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Talking to Stuff In The Network: Middlebox Communication Models

Document Type Expired Internet-Draft (individual)
Expired & archived
Author Melinda Shore
Last updated 2003-10-21
RFC stream (None)
Intended RFC status (None)
Stream Stream state (No stream defined)
Consensus boilerplate Unknown
RFC Editor Note (None)
IESG IESG state Expired
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This Internet-Draft is no longer active. A copy of the expired Internet-Draft is available in these formats:


It is increasingly common for applications to want to influence the behavior of equipment in the network, in violation of various tenets underpinning the the design of IP. A number of different mechanisms and architectures have been proposed, and this very drafty draft is a hoped to be a start at discussing some of the issues related to protocols used for middlebox communication.


Melinda Shore

(Note: The e-mail addresses provided for the authors of this Internet-Draft may no longer be valid.)