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Bijective MAC for Constraint Nodes

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Author Pascal Urien
Last updated 2020-06-14 (Latest revision 2019-12-12)
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CORE Working Group Working Group                             P. Urien 
  Internet Draft                                      Telecom ParisTech 
  Intended status: Experimental                                         
                                                           June 14 2020 
  Expires: December 2020 
                         Bijective MAC for Constraint Nodes 
   In this draft context, things are powered by micro controllers units 
   (MCU) comprising a set of memories such as static RAM (SRAM), FLASH 
   and EEPROM. The total memory size, ranges from 10KB to a few 
   megabytes. In this context code and data integrity are major 
   security issues, for the deployment of Internet of Things 
   infrastructure. The goal of the bijective MAC (bMAC) is to compute 
   an integrity value, which cannot be guessed by malicious software. 
   In classical keyed MACs, MAC is computing according to a fixed 
   In the bijective MAC, the content of N addresses is hashed according 
   to a permutation P (i.e. bijective application). 
   The bijective MAC key is the permutation P. 
   The number of permutations for N addresses is N!. So the computation 
   of the bMAC requires the knowledge of the whole space memory; this 
   is trivial for genuine software, but could very difficult for 
   corrupted software, especially for time stamped bMAC. 
Requirements Language 
   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", 
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. 
Status of this Memo 
   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the 
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. 
   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering 
   Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute 
   working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at 
   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six 
   months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents 
   at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference 
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." 
   This Internet-Draft will expire on December 2020. 

   Urien                    Expires December 2020             [Page 1] 

Copyright Notice 
   Copyright (c) 2020 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the 
   document authors. All rights reserved. 
   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal 
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents 
   ( in effect on the date of 
   publication of this document. Please review these documents 
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with 
   respect to this document. Code Components extracted from this 
   document must include Simplified BSD License text as described in 
   Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without 
   warranty as described in the Simplified BSD License. 

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                     Bijective MAC for Constraint Nodes    June 2020 
Table of Contents 
   Abstract........................................................... 1 
   Requirements Language.............................................. 1 
   Status of this Memo................................................ 1 
   Copyright Notice................................................... 2 
   1 Overview......................................................... 4 
   2 Bijective MAC.................................................... 4 
      2.1 Memory space................................................ 4 
      2.2 Permutation................................................. 4 
      2.3 bMAC computation............................................ 5 
      2.4 Unused memory............................................... 5 
      2.5 Permutation entropy......................................... 5 
      2.6 Time-stamped bMAC........................................... 6 
          2.6.1 Rational ............................................. 6 
          2.6.2 Canonical time ....................................... 6 
   3. The Pq permutation family....................................... 7 
      3.1 How to find a generator..................................... 7 
          3.1.1 Method 1 ............................................. 7 
          3.1.2 Method 2 ............................................. 7 
          3.1.3 Method 3 ............................................. 8 
      3.2 How to compute generators................................... 8 
          3.2.1 Example 1 ............................................ 8 
          3.2.2 Example 2. ........................................... 8 
          3.2.3 Example 3. ........................................... 9 
          3.2.4 Example 4 ............................................ 9 
          3.2.5 Example 5 ............................................ 9 
          3.2.6 Example 6 ............................................ 9 
      3.3 Shifted permutation......................................... 9 
      3.4 Composition in Fq.......................................... 10 
      3.5 Code example............................................... 10 
          3.5.1 Example 1 ........................................... 10 
          3.5.2 Example 2 ........................................... 11 
   4 bMAC protocol................................................... 12 
   5 IANA Considerations............................................. 12 
   6 Security Considerations......................................... 12 
   7 References...................................................... 12 
      7.1 Normative References....................................... 12 
      7.2 Informative References..................................... 12 
   8 Authors' Addresses.............................................. 12 

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1 Overview 
   In this draft context, things are powered by micro controllers units 
   (MCU) comprising a set of memories such as static RAM (SRAM), FLASH 
   and EEPROM. The total memory size ranges from 10KB to a few 
   In this context code and data integrity is a major security issue 
   for the deployment of Internet of Things infrastructure. 
   The goal of the bijective MAC (bMAC) is to compute an integrity 
   value, which cannot be guessed by malicious software. 
   In classical keyed MACs, MAC is computing according to a fixed 
   In the bijective MAC, the content of N addresses (A[0]...A[N-1]) is 
   hashed according to a hash function H and a permutation P (i.e. 
   bijective application in [0,N-1])so that : 
   bMAC(A, P) = H( A[P(0)] || A[P(1)] ... || A[P(N-1)] ) 
   The bijective MAC key is the permutation P. The number of 
   permutations for N addresses is N!, as an illustration 35! is 
   greater than 2**128. So the bMAC computation requires the knowledge 
   of the whole space memory. This is trivial for genuine software, but 
   could very difficult for corrupted software, especially for time 
   stamped bMAC. 
2 Bijective MAC 
2.1 Memory space 
   The memory space is represented by an application A, working with N 
   addresses, whose content is a byte value. 
                       | [0,N-1] -> [0,255] 
                     A |  
                       | x       -> A[x] 
   Non volatile memories (FLASH, EEPROM) MUST be included in the memory 
   space. A subset of SRAM is included in the memory, whose structure 
   relies on operational constraints (heap size, stack size,...). 
2.2 Permutation 
   For practical reasons, permutation MAY use a range of M values, 
   greater than the size N of the memory space (M>=N). 
                       | [0,M-1] -> [0,M-1] 
                     P |  
                       | x       -> P(x) 

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                     Bijective MAC for Constraint Nodes    June 2020 
   For example, given a N memory space, and q a prime number so that 
   q>N, and g a generator for the group Z/qZ, the P permutation (with 
   M= q-1) can computed as: 
                        | [0,q-2] -> [0,q-2] 
                      P |  
                        | x       -> (g**(1+x) mod q)-1  
2.3 bMAC computation 
   We consider a one way hash function H (such as SHA2 or SHA3) with 
   three procedures, H.reset, H.update, and 
   Given a space memory N, a permutation P with M values, the bMAC, 
   according to C like notation, is computed as: 
   H.reset() ; 
   for (i=0; i< M; i++) 
   { if (P(i) < N)  
2.4 Unused memory 
   Unused memory MAY be filled by pseudo random values, before 
   performing the bMAC computation. 
2.5 Permutation entropy 
   A family of Pk permutations is a subset of M! permutations of M 
   elements, which is computed according to dedicated algorithms. 
   We note #Pk the number of elements of a Pk family. 
   The entropy is the integer e, such as 2**e is closed to #Pk: 
   2**e <= #Pk < 2**(e+1) 
   The entropy of a family may be increased by the composition of Pk 
   functions so that : 
   P(k1,k2,...,kn) = Pkn o ... o Pk2 o Pk1 

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                     Bijective MAC for Constraint Nodes    June 2020 
2.6 Time-stamped bMAC 
  2.6.1 Rational 
   The main idea is to detect corrupted software that uses a code 
   compression algorithm. 
    +-------------------------+    +-------------------------------+ 
    |                         |    | +-+  Genuine Code Compressed  | 
    |                         |    +-|-|---------------------------+ 
    |                         |    | | | Code Compression Algo.    | 
    |       Genuine Code      |    +-|-|---------------------------+ 
    |                         |    | V +     Malicious bMAC + ^    | 
    |                         |    +------------------------|-|----+ 
    |                         |    |         Genuine Code   +-+    | 
    +-------------------------+    +-------------------------------+ 
    |          bMAC           |    |             MALWARE           | 
    +-------------------------+    +-------------------------------+ 
   The basic principle of the time stamped bMAC is that the code 
   compression algorithm modifies the time needed for the bMAC 
   computing. Furthermore we assume that the time required by the bMAC 
   computing is dependent on the permutation. 
   Below is an illustration of C code that returns the content of a 
   corrupted address:  
   if ((Adr >= Adr-Min) && (Adr <= Adr-Max)) 
   v =decompress(Adr); 
   v= read(Adr); 
   Many computing cycles are added to the genuine code (read(Adr)) due 
   to Program Counter jumps and execution of the decompression 
  2.6.2 Canonical time 
   We assume that the bMAC computing time (T) ranges between the values 
   Tmin and Tmax 
   Tmin <= T <= Tmax 
   If the computing time is fixed (Tmin=Tmax) then the Canonical Time 
   (cT) is the computing time T. 
   If Tmin#Tmax we define the following values:  
   Range = Tmax-Tmin+1 
   Delta = Tmin modulo Range 

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   For a given computing time T, we define the canonical computing time 
   cT as: 
   cT = (T-Delta)/Range 
   For every T value, cT has a fix value equal to the quotient of 
   The main interest of the canonical time is that it works as a secret 
   value, deduced from the bMAC computing but not stored in the 
   software memory image. 
   The time-stamped bMAC is computed from an exor operation between the 
   bMAC and the canonical time: 
   Time-Stamped bMAC = bMAC exor cT 
3. The Pq permutation family 
   We consider a N memory space, and q a prime number so that q>N. 
   Z/qZ is a monogenous group with n=phi(q-1) generators (g), phi being 
   the Euler number. Generators (g) in Z/qZ can be used to build a 
   permutation family Pq= = {Pg1, Pg2,.., Pgn}, so that: 
                         | [1,q-1] -> [1,q-1] 
                   Pg(x) |  
                         | x       -> g**x  mod q 
   Given a P permutation working in the [1,q-1] range (such as Pg), we 
   use the P*(P) permutation in order to enforce compatibility with the 
   memory space A(x) starting at the zero address : 
                         | [0,q-2] -> [0,q-2] 
                      P* |  
                         | x       -> P*(x) = P(1+x)-1 
3.1 How to find a generator 
  3.1.1 Method 1 
   Given x in [2, q-1], 
   If x**k mod q # 1 for all k in [1, q-2], then g is a generator. 
  3.1.2 Method 2 
   Factorize q-1 into primes: q-1 = q1**k1...qi**ki...qn**kn 
   Find n integers ai ( of order qi**ki, in Z/qZ (phi(qi**ki) 
   The product of the n elements a1 x...x an, is a generator. 

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  3.1.3 Method 3 
   q being a safe prime, q = 2*p+1 with p prime (p is the Sophie 
   Germain prime),and q = 7 mod 8. 
   phi(q-1) = phi(2p) = p-1 
   1 generator of order 2, i.e. q-1 
   p-1 generators of order p, i.e. 2**k mod q with k in [1,p-1] 
   p-1 generators gk of order q-1. 
   The generators gk are the product of (q-1).2**k mod q, for k in 
   [1,p-1]. In other words the generators gk are equal to q-(2**k mod 
   q), for k in [1,p-1] 
3.2 How to compute generators 
   Find a generator g. 
   There are phi(q-1) generators g**k, with k prime with q-1. 
   GCD(k,q-1)=1, GCD being the Greatest Common Divisor of two integers. 
  3.2.1 Example 1 
   q=11, phi(10)= 4 
   10= 2x5, phi(2)=1, phi(5)=4 
   prime numbers with 10= {1,3,7,9} 
   k     1 2 3 4  5 6 7 8 9 10 
   x**k  1 
         2 4 8 5 10 9 7 3 6 1 
         3 9 5 4 1 
         4 5 9 3 1 
         5 3 4 9 1 
         6 3 7 9 10 5 8 4 2 1 
         7 5 2 3 10 4 6 9 8 1 
         8 9 6 4 10 3 2 5 7 1 
         9 4 3 5 1 
         10 1 
   10 has an order 2 
   3, 4, 5, 9 have order 5 
   10*3= 8, 4*10= 7, 5*10=6, 9*10=2 are generators 
   2 is a generator 
   2**3 = 8 is a generator 
   2**7 = 7 is a generator 
   2**9 = 6 is a generator 
  3.2.2 Example 2. 
   q= 23 = 2x11 + 1, p=11, q is a safe prime with q mod 8 =7 

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   power of 2 mod 23 = {2**k, k in [1,10]}= {2,4,8,16,9,18,13,3,6,12} 
   10 generators gk of order 22 = {21,19,15,7,14,5,10,20,17,11} 
  3.2.3 Example 3. 
   Memory space N = 512B EEPROM + 8192B FLASH + 1024B SRAM = 9728B 
   Nearest prime number q = 9733 
   q-1 = 9732= 811 x 4 x 3 
   phi(9732) = 3240 
   2 is a generator 
   generators are numbers 2**k mod q, with k less than q-1, and k prime 
   with 811, 4 and 3. 
  3.2.4 Example 4 
   Memory space N = 512B EEPROM + 8192B FLASH + 1024B SRAM = 9728B 
   Safe prime = 9887 
   4943 generators 
  3.2.5 Example 5 
   Memory space N = 4096B EEPROM + 262144B FLASH + 1024B SRAM= 274432 
   prime number q = 278543 
   q-1= 278542 = 2 x 11**2 x 1151 
   phi(278542) = 126500 
   5 is a generator 
   generators are numbers, 5**k mod q, with k less than q-1, prime with 
   2, 11, and 1151 
  3.2.6 Example 6 
   Memory space N = 4096B EEPROM + 262144B FLASH + 1024B SRAM= 274432 
   Safe prime = 275447 
   137723 generators 
3.3 Shifted permutation 
   Given an integer s in the range [0, q-1], the shifted permutation 
   P(g,s) is defined as 
                        | [1,q-1] -> [1,q-1] 
              P(g,s)(x) |  
                        | x       -> s.g**x mod q 
   In other words P(g,s)(x) = s x Pg(x). 
   Because s can be written in the form s = g**d, s.g = g**(x+d), which 
   leads to a right shift. 
   The number of shifted permutations is (q-1)*phi(q-1). 
   The benefit of shifted permutation is to increase, with a low cost 
   computation, the bMAC entropy. 

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3.4 Composition in Fq 
   Given a set of k ptuples {(g1,s1), (g2,s2),..., (gk,sk)} and 
   associated shifted permutations P(gi,si), a permutation P(q,k) is 
   computed according to the relation : 
   P(q,k) = P(gk,sk) o ... o P(g2,s2) o P(g1,s1) 
3.5 Code example 
   The bMAC is computed with a permutation P= P(g2) o P(g1,s1) 
   The pseudo code is written in a C like way. 
   H is a SHA3-256 KECCAK hash function. 
  3.5.1 Example 1 
   In this example 32 bits integers are used. 
   The prime number q is 9733. 
   The address space is N= 9664. 
   For a 8 bits processor, 12MHz clock, the bMAC is computed in about 
   10s, i.e. 1ms per byte. 
   uint32-t x,y,bitn,v,gi[14]; 
   uint32-t PRIME, g1=a-generator, s1=a-value, g2=a-generator; 
   bool tohash; 
     PRIME =9733; 
     gi[0]= g2; 
     for (int n=1;n<=13;n++) 
     gi[n] = (gi[n-1] * gi[n-1]) % PRIME; 
     x= s1; 
     for(int i=1;i<PRIME;i++) 
     { tohash = false 
       x = (x*g1) % PRIME; 
       for (int n=1;n<=14;n++) 
       { if ( (bitn & 0x1) == 0x1)  y = (y*gi[n-1]) % PRIME; 
         bitn = bitn >>1; 
       v = (y-1); 
       // if address v exists, read the v address content A(v) 
       // tohash=true ; 
       if (tohash) H.update(A(v)); 

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  3.5.2 Example 2 
   In this example 64 bits and 32 bits integers are used. 
   The prime number q is 278543. 
   The address space is N= 271360. 
   For a 8 bits processor, 16MHz clock, the bMAC is computed in about 
   320s, i.e. 1.1 ms per byte. 
   uint32-t bitn,v; 
   uint64-t x,y,gi[19]; 
   uint32-t PRIME, g1=a-generator, s1=a-value, g2=a-generator; 
   bool tohash; 
     PRIME = 278543; 
     for (n=1;n<=18;n++) 
     { gi[n] =  gi[n-1] * gi[n-1]; 
       gi[n] =  gi[n] % PRIME; 
     x= s1;  
     { tohash=false; 
       x = x * (uint64-t)g1 ; 
       x=  x  % PRIME ;  
       bitn= (uint32-t) x; 
       y=    (uint64-t) 1; 
       for (n=1;n<=19;n++) 
       { if ( (bitn & 0x1) == 0x1)   
         { y = y * gi[n-1] ; 
           y = y % PRIME; 
         bitn = bitn >>1; 
       v = (uint32-t)(y-1); 
       // if address v exists, read the v address content A(v) 
       // tohash=true ; 
       if (tohash) H.update(A(v)); 

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                     Bijective MAC for Constraint Nodes    June 2020 
4 bMAC protocol 
   A bMAC protocol involves a bMAC requester and a bMAC provider. 
   The requester sends to the bMAC provider the parameters needed for 
   the P permutation. 
   The bMAC provider computes the bMAC according to the P permutation 
   and returns the result. 
   If the bMAC provider has access to internet, the requester 
   (typically a gateway) SHOULD control its internet access in order to 
   avoid side channel attack. 
5 IANA Considerations 
6 Security Considerations 
7 References 
7.1 Normative References 
7.2 Informative References 
8 Authors' Addresses 
   Pascal Urien 
   Telecom ParisTech 
   19 Place Marguerite Perey 
   91120 Palaiseau 
   Phone: NA 

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