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New UUID Formats

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This is an older version of an Internet-Draft whose latest revision state is "Replaced".
Authors Brad Peabody , Kyzer R. Davis
Last updated 2021-10-07
Replaced by draft-ietf-uuidrev-rfc4122bis, draft-ietf-uuidrev-rfc4122bis
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dispatch                                                    BGP. Peabody
Updates: 4122 (if approved)                                     K. Davis
Intended status: Standards Track                          7 October 2021
Expires: 10 April 2022

                            New UUID Formats


   This document presents new time-based UUID formats which are suited
   for use as a database key.

   A common case for modern applications is to create a unique
   identifier for use as a primary key in a database table.  This
   identifier usually implements an embedded timestamp that is sortable
   using the monotonic creation time in the most significant bits.  In
   addition the identifier is highly collision resistant, difficult to
   guess, and provides minimal security attack surfaces.  None of the
   existing UUID versions, including UUIDv1, fulfill each of these
   requirements in the most efficient possible way.  This document is a
   proposal to update [RFC4122] with three new UUID versions that
   address these concerns, each with different trade-offs.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 10 April 2022.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Simplified BSD License text
   as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Background  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Summary of Changes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.1.  changelog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   4.  Format  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     4.1.  Versions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.2.  Variant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.3.  UUIDv6 Layout and Bit Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
       4.3.1.  UUIDv6 Basic Creation Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     4.4.  UUIDv7 Layout and Bit Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       4.4.1.  UUIDv7 Timestamp Usage  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       4.4.2.  UUIDv7 Clock Sequence Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       4.4.3.  UUIDv7 Node Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       4.4.4.  UUIDv7 Encoding and Decoding  . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     4.5.  UUIDv8 Layout and Bit Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
       4.5.1.  UUIDv8 Timestamp Usage  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
       4.5.2.  UUIDv8 Clock Sequence Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
       4.5.3.  UUIDv8 Node Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
       4.5.4.  UUIDv8 Basic Creation Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   5.  Encoding and Storage  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   6.  Global Uniqueness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   7.  Distributed UUID Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   8.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   9.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   10. Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
   11. Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
   12. Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28

1.  Introduction

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

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2.  Background

   A lot of things have changed in the time since UUIDs were originally
   created.  Modern applications have a need to use (and many have
   already implemented) UUIDs as database primary keys.

   The motivation for using UUIDs as database keys stems primarily from
   the fact that applications are increasingly distributed in nature.
   Simplistic "auto increment" schemes with integers in sequence do not
   work well in a distributed system since the effort required to
   synchronize such numbers across a network can easily become a burden.
   The fact that UUIDs can be used to create unique and reasonably short
   values in distributed systems without requiring synchronization makes
   them a good candidate for use as a database key in such environments.

   However some properties of [RFC4122] UUIDs are not well suited to
   this task.  First, most of the existing UUID versions such as UUIDv4
   have poor database index locality.  Meaning new values created in
   succession are not close to each other in the index and thus require
   inserts to be performed at random locations.  The negative
   performance effects of which on common structures used for this
   (B-tree and its variants) can be dramatic.  As such newly inserted
   values SHOULD be time-ordered to address this.

   While it is true that UUIDv1 does contain an embedded timestamp and
   can be time-ordered; UUIDv1 has other issues.  It is possible to sort
   Version 1 UUIDs by time but it is a laborious task.  The process
   requires breaking the bytes of the UUID into various pieces, re-
   ordering the bits, and then determining the order from the
   reconstructed timestamp.  This is not efficient in very large
   systems.  Implementations would be simplified with a sort order where
   the UUID can simply be treated as an opaque sequence of bytes and
   ordered as such.

   After the embedded timestamp, the remaining 64 bits are in essence
   used to provide uniqueness both on a global scale and within a given
   timestamp tick.  The clock sequence value ensures that when multiple
   UUIDs are generated for the same timestamp value are given a
   monotonic sequence value.  This explicit sequencing helps further
   facilitate sorting.  The remaining random bits ensure collisions are

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   Furthermore, UUIDv1 utilizes a non-standard timestamp epoch derived
   from the Gregorian Calendar.  More specifically, the Coordinated
   Universal Time (UTC) as a count of 100-nanosecond intervals since
   00:00:00.00, 15 October 1582.  Implementations and many languages may
   find it easier to implement the widely adopted and well known Unix
   Epoch, a custom epoch, or another timestamp source with various
   levels of timestamp precision required by the application.

   Lastly, privacy and network security issues arise from using a MAC
   address in the node field of Version 1 UUIDs.  Exposed MAC addresses
   can be used as an attack surface to locate machines and reveal
   various other information about such machines (minimally
   manufacturer, potentially other details).  Instead "cryptographically
   secure" pseudo-random number generators (CSPRNGs) or pseudo-random
   number generators (PRNG) SHOULD be used within an application context
   to provide uniqueness and unguessability.

   Due to the shortcomings of UUIDv1 and UUIDv4 details so far, many
   widely distributed database applications and large application
   vendors have sought to solve the problem of creating a better time-
   based, sortable unique identifier for use as a database key.  This
   has lead to numerous implementations over the past 10+ years solving
   the same problem in slightly different ways.

   While preparing this specification the following 16 different
   implementations were analyzed for trends in total ID length, bit
   Layout, lexical formatting/encoding, timestamp type, timestamp
   format, timestamp accuracy, node format/components, collision
   handling and multi-timestamp tick generation sequencing.

   1.   [LexicalUUID] by Twitter
   2.   [Snowflake] by Twitter
   3.   [Flake] by Boundary
   4.   [ShardingID] by Instagram
   5.   [KSUID] by Segment
   6.   [Elasticflake] by P.  Pearcy
   7.   [FlakeID] by T.  Pawlak
   8.   [Sonyflake] by Sony
   9.   [orderedUuid] by IT.  Cabrera
   10.  [COMBGUID] by R.  Tallent
   11.  [ULID] by A.  Feerasta
   12.  [SID] by A.  Chilton
   13.  [pushID] by Google
   14.  [XID] by O.  Poitrey
   15.  [ObjectID] by MongoDB
   16.  [CUID] by E.  Elliott

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   An inspection of these implementations details the following trends
   that help define this standard:

      - Timestamps MUST be k-sortable.  That is, values within or close
      to the same timestamp are ordered properly by sorting algorithms.
      - Timestamps SHOULD be big-endian with the most-significant bits
      of the time embedded as-is without reordering.
      - Timestamps SHOULD utilize millisecond precision and Unix Epoch
      as timestamp source.  Although, there is some variation to this
      among implementations depending on the application requirements.
      - The ID format SHOULD be Lexicographically sortable while in the
      textual representation.
      - IDs MUST ensure proper embedded sequencing to facilitate sorting
      when multiple UUIDs are created during a given timestamp.
      - IDs MUST NOT require unique network identifiers as part of
      achieving uniqueness.
      - Distributed nodes MUST be able to create collision resistant
      Unique IDs without consulting a centralized resource.

3.  Summary of Changes

   In order to solve these challenges this specification introduces
   three new version identifiers assigned for time-based UUIDs.

   The first, UUIDv6, aims to be the easiest to implement for
   applications which already implement UUIDv1.  The UUIDv6
   specification keeps the original Gregorian timestamp source but does
   not reorder the timestamp bits as per the process utilized by UUIDv1.
   UUIDv6 also requires that pseudo-random data MUST be used in place of
   the MAC address.  The rest of the UUIDv1 format remains unchanged in
   UUIDv6.  See Section 4.3

   Next, UUIDv7 introduces an entirely new time-based UUID bit layout
   utilizing a variable length timestamp sourced from the widely
   implemented and well known Unix Epoch timestamp source.  The
   timestamp is broken into a 36 bit integer sections part, and is
   followed by a field of variable length which represents the sub-
   second timestamp portion, encoded so that each bit from most to least
   significant adds more precision.  See Section 4.4

   Finally, UUIDv8 introduces a relaxed time-based UUID format that
   caters to application implementations that cannot utilize UUIDv1,
   UUIDv6, or UUIDv7.  UUIDv8 also future-proofs this specification by
   allowing time-based UUID formats from timestamp sources that are not
   yet be defined.  The variable size timestamp offers lots of
   flexibility to create an implementation specific RFC compliant time-
   based UUID while retaining the properties that make UUID great.  See
   Section 4.5

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3.1.  changelog



      - Added Changelog
      - Fixed misc. grammatical errors
      - Fixed section numbering issue
      - Fixed some UUIDvX reference issues
      - Changed all instances of "motonic" to "monotonic"
      - Changed all instances of "#-bit" to "# bit"
      - Changed "proceeding" veriage to "after" in section 7
      - Added details on how to pad 32 bit unix timestamp to 36 bits in
      - Added details on how to truncate 64 bit unix timestamp to 36
      bits in UUIDv7
      - Added forward reference and bullet to UUIDv8 if truncating 64
      bit Unix Epoch is not an option.
      - Fixed bad reference to non-existent "time_or_node" in section


      - Complete rewrite of entire document.
      - The format, flow and verbiage used in the specification has been
      reworked to mirror the original RFC 4122 and current IETF
      - Removed the topics of UUID length modification, alternate UUID
      text formats, and alternate UUID encoding techniques.
      - Research into 16 different historical and current
      implementations of time-based universal identifiers was completed
      at the end of 2020 in attempt to identify trends which have
      directly influenced design decisions in this draft document
      - Prototype implementation have been completed for UUIDv6, UUIDv7,
      and UUIDv8 in various languages by many GitHub community members.

4.  Format

   The UUID length of 16 octets (128 bits) remains unchanged.  The
   textual representation of a UUID consisting of 36 hexadecimal and
   dash characters in the format 8-4-4-4-12 remains unchanged for human
   readability.  In addition the position of both the Version and
   Variant bits remain unchanged in the layout.

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4.1.  Versions

   Table 1 defines the 4 bit version found in Bits 48 through 51 within
   a given UUID.

      | Msb0 | Msb1 | Msb2 | Msb3 | Version | Description           |
      | 0    | 1    | 1    | 0    | 6       | Reordered Gregorian   |
      |      |      |      |      |         | time-based UUID       |
      | 0    | 1    | 1    | 1    | 7       | Variable length Unix  |
      |      |      |      |      |         | Epoch time-based UUID |
      | 1    | 0    | 0    | 0    | 8       | Custom time-based     |
      |      |      |      |      |         | UUID                  |

            Table 1: UUID versions defined by this specification

4.2.  Variant

   The variant bits utilized by UUIDs in this specification remains the
   same as [RFC4122], Section 4.1.1.

   The Table 2 lists the contents of the variant field, bits 64 and 65,
   where the letter "x" indicates a "don't-care" value.  Common hex
   values of 8 (1000), 9 (1001), A (1010), and B (1011) frequent the
   text representation.

     | Msb0 | Msb1 | Msb2 | Description                             |
     | 1    | 0    | x    | The variant specified in this document. |

           Table 2: UUID Variant defined by this specification

4.3.  UUIDv6 Layout and Bit Order

   UUIDv6 aims to be the easiest to implement by reusing most of the
   layout of bits found in UUIDv1 but with changes to bit ordering for
   the timestamp.  Where UUIDv1 splits the timestamp bits into three
   distinct parts and orders them as time_low, time_mid,
   time_high_and_version.  UUIDv6 instead keeps the source bits from the
   timestamp intact and changes the order to time_high, time_mid, and
   time_low.  Incidentally this will match the original 60 bit Gregorian
   timestamp source with 100-nanosecond precision defined in [RFC4122],

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   Section 4.1.4 The clock sequence bits remain unchanged from their
   usage and position in [RFC4122], Section 4.1.5.  The 48 bit node
   SHOULD be set to a pseudo-random value however implementations MAY
   choose retain the old MAC address behavior from [RFC4122],
   Section 4.1.6 and [RFC4122], Section 4.5

   The format for the 16-octet, 128 bit UUIDv6 is shown in Figure 1

        0                   1                   2                   3
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
       |                           time_high                           |
       |           time_mid            |      time_low_and_version     |
       |clk_seq_hi_res |  clk_seq_low  |         node (0-1)            |
       |                         node (2-5)                            |

                   Figure 1: UUIDv6 Field and Bit Layout

      The most significant 32 bits of the 60 bit starting timestamp.
      Occupies bits 0 through 31 (octets 0-3)

      The middle 16 bits of the 60 bit starting timestamp.  Occupies
      bits 32 through 47 (octets 4-5)

      The first four most significant bits MUST contain the UUIDv6
      version (0110) while the remaining 12 bits will contain the least
      significant 12 bits from the 60 bit starting timestamp.  Occupies
      bits 48 through 63 (octets 6-7)

      The first two bits MUST be set to the UUID variant (10) The
      remaining 6 bits contain the high portion of the clock sequence.
      Occupies bits 64 through 71 (octet 8)

      The 8 bit low portion of the clock sequence.  Occupies bits 72
      through 79 (octet 9)

      48 bit spatially unique identifier Occupies bits 80 through 127
      (octets 10-15)

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4.3.1.  UUIDv6 Basic Creation Algorithm

   The following implementation algorithm is based on [RFC4122] but with
   changes specific to UUIDv6:

   1.   From a system-wide shared stable store (e.g., a file) or global
        variable, read the UUID generator state: the values of the
        timestamp and clock sequence used to generate the last UUID.

   2.   Obtain the current time as a 60 bit count of 100-nanosecond
        intervals since 00:00:00.00, 15 October 1582.

   3.   Set the time_low field to the 12 least significant bits of the
        starting 60 bit timestamp.

   4.   Truncate the timestamp to the 48 most significant bits in order
        to create time_high_and_time_mid.

   5.   Set the time_high field to the 32 most significant bits of the
        truncated timestamp.

   6.   Set the time_mid field to the 16 least significant bits of the
        truncated timestamp.

   7.   Create the 16 bit time_low_and_version by concatenating the 4
        bit UUIDv6 version with the 12 bit time_low.

   8.   If the state was unavailable (e.g., non-existent or corrupted)
        or the timestamp is greater than the current timestamp generate
        a random 14 bit clock sequence value.

   9.   If the state was available, but the saved timestamp is less than
        or equal to the current timestamp, increment the clock sequence

   10.  Complete the 16 bit clock sequence high, low and reserved
        creation by concatenating the clock sequence onto UUID variant
        bits which take the most significant position in the 16 bit

   11.  Generate a 48 bit pseudo-random node.

   12.  Format by concatenating the 128 bits from each parts:

   13.  Save the state (current timestamp and clock sequence) back to
        the stable store

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   The steps for splitting time_high_and_time_mid into time_high and
   time_mid are optional since the 48 bits of time_high and time_mid
   will remain in the same order as time_high_and_time_mid during the
   final concatenation.  This extra step of splitting into the most
   significant 32 bits and least significant 16 bits proves useful when
   reusing an existing UUIDv1 implementation.  In which the following
   logic can be applied to reshuffle the bits with minimal

                  | UUIDv1 Field | Bits | UUIDv6 Field |
                  | time_low     | 32   | time_high    |
                  | time_mid     | 16   | time_mid     |
                  | time_high    | 12   | time_low     |

                     Table 3: UUIDv1 to UUIDv6 Field

4.4.  UUIDv7 Layout and Bit Order

   The UUIDv7 format is designed to encode a Unix timestamp with
   arbitrary sub-second precision.  The key property provided by UUIDv7
   is that timestamp values generated by one system and parsed by
   another are guaranteed to have sub-second precision of either the
   generator or the parser, whichever is less.  Additionally, the system
   parsing the UUIDv7 value does not need to know which precision was
   used during encoding in order to function correctly.

   The format for the 16-octet, 128 bit UUIDv7 is shown in Figure 2

        0                   1                   2                   3
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
       |                            unixts                             |
       |unixts |       subsec_a        |  ver  |       subsec_b        |
       |var|                   subsec_seq_node                         |
       |                       subsec_seq_node                         |

                   Figure 2: UUIDv7 Field and Bit Layout

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      36 bit big-endian unsigned Unix Timestamp value

      12 bits allocated to sub-second precision values.

      The 4 bit UUIDv7 version (0111)

      12 bits allocated to sub-second precision values.

      2 bit UUID variant (10)

      The remaining 62 bits which MAY be allocated to any combination of
      additional sub-second precision, sequence counter, or pseudo-
      random data.

4.4.1.  UUIDv7 Timestamp Usage

   UUIDv7 utilizes a 36 bit big-endian unsigned Unix Timestamp value
   (number of seconds since the epoch of 1 Jan 1970, leap seconds
   excluded so each hour is exactly 3600 seconds long).  The 36 bit
   value was selected in order to provide more available time to the
   unix timestamp and avoid the Year 2038 problem by extending the
   maximum timestamp to the year 4147.

   To achieve a 36 bit UUIDv7 timestamp, the lower 36 bits of a 64 bit
   unix time are extracted verbatim into UUIDv7

   In the event that 32 bit Unix Timestamp are in use; four zeros MUST
   be appended at the start in the most significant (left-most) bits of
   the 32 bit Unix timestamp creating the 36 bit Unix timestamp.  This
   ensures sorting compatibility with 64 bit unix timestamp which have
   been truncated to 36 bits.

   Additional sub-second precision (millisecond, nanosecond,
   microsecond, etc) MAY be provided for encoding and decoding in the
   remaining bits in the layout.

   UUIDv8 SHOULD be used in place of UUIDv7 if an application or
   implementation does not want to truncate a 64 bit Unix Epoch to the
   lower 36 bits.

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4.4.2.  UUIDv7 Clock Sequence Usage

   UUIDv7 SHOULD utilize a monotonic sequence counter to provide
   additional sequencing guarantees when multiple UUIDv7 values are
   created in the same UNIXTS and SUBSEC timestamp.  The amount of bits
   allocates to the sequence counter depend on the precision of the
   timestamp.  For example, a more accurate timestamp source using
   nanosecond precision will require less clock sequence bits than a
   timestamp source utilizing seconds for precision.  For best
   sequencing results the sequence counter SHOULD be placed immediately
   after available sub-second bits.

   The clock sequence MUST start at zero and increment monotonically for
   each new UUIDv7 created on by the application on the same timestamp.
   When the timestamp increments the clock sequence MUST be reset to
   zero.  The clock sequence MUST NOT rollover or reset to zero unless
   the timestamp has incremented.  Care MUST be given to ensure that an
   adequate sized clock sequence is selected for a given application
   based on expected timestamp precision and expected UUIDv7 generation

4.4.3.  UUIDv7 Node Usage

   UUIDv7 implementations, even with very detailed sub-second precision
   and the optional sequence counter, MAY have leftover bits that will
   be identified as the Node for this section.  The UUIDv7 Node MAY
   contain any set of data an implementation desires however the node
   MUST NOT be set to all 0s which does not ensure global uniqueness.
   In most scenarios the node SHOULD be filled with pseudo-random data.

4.4.4.  UUIDv7 Encoding and Decoding

   The UUIDv7 bit layout for encoding and decoding are described
   separately in this document.  UUIDv7 Encoding

   Since the UUIDv7 Unix timestamp is fixed at 36 bits in length the
   exact layout for encoding UUIDv7 depends on the precision (number of
   bits) used for the sub-second portion and the sizes of the optionally
   desired sequence counter and node bits.

   Three examples of UUIDv7 encoding are given below as a general
   guidelines but implementations are not limited to just these three

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   All of these fields are only used during encoding, and during
   decoding the system is unaware of the bit layout used for them and
   considers this information opaque.  As such, implementations
   generating these values can assign whatever lengths to each field it
   deems applicable, as long as it does not break decoding compatibility
   (i.e.  Unix timestamp (unixts), version (ver) and variant (var) have
   to stay where they are, and clock sequence counter (seq), random
   (random) or other implementation specific values must follow the sub-
   second encoding).

   In Figure 3 the UUIDv7 has been created with millisecond precision
   with the available sub-second precision bits.

   Examining Figure 3 one can observe:

   *  The first 36 bits have been dedicated to the Unix Timestamp

   *  All 12 bits of scenario subsec_a is fully dedicated to millisecond
      information (msec).

   *  The 4 Version bits remain unchanged (ver).

   *  All 12 bits of subsec_b have been dedicated to a monotonic clock
      sequence counter (seq).

   *  The 2 Variant bits remain unchanged (var).

   *  Finally the remaining 62 bits in the subsec_seq_node section are
      layout is filled out with random data to pad the length and
      provide guaranteed uniqueness (rand).

        0                   1                   2                   3
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
       |                            unixts                             |
       |unixts |         msec          |  ver  |          seq          |
       |var|                         rand                              |
       |                             rand                              |

   Figure 3: UUIDv7 Field and Bit Layout - Encoding Example (Millisecond

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   In Figure 4 the UUIDv7 has been created with Microsecond precision
   with the available sub-second precision bits.

   Examining Figure 4 one can observe:

   *  The first 36 bits have been dedicated to the Unix Timestamp

   *  All 12 bits of scenario subsec_a is fully dedicated to providing
      sub-second encoding for the Microsecond precision (usec).

   *  The 4 Version bits remain unchanged (ver).

   *  All 12 bits of subsec_b have been dedicated to providing sub-
      second encoding for the Microsecond precision (usec).

   *  The 2 Variant bits remain unchanged (var).

   *  A 14 bit monotonic clock sequence counter (seq) has been embedded
      in the most significant position of subsec_seq_node

   *  Finally the remaining 48 bits in the subsec_seq_node section are
      layout is filled out with random data to pad the length and
      provide guaranteed uniqueness (rand).

        0                   1                   2                   3
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
       |                            unixts                             |
       |unixts |         usec          |  ver  |         usec          |
       |var|             seq           |            rand               |
       |                             rand                              |

   Figure 4: UUIDv7 Field and Bit Layout - Encoding Example (Microsecond

   In Figure 5 the UUIDv7 has been created with Nanosecond precision
   with the available sub-second precision bits.

   Examining Figure 5 one can observe:

   *  The first 36 bits have been dedicated to the Unix Timestamp

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   *  All 12 bits of scenario subsec_a is fully dedicated to providing
      sub-second encoding for the Nanosecond precision (nsec).

   *  The 4 Version bits remain unchanged (ver).

   *  All 12 bits of subsec_b have been dedicated to providing sub-
      second encoding for the Nanosecond precision (nsec).

   *  The 2 Variant bits remain unchanged (var).

   *  The first 14 bit of the subsec_seq_node dedicated to providing
      sub-second encoding for the Nanosecond precision (nsec).

   *  The next 8 bits of subsec_seq_node dedicated a monotonic clock
      sequence counter (seq).

   *  Finally the remaining 40 bits in the subsec_seq_node section are
      layout is filled out with random data to pad the length and
      provide guaranteed uniqueness (rand).

        0                   1                   2                   3
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
       |                            unixts                             |
       |unixts |         nsec          |  ver  |         nsec          |
       |var|             nsec          |      seq      |     rand      |
       |                             rand                              |

          Figure 5: UUIDv7 Field and Bit Layout - Encoding Example
                           (Nanosecond Precision)  UUIDv7 Decoding

   When decoding or parsing a UUIDv7 value there are only two values to
   be considered:

   1.  The unix timestamp defined as unixts

   2.  The sub-second precision values defined as subsec_a, subsec_b,
       and subsec_seq_node

   As detailed in Figure 2 the unix timestamp (unixts) is always the
   first 36 bits of the UUIDv7 layout.

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   Similarly as per Figure 2, the sub-second precision values lie within
   subsec_a, subsec_b, and subsec_seq_node which are all interpreted as
   sub-second information after skipping over the version (ver) and
   (var) bits.  These concatenated sub-second information bits are
   interpreted in a way where most to least significant bits represent a
   further division by two.  This is the same normal place notation used
   to express fractional numbers, except in binary.  For example, in
   decimal ".1" means one tenth, and ".01" means one hundredth.  In this
   subsec field, a 1 means one half, 01 means one quarter, 001 is one
   eighth, etc.  This scheme can work for any number of bits up to the
   maximum available, and keeps the most significant data leftmost in
   the bit sequence.

   To perform the sub-second math, simply take the first (most
   significant/leftmost) N bits of subsec and divide it by 2^N.  Take
   for example:

   1.  To parse the first 16 bits, extract that value as an integer and
       divide it by 65536 (2 to the 16th).

   2.  If these 16 bits are 0101 0101 0101 0101, then treating that as
       an integer gives 0x5555 or 21845 in decimal, and dividing by
       65536 gives 0.3333282

   This sub-second encoding scheme provides maximum interoperability
   across systems where different levels of time precision are
   required/feasible/available.  The timestamp value derived from a
   UUIDv7 value SHOULD be "as close to the correct value as possible"
   when parsed, even across disparate systems.

   Take for example the starting point for our next two UUIDv7 parsing

   1.  System A produces a UUIDv7 with a microsecond-precise timestamp

   2.  System B is unaware of the precision encoded in the UUIDv7
       timestamp by System A.

   Scenario 1:

   1.  System B parses the embedded timestamp with millisecond
       precision.  (Less precision than the encoder)

   2.  System B SHOULD return the correct millisecond value encoded by
       system A (truncated to milliseconds).

   Scenario 2:

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   1.  System B parses the timestamp with nanosecond precision.  (More
       precision than the encoder)

   2.  System B's value returned SHOULD have the same microsecond level
       of precision provided by the encoder with the additional
       precision down to nanosecond level being essentially random as
       per the encoded random value at the end of the UUIDv7.

4.5.  UUIDv8 Layout and Bit Order

   UUIDv8 offers variable-size timestamp, clock sequence, and node
   values which allow for a highly customizable UUID that fits a given
   application needs.

   UUIDv8 SHOULD only be utilized if an implementation cannot utilize
   UUIDv1, UUIDv6, or UUIDv7.  Some situations in which UUIDv8 usage
   could occur:

   *  An implementation would like to utilize a timestamp source not
      defined by the current time-based UUIDs.

   *  An implementation would like to utilize a timestamp bit layout not
      defined by the current time-based UUIDs.

   *  An implementation would like to avoid truncating a 64 bit Unix to
      36 bits as defined by UUIDv7.

   *  An implementation would like a specific level of precision within
      the timestamp not offered by current time-based UUIDs.

   *  An implementation would like to embed extra information within the
      UUID node other than what is defined in this document.

   *  An implementation has other application/language restrictions
      which inhibit the usage of one of the current time-based UUIDs.

   Roughly speaking a properly formatted UUIDv8 SHOULD contain the
   following sections adding up to a total of 128 bits.

      - Timestamp Bits (Variable Length)
      - Clock Sequence Bits (Variable Length)
      - Node Bits (Variable Length)
      - UUIDv8 Version Bits (4 bits)
      - UUID Variant Bits (2 Bits)

   The only explicitly defined bits are the Version and Variant leaving
   122 bits for implementation specific time-based UUIDs.  To be clear:
   UUIDv8 is not a replacement for UUIDv4 where all 122 extra bits are

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   filled with random data.  UUIDv8's 128 bits (including the version
   and variant) SHOULD contain at the minimum a timestamp of some format
   in the most significant bit position followed directly by a clock
   sequence counter and finally a node containing either random data or
   implementation specific data.

   A sample format in Figure 6 is used to further illustrate the point
   for the 16-octet, 128 bit UUIDv8.

        0                   1                   2                   3
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
       |                          timestamp_32                         |
       |           timestamp_48        |  ver  |      time_or_seq      |
       |var|  seq_or_node  |          node                             |
       |                              node                             |

                   Figure 6: UUIDv8 Field and Bit Layout

      The most significant 32 bits of the desired timestamp source.
      Occupies bits 0 through 31 (octets 0-3).

      The next 16 bits of the timestamp source when a timestamp source
      with at least 48 bits is used.  When a 32 bit timestamp source is
      utilized, these bits are set to 0.  Occupies bits 32 through 47

      The 4 bit UUIDv8 version (1000).  Occupies bits 48 through 51.

      If a 60 bit, or larger, timestamp is used these 12 bits are used
      to fill out the remaining timestamp.  If a 32 or 48 bit timestamp
      is leveraged a 12 bit clock sequence MAY be used.  Together ver
      and time_or_seq occupy bits 48 through 63 (octets 6-7)

      2 bit UUID variant (10)

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      If a 60 bit, or larger, timestamp source is leverages these 8 bits
      SHOULD be allocated for an 8 bit clock sequence counter.  If a 32
      or 48 bit timestamp source is used these 8 bits SHOULD be set to

      In most implementations these bits will likely be set to pseudo-
      random data.  However, implementations utilize the node as they
      see fit.  Together var, seq_or_node, and node occupy Bits 64
      through 127 (octets 8-15)

4.5.1.  UUIDv8 Timestamp Usage

   UUIDv8's usage of timestamp relaxes both the timestamp source and
   timestamp length.  Implementations are free to utilize any
   monotonically stable timestamp source for UUIDv8.

   Some examples include:

      - Custom Epoch
      - NTP timestamp
      - ISO 8601 timestamp
      - Full, Non-truncated 64 bit Unix Epoch timestamp

   The relaxed nature UUIDv8 timestamps also works to future proof this
   specification and allow implementations a method to create compliant
   time-based UUIDs using timestamp source that might not yet be

   Timestamps come in many sizes and UUIDv8 defines three fields that
   can easily used for the majority of timestamp lengths:

   *  32 bit timestamp: using timestamp_32 and setting timestamp_48 to

   *  48 bit timestamp: using timestamp_32 and timestamp_48 entirely

   *  60 bit timestamp: using timestamp_32, timestamp_48, and

   *  64 bit timestamp: using timestamp_32, timestamp_48, and
      time_or_seq and truncating the timestamp the 60 most significant

   Although it is possible to create a timestamp larger than 64 bits in
   size The usage and bit layout of that timestamp format is up to the
   implementation.  When a timestamp exceeds the 64th bit (octet 7),

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   extra care must be taken to ensure the Variant bits are properly
   inserted at their respective location in the UUID.  Likewise, the
   Version MUST always be implemented at the appropriate location.

   Any timestamps that does not entirely fill the timestamp_32,
   timestamp_48 or time_or_seq MUST set all leftover bits in the least
   significant position of the respective field to 0.  For example a 36
   bit timestamp source would fully utilize timestamp_32 and 4 bits of
   timestamp_48.  The remaining 12 bits in timestamp_48 MUST be set to

   By using implementation-specific timestamp sources it is not
   guaranteed that devices outside of the application context are able
   to extract and parse the timestamp from UUIDv8 without some pre-
   existing knowledge of the source timestamp used by the UUIDv8

4.5.2.  UUIDv8 Clock Sequence Usage

   A clock sequence MUST be used with UUIDv8 as added sequencing
   guarantees when multiple UUIDv8 will be created on the same clock
   tick.  The amount of bits allocated to the clock sequence depends on
   the precision of the timestamp source.  For example, a more accurate
   timestamp source using nanosecond precision will require less clock
   sequence bits than a timestamp source utilizing seconds for

   The UUIDv8 layout in Figure 6 generically defines two possible clock
   sequence values that can leveraged:

   *  12 bit clock sequence using time_or_seq for use when the timestamp
      is less than 48 bits which allows for 4095 UUIDs per clock tick.
   *  8 bit clock sequence using seq_or_node when the timestamp uses
      more than 48 bits which allows for 255 UUIDs per clock tick.

   An implementation MAY use both time_or_seq and seq_or_node for clock
   sequencing however it is highly unlikely that 20 bits of clock
   sequence are needed for a given clock tick.  Furthermore, more bits
   from the node MAY be used for clock sequencing in the event that 8
   bits is not sufficient.

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   The clock sequence MUST start at zero and increment monotonically for
   each new UUIDv8 created on by the application on the same timestamp.
   When the timestamp increments the clock sequence MUST be reset to
   zero.  The clock sequence MUST NOT rollover or reset to zero unless
   the timestamp has incremented.  Care MUST be given to ensure that an
   adequate sized clock sequence is selected for a given application
   based on expected timestamp precision and expected UUIDv8 generation

4.5.3.  UUIDv8 Node Usage

   The UUIDv8 Node MAY contain any set of data an implementation desires
   however the node MUST NOT be set to all 0s which does not ensure
   global uniqueness.  In most scenarios the node will be filled with
   pseudo-random data.

   The UUIDv8 layout in Figure 6 defines 2 sizes of Node depending on
   the timestamp size:

   *  62 bit node encompassing seq_or_node and node Used when a
      timestamp of 48 bits or less is leveraged.
   *  54 bit node when all 60 bits of the timestamp are in use and the
      seq_or_node is used as clock sequencing.

   An implementation MAY choose to allocate bits from the node to the
   timestamp, clock sequence or application-specific embedded field.  It
   is recommended that implementation utilize a node of at least 48 bits
   to ensure global uniqueness can be guaranteed.

4.5.4.  UUIDv8 Basic Creation Algorithm

   The entire usage of UUIDv8 is meant to be variable and allow as much
   customization as possible to meet specific application/language
   requirements.  As such any UUIDv8 implementations will likely vary
   among applications.

   The following algorithm is a generic implementation using Figure 6
   and the recommendations outlined in this specification.

   *32 bit timestamp, 12 bit sequence counter, 62 bit node:*

   1.   From a system-wide shared stable store (e.g., a file) or global
        variable, read the UUID generator state: the values of the
        timestamp and clock sequence used to generate the last UUID.

   2.   Obtain the current time from the selected clock source as 32

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   3.   Set the 32 bit field timestamp_32 to the 32 bits from the

   4.   Set 16 bit timestamp_48 to all 0s

   5.   Set the version to 8 (1000)

   6.   If the state was unavailable (e.g., non-existent or corrupted)
        or the timestamp is greater than the current timestamp; set the
        12 bit clock sequence value (time_or_seq) to 0

   7.   If the state was available, but the saved timestamp is less than
        or equal to the current timestamp, increment the clock sequence
        value (time_or_seq).

   8.   Set the variant to binary 10

   9.   Generate 62 random bits and fill in 8 bits for seq_or_node and
        54 bits for the node.

   10.  Format by concatenating the 128 bits as: timestamp_32|timestamp_

   11.  Save the state (current timestamp and clock sequence) back to
        the stable store

   *48 bit timestamp, 12 bit sequence counter, 62 bit node:*

   1.  From a system-wide shared stable store (e.g., a file) or global
       variable, read the UUID generator state: the values of the
       timestamp and clock sequence used to generate the last UUID.

   2.  Obtain the current time from the selected clock source as 32

   3.  Set the 32 bit field timestamp_32 to the 32 most significant bits
       from the timestamp

   4.  Set 16 bit timestamp_48 to the 16 least significant bits from the

   5.  The rest of the steps are the same as the previous example.

   *60 bit timestamp, 8 bit sequence counter, 54 bit node:*

   1.   From a system-wide shared stable store (e.g., a file) or global
        variable, read the UUID generator state: the values of the
        timestamp and clock sequence used to generate the last UUID.

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   2.   Obtain the current time from the selected clock source as 32

   3.   Set the 32 bit field timestamp_32 to the 32 bits from the

   4.   Set 16 bit timestamp_48 to the 16 middle bits from the timestamp

   5.   Set the version to 8 (1000)

   6.   Set 12 bit time_or_seq to the 12 least significant bits from the

   7.   Set the variant to 10

   8.   If the state was unavailable (e.g., non-existent or corrupted)
        or the timestamp is greater than the current timestamp; set the
        12 bit clock sequence value (seq_or_node) to 0

   9.   If the state was available, but the saved timestamp is less than
        or equal to the current timestamp, increment the clock sequence
        value (seq_or_node).

   10.  Generate 54 random bits and fill in the node

   11.  Format by concatenating the 128 bits as: timestamp_32|timestamp_

   12.  Save the state (current timestamp and clock sequence) back to
        the stable store

   *64 bit timestamp, 8 bit sequence counter, 54 bit node:*

   1.  The same steps as the 60 bit timestamp can be utilized if the 64
       bit timestamp is truncated to 60 bits.

   2.  Implementations MAY chose to truncate the most or least
       significant bits but it is recommended to utilize the most
       significant 60 bits and lose 4 bits of precision in the
       nanoseconds or microseconds position.

   *General algorithm for generation of UUIDv8 not defined here:*

   1.  From a system-wide shared stable store (e.g., a file) or global
       variable, read the UUID generator state: the values of the
       timestamp and clock sequence used to generate the last UUID.

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   2.  Obtain the current time from the selected clock source as desired
       bit total

   3.  Set total amount of bits for timestamp as required in the most
       significant positions of the 128 bit UUID

   4.  Care MUST be taken to ensure that the UUID Version and UUID
       Variant are in the correct bit positions.

       UUID Version: Bits 48 through 51

       UUID Variant: Bits 64 and 65

   5.  If the state was unavailable (e.g., non-existent or corrupted) or
       the timestamp is greater than the current timestamp; set the
       desired clock sequence value to 0

   6.  If the state was available, but the saved timestamp is less than
       or equal to the current timestamp, increment the clock sequence

   7.  Set the remaining bits to the node as pseudo-random data

   8.  Format by concatenating the 128 bits together

   9.  Save the state (current timestamp and clock sequence) back to the
       stable store

5.  Encoding and Storage

   The existing UUID hex and dash format of 8-4-4-4-12 is retained for
   both backwards compatibility and human readability.

   For many applications such as databases this format is unnecessarily
   verbose totaling 288 bits.

   *  8 bits for each of the 32 hex characters = 256 bits
   *  8 bits for each of the 4 hyphens = 32 bits

   Where possible UUIDs SHOULD be stored within database applications as
   the underlying 128 bit binary value.

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6.  Global Uniqueness

   UUIDs created by this specification offer the same guarantees for
   global uniqueness as those found in [RFC4122].  Furthermore, the
   time-based UUIDs defined in this specification are geared towards
   database applications but MAY be used for a wide variety of use-
   cases.  Just as global uniqueness is guaranteed, UUIDs are guaranteed
   to be unique within an application context within the enterprise

7.  Distributed UUID Generation

   Some implementations might desire to utilize multi-node, clustered,
   applications which involve 2 or more applications independently
   generating UUIDs that will be stored in a common location.  UUIDs
   already feature sufficient entropy to ensure that the chances of
   collision are low.  However, implementations MAY dedicate a portion
   of the node's most significant random bits to a pseudo-random
   machineID which helps identify UUIDs created by a given node.  This
   works to add an extra layer of collision avoidance.

   This machine ID MUST be placed in the UUID after the timestamp and
   sequence counter bits.  This position is selected to ensure that the
   sorting by timestamp and clock sequence is still possible.  The
   machineID MUST NOT be an IEEE 802 MAC address.  The creation and
   negotiation of the machineID among distributed nodes is out of scope
   for this specification.

8.  IANA Considerations

   This document has no IANA actions.

9.  Security Considerations

   MAC addresses pose inherent security risks and MUST not be used for
   node generation.  As such they have been strictly forbidden from
   time-based UUIDs within this specification.  Instead pseudo-random
   bits SHOULD selected from a source with sufficient entropy to ensure
   guaranteed uniqueness among UUID generation.

   Timestamps embedded in the UUID do pose a very small attack surface.
   The timestamp in conjunction with the clock sequence does signal the
   order of creation for a given UUID and it's corresponding data but
   does not define anything about the data itself or the application as
   a whole.  If UUIDs are required for use with any security operation
   within an application context in any shape or form then [RFC4122]
   UUIDv4 SHOULD be utilized.

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   The machineID portion of node, described in Section 7, does provide
   small unique identifier which could be used to determine which
   application is generating data but this machineID alone is not enough
   to identify a node on the network without other corresponding data
   points.  Furthermore the machineID, like the timestamp+sequence, does
   not provide any context about the data the corresponds to the UUID or
   the current state of the application as a whole.

10.  Acknowledgements

   The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of Ben Campbell,
   Ben Ramsey, Fabio Lima, Gonzalo Salgueiro, Martin Thomson, Murray S.
   Kucherawy, Rick van Rein, Rob Wilton, Sean Leonard, Theodore Y.
   Ts'o.  As well as all of those in and outside the IETF community to
   who contributed to the discussions which resulted in this document.

11.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC4122]  Leach, P., Mealling, M., and R. Salz, "A Universally
              Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace", RFC 4122,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC4122, July 2005,

12.  Informative References

              Twitter, "A Scala client for Cassandra", commit f6da4e0,
              November 2012,

              Twitter, "Snowflake is a network service for generating
              unique ID numbers at high scale with some simple
              guarantees.", Commit b3f6a3c, May 2014,

   [Flake]    Boundary, "Flake: A decentralized, k-ordered id generation
              service in Erlang", Commit 15c933a, February 2017,

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              Instagram Engineering, "Sharding & IDs at Instagram",
              December 2012, <

   [KSUID]    Segment, "K-Sortable Globally Unique IDs", Commit bf376a7,
              July 2020, <>.

              Pearcy, P., "Sequential UUID / Flake ID generator pulled
              out of elasticsearch common", Commit dd71c21, January
              2015, <>.

   [FlakeID]  Pawlak, T., "Flake ID Generator", Commit fcd6a2f, April
              2020, <>.

              Sony, "A distributed unique ID generator inspired by
              Twitter's Snowflake", Commit 848d664, August 2020,

              Cabrera, IT., "Laravel: The mysterious "Ordered UUID"",
              January 2020, <

   [COMBGUID] Tallent, R., "Creating sequential GUIDs in C# for MSSQL or
              PostgreSql", Commit 2759820, December 2020,

   [ULID]     Feerasta, A., "Universally Unique Lexicographically
              Sortable Identifier", Commit d0c7170, May 2019,

   [SID]      Chilton, A., "sid : generate sortable identifiers",
              Commit 660e947, June 2019,

   [pushID]   Google, "The 2^120 Ways to Ensure Unique Identifiers",
              February 2015, <

   [XID]      Poitrey, O., "Globally Unique ID Generator",
              Commit efa678f, October 2020, <>.

   [ObjectID] MongoDB, "ObjectId - MongoDB Manual",

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   [CUID]     Elliott, E., "Collision-resistant ids optimized for
              horizontal scaling and performance.", Commit 215b27b,
              October 2020, <>.

Authors' Addresses

   Brad G. Peabody


   Kyzer R. Davis


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