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Agenda IETF119: cose

Meeting Agenda CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (cose) WG
Date and time 2024-03-19 05:30
Title Agenda IETF119: cose
State Active
Other versions plain text
Last updated 2024-03-17

Agenda COSE IETF 119

[15:30-15:40] Opening Remarks - The Chairs
[15:40-15:55] draft-ietf-cose-hpke - Hannes Tschofenig
[15:55-16:00] draft-ietf-cose-key-thumbprint - Hannes Tschofenig
[16:00-16:10] draft-tschofenig-cose-cwt-chain - Hannes Tschofenig
[16:10-16:15] draft-demarco-cose-header-federation-trust-chain - John Bradley
[16:15-16:25] draft-ietf-cose-dilithium and draft-ietf-cose-sphincs-plus - Mike Prorock
[16:25-16:35] draft-ietf-cose-merkle-tree-proofs - Orie Steele
[16:35-16:45] draft-ietf-cose-cbor-encoded-cert - John Mattsson
[16:45-16:50] draft-ietf-cose-bls-key-representations - Tobias Looker
[16:50-16:55] draft-reddy-cose-jose-pqc-kem - Tiru Reddy
[16:55-17:00] AOB