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Use-cases for Collaborative LMAP

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This is an older version of an Internet-Draft whose latest revision state is "Expired".
Authors Deng Lingli , Rachel Huang , Shihui Duan
Last updated 2015-06-03
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LMAP Working Group                                               L. Deng
INTERNET-DRAFT                                              China Mobile
Intended Status: Informational                                  R. Huang
Expires: December 3, 2015                                         Huawei
                                                                 S. Duan
                                                            June 2, 2015

                    Use-cases for Collaborative LMAP


   This document discusses the motivation and use-cases for
   collaborative LMAP practices, where multiple autonomous measurement
   systems collaborate together in performing large scale performance
   measurements to help with QoE enhancement by ICPs, network
   performance monitory to guide ISP/Regulator coordination between
   autonomous network domains and/or regulatory policies and cross-
   boundary troubleshooting for complaints from end consumers. 

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted to IETF in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

Copyright and License Notice

   Copyright (c) 2013 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the

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   document authors. All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document. Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
   2  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
   3 Motivations for Collaborative LMAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
   4 Use-cases for Collaborative LMAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
     4.1 Inter-Controller collaboration within a domain . . . . . . .  7
     4.2 QoE-oriented network measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
       4.2.1 The current situation of its own region  . . . . . . . .  8
       4.2.2 The peering performance between ISPs . . . . . . . . . .  8
     4.3 Collaborative measurement for multi-domain ISP network . . .  9
     4.4 QoE-oriented performance enhancement by ICP  . . . . . . . .  9
     4.5 Trouble-shooting initiated by end consumers  . . . . . . . . 10
   5 Derived Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
   6 Extension Discussions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
     6.1 Adding Another Layer of Management/Aggregation . . . . . . . 11
       6.1.1 Initiator-Controller exchange for task instruction . . . 11
       6.1.2 Reporter-Collector exchange for data aggregation . . . . 12
       6.1.3 Initiator-Reporter exchange for output instruction . . . 12
     6.2 Extension over Existing Management/Aggregation Layer . . . . 12
   7  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
   8  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
   9 Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
   10  References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
     10.1  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
   Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15


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1  Introduction

   With the rapid development of Internet technology and the increasing
   complexity of broadband network architecture, it is becoming
   difficult to do large scale network measurements due to the lack of
   the unified measurement system and cooperative protocols. Therefore,
   the Large-Scale Measurement of Broadband Performance (LMAP) working
   group is formed to standardize a large scale measurement system for
   the performance measurements of all kinds of broadband access

   There are 3 types of entities proposed in the LMAP architecture: [I-

   o  Measurement Agents (MAs), implemented in network to perform
   measurement tasks; 

   o  Controller, responsible for creating and assigning the measurement
   tasks; and 

   o  Collector, in charge of collecting and storing measurement

   LMAP's current focus is to specify the information model, the
   associated data models, the control protocol for the secure
   communication between Controller and MA, and the report protocol for
   the secure communication between MA and Collector.

   On the other hand, for a large network, collaboration between
   multiple Controllers may also be needed for performing local
   measurement tasks, either because there is a practical limit on the
   number of MAs a single Controller can manage simultaneously for
   scalability considerations, because that a local task may involve
   multiple MAs that are speaking different languages (i.e. different
   control/report protocols), or because different organizations want to
   interconnect their measurement systems.

   Current LMAP protocols are designed under the following assumptions. 

   o  All the involved entities are under the control of a single

   o  An MA can only be controlled by a single controller at any given

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   o  There is no communication between Controllers, between Collectors,
   or between a Controller and a Collector. 

   However, cross-organization collaborations are increasingly common.
   For example, accurate troubleshooting for mobile services usually
   involves two or more organizations, and end-to-end performance
   measurement may be conducted across multiple ISPs. How to utilize
   LMAP practice to address these scenarios is still unsolved.  

   This document discusses the motivation and use-cases for
   collaborative LMAP practices, where multiple autonomous measurement
   systems collaborate together to help with QoE enhancement by ICPs,
   network performance monitoring to guide planning for network
   infrastructure and cross-boundary troubleshooting for SLA complaints
   from end consumers, as well as performing regulatory supervision by
   national regulators.

2  Terminology 

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

   The following acronyms are used extensively in this document.

   o ICP, Internet Content Provider.

   o QoE, Quality of Experience.

   o QoS, Quality of Service.

   o ISP, Internet Service Provider, or shortly Operator.

   o SLA, Service Level Agreement.

   o UE, User Equipment.

   o MAN, Metro Area Network.

   o WAN, Wide Area Network.

   The following definitions are borrowed from LMAP framework [I-D.ietf-
   lmap-framework], and used to describe the corresponding entities
   within a participating LMAP system.

   o Controller: A function that provides a Measurement Agent with its  


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   o Collector: A function that receives a Report from a Measurement  

   o Measurement Agent (MA): The function that receives Instruction
   Messages from a Controller and operates the Instruction by executing 
    Measurement Tasks (using protocols outside the initial LMAP work  
   scope and perhaps in concert with one or more other Measurement  
   Agents or Measurement Peers) and (if part of the Instruction) by  
   reporting Measurement Results to a Collector or Collectors.

   o Measurement Method: The process for assessing the value of a
   Metric; the process of measuring some performance or reliability
   parameter associated with the transfer of traffic.

   o Measurement Task: The action performed by a particular Measurement
   Agent that consists of the single assessment of a Metric through
   operation of a Measurement Method role at a particular time, with all
   of the role's Input Parameters set to specific values.

   o Measurement Result: The output of a single Measurement Task (the
   value obtained for the parameter of interest or Metric).

   o Metric: The quantity related to the performance and reliability of 
    the network that we'd like to know the value of.

   The following definitions are used in this document to describe
   corresponding entities for a collaborative performance measurement
   among multiple LMAP systems.

   o Initiator, the instructor for collaborative Measurement Tasks,
   potentially on behalf of a regulator, a third party ICPs or an end

   o Reporter, the reporting party that aggregates partial Measurements
   Reports from collaborative LMAP task participants and produces the
   ultimate report to the task Initiator.

   o Region, a geographical area or administrative domain under the
   regulation of a single regulator.

   o Domain, a collection of network devices and their interconnections
   under the operation of a single administrative entity.

3 Motivations for Collaborative LMAP

   End-to-end performance measurement and trouble-shooting are important

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   for multiple parties, including: (1) Internet Service Providers, in
   solving end user's QoE issues by better managing and optimizing their
   networks, (2) Internet Content Providers, for enhance its service
   logic and application design, (3) regulators in examining the status
   of and guiding future regulation.

   From ISP's perspective, the importance of supporting LMAP for its own
   network construction and operation is without doubt. But taken into
   account the potential impact of introducing third-party LMAP MAs into
   key network entities, a sensible ISP would prefer to build its own
   LMAP system based on MAs embedded into its local network devices.

   It is hence expected that the majority of end-to-end performance
   measurements will be conducted in a collaborative manner involving
   multiple autonomous LMAP systems, for the following reasons:

   On one hand, for the regulator, in order to stimulate network
   development, it is necessary to have a clear picture of ISPs' peering
   performance for interconnection points in addition to their own local
   network construction. Considering the prohibitive cost of a unified
   third-party deployment for LMAP MAs at various peering links among
   ISPs for a large geographic area, it may be more practical to make
   use of ISPs' autonomous LMAP systems for collaboration. 

   Let us take the example in China for instance. China's networks are
   complex, with more than 31 provinces and 300 regions come to
   hierarchical networks deployments. There are 3 ISP giants (CMCC,
   CTCC, CUCC) in mainland China, managing nationwide hierarchical
   networks, each is consisted of 3-4 national center points for
   interconnecting on the top, more than 30 provincial backbone networks
   in the middle, and more than 300 regions' local networks on the
   bottom. In other words, the national regulator must know the network
   status of the 3 networks in each region of a province, of a province,
   and finally the whole country. It would be prohibitive for the
   national regulator authority, MIIT to deploy its own dedicated probes

   Furthermore, regulators in different countries may want to
   interconnect their measurement systems to perform cross-border

   On the other hand, for the ICP or user, it does not help much for
   service optimization or trouble shooting if the end-to-end
   performance measurement is conducted via a simple client-server model
   while treating the network as a black box. In the meantime, for the
   purpose of providing more value-added service to the ICPs as well as
   subscribers, there is motive for an ISP to open its LMAP system to

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   some extent and collaborate with the ICP/user in understanding the
   bottleneck and exploiting better network servicing for end-to-end

   In the following sections, more specific use-cases and derived
   requirements of collaborative LMAP practices for end-to-end
   performance measurement are presented.

4 Use-cases for Collaborative LMAP

   As stated above, there are motivations from the regulator, ISP/ICP
   and users to conduct collaborative measurements at the different
   levels in order to know if the current network conditions meet the
   expectations from the regulator policy, the ISP's resource provision
   agreement or the ICP's service provision agreement. In particular,
   the following usecases are identified.

4.1 Inter-Controller collaboration within a domain

   In a single administrative domain, there are also scenarios for
   collaborative measurement.

   For one side, if the network scale is large enough, with many MAs,
   scalability of the Controller may become an issue [I-D.ooki-lmap-
   internet-measurement-system]. It would be a simple and scalable
   manner to construct an effective LMAP system by dividing the huge
   number of MAs into groups, and assign a Controller separately to
   manager each subset of MAs. The size of the MA groups are dependent
   on the number of MAs that a single Controller can manage at a time
   during the real deployment.

   On the other hand, even the network scale is small, if there are many
   heterogeneous network devices as functioning MAs, the corresponding
   LMAP protocols/interface may be diverse. For example, browser built-
   in MAs can be conveniently implemented as HTTP clients, the CPE
   devices usually support TR.069 as their management protocol and
   network devices residing in the core network generally support and
   runs SNMP protocol by default. In other words, different Controllers
   speaking different LMAP protocols may be needed to respectively
   manage different groups of MAs in the real deployment. 

   If a measurement task involves MAs that belong to different groups,
   collaboration among corresponding Controllers is needed for
   instructing the MAs with the task configuration and report

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4.2 QoE-oriented network measurement

   A regulator may want to monitor the current status and the future
   deployment of network construction and operation of its region. In
   order to promote network development, the regulator needs to monitor
   the status of interconnection between different ISPs as well as the
   overall network status. 

4.2.1 The current situation of its own region

   Understanding the current situation of its own region is necessary
   for a regulator to form guiding policies for stimulating further
   growth in high-speed networks. In order to get a clear picture of a
   large geographic area, the regulator may choose to not deploy a
   dedicated LMAP system on its own, while it's necessary to deploy a
   large number of MAs. The regulator may achieve this goal by means of
   the ISP's LMAP and the third-party LMAPs. 

   In that case, multiple organizations would simultaneously deploy
   their dedicated MAs for private LMAP systems within their network
   boundary in the same region, and by combining them together a
   measurement system can mainly cover the whole region's network
   infrastructure. Through collaboration, MAs from multiple
   organizations can perform comprehensive measurement for the whole
   regional network in great depth, which can reflect the network's
   operational state.

4.2.2 The peering performance between ISPs

   Low performance of peering links between different ISPs not only has
   great impact on ICP services, but also on an access ISPs relying on
   transit ISPs for Internet connectivity. For example, a mobile
   operator lacking access to an Internet resource will have to pay
   interconnections to other operators. The regulator can formulate
   policies to promote information sharing between ISP networks and
   investigate the user QoE problem by understanding the interconnection
   performance. For the same reason, an ISP/ICP can also benefit from a
   more clear understanding of the performance of the interconnection.

   For example, the data flow for a service request from a mobile
   terminal to an ICP first goes through the access ISP network and then
   into the Internet via a transit ISP network. Similarly, before

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   entering the ICP's own private data-center, it may traverse another
   transit ISP network. As shown in Figure 1, the measurement can be
   implemented between ISP#1 MA and ISP#2 MA to understand the
   interconnection quality.  

   UE<=>access ISP<=>transit ISP #1<=>Internet<=>transit ISP #2<=>ICP

           Figure 1 Cross-Domain data flow path

4.3 Collaborative measurement for multi-domain ISP network

   For a large ISP, it is common practice to divide its global network
   into several autonomous domains, each operated and managed by a
   regional branch. It is therefore, very likely that separate LMAP
   systems would be deployed into these autonomous domains, resulting in
   a call for collaborative measurement scenarios even within the same
   ISP's network. 

   Take the case in China for instance, there are multiple nationwide
   ISP networks. Within these ISPs, relatively independent local
   branches, separated by physical territorial scope such as the
   province, operate their local network which has an autonomous domain
   or multiple autonomous domains. Each Provincial branch can deploy its
   own LMAP system to monitor its local network states.

4.4 QoE-oriented performance enhancement by ICP

   New applications or updated applications with newly-added
   functions/features are being pushed to the end user every day, with
   an increasing requirement for constant performance optimization based
   on realistic network utilization resultant from application dynamics.
   It is important to understand the practical performance and impact of
   various network segments (e.g. access network, transit network and
   Internet) on the end-to-end traffic path. For the design,
   experimental and operational phases of a new feature/technology
   introduction to an application is also of great importance. However,
   it is expensive and non-economic for each ICP to build its own
   dedicated LMAP system into various ISPs' networks.

   At the same time, with the transition of ISPs' mindset from
   subscriber-centered charging for network access to ICP-centered
   charging, ISPs are motivated to offer assistance to ICPs' exploration
   for better QoE through more efficient usage of network resources
   provisioned under the guidance of real-time performance measurements
   and optimization to accommodate application dynamics.

   With ISPs' cooperation, various network segments are no longer hidden

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   behind the black box to end-to-end performance measurements. By
   combining inputs from both its own end-based LMAP system with ISPs'
   measurement data, it is possible for an ICP to identify the
   bottleneck of service provision and develop corresponding enhancement
   via better guided technology introduction to the application as well
   as more targeted SLA negotiation with ISPs.

4.5 Trouble-shooting initiated by end consumers

   With the growing influence of broadband access nowadays, more and
   more traditional ICPs are extending to the market of home gateways,
   as a result of the popularity of intelligent TVs and intelligent
   STBs. The services of end users in their home network are probably
   controlled by ICPs which may collaborate with the broadband access
   service providers to guarantee users the promised QoE. When
   malfunctions influencing user QoE occur in these types of services,
   it is necessary to have a mechanism with which the diagnostic
   measurement can be launched from the user side and identify the
   faulty party.

   Generally the home gateway(such as a home WLAN router) is the border
   between the ISP network and the home network. The ISP network
   includes the access network, MAN and WAN. The home network includes
   home gateway, TV, STB, etc. 

   For a broadband access user who buys a third-party home gateway
   device, the typical service access path is shown in Figure 2. The
   home network between home gateway and UE is private and is not
   controlled by any ISP. However, the user may want to measure the link
   quality between the UE and the home gateway, the UE and the access
   ISP, or the UE to the ICP, separately. Thus in this scenario, it is
   difficult to deploy a single LMAP system which completely covers the
   whole path for accurate end-to-end QoE measurements and assists fault

   UE <=>home net<=>home GW<=>access ISP<=>transit ISP<=>Internet<=>ICP

        Figure 2 Cross-Domain data traffic from home network to ICP

5 Derived Requirements

   To make the requirements more clear, the following terms are defined:

      LMAP domain: One LMAP domain is equal to one LMAP system specified
      in [i.d-ietf-lmap-framework], where all the MAs are controlled by
      a single controller.

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   This section presents derived requirements for LMAP protocols to
   enable the above collaborative use-cases across multiple LMAP
   domains. In particular:

   * Current LMAP architecture MUST be extended to allow the MAs of a
   LMAP domain to accept the legal external measurement tasks initiated
   outside of the LMAP domain.

   * When carrying out the outside measurement tasks, an LMAP domain
   MUST be able to coordinate the relevant controllers, MAs, and
   collectors of other LMAP domains for status updating or dynamical

   * Current LMAP architecture MUST be extended to have a mechanism to
   gather and aggregate the measurement results from participating LMAP

   * An LMAP domain MUST be able to authenticate and authorize the
   measurement requests from outside of the LMAP domain.

   * The extended mechanisms required above SHOULD NOT affect the
   current LMAP mechanisms in [i.d-ietf-lmap-framework]. If changes have
   to be made, they MUST be kept as small as possible. 

6 Extension Discussions

   In general, there are two basic approaches to extend the existing
   LMAP framework for the above requirements: the first is to add
   another layer of MA management and report collection for the
   additional information exchange; the other is to extend the existing
   controller/reporter's function and make one of the relevant
   controller/reporter to take the responsibility of collaborative task
   instruction/data aggregation. 

6.1 Adding Another Layer of Management/Aggregation

   In particular, two entities for the general coordination of cross-
   organization interactions for collaborative LMAP tasks are
   introduced: the Initiator and the Reporter, for cross-domain
   measurement task assignment and result aggregation, respectively.
   Three protocols for interactions for the newly-introduced entities
   and existing LMAP entities are discussed too.

6.1.1 Initiator-Controller exchange for task instruction

   The globally trusted and verifiable Initiator instructs each
   participating LMAP Controller with corresponding Measurement Tasks to

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   be performed within the LMAP system, indicating the corresponding
   Reporter, to whom the results of the Measurement Tasks are to be
   submitted. A globally unified identifier may be required for each
   collaborative Measurement Task.

6.1.2 Reporter-Collector exchange for data aggregation

   A Collector from each participating LMAP system interacts with the
   corresponding Reporter to report local measurement results. 

6.1.3 Initiator-Reporter exchange for output instruction

   The Initiator also notifies the Reporter with instructions on how to
   create the final measurement report (e.g. data aggregation methods to
   be used) as well as the identities of the participating Controllers.

6.2 Extension over Existing Management/Aggregation Layer

   Another straightforward manner of extending the current LMAP
   framework to support collaborative measurements from multiple domains
   is to break the assumption that "any MA can only be controlled by a
   single Controller", and allow the MA within an LMAP domain to carry
   on the instructions from another Controller outside the domain,
   and/or report the measurement results to another outside Collector. 

   Note that it is expected that such collaborative measurement
   instructions are not meant to change the ownership of the
   participating MA to its home LMAP domain. 

   As long as there is not conflict of interest or competition of local
   resources at the MA, the outside measurement tasks (from an outside
   Controller outside the local LMAP domain) as well as all the inside
   measurement tasks (from the inside Controller in the local LMAP
   domain) can be carried on simultaneously.

   Otherwise, the MA may refer to static priority policies (e.g. the
   inside tasks have the top priority, etc.) or report to its local
   Controller/a third party for conflict resolution and task adaptation.

7  Security Considerations


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   The security threats elaborated in [I-D.ietf-lmap-use-cases] also
   apply to collaborative LMAP scenarios.

   It is assumed that the security issues within a participating LMAP
   system can be addressed by its local security mechanisms, as
   specified in [I-D.ietf-lmap-framework], and out of scope of this

   Each participating LMAP system may have its own consideration and
   policy regarding its local network and/or subscriber private
   information. In performing collaborative task, it is still possible
   for a Collector to enforce local protection schemes, e.g. filtering
   algorithms, onto local measurement data before submission to the
   Reporter, hence providing protection to sensitive information for
   both the subscriber and the network operator.

   It is important for a participating LMAP system to be able to
   authenticate the Initiator/outside-controller and the
   Reporter/outside-collector for a given collaborative Measurement
   Task, provide differentiated service provision according to its local
   policies (e.g. flexible authorization based on the Initiator's
   identity, the type of Measurement Task, Measurement Method,
   frequency, etc.), and protect itself from service abuse of malicious
   Initiators or information leakage to malicious Reporters. 

   A task/data verification scheme is needed for the Reporter to exclude
   un-authorized or non-intended Collectors from tampering the
   measurement report or blocking the Reporter/outside-collector from
   proper functioning with corrupted/forged/replayed local reports.

8  IANA Considerations

   There is no IANA action in this document.

9 Acknowledgements

   The authors would like to thank Charles Cook, Gregory Mirsky and
   Frode Sorensen for their valuable comments and input to this


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10  References

10.1  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [I-D.ietf-lmap-framework] Eardley, P., Morton, A., Bagnulo, M.,
              Burbridge, T., Aitken, P., and A. Akhter, "A framework for
              large-scale measurement platforms (LMAP)", draft-ietf-
              lmap-framework-11 (work in progress), February 2015.

   [I-D.ietf-lmap-information-model] Burbridge, T., Eardley, P.,
              Bagnulo, M., and J. Schoenwaelder, "Information Model for
              Large-Scale Measurement Platforms (LMAP)", draft-ietf-
              lmap-information-model-03 (work in progress), January

   [I-D.ooki-lmap-internet-measurement-system] Ooki M., Kamei, S.,
              "Internet Measurement System", draft-ooki-lmap-internet-
              measurement-system-01(work in progress), December 2014.

   [I-D.ietf-lmap-use-cases] Linsner M., Eardley, P., Burbridge, T.,
              Sorensen, F., "Large-Scale Broadband Measurement Use
              Cases", draft-ietf-lmap-use-cases-06(work in progress),
              Feburary, 2015


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Authors' Addresses

   Lingli Deng
   China Mobile


   Rachel Huang


   Shihui Duan
   China Academy of Telecommunication Research of MIIT


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