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(strong) AuCPace, an augmented PAKE

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Author Björn Haase
Last updated 2023-07-23 (Latest revision 2023-01-22)
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Network Working Group                                           B. Haase
Internet-Draft                          Endress + Hauser Liquid Analysis
Intended status: Informational                              23 July 2023
Expires: 24 January 2024

                  (strong) AuCPace, an augmented PAKE


   This document describes AuCPace which is an augmented PAKE protocol
   for two parties.  The protocol was tailored for constrained devices
   and smooth migration for compatibility with legacy user credential
   databases.  It is designed to be compatible with any group of both
   prime- and non-prime order and comes with a security proof providing
   composability guarantees.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 24 January 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     1.1.  Outcome of the CFRG PAKE selection process  . . . . . . .   3
     1.2.  Key design objectives for AuCPace . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Requirements Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Definitions for AuCPace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.1.  Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   4.  Access to server-side password verifiers databases  . . . . .   7
     4.1.  User credential database and password verifier types  . .   7
     4.2.  Encoding of passwords and user names  . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.3.  AuCPace database interface for retrieving password
           verifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.4.  Derivation of the salt value for strong AuCPace . . . . .  10
     4.5.  Specification of the workload parameter sigma . . . . . .  11
     4.6.  Result of the database parameter lookup . . . . . . . . .  11
   5.  Authentication session  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     5.1.  Authentication Protocol Flow  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     5.2.  AuCPace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   6.  Authentication of transactions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     6.1.  Transaction Protocol Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     6.2.  AuCPace authenticated transactions  . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   7.  Ciphersuites  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     7.1.  CPACE-X25519-ELLIGATOR2_SHA512-SHA512 . . . . . . . . . .  17
   8.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
   9.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
   10. Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
   11. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     11.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     11.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
   Appendix A.  AuCPace25519 Test Vectors  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
     A.1.  Inverse X25519 test vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
     A.2.  Strong AuCPace25519 salt test vectors . . . . . . . . . .  24
     A.3.  Test vectors for AuCPace password verifier  . . . . . . .  25
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26

1.  Introduction

   This document describes AuCPace which is an augmented password-
   authenticated key-establishment (PAKE) protocol for two parties.
   Both sides the client B and the server A establish a high-entropy
   session key SK, based on a secret (password) which may be of low
   entropy for the client B and a password-verifier stored on the
   server.  The protocol is designed such that disclosing the secret to
   offline dictionary attacks is prevented.  Upon server compromise
   (stealing A's database), the adversary must first succeed with a
   dictionary search for the clear-text password before being able to
   impersonate the client.

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1.1.  Outcome of the CFRG PAKE selection process

   AuCPace was one of the two finalists of the CFRG PAKE selection
   process for the augmented pake protocol use-case in which ultimately
   OPAQUE was selected as general recommendation of the CFRG working
   group.  OPAQUE and strong AuCPace share the security model and
   security guarantees but come with specific advantages and drawbacks.

   The key advantage of OPAQUE in comparison with AuCPace is that one
   communication round less than AuCPace is required, allowing for
   easier integration into TLS 1.3.  Applications where the number of
   communication round-trips are considered critical are encouraged to
   consider OPAQUE.

   The key advantages of AuCPace in comparison are much smaller password
   verifiers and the possibility to run AuCPace in conjunction with
   legacy-style password dictionaries that store the conventional
   triples of (username, salt, password hash).  Moreover AuCPace
   provides a certain level of resilience with respect to adversaries
   with access to large-scale quantum computers ("quantum annoying
   property") which OPAQUE does not provide.

1.2.  Key design objectives for AuCPace

   The AuCPace protocol was specifically tailored for constrained server
   devices.  As such, the computationally complex password hash
   operation is refered to the clients.  AuCPace is also designed for
   enabling a smooth migration of legacy user credential databases.

   AuCPace is designed to be compatible with any group of both prime-
   and non-prime order and comes with a security proof providing
   composability guarantees.  AuCPace uses CPace as a building block
   which is described in a separate internet draft document.

   AuCPace moreover designed to provide flexibility and a smooth
   migration process for applications that today don't use a PAKE
   protocol for authentication but work with conventional password
   verifier databases instead.

2.  Requirements Notation

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
   14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

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3.  Definitions for AuCPace

3.1.  Setup

   Let C be a group in which there exists a subgroup of prime order p
   where the computational simultaneous Diffie-Hellman (SDH) problem is
   hard.  C has order p*c where p is a large prime; c will be called the
   cofactor.  Let I be the unit element in C, e.g., the point at
   infinity in if C is an elliptic curve group.  We denote the
   operations in the group using addition and multiplication operators,
   e.g.  P + (P + P) = P + 2 * P = 3 * P.  We refer to a sequence of n
   additions of an element in P as scalar multiplication by n.  With B
   we denote a generator of the prime-order subgroup in C that we call
   the base point.

   With F we denote a field that may be associated with C, e.g. the
   prime base field used for representing the coordinates of points on
   an elliptic curve.

   We assume that for any element P in C there is a representation
   modulo negation, encode_group_element_mod_neg(P) as a byte string
   such that for any Q in C with Q != P and Q != -P,
   encode_group_element_mod_neg(P) != encode_group_element_mod_neg(Q).
   It is recommended that encodings of the elements P and -P share the
   same result string.  Common choices would be a fixed (per-group)
   length encoding of the x-coordinate of points on an elliptic curve C
   or its twist C' in Weierstrass form, e.g. according to [IEEE1363] in
   case of short Weierstrass form curves.  For curves in Montgomery form
   correspondingly the u-coordinate would be encoded, as specified,
   e.g., by the encodeUCoordinate function from [RFC7748].

   With J we denote the group modulo negation associated to C.  Note
   that in J the scalar multiplication operation is well defined since
   scalar_multiply(P,s) == -scalar_multiply(-P,s) while arbitrary
   additions of group elements are no longer available.

   With J' be denote a second group modulo negation that might share the
   byte-string encoding function encode_group_element_mod_neg with J
   such for a given byte string either an element in J or J' is encoded.
   If the x-coordinate of an elliptic curve point group is used for the
   encoding, J' would commonly be corresponding to the group of points
   on the elliptic curve's quadratic twist.  Correspondingly, with p' we
   denote the largest prime factor of the order of J' and its cofactor
   with c'.

   Let scalar_cofactor_clearing(s) be a cofactor clearing function
   taking an integer input argument and returning an integer as result.
   For any s, scalar_cofactor_clearing(s) is REQUIRED to be of the form

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   c * s1.  I.e.  it MUST return a multiple of the cofactor.  An example
   of such a function may be the cofactor clearing and clamping
   functions decodeScalar25519 and decodeScalar448 as used in the X25519
   and X448 protocols definitions of [RFC7748].  In case of prime-order
   groups with c == 1, it is RECOMMENDED to use the identity function
   with scalar_cofactor_clearing(s) = s.

   Let scalar_mult_cc(P,s) be a joint "scalar multiplication and
   cofactor clearing" function of an integer s and an string-encoded
   value P, where P could represent an element either on J or J'.  If P
   is an element in J or J', the scalar_mult_cc function returns a
   string encoding of an element in J or J' respectively, such that the
   result of scalar_mult_cc(P,s) encodes (scalar_cofactor_clearing(s) *

   Let si = invert_scalar_mult_cc(P,s) be a function such that for any
   point Z in the prime-order subgroup of J,
   invert_scalar_mult_cc(scalar_mult_cc(Q,s),s) == Q.  A typical
   implemention will involve calculating the inverse in the prime field
   mod p on the scalar generated by scalar_cofactor_clearing(s).

   Let scalar_mult_ccv(P,s) be a "scalar multiplication cofactor
   clearing and verify" function of an integer s and an encoding of a
   group element P.  Unlike scalar_mult_cc, scalar_mult_ccv additionally
   carries out a verification that checks that the computational
   simultaneous Diffie-Hellman problem (SDH) is hard in the subgroup (in
   J or J') generated by the encoded element SP = scalar_mult_cc(P,s).
   In case that the verification fails (SP might be of low order or on
   the wrong curve), scalar_mult_ccv is REQUIRED to return the encoding
   of the identity element I.  Otherwise scalar_mult_ccv(P,S) is
   REQUIRED to return the result of scalar_mult_cc(P,s).  A common
   choice for scalar_mult_ccv for Montgomery curves with twist security
   would be the X25519 and X448 Diffie-Hellman functions as specified in
   [RFC7748].  For curves in short Weierstrass form, scalar_mult_ccv
   could be implemented by the combination of a point verification of
   the input point with a scalar multiplication.  Here scalar_mult_ccv
   SHALL return the encoding of the neutral element I if the input point
   P was not on the curve C.

   Let P=map_to_group_mod_neg(r) be a mapping operation that maps a
   string r to an encoding of an element P in J.  Common choices would
   be the combination of map_to_base and map_to_curve methods as defined
   in the hash2curve draft [HASH2CURVE].  Note that we don't require and
   RECOMMEND cofactor clearing here since this complexity is already
   included in the definition of the scalar multiplication operation
   calar_mult_cc above.  Additionally requiring cofactor clearing also
   in map_to_group_mod_neg() would result in efficiency loss.

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   || denotes concatenation of strings.  We also let len(S) denote the
   length of a string in bytes.  Finally, let nil represent an empty
   string, i.e., len(nil) = 0.

   [f,g,h] denotes alternatives where exactly one of the comma-separated
   options is to be chosen.

   Let H(m) be a hash function from arbitrary strings m to bit strings
   of a fixed length.  Common choices for H are SHA256 or SHA512
   [RFC6234].  H is assumed to segment messages m into blocks m_i of
   byte length H_block.  E.g. the blocks used in SHA512 have a size of
   128 bytes.

   Let strip_sign_information(P) be function that takes a string
   encoding of an element P in J and strips any information regarding
   the sign of P, such that strip_sign_information(P) =
   strip_sign_information(-P).  For short Weierstrass (Montgomery)
   curves this function will return a string encoding the x-coordinate.
   The purpose of defining this function is for allowing for
   x-coordinate only scalar multiplication algorithms.  The sign is to
   be stripped before generating the intermediate session key ISK.

   With ISK we denote the intermediate session key output string
   provided by CPace that is generated by a hash operation on the
   Diffie-Hellman result.

   MAC(msg,key) is a message authentication code.  Common examples are
   HMAC_SHA512, a block cipher based MAC or a hash-function based tag.

   AEAD(msg,key) is used for denoting an authenticated encryption
   scheme.  A common example would be AES128GCM or Salsa20Poly1305.

   KDF(Q) is a key-derivation function that takes a string and derives
   key of length L.  Common choices for KDF are HMAC_SHA512.

   With DSI we denote domain-separation identifier strings that may be
   prepended to the inputs of Hash and KDF functions.

   Let IHF(salt, username, pw, sigma) be an iterated hash function that
   takes a salt value, a user name and a password as input.  IHF is
   designed to slow down brute-force attackers as controlled by a
   workload parameter set sigma.  State of the art iterated hash
   functions are designed for requiring a large amount of memory for its
   operation and will be referred to as memory-hard hash functions
   (MHF).  Scrypt [RFC7914] or Argon2 are common examples of a MHF

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   With PRS we denote a string that is a required input of the CPace
   subprotocol and generated by the AuCPace protocol.

   Let A and B be two parties.  A and B may also have digital
   representations of the parties' identities such as Media Access
   Control addresses or other names (hostnames, usernames, etc).  We
   denote the parties' representation and the parties themselves both by
   using the identifiers A and B.

   With CI we denote a string that is a required input of the CPace
   subprotocol.  CI is generated together with PRS by the AuCPace
   augmentation layer.  CI SHALL be formed by the concatenation of the
   identifiers A and B and an associated data string AD, CI = A || B ||

   With uad we denote an optional string that is specifying user-
   associated data in a password file entry, such as authorization
   rights or permissions or account expiration dates.  Specification of
   this string is outside of the scope of the AuCPace protocol.

   Let sid be a session id byte string chosen for each protocol session
   before protocol execution; The length len(sid) SHOULD be larger or
   equal to 16 bytes.

4.  Access to server-side password verifiers databases

   AuCPace is an asymmetric PAKE protocol.  I.e. while one party, the
   client B, is in possession of a clear-text password pw, the other
   party, the server A, is not given access to the cleartext password
   but only to a password verifier.  The way how such a password
   verifier is maintained by a server party is essential for the AuCPace
   protocol construction.

4.1.  User credential database and password verifier types

   With respect to the use of user credantial databases, AuCPace is
   flexible and supports three different database types.

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   Firstly, the conventional approach as used for logins without a PAKE
   protocol is supported (as used e.g. for the password over https:/
   approach).  Here the server stores a tuple of four elements in his
   password database file, (username, uad, salt, w) with w = IHF(salt,
   username, pw, sigma) ).  With uad, we denote user-accociated data
   such as permissions.  The salt value is a nonce used for the IHF
   function.  Upon a login request, the user transmits the username and
   the clear-text password pw to the server.  The server looks up the
   database, retrieves the salt value, calculates the IHF function with
   the given inputs and compares the result with the registered password
   verifier w.  We refer to this setting as "legacy password verifier
   database" (LPVD) setting.

   Secondly, AuCPace supports an AuCPace password verifier database
   setting (APVD) setting.  Here the database is already adapted for use
   in conjunction with AuCPace.  This setting differs from LPVD by the
   fact that instead of the direct output of the IHF, w = IHF(salt,
   username, pw, sigma), an AuCPace password verifier W is maintained in
   the database.  W is calculated from the legacy-style value w by W =
   scalar_mult_cc(B,w).  It is possible to calculate W from a LPVD entry
   on the fly and without knowledge of the clear-text password upon a
   remote login request.  It is also easily possible to migrate the
   format of a LPVD database to an APVD database by calling the scalar
   multiplication function for each entry.

   Thirdly, AuCPace supports the *strong* AuCPace password verifier
   database setting (sAPVD) setting, which differs from APVD and LPVD by
   the fact that the salt entry in the database, as used for the IHF, is
   replaced by a salt-derivation parameter q, as will be detailed below.
   With this strong AuCPace verifier type, the AuCPace protocol provides
   the additional security guarantee of pre-computation attack
   resistance.  Note that migrating LPVD or APVD database records to
   sAPVD entries is *not* possible, because calculating the strong sAPVD
   password verifiers requires the clear-text passwords.

4.2.  Encoding of passwords and user names

   For AuCPace usernames and passwords are encoded as strings according
   to the definitions of [RFC8265], i.e. case-preserving unicode
   encoding SHALL be employed.

4.3.  AuCPace database interface for retrieving password verifiers

   In the course of the authentication protocoll, the AuCPace server
   implementation will need to interface to an user credential database
   for retrieving password verifiers.

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   Database lookup is implemented by use of string-encoded user names.
   AuCPace needs an interface equivalent to a function pvr =
   lookup_pw_verifier_record(username).  I.e. a lookup returns a
   password verfier record pvr, based on a username string.  It is
   REQUIRED that for the purpose of pvr record lookup in databases and
   for the database contents, the "case preservation" according to
   [RFC8265] is employed, both for the string encoding of the username
   and the password.

   The content in the pvr records will depend on the application
   scenarios, LPVD, APVD and sAPVD as defined above.  Password verifier
   records pvr as returned from the database are REQUIRED to be composed
   of the following components.

      A password verifier from either one of the following two options
      (w or W).

      -  LPVD case: A binary encoding of the actual password verifier
         that has been calculated as a function of the username, the
         password, a salt value by use of an iterated hash function pv =
         w = IHF(username,password,salt, sigma).

      -  APVD and sAPVD cases: An encoding of an element in J, W =
         scalarmult_cc(B,w), which has been calculated by a scalar
         multiplication using the base point B.  The secret scalar, w,
         has been calculated by an iterated hash function just as in the
         case above, w = IHF(username,password,salt, sigma).

      sigma, a binary encoding specifying the type and the workload
      parametrization of the iterated hash function IHF that has been
      used for calculating w or W.

      A salt derivation entry which is either

      -  LPVD and APVD cases: a binary string encoding of the salt value
         itself or,

      -  sAPVD case: an encoding of a secret scalar q for a group scalar
         multiplication such that the salt value used for calculating w
         or W could be calculated from the tuple salt =

   In case that a database lookup on a server yields a legacy password
   database record (LPVD case that includes an entry w), the AuCPace
   implementation SHALL convert this record into a AuCPace database
   record (APVD case) by replacing w with W=scalarmult_cc(B,w).

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   The AuCPace application protocol, thus, only needs to consider the
   two different APVD and sAPVD scenarios.  In case of the APVD
   scenario, the salt value used for the IHF execution is returned by
   the database lookup, while in the sAPVD case the salt value is
   replaced by the secret scalar.

4.4.  Derivation of the salt value for strong AuCPace

   For strong AuCPace the salt value used for the IHF is not explicitly
   included in the password verifier record pvr.  Instead only the
   parameter q is stored. q serves for deriving the salt value.  In
   order to determine the salt value, strong AuCPace uses a function
   salt = strong_AuCPace_salt_derivation(q,username,password).  This
   function implements the following sequence of operations.

      First Z, an element in J, is calculated by use of a Z =
      map_username_password_to_J(username || password).  function, e.g.
      by use of a hash function such as SHA512 and a mapping such as

      The salt value is then determined by applying the scalar q and the
      group element Z to the scalar multiplication function, salt =

   Deriving the salt value, thus, requires access to all of, username,
   clear text password and secret key q.  If the database is stolen, an
   adversary is not able to derive the salt value without having access
   to the clear-text password.

   Note that the method above which derives the salt directly from Z and
   q will typically only be used when creating a new password database
   entry.  The AuCPace protocol uses a secret scalar r for, masking the
   value of Z.  The approach exploits the relation q * Z == ((Z * r) *
   q) * (1/r).  More explicitly the sequence is as follows:

      The client, B, having access to the username and the clear-text
      password calculates Z.  It aims at deriving the salt value.

      B samples a fresh scalar r and calculates U = scalarmult_cc(Z,r).
      B sends U to A.

      A fetches q from the database and calculates UQ =
      scalarmult_cc(U,q).  A sends UQ back to A.

      B retrieves the salt by inverting the blinding with the scalar r
      using salt =

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4.5.  Specification of the workload parameter sigma

   AuCPace does not require the use of a specific iterated hash function
   IHF.  Still it is strongly RECOMMENDED to use AuCPace in conjunction
   with state-of-the art memory-hard hash functions MHF with a secure
   workload parametrization.  The workload parameter sigma shall encode
   all of the following.

      The algorithm family, such as Argon2i, scrypt or PBKDF2-HMAC-

      The workload parameter specification, e.g. the iteration count for
      PBKDF2 or the parameters N,r and p of the scrypt algorithm.

4.6.  Result of the database parameter lookup

   Summing up, the lookup process for user credential data for AuCPace
   SHALL provide all of the following information in the course of the
   session establishment protocol.

      The iterated hash function specification sigma.

      A salt-derivation parameter and its type.  The salt derivationn
      parameter is either a salt scalar q or the salt value itself.
      Correspondingly the type of the salt-derivation parameter is
      either "AuCPace" or "strong AuCPace".

      An AuCPace password verifier W = scalarmult_cc(B,IHF(salt,
      username, pw, sigma)).

   For handling the case of failed lookups, if a given user name does
   not have an entry, the database shall define a default parameter set
   sigma_default and a default salt-derivation parameter for password
   hashing.  Moreover and a secret string database_seed shall be chosen
   specifically for each distinct server A.  In case of failed lookups
   the following procedure SHALL be used.  A random value w shall be
   sampled.  The password verifier W shall be calculated as W =
   map_to_group(w).  The parameters q or salt shall be respectively
   calculated as [q,salt] = H(name || database_seed).

5.  Authentication session

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5.1.  Authentication Protocol Flow

   AuCPace is a protocol run between two parties, A and B, for
   establishing a shared secret key with explicit mutual authentication.
   AuCPace is implemented by four messages as indicated by the numbers
   in the figure below.  The roles of the two parties are different.
   Party B, the client, is provided a user name and a password as input.
   Party A, the server, has access to a user credentials database that
   stores password verifiers.  Both parties share a channel identifier
   string CI characterizing the communication channel (e.g. information
   on IP addresses and port numbers of both sides).

   The channel identifier, CI, SHOULD include an encoding of the
   identities of both parties A and B if these are available prior to
   starting the communication protocol.

   Both sides also share a common subsession ID (ssid) string.  ssid
   could be pre-established by a higher-level protocol invocing AuCPace.
   If no such ssid is available from a higher-level protocol, a suitable
   approach is including ssid in the first message from B to A as shown
   in the figure below.

                   A                  B
                   |       ssid       |
                   |<1----------------| (sample ssid)

          ---------- AuCPace protocol -----------
    In: ssid       |                  | In: name, passw.
                   |     name,U       |     ssid
    DB lookup      |                  |
                   |[UQ,salt],X,sigma |
    det. CI,PRS    |----------------2>| det. CI,PRS
   In: CI, PRS,   || (CPace substep)  || In: CI, PRS,
       ssid       ||                  ||     ssid
                  ||        Ya        ||
                  ||        Yb        ||
     Output: ISK  ||<3----------------|| Output: ISK
        expl.auth. |        Tb        | expl.auth.
                   |        Ta        |
        Output: SK |                  | Output: SK

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5.2.  AuCPace

   Both parties start with agreed values on the ssid string.  The server
   side has access to a user credentials database.  The client side
   holds a user name, a clear-text password to be used for the
   authentication session.  Both sides share an encoding CI specifying
   the communication channel, such as IP addresses and port numbers.

   To begin, B calculates an element Z =
   map_username_password_to_J(username || password) in J.

   B then picks r randomly and uniformly according to the requirements
   for group J scalars and calculates U = scalar_mult_cc(Z,r).

   B then sends (name,U) to A.

   A then queries its database for the user name and retrieves the
   information as specified in section Section 4.6 , i.e. the set
   (W,sigma,salt-derivation parameter [q,salt]).  (Note that according
   to the specification of the database lookup, such a set is provided,
   even if there is no database entry for the given user name.)

   A picks x randomly and uniformly according to the requirements for
   group J scalaras and calculates X = scalarmult_cc(B,x) and WX =
   scalarmult_ccv(W,x).  A MUST abort if WX is the neutral element (this
   indicates an error in the database contents).

   A strips the sign information from WX to obtain WXs.  A picks ya
   randomly and uniformly.  A then calculates G =
   map_to_group_mod_neg(DSI1 || WXs || ZPAD || ssid || CI) and Ya =
   scalar_mult_cc(G,ya).  I.e.  WXs takes over the role of CPace's PRS

   The following operations will variate, depending on the type of salt-
   derivation entry in the database.

      If the salt derivation parameter is for strong AuCPace, A
      calculates UQ = scalarmult_cc(U,q) and sends (UQ,X,sigma,Ya) to B.
      B then calculates salt as salt =

      If the salt derivation parameter is for AuCPace, A sends
      (salt,X,sigma,Ya) to B.

   B then calculates w = IHF(salt, username, pw, sigma) and XW =
   scalarmult_ccv(X,w).  B MUST abort, if XW is the neutral element I.

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   B strips the sign information from XW to obtain XWs.  B picks yb
   randomly and uniformly.  B then calculates G =
   map_to_group_mod_neg(DSI1 || XWs || ZPAD || ssid || CI) and Yb =
   scalar_mult_cc(G,yb).  B then calculates K = scalar_mult_ccv(Ya,yb).
   B MUST abort if K is the encoding of the neutral element I.
   Otherwise B sends Yb to A and proceeds as follows.  B strips the sign
   information from K, Ya and Yb to obtain the strings Ks, Yas and Ybs
   by using the strip_sign_information() function.  B calculates ISK =
   H(DSI2 || ssid || Ks || Yas || Ybs).

   B calculates Tb = MAC(ISK,DSI4) and Ta_v = MAC(ISK,DSI3) and sends
   (Yb,Tb) to A.

   Upon reception of Yb, A calculates K = scalar_mult_ccv(Yb,ya).  A
   MUST abort if K is the neutral element I.  If K is different from I,
   A strips the sign information from K, Ya and Yb and calculates ISK =
   H(DSI2 || ssid || Ks || Yas || Ybs).

   A calculates Tb_v = MAC(ISK,DSI4) and Ta = MAC(ISK,DSI3).  If the
   received authentication tag Tb did not match the verification value
   Tb_v A MUST abort.  Otherwise A sends Ta to B and returns the session
   key SK = KDF(DSI5 || ISK || ssid).

   When B receives T_a it compares this to the verification value Ta_v.
   B MUST abort if Ta != Ta_v.  Otherwise B returns the session key SK =
   KDF(DSI5 || ISK || ssid).

   Upon completion of this protocol, the session key SK returned by A
   and B will be identical by both parties if and only if the supplied
   input parameters ssid and CI match on both sides and the password
   verifier in the server database for the user was calculated from the
   clear-text password used by B.

6.  Authentication of transactions

   The AuCPace protocol could also be used for interactive
   "transactions" that require explicit authentication by use of a
   password.  One example of such a transaction is the request for
   change of the user's password verifier which involves two components.
   Firstly, verification of the transaction with the old password and,
   secondly, the transfer of a payload MT containing a new password
   verifier for the database.

   Another example would be transactions that require special privileges
   and need explicit password-based authentication (e.g. as in "sudo"
   commands on unix operating systems).

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   The common feature of such transactions is the confidential transfer
   of a transaction payload MT from the client to the server and the
   authentication of the transaction based on proven knowledge of a
   password.  Upon sucessful authentication, the transaction as
   specified by MT is processed and a response MR is generated.  The
   server then transfers MR to the client by use of an AEAD scheme.

6.1.  Transaction Protocol Flow

   The protocol flow corresponds to the session key generation above
   with the difference that the authenticator messages Ta and Tb are
   replaced by two transaction messages TMa and TMb.

   Before starting the protocol, the client has setup a transaction
   message MT.

   As above, the channel identifier, CI, SHOULD include an encoding of
   the identities of both parties A and B if these are available prior
   to starting the communication protocol.

   Both sides also share a common subsession ID (ssid) string.  ssid
   could be pre-established by a higher-level protocol invocing AuCPace.
   If no such ssid is available from a higher-level protocol, a suitable
   approach is including ssid in the first message from B to A as shown
   in the figure below.

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                   A                  B
                   |       ssid       |
                   |<1----------------| (sample ssid)

          ---------- AuCPace protocol -----------
    In: ssid       |                  | In: name, passw.
                   |     name,U       |     ssid, MT
    DB lookup      |                  |
                   |[UQ,salt],X,sigma |
    det. CI,PRS    |----------------2>| det. CI,PRS
   In: CI, PRS,   || (CPace substep)  || In: CI, PRS,
       ssid       ||                  ||     ssid
                  ||        Ya        ||
                  ||        Yb        ||
     Output: ISK  ||<3----------------|| Output: ISK
        expl.auth. |       TMb        | expl.auth.
       process TMb |       TMa        |
                   |                  | process TMa

6.2.  AuCPace authenticated transactions

   The protocol flow is identical to the case of session key generation
   except for the fact that the authenticators Ta and Tb are replaced by
   TMa and TMb.  TMa is generated by TMb = AEAD(MT,ISK), i.e. the
   payload MT is encrypted and authenticated by use of ISK.  If
   verification of the authentication tag of TMb succeeds on the server
   the transaction message is decrypted and executed.  E.g. upon a
   password change transaction message, the new password verifier would
   be written to the database of the server.  The result of the
   transaction execution is encoded in a response message MR and TMa is
   calculated as TMa = AEAD(MR,ISK).  The client authenticates TMa and
   returns the decrypted response message MR upon success.

7.  Ciphersuites

   This section documents AuCPace ciphersuite configurations.  A
   ciphersuite is REQUIRED to specify all of,

   *  a group modulo negation J with an associated
      encode_group_element_mod_neg function

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   *  scalar_mult_cc(P,s) and scalar_mult_ccv(P,s) functions operating
      on encodings of elements P in J

   *  a mapping function map_to_group_mod_neg(r) converting byte strings
      r into elements in J

   *  a strip_sign_information(Q) function operating on string
      representations of elements Q

   *  a hash function H for generating the intermediate session key ISK

   *  A message authentication code MAC for authentication tag

   *  A key derivation function KDF for generating the final session key

   *  and domain separation strings DSI1, DSI2, DSI3, DSI4, DSI5

   Currently, detailed specifications are available for CPACE-

           |   J    | map_to_group_mod_neg |       KDF        |
           | X25519 |  ELLIGATOR2_SHA512   | SHA512 [RFC6234] |

                       Table 1: CPace Ciphersuites

7.1.  CPACE-X25519-ELLIGATOR2_SHA512-SHA512

   This cipher suite targets particularly constrained targets and
   implements specific optimizations.  It uses the group of points on
   the Montgomery curve Curve25519 for constructing J.  The base field F
   is the prime field built upon the prime p = 2^255 - 19.  The Diffie-
   Hellmann protocol X25519 and the group are specified in [RFC7748].
   The encode_group_element_mod_neg(P) is implemented by the
   encodeUCoordinate(P) function defined in [RFC7748].  The neutral
   element I is encoded as a 32 byte zero-filled string.

   The domain separation strings are defined as DSI1 = "CPace25519-1",
   DSI2 = "CPace25519-2", DSI3 = "AuCPace25-Ta", DSI4 = "AuCPace25-Tb",
   DSI5 = "AuCPace25519".  (ASCII encoding without ANSI-C style trailing

   Both, scalar_mult_cc and scalar_mult_ccv, are implemented by the
   X25519 function specified in [RFC7748].

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   The secret scalars ya and yb used for X25519 shall be sampled as
   uniformly distributed 32 byte strings.

   The QI = inverse_scalarmult_cc(Q,s) function is implemented as

      cs = scalar_cofactor_clearing(s)

      csi = 1 / (8 * cs) % p.

      QI = UNCLAMPED_X25519(Q, 8 * si).

   Where the unclamped X25519 function ommits the setting of bit #254 in
   the scalar from [RFC7748].

   The map_to_group_mod_neg function for the CPace substep is
   implemented as follows.  First the byte length of the ZPAD zero-
   padding string is determined such that len(ZPAD) = max(0,
   H_block_SHA512 - len(DSI1 || PRS)), with H_block_SHA512 = 128 bytes.
   Then a byte string u is calculated by use of u =
   SHA512(DSI1||PRS||ZPAD||sid||CI).  The resulting string is
   interpreted as 512-bit integer in little-endian format according to
   the definition of decodeLittleEndian() from [RFC7748].  The resulting
   integer is then reduced to the base field as input to the Elligator2
   map specified in [HASH2CURVE] to yield the secret generator G =

   The map_to_group_mod_neg function used for the strong AuCPace substep
   for calculating the field element Z is implemented accordingly.
   First the byte length of the ZPAD zero-padding string is determined
   such that len(ZPAD) = max(0, H_block_SHA512 - len(DSI5 || password)),
   with H_block_SHA512 = 128 bytes.  Then a byte string u is calculated
   by use of u = SHA512(DSI5||password||ZPAD||username).  The resulting
   string is interpreted as 512-bit integer in little-endian format
   according to the definition of decodeLittleEndian() from [RFC7748].
   The resulting integer is then reduced to the base field as input to
   the Elligator2 map specified in [HASH2CURVE] to yield the secret
   generator Z = Elligator2(u).

   AuCPace25519 calculates an intermediate session key ISK of 64 bytes
   length by a single invocation of SHA512(DSI2||ISK).  Since the
   encoding does not incorporate the sign from the very beginning Qs =
   strip_sign_information(Q) == Q for this cipher suite.

   AuCPace25519 calculates authentication tags and session key SK from
   ISK of 64 bytes length by a single invocation of Ta =
   SHA512(DSI3||ISK), Tb = SHA512(DSI4||ISK) and SK = SHA512(DSI5||ISK).

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   The following sage code could be used as reference implementation for
   the mapping and key derivation functions.

   def littleEndianStringToInteger(k):
       bytes = [ord(b) for b in k]
       return sum((bytes[i] << (8 * i)) for i in range(len(bytes)))

   def map_to_group_mod_neg_CPace25519(sid, PRS, CI):
       m = hashlib.sha512()
       p = 2^255 - 19

       H_block_SHA512 = 128
       DSI1 = b"CPace25519-1"
       ZPAD_len = max(0,H_block_SHA512 - len(CI) - len(PRS))
       ZPAD = ZPAD_len * "\0"

       u = littleEndianStringToInteger(m.digest())
       return map_to_curve_elligator2_curve25519(u % p)

   def map_to_group_mod_neg_StrongAuCPace25519(username, password):
       # Map username and password to field element Z
       DSI = b"AuCPace25519"
       F = GF(2^255 - 19)
       m = hashlib.sha512()
       H_block_SHA512 = 128
       ZPAD_len = max(0,H_block_SHA512 - len(DSI) - len(password))
       ZPAD = ZPAD_len * "\0"
       u = littleEndianStringToInteger(m.digest())
       u = F(u)
       Z = map_to_curve_elligator2_curve25519(u)
       return Z

   def Inverse_X25519(u_string,scalar_string):
       OrderSubgroup = 2^252 + 27742317777372353535851937790883648493
       SF = GF(OrderSubgroup)
       coFactor = SF(8)
       scalar = clampScalar25519(scalar_string)
       inverse_scalar = 1 /  (SF(scalar) * coFactor)

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       inverse_scalar_shifted = Integer(inverse_scalar) * 8
       return X25519(u_string,inverse_scalar_shifted,withClamping=0)

   def generate_ISK_CPace25519(sid,K,Ya,Yb):
       m = hashlib.sha512(b"CPace25519-2")
       return m.digest()

   def MAC_SK_AuCPace25519(ISK):
       DSI3 = b"AuCPace25-Ta"
       DSI4 = b"AuCPace25-Tb"
       DSI5 = b"AuCPace25519"
       m = hashlib.sha512(DSI3)
       Ta = m.digest()
       Ta = Ta[:16]

       m = hashlib.sha512(DSI4)
       Tb = m.digest()
       Tb = Tb[:16]

       m = hashlib.sha512(DSI5)
       SK = m.digest()

       return (Ta,Tb,SK)

   Due to its use in Ed25519 [RFC8032], SHA512 is considered to be the
   natural hash choice for Curve25519.  The 512 bit output of SHA512
   moreover allows for removing any statistical bias stemming from the
   non-canonical base field representations, such that the overhead of
   the HKDF_extract/HKDF_expand sequences from [HASH2CURVE] are
   considered not necessary (in line with the assessments regarding
   Curve25519 in [HASH2CURVE]).

8.  Security Considerations

   A security proof covering AuCPace is found in [HL18].

   Elements received from a peer MUST be checked by a proper
   implementation of the scalar_mult_ccv method.  Failure to properly
   validate group elements can lead to attacks.  The Curve25519-based
   cipher suite employs the twist security feature of the curve for

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   point validation.  As such, it is mandatory to check that all low-
   order points on both the curve and the twist are mapped on the
   neutral element by the X25519 function.  Corresponding test vectors
   are provided in the appendix.

   The choices of random numbers MUST be uniform.  Randomly generated
   values (e.g., ya, r, q and yb) MUST NOT be reused.

   User credential database lookups for AuCPace might not be executed in
   non-constant time.  In this case, AuCPace does not provide full
   confidentiality with respect to hiding the presence or abscence of a
   given user's entry in the database.  The fact that in case of
   abscence of a record random values are provided instead should be
   considered only a mitigation regarding user-enumeration attacks.

   If AuCPace is used as a building block of higher-level protocols, it
   is RECOMMENDED that ssid is generated by the higher-level protocol
   and passed to AuCPace.  It is RECOMMENDED that ssid, is generated by
   sampling ephemeral random strings.

   AuCPace generates the session key SK by a hash function operation on
   the intermediate session key ISK.  If SK is possibly to be used for
   many different sub-protocols and purposes, such as e.g. in TLS1.3, it
   is RECOMMENDED to apply SK to a stronger KDF function, such as HKDF
   from [RFC5869].

   In case that side-channel attacks are to be considered practical for
   a given application, it is RECOMMENDED to focus side-channel
   protections such as masking and redundant execution (faults) on the
   process of calculating the secret generator G.  The most critical
   aspect to consider is the processing of the first block of the hash
   that includes the PRS string.  The CPace protocol construction
   considers the fact that side-channel protections of hash functions
   might be particularly resource hungry.  For this reason, AuCPace aims
   at minimizing the number of hash functions invocations in the
   specified mapping method.

   AuCPace is designed also for compatibility with legacy-style user-
   credential databases which directly store the output of iterated hash
   functions w = IHF(salt, username, pw, sigma).  If AuCPace is used in
   this configuration, AuCPace provides only the security guarantees of
   a balanced PAKE.  I.e. in this case, user impersonation attacks
   become feasible if the user credential database is stolen.  It is
   RECOMMENDED to migrate legacy-style databases to an AuCPace format,
   by replacing w with W = scalarmult_cc(B,w).

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   It is RECOMMENDED to use password verifiers for "strong AuCPace" on
   such a migrated database upon user password changes in order to
   obtain pre-computation attack resistance.

   The Map2Point primitive used for (strong) AuCPace and for the CPace
   substep needs to be be probabilistically invertible according to the
   definition of [CPaceAnalysis].  Use of Elligator2 (for Montgomery or
   Edwards curves) or simplified SWU [HASH2CURVE] (otherwise) is
   recommended for this purpose.

   AuCPace is proven secure under the hardness of the strong
   computational simultaneous Diffie-Hellmann (SDH) problem in the group
   J as defined in [CPaceAnalysis].  Still, even for the event that
   large-scale quantum computers (LSQC) will become available, AuCPace
   forces an active adversary to solve one instance of the CDH problem
   per password guess.  Using the wording suggested by Steve Thomas on
   the CFRG mailing list, AuCPace is "quantum-annoying".

   Strong AuCPace is pre-computation attack resistant under the CDH and
   the gap One-More-DH assumption, modelling the hash2curve primitive as
   random oracle hashing to the group.  If the map2point primitive used
   is probabilistically invertible, the analysis from [CPaceAnalysis]
   applies for instantiating the OPRF used in strong AuCPace also using
   single-coordinate Diffie-Hellman using X25519 and inverse X25519.

   While the rest of the AuCPace protocol is quantum-annoying, solving a
   single discrete logarithm problem will reveal the salt-derivation
   parameter q as used in strong AuCPace to the adversary.  This will
   allow for pre-computing a rainbow table for a given user name.  I.e.
   the pre-computation attack resistance property will be lost and
   security guarantees of strong AuCPace and AuCPace would become
   equivalent.  (In order maintain strong AuCPace's pre-computation
   attack guarantees, a post-quantum instance of an olibvious pseudo-
   random function (OPRF) would have to be found and used as replacement
   of the Diffie-Hellman OPRF construction employed by strong AuCPace.)

9.  IANA Considerations

   No IANA action is required.

10.  Acknowledgments

   Thanks to the members of the CFRG for comments and advice.

11.  References

11.1.  Normative References

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   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC5869]  Krawczyk, H. and P. Eronen, "HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand
              Key Derivation Function (HKDF)", RFC 5869,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5869, May 2010,

   [RFC6234]  Eastlake 3rd, D. and T. Hansen, "US Secure Hash Algorithms
              (SHA and SHA-based HMAC and HKDF)", RFC 6234,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6234, May 2011,

   [RFC7748]  Langley, A., Hamburg, M., and S. Turner, "Elliptic Curves
              for Security", RFC 7748, DOI 10.17487/RFC7748, January
              2016, <>.

   [RFC7914]  Percival, C. and S. Josefsson, "The scrypt Password-Based
              Key Derivation Function", RFC 7914, DOI 10.17487/RFC7914,
              August 2016, <>.

   [RFC8032]  Josefsson, S. and I. Liusvaara, "Edwards-Curve Digital
              Signature Algorithm (EdDSA)", RFC 8032,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8032, January 2017,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

              Faz-Hernandez, A., Scott, S., Sullivan, N., Wahby, R., and
              C. Wood, "draft-irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve-05", 2019.  IRTF
              draft standard

   [IEEE1363] IEEE, ""Standard Specifications for Public Key
              Cryptography", IEEE 1363", 2000.  IEEE 1363

11.2.  Informative References

   [HL18]     Haase, B. and B. Labrique, "AuCPace. PAKE protocol
              tailored for the use in the internet of things.", February

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              Abdalla, M., Haase, B., and J. Hesse, "Security analysis
              of CPace.", January 2021.

   [RFC8265]  Saint-Andre, P. and A. Melnikov, "Preparation,
              Enforcement, and Comparison of Internationalized Strings
              Representing Usernames and Passwords", RFC 8265,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8265, October 2017,

Appendix A.  AuCPace25519 Test Vectors

A.1.  Inverse X25519 test vectors

   ######################## /inverse X25519 ##########################

   Z :
   r (random scalar input for X25519):
   U = X25519(Z,r):
   IU = inverse_X25519(U)

   Z :
   r (random scalar input for X25519):
   U = X25519(Z,r):
   IU = inverse_X25519(U)

   ######################## inverse X25519/ ##########################

A.2.  Strong AuCPace25519 salt test vectors

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   ############ /salt derivation for strong AuCPace ##################

   DSI5 = 417543506163653235353139 string ('AuCPace25519') of len(12)
   pw   = 70617373776f7264 ('password') string of len(8)
   ZPAD = 108 zero bytes
   name = 757365726e616d65 ('username') string of len(8)
   u = SHA512(DSI||password||ZPAD||username) as 512 bit int:
    + 0xb8f5b1b51c1557c088356d7ca09bd78f259f1d5f4041d466f4edd40f041a0bb3

   u as reduced base field element coordinate:

   Z = Elligator2(u) as base field element coordinate:

   salt-derivation parameter q:

   ZQ = X25519(Z,q):

   Blinding scalar r:
   U = X25519(Z,r):
   UQ = X25519(U,q):
   ZQ = inverse_X25519(Z,r)

   ############ salt derivation for strong AuCPace/ ##################

A.3.  Test vectors for AuCPace password verifier

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   ###################### /Password verifier #########################

   Password: 'password', length 8
   User Name: 'username', length 8

   Z for username, password:

   Salt value salt = X25519(Z,q):


   Concatenated input to scrypt as password parameter:
   'passwordusername', length 16

   Salt value Z^q:
   Password hash w from scrypt with N=1<<15, r=8, p=1
   Password verifier W = X25519(B,w)
   Server private key x =
   Server Public key X = X25519(B,x)
   Shared secret XW = X25519(W,x)
   ###################### Password verifier/ #########################

Author's Address

   Bjoern Haase
   Endress + Hauser Liquid Analysis

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