Elements are represented by their name (case-sensitive)           |
   | Attribute names (case-sensitive) are preceded with an @           |

              Table 4: Semantics of StatisticsGroup.

          | @property         | Description                         |
          | StreamStatistics  | Stream statistic values per SwarmID |
          | ContentMap        | Reports map of chunks the peer has  |
          |                   | per Representation of the content   |

            Table 5: StatisticsGroup Default Stat @property Values.

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   ContentGroup is a new element extended in this specification.  The
   semantics of this element is described in Table 6.

   | Element Name or      | Use     | Description                      |
   | Attribute Name       |         |                                  |
   | ContentGroup         | 0...1   | Provides information on content. |
   |   Representation     | 1...N   | Describes a component of content.|
   |     @id              | M       | Unique identifier for this       |
   |                      |         | Representation.                  |
   |     SegmentInfo      | 1       | Provides segment information.    |
   |       @startIndex    | M       | The index of the first media     |
   |                      |         | segment in the request scope for |
   |                      |         | this Representation.             |
   |       @endIndex      | OP      | The index of the last media      |
   |                      |         | segment in the request scope for |
   |                      |         | this Representation.             |
   | Legend:                                                           |
   | Use for attributes: M=Mandatory, OP=Optional,                     |
   |                     CM=Conditionally Mandatory                    |
   | Use for elements: minOccurs...maxOccurs (N=unbounded)             |
   | Elements are represented by their name (case-sensitive)           |
   | Attribute names (case-sensitive) are preceded with an @           |

              Table 6: Semantics of ContentGroup

   The Representation element describes a component of a content
   identified by its attribute @id in the MPD.  This element MAY be
   present for each component desired in the scope of the JOIN or FIND
   request.  The scope of each Representation is indicated in the
   SegmentInfo element by the attribute @startIndex and, optionally,

   The peer may use this information in JOIN or FIND requests, for
   example, to join a swarm starting from a specific point (as is the
   case of a live program, by specifying the adequate @startIndex)
   and/or find adequate peers in the swarm for that content scope.

   An example of on-demand usage is the case of an end-user that
   previously watched a content with a certain audio language, then
   interrupted for a while (having disconnected) and later continued by
   re-joining from that point onwards but selecting a different
   available audio language.  In this case the JOIN request would
   specify the required Representations and the @startIndex for each,
   i.e., all the adequate video components and the selected audio

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   component.  An example is illustrated in subsection 4.3.

3.3.2. Extended Request/Response Element in Request Messages

   Table 7 specifies the valid string representations for the requests
   in PPSP-TP/1.1. These values MUST be treated as case-sensitive.

                         | Extended XML Request |
                         | Methods String Values|
                         | CONNECT              |
                         | DISCONNECT           |
                         | JOIN                 |
                         | FIND                 |
                         | STAT_REPORT          |

     Table 7: Extended Valid Strings for Request Element of Requests.

   The response elements in response messages of PPSP-TP/1.1 are
   identical with those specified in PPSP-TP/1.0, which can be found in
   subsection 7.2.3 of [I-D.cruz-ppsp-base-tracker-protocol].

3.4. Compatibility with PPSP-TP/1.0

   Peers and trackers may implement different versions of PPSP tracker
   protocol. Table 8 illustrate the different conditions when peer and
   tracker have different PPSP-TP versions.

               |  Peer   | Tracker | Request | Response |
               | Version | Version | Version |  Version |
               |  1.0    |  1.0    |   1.0   |  1.0     |
               |  1.0    |  1.1    |   1.0   |  1.0     |
               |         |         |   1.1   |  invalid |
               |  1.1    |  1.0    |---------+----------|
               |         |         |   1.0   |  1.0     |
               |  1.1    |  1.1    |   1.1   |  1.1     |

       Table 8: The Implementations of Different PPSP-TP Versions

   Just as Table 8 shows, when both peer and tracker implement PPSP-

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   TP/1.0, all the requests and responses are processed based on
   semantics and schema of PPSP-TP/1.0.  

   When peer implements PPSP-TP/1.0 and tracker implements PPSP-TP/1.1,
   the peer sends CONNECT 1.0 and tracker responds with the semantics
   and version of PPSP-TP/1.0.  

   When peer implements PPSP-TP/1.1 and tracker implements PPSP-TP/1.0,
   the peer sends CONNECT 1.1 and tracker will respond with 400 (Bad
   request, with reason-phrase "PPSP version 1.0") to indicate that the
   peer has sent the invalid version of the request. After the peer
   receives the response with 400, it MUST send CONNECT 1.0 to be retro-
   compatible with the tracker implementing PPSP-TP/1.0. 

   When both peer and tracker implement PPSP- TP/1.1, peer may use an
   advanced CONNECT 1.1 with the semantics, rules and restrictions
   similar to the PPSP-TP/1.0 to switch channels, re-connect after a
   failure or use an advanced CONNECT 1.1 to register first and then
   wait for all other messages to perform other steps, such as JOIN,
   FIND, etc.

4. Request/Response Processing

4.1. Enhanced CONNECT Request

   This method is used when a peer registers to the system.  The tracker
   records the Peer-ID, connect-time, IP addresses and link status.

   The peer MUST properly form the XML message-body, set the Request
   method to CONNECT, generate and set the TransactionID, and set the
   PeerID with the identifier of the peer.   The peer MAY optionally
   include the IP addresses of its network interfaces in the CONNECT
   message, and so, the element PeerInfo MAY contain multiple
   PeerAddress child elements with attributes @addrType, @ip, @port and
   @peerProtocol, and optionally @priority and @type (if PPSP-ICE NAT
   traversal techniques are used) corresponding to each of the network
   interfaces of the peer.

   The enhanced CONNECT Request has two variants: a registration CONNECT
   Request and a fast CONNECT request (retro-compatible with PPSP-


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4.1.1 Registration CONNECT Request

   An example of the message-body of a registration CONNECT Request is
   the following:

       <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <PPSPTrackerProtocol xmlns="TBD"
             <PeerAddress addrType="ipv4" ip="" port="80"
                          peerProtocol="PPSP-PP" />
             <PeerAddress addrType="ipv6" ip="2001:db8::1" port="80"
                          peerProtocol="PPSP-PP" />

   When receiving a well-formed CONNECT Request message, the tracker
   will first processes the peer authentication information (provided as
   Authorization scheme and token in the HTTP message) to check whether
   it is valid and that it can connect to the service, and then proceed
   to register the peer in the service.  In case of success a Response
   message with a corresponding response value of SUCCESSFUL will be

   The response to the registration CONNECT request MUST have the same
   TransactionID value as the request.  An example of a Response message
   for the CONNECT Request is the following:


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       <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <PPSPTrackerProtocol xmlns="TBD"
             <PeerAddress addrType="ipv4" ip="" port="80"
                          asn="64496" />

   The Response MUST include a PeerGroup with PeerInfo data that
   includes the peer public IP address.  If STUN-like function is
   enabled in the tracker, the PeerAddress includes the attribute @type
   with a value of REFLEXIVE, corresponding to the transport address
   "candidate" of the peer.

   The tracker MAY also include the attribute @asn with network location
   information of the transport address, corresponding to the Autonomous
   System Number of the access network provider.

4.1.2 Fast CONNECT Request

   Fast CONNECT request is retro-compatible with the CONNECT request
   message defined in PPSP-TP/1.0 specification.  An example of the
   message-body of the fast CONNECT Request is the following.  This
   example is identical with PPSP-TP/1.0.

       <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <PPSPTrackerProtocol xmlns="TBD"
         <SwarmID action="JOIN" peerMode="SEED"
         <SwarmID action="JOIN" peerMode="SEED"

       Another example of fast CONNECT request usage is showed in below:

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       <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <PPSPTrackerProtocol xmlns="TBD"
         <SwarmID action="JOIN" peerMode="SEED"
         <SwarmID action="JOIN" peerMode="SEED"
         <SwarmID action="JOIN" peerMode="LEECH"

   In this last example, the peer wants to re-join and participate in
   swarm 3333 to watch the program as a leecher, while sharing as seeder
   swarm 1111 and swarm 2222 with other peers.

   |SwarmID | @peerMode | @action | Initial  | Final    | Request  |
   |Elements|  value    |  value  |  State   | State    | validity |
   |   1    |  LEECH    |  JOIN   |  START   | TRACKING |  Valid   |
   |   1    |  LEECH    |  LEAVE  |  START   | TERMINATE| Invalid  |
   |   1    |  LEECH    |  LEAVE  | TRACKING | TERMINATE|  Valid   |
   |   1    |  LEECH    |  JOIN   |  START   | TERMINATE| Invalid  |
   |   1    |  LEECH    |  LEAVE  |          |          |          |
   |   1    |  LEECH    |  JOIN   | TRACKING | TRACKING |  Valid   |
   |   1    |  LEECH    |  LEAVE  |          |          |          |
   |   x    |  LEECH    |  JOIN   |  START   | TRACKING |  Valid   |
   |   y    |  SEED     |  JOIN   |          |          |          |
   |   N    |  SEED     |  JOIN   |  START   | TRACKING |  Valid   |
   |   N    |  SEED     |  JOIN   | TRACKING | TERMINATE| Invalid  |
   |   N    |  SEED     |  LEAVE  | TRACKING | TERMINATE|  Valid   |

    Table 9: Validity of SwarmID @action combinations in CONNECT Request

   It is also possible to simultaneously participate in multiple swarms

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   as LEECH, for example in situations when the peer has stopped
   watching several programs at a certain moment of the timeline (it may
   not have all the chunks of the contents) but may wish to continue
   sharing these programs with other peers.  As such, a fast CONNECT
   request message would include some @action="JOIN" in LEECH mode and
   some in SEED mode.

   In Table 9, the valid sets of SwarmID @action combinations is
   extended for the fast CONNECT Request logic in PPSP-TP/1.1 (referring
   to the "per-peer-ID" transaction state machine).  The allowed number
   of SwarmID elements in a request is indicated, where x, y and N take
   values greater or equal to 1.  When N is indicated, it means that if
   N requests are @action="JOIN" for the named swarms, the same N
   requests MUST be used for the corresponding @action="LEAVE" of the
   same swarms when using the fast CONNECT Request logic.

   The response MUST have the same TransactionID values as the
   corresponding request and actions.

   The Response to the Fast CONNECT Request MUST include a PeerGroup
   with PeerInfo data of the requesting peer public IP address.  If
   STUN-like function is enabled in the tracker, the PeerAddress
   includes the attribute @type with a value of REFLEXIVE, corresponding
   to the transport address "candidate" of the peer.  The PeerGroup MAY
   also include PeerInfo data corresponding to the Peer-IDs and public
   IP addresses of the selected active peers in the requested swarm.

   The tracker MAY also include the attribute @asn with network location
   information of the transport address, corresponding to the Autonomous
   System Number of the access network provider.

   In case the @peerMode is SEED, the tracker responds with a SUCCESSFUL
   response and enters the peer information into the corresponding swarm

   In case the @peerMode is LEECH the tracker will search and select an
   appropriate list of peers satisfying the conditions set by the
   requesting peer.  The peer list returned MUST contain the Peer-IDs
   and the corresponding IP Addresses.  To create the peer list, the
   tracker may take peer status and network location information into
   consideration, to express network topology preferences or Operators'
   policy preferences, with regard to the possibility of connecting with
   other IETF efforts such as ALTO [I.D.ietf-alto- protocol].

   An example of a Response message for the CONNECT Request from a peer
   leecher is the following:


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   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <PPSPTrackerProtocol xmlns="TBD"
       <Result transactionID="12345.0">200 OK</Result>
       <Result transactionID="12345.1">200 OK</Result>
       <Result transactionID="12345.3">200 OK</Result>
         <PeerAddress addrType="ipv4" ip="" port="80"

                      asn="64496" />
       <PeerInfo swarmID="2222">
         <PeerAddress addrType="ipv4" ip="" port="80"
                      asn="64496" peerProtocol="PPSP-PP" />
       <PeerInfo swarmID="2222">
         <PeerAddress addrType="ipv4" ip="" port="80"
                      asn="64496" peerProtocol="PPSP-PP" />

4.2. DISCONNECT Request

   This method is used when the peer intends to leave one or multiple
   specific swarms, or the system, and no longer participate.

   The tracker SHOULD delete the corresponding activity records related
   with the peer in the corresponding swarms (including its status and
   all content status).

   The peer MUST properly form the XML message-body, set the Request
   method to DISCONNECT, set the PeerID with the identifier of the peer,
   randomly generate and set the TransactionID and include the SwarmID

   The element SwarmID MUST be present with cardinality 1 to N, each

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   containing no child elements.  The SwarmID value MUST be either
   specific Swarm-ID the peer had previously joined, the value "ALL" to
   designate all joined swarms, or the value "nil" to completely
   disconnect from the system.

   An example of the message-body of a DISCONNECT Request for the peer
   leaving all joined swarms is the following:

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <PPSPTrackerProtocol xmlns="TBD"


   An example of the message-body of a DISCONNECT Request for a peer
   seeder leaving several specific swarms is the following:

       <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <PPSPTrackerProtocol xmlns="TBD"
         <SwarmID transactionID="12345.1">1111</SwarmID>
         <SwarmID transactionID="12345.2">2222</SwarmID>

   In case of success a Response message with a corresponding response
   value of SUCCESSFUL will be generated.  The response MUST have the
   same TransactionID value as the request.

   Upon receiving a DISCONNECT message, the tracker cleans the
   information associated with the participation of the Peer-ID in the
   specified swarms (or in all swarms).


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   An example of a Response message for the first DISCONNECT Request is
   the following:

       <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <PPSPTrackerProtocol xmlns="TBD"

   An example of a Response message for the second DISCONNECT Request is
   the following:

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <PPSPTrackerProtocol xmlns="TBD"
       <Result transactionID="12345.0">200 OK</Result>
       <Result transactionID="12345.1">200 OK</Result>
       <Result transactionID="12345.2">200 OK</Result>

   If the scope of SwarmID in the DISCONNECT request is "nil", the
   tracker will also delete the registration of the Peer-ID.

4.3. JOIN Request

   This method is used for peers to notify the tracker that they wish to
   participate in a particular swarm.

   The JOIN message is used when the peer has none or just some chunks
   (LEECH), or has all the chunks (SEED) of a content.  The JOIN is used
   for both on-demand or Live streaming modes.

   The peer MUST properly form the XML message-body, set the Request
   method to JOIN, set the PeerID with the identifier of the peer, set
   the SwarmID with the identifier of the swarm it is interested in, and
   randomly generate and set the TransactionID.

   A peer seeder may send the JOIN message to participate in several
   swarms.  The PeerMode element SHOULD be set to SEED.


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   An example of the message-body of a JOIN Request for a peer seeder
   joining two swarms is the following:

       <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <PPSPTrackerProtocol xmlns="TBD"
         <SwarmID peerMode="SEED" transactionID="12345.1">1111</SwarmID>
         <SwarmID peerMode="SEED" transactionID="12345.1">2222</SwarmID>

   When receiving a well-formed JOIN Request the tracker processes the
   information to check if it is valid and if the peer can join the
   swarm of interest.  In case of success a response message with a
   Response value of SUCCESSFUL will be generated and the tracker enters
   the peer information into the corresponding swarm activity.  In case
   the PeerMode is SEED, the tracker just responds with a SUCCESSFUL
   response and enters the peer information into the corresponding swarm

   The response MUST have the same TransactionID value as the request.

   An example of a Response message for the above JOIN Request of a
   seeder is:

       <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <PPSPTrackerProtocol xmlns="TBD"
           <Result transactionID="12345.0">200 OK</Result>
           <Result transactionID="12345.1">200 OK</Result>
           <Result transactionID="12345.2">200 OK</Result>

   As a leecher only, the peer can participate in one swarm at a time
   using JOIN requests.  In this case, the JOIN request message may
   include the ContentGroup element to indicate a specific point in the
   stream.  The PeerMode element SHOULD be set to LEECH.

   An example of the message-body of a JOIN Request for a peer leecher
   is the following:


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       <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <PPSPTrackerProtocol xmlns="TBD"
         <SwarmID peerMode="LEECH">1111</SwarmID>
         <PeerNum abilityNAT="STUN"
           <Representation id="tag0">
             <SegmentInfo startIndex="20" />
           <Representation id="tag6">
             <SegmentInfo startIndex="20" />

   The JOIN request MAY include a PeerNum element to indicate to the
   tracker the number of peers to be returned in a list corresponding to
   the indicated properties, being @abilityNAT for NAT traversal
   (considering that PPSP-ICE NAT traversal techniques may be used), and
   optionally @concurrentLinks, @onlineTime and @uploadBWlevel for the
   preferred capabilities.

   In the case of a JOIN to a specific point in a stream the request
   SHOULD include a ContentGroup to specify the joining point in terms
   of content Representations.  The above example of a JOIN request
   would be for the case of an end-user that previously watched a
   content with a certain audio language, then interrupted for a while
   (having disconnected) and later continued by re-joining from that
   point onwards but selecting a different available audio language.

   In case the PeerMode is LEECH the tracker will search and select an
   appropriate list of peers satisfying the conditions to include in the
   response.  The peer list in the response MUST contain the Peer-IDs
   and the corresponding IP Addresses of the selected peers satisfying
   the conditions.  To create the peer list, the tracker may also take
   peer status and network location information into consideration, to
   express network topology preferences or Operators' policy
   preferences, with regard to the possibility of connecting with other
   IETF efforts such as ALTO [I.D.ietf-alto-protocol].

   The response MUST have the same TransactionID value as the request.

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   An example of a Response message for the JOIN Request from a leecher

       <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <PPSPTrackerProtocol xmlns="TBD"
             <PeerAddress addrType="ipv4" ip="" port="80"
                          asn="64496" peerProtocol="PPSP-PP" />
             <PeerAddress addrType="ipv4" ip="" port="80"
                          asn="64496" peerProtocol="PPSP-PP" />

   The Response MUST include a PeerGroup with PeerInfo data that
   includes the public IP address of the selected active peers in the

   The tracker MAY also include the attribute @asn with network location
   information of the transport addresses of the peers, corresponding to
   the Autonomous System Numbers of the access network provider of each
   peer in the list.

4.4. FIND Request

   This method allows peers to request to the tracker, whenever needed,
   a new peer list for the swarm or for specific scope of chunks of a
   media content representation of that swarm.

   The peer MUST properly form the XML message-body, set the request
   method to FIND, set the PeerID with the identifier of the peer, set
   the SwarmID with the identifier of the swarm the peer is interested
   in.  Optionally, in order to find peers having the specific chunks,
   the peer also may include information about the desired content in
   the JOIN request message.

   This message is mainly used for leechers to update the peer list.

   The peer MUST generate and set the TransactionID for the request.

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   An example of the message-body of a FIND Request is the following:

       <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <PPSPTrackerProtocol xmlns="TBD"
         <PeerNum abilityNAT="STUN"
           <Representation id="tag4">
             <SegmentInfo startIndex="110" endIndex="150" />

   The FIND request MAY include a PeerNum element to indicate to the
   tracker the number of peers to be returned in a list corresponding to
   the indicated properties, being @abilityNAT for NAT traversal
   (considering that PPSP-ICE NAT traversal techniques may be used), and
   optionally @concurrentLinks, @onlineTime and @uploadBWlevel for the
   preferred capabilities.

   In the case of a FIND with a specific scope of a stream content the
   request SHOULD include a ContentGroup to specify the content
   Representations segment range of interest.

   When receiving a well-formed FIND Request the tracker processes the
   information to check if it is valid.  In case of success a response
   message with a Response value of SUCCESSFUL will be generated and the
   tracker will include the appropriate list of peers satisfying the
   conditions requested.  The peer list returned MUST contain the Peer-
   IDs and the corresponding IP Addresses.

   The tracker may take peer status and network location information
   into consideration when selecting the peer list to return, to express
   network topology preferences or Operators' policy preferences, with
   regard to the possibility of connecting with other IETF efforts such
   as ALTO [I.D.ietf-alto-protocol].

   An example of a Response message for the FIND Request is the


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       <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <PPSPTrackerProtocol xmlns="TBD"
             <PeerAddress addrType="ipv4" ip="" port="80"
                          asn="64496" peerProtocol="PPSP-PP" />
             <PeerAddress addrType="ipv4" ip="" port="80"
                          asn="64496" peerProtocol="PPSP-PP" />

   The Response MUST include a PeerGroup with PeerInfo data that
   includes the public IP address of the selected active peers in the

   The tracker MAY also include the attribute @asn with network location
   information of the transport addresses of the peers, corresponding to
   the Autonomous System Numbers of the access network provider of each
   peer in the list.

   The response MAY also include a PeerGroup with PeerInfo data that
   includes the requesting peer public transport IP address.  If STUN-
   like function is enabled in the tracker, the PeerAddress includes the
   attribute @type with a  value of REFLEXIVE, corresponding to the
   transport address "candidate" of the requesting peer.

   An example of a Response message for the FIND Request including the
   requesting peer public IP address is the following:


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       <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <PPSPTrackerProtocol xmlns="TBD"
             <PeerAddress addrType="ipv4" ip="" port="80"
                          asn="64496" />
             <PeerAddress addrType="ipv4" ip="" port="80"
                          asn="64496" peerProtocol="PPSP-PP" />
             <PeerAddress addrType="ipv4" ip="" port="80"
                          asn="64496" peerProtocol="PPSP-PP" />

4.5. Enhanced STAT_REPORT Request

   This message still uses the specifications of PPSP-TP/1.0 defined in
   [I-D.cruz-ppsp-base-tracker-protocol].  The Stat element has been
   extended with one property, "ContentMap", to allow peers reporting
   map of chunks they have.  The tracker would not have the ability to
   treat the FIND and JOIN requests for specific content chunks, unless
   peers report this kind of information.  Examples are provided below.

   An example of the message-body of an enhanced STAT_REPORT request is
   the following:

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <PPSPTrackerProtocol xmlns="TBD"

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       <Stat property="StreamStatistics">
       <Stat property="StreamStatistics">
       <Stat property="ContentMap">
         <Representation id="tag0">
           <SegmentInfo startIndex="0" endIndex="24"
         <Representation id="tag1">
           <SegmentInfo startIndex="0" endIndex="14"
           <SegmentInfo startIndex="20" endIndex="24"
         <Stat property="ContentMap">
           <Representation id="tag5">
           <SegmentInfo startIndex="0" endIndex="4"
         <Representation id="tag6">
           <SegmentInfo startIndex="0" endIndex="4"

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   If the request is valid the tracker process the received information
   for future use, and generates a response message with a Response
   value of SUCCESSFUL.

   The response MUST have the same TransactionID value as the request.

   An example of a Response message for the START_REPORT Request is the

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <PPSPTrackerProtocol xmlns="TBD"

4.6. Error and Recovery Conditions

   This document does not introduce any new error and recovery
   conditions. The implementation of error treatment MUST refer to PPSP-
   TP-1.0 specification [I-D.cruz-ppsp-base-tracker-protocol],
   subsection 8.6.

5. Security Considerations

   The PPSP-TP/1.1 proposed in this document introduces no new security
   considerations beyond those described in PPSP-TP/1.0 specification

6. IANA Considerations

   There are presently no IANA considerations with this document.

7. Acknowledgments

   The authors would like to thank many people for their help and
   comments, particularly: Zhang Yunfei, Zong Ning, Martin Stiemerling,
   Johan Pouwelse and Arno Bakker. The authors would also like to thank
   the people participating in the EU FP7 project SARACEN (contract no.
   ICT-248474) [refs.saracenwebpage] for contributions and feedback to
   this document.

   The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors
   and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the
   official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of
   the SARACEN project or the European Commission.


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8  References

8.1  Normative References

   [RFC2119]   Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
   Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC4648]   Josefsson, S., "The Base16, Base32, and Base64 Data
   Encodings", RFC 4648, October 2006.

8.2  Informative References

   [I-D.ietf-ppsp-problem-statement] Zhang, Y., Zong, N., Camarillo, G.,
   Seng, J., and Y. Yang, "Problem Statement of P2P Streaming Protocol
   (PPSP)", draft-ietf-ppsp-problem-statement-11 (work in progress),
   October 2012.

   [I-D.cruz-ppsp-base-tracker-protocol] Cruz, R., Nunes, M., Gu, Y.,
   Xia, J., J. Taveira and D. Lingli, "PPSP Tracker Protocol-Base
   Protocol (PPSP-TP/1.0)", draft-cruz-ppsp-base-tracker-protocol-00
   (work in progress), June 2012.

   [I.D.ietf-alto-protocol] Alimi, R., Penno, R., Yang, Y., "ALTO
   Protocol", draft-ietf-alto-protocol-13, (work in progress), September

   [refs.saracenwebpage] "SARACEN Project Website",


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Authors' Addresses

   Rachel Huang
   Phone: +86-25-56623633

   Rui Santos Cruz
   Phone: +351.939060939

   Mario Serafim Nunes
   Rua Alves Redol, n.9
   1000-029 LISBOA, Portugal
   Phone: +351.213100256

   Joao P. Taveira

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