Internet Engineering Task Force                               Adam Roach
Internet Draft                                             Ericsson Inc.
Category: Standards Track                                  November 2000
                                                        Expires May 2001

                       Event Notification in SIP

Status of this Memo

     This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance
     with all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.

     Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
     Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that
     other groups may also distribute working documents as

     Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
     months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other
     documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts
     as reference material or cite them other than as "work in

     The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

     The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

     This document is an individual submission to the IETF. Comments
     should be directed to the authors.


     This document describes an extension to the Session Initiation
     Protocol (SIP) [1] . The purpose of this extension is to provide
     a generic and extensible framework by which SIP nodes can request
     notification from remote nodes indicating that certain events
     have occurred.

     Concrete uses of the mechanism described in this document may be
     standardized in the future.

1. Table of Contents

    1.       Table of Contents...................................... 1
    2.       Introduction........................................... 2
    2.1.     Overview of Operation.................................. 3
    3.       Extension Considerations............................... 3
    3.1.     Appropriateness of Usage............................... 3
    3.2.     Additional Guidelines.................................. 4
    4.       Syntax................................................. 4

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    4.1.     New Methods............................................ 4
    4.1.1.   SUBSCRIBE method....................................... 6
    4.1.2.   NOTIFY method.......................................... 7
    4.2.     New Headers............................................ 7
    4.2.1.   "Event" header......................................... 7
    4.2.2.   "Allow-Events" Header.................................. 8
    4.3.     "489 Bad Event" Response Code.......................... 8
    5.       Node Behavior.......................................... 8
    5.1.     Description of SUBSCRIBE Behavior...................... 9
    5.1.1.   Correlation to legs, calls, and terminals.............. 9
    5.1.2.   Subscription duration.................................. 9
    5.1.3.   Identification of Subscribed Events and Event Classes.. 9
    5.1.4.   Subscriber SUBSCRIBE Behavior.......................... 10
    5.1.5.   Proxy SUBSCRIBE Behavior............................... 11
    5.1.6.   Notifier SUBSCRIBE Behavior............................ 11
    5.2.     Description of NOTIFY Behavior......................... 13
    5.2.1.   Correlation............................................ 13
    5.2.2.   Identification of reported events, event classes, and c 13
    5.2.3.   Notifier NOTIFY Behavior............................... 14
    5.2.4.   Proxy NOTIFY Behavior.................................. 15
    5.2.5.   Subscriber NOTIFY Behavior............................. 15
    5.3.     Polling Resource State................................. 15
    5.4.     Allow-Events header usage.............................. 16
    6.       Security Considerations................................ 16
    7.       Open Issues............................................ 16
    7.1.     Event Agents........................................... 16
    7.2.     Event Throttling....................................... 17
    8.       Changes from -01....................................... 17
    9.       References............................................. 18
    10.      Credits................................................ 18
    11.      Author's Address....................................... 18

2. Introduction

     The ability to request asynchronous notification of events proves
     useful in many types of services for which cooperation between
     end-nodes is required. Examples of such services include
     automatic callback services (based on terminal state events),
     buddy lists (based on user presence events), message waiting
     indications (based on mailbox state change events), and PINT
     status (based on call state events).

     The methods described in this document allow a framework by which
     notification of these events can be ordered.

     Note that the event notification mechanisms defined herein are
     NOT intended to be a general-purpose infrastructure for all
     classes of event subscription and notification. Meeting
     requirements for the general problem set of subscription and

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     notification is far too complex for a single protocol. Our goal
     is to provide a general framework for event notification which is
     not so complex as to be unusable for simple features, but which
     is still flexible enough to provide powerful services. However,
     extensions based on this framework may define arbitrarily complex
     rules which govern the subscription and notification for the
     events or classes of events they describe.

     Note that this draft does not describe an extension which may be
     used directly; it must be extended by other drafts (herein
     referred to as "extension drafts" and "event packages.") In
     object-oriented design terminology, it may be thought of as an
     abstract base class which must be derived into an instantiatable
     class by further extensions. Guidelines for creating these
     extensions are described in section 3.

2.1. Overview of Operation

     The general concept is that entities in the network can subscribe
     to resource or call state for various resources or calls in the
     network, and those entities (or entities acting on their behalf)
     can send notifications when those states change.

     A typical flow of messages would be:

     Subscriber          Notifier
         |-----SUBSCRIBE---->|     Request state subscription
         |<-------200--------|     Return current state information
         |<------NOTIFY----- |     Return current state information
         |<------NOTIFY----- |     Return current state information

     The subscriber and notifier entities need not necessarily be UAs,
     but often will be.

     Subscriptions are expired and must be refreshed in exactly the
     same manner as registrations (see RFC 2543 [1] ).

3. Extension Considerations

     This section covers several issues which should be taken into
     consideration when SIP extensions based on SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY
     are proposed.

3.1. Appropriateness of Usage

     When using the methods described in this draft for event
     notification, it is important to consider: is SIP an appropriate

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     mechanism for the problem set? Is SIP being selected because of
     some unique feature provided by the protocol (e.g. user
     mobility), or merely because "it can be done?" If you find
     yourself defining SIP extensions for notifications related to,
     for example, network management or the temperature inside your
     car's engine, you may want to reconsider your selection of

     Those interested in extending the mechanism defined in this
     document are urged to read "Guidelines for Authors of SIP
     Extensions" [3] for further guidance regarding appropriate uses
     of SIP.

     Further, it is expected that this mechanism is not to be used in
     applications where the frequency of reportable events is
     excessively rapid (e.g. more than about once per second). A SIP
     network is generally going to be provisioned for a reasonable
     signalling volume; sending a notification every time a user's GPS
     position changes by one hundreth of a second could easily
     overload such a network.

3.2. Additional Guidelines

     When writing extensions based on SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY, it is
     important to consider the type of information which will be
     conveyed during a notification.

     A natural temptation is to convey merely the event (e.g. "a new
     voice message just arrived") without accompanying state (e.g. "7
     total voice messages"). This complicates implementation of
     subscribing entities (since they have to maintain complete state
     for the entity to which they have subscribed), and also is
     particularly susceptible to synchronization problems.

     It is therefore suggested that extensions are designed so as to
     notify of new state when an event occurs. In the circumstances
     that state may not be sufficient for a particular class of
     events, the extensions should include complete state information
     along with the event that occurred. (For example, "no customer
     service representatives available" may not be as useful "no
     customer service representatives available; representative just logged off".)

4. Syntax

     This section describes the syntax extensions required for event
     notification in SIP. Semantics are described in section 5.

4.1. New Methods

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     This document describes two new SIP methods: "SUBSCRIBE" and

     This table expands on tables 4 and 5 in RFC 2543 [1] .

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     Header                    Where    SUB NOT
     ------                    -----    --- ---
     Accept                      R       o   o
     Accept-Encoding             R       o   o
     Accept-Language             R       o   o
     Allow                      200      -   -
     Allow                      405      o   o
     Authorization               R       o   o
     Call-ID                    gc       m   m
     Contact                     R       m   m
     Contact                    1xx      m   o
     Contact                    2xx      m   o
     Contact                    3xx      m   m
     Contact                    485      o   o
     Content-Encoding            e       o   o
     Content-Length              e       o   o
     Content-Type                e       *   *
     CSeq                       gc       m   m
     Date                        g       o   o
     Encryption                  g       o   o
     Expires                     g       o   o
     From                       gc       m   m
     Hide                        R       o   o
     Max-Forwards                R       o   o
     Organization                g       o   o
     Priority                    R       o   o
     Proxy-Authenticate         407      o   o
     Proxy-Authorization         R       o   o
     Proxy-Require               R       o   o
     Require                     R       o   o
     Retry-After                 R       -   -
     Retry-After            404,480,486  o   o
     Retry-After                503      o   o
     Retry-After              600,603    o   o
     Response-Key                R       o   o
     Record-Route                R       o   o
     Record-Route               2xx      o   o
     Route                       R       o   o
     Server                      r       o   o
     Subject                     R       o   o
     Timestamp                   g       o   o
     To                        gc(1)     m   m
     Unsupported                420      o   o
     User-Agent                  g       o   o
     Via                       gc(2)     m   m
     Warning                     r       o   o
     WWW-Authenticate           401      o   o

4.1.1. SUBSCRIBE method

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     "SUBSCRIBE" is added to the definition of the element "Method" in
     the SIP message grammar.

     Like all SIP method names, the SUBSCRIBE method name is case
     sensitive. The SUBSCRIBE method is used to request asynchronous
     notification of an event or set of events at a later time.

4.1.2. NOTIFY method

     "NOTIFY" is added to the definition of the element "Method" in
     the SIP message grammar.

     The NOTIFY method is used to notify a SIP node that an event
     which has been requested by an earlier SUBSCRIBE method has
     occurred. It may also provide further details about the event.

4.2. New Headers

     This table expands on tables 4 and 5 in RFC 2543 [1] , as amended
     by the changes described in section 4.1.

     Header field         where  proxy ACK BYE CAN INV OPT REG SUB NOT
     Allow-Events           g           o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o
     Event                  R           -   -   -   -   -   -   m   m
     Event                  r           -   -   -   -   -   -   m   -

4.2.1. "Event" header

     The following header is defined for the purposes of this

     Event       =  "Event" ":" event-type
                    *(( ";" parameter-name
                    ["=" ( token | quoted-string ) ] )
     event-type  =  token

     Event is added to the definition of the element "general-header"
     in the SIP message grammar.

     This document does not define values for event-types. These
     values will be defined in further extensions that take advantage
     of the SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY methods, and SHOULD be registered
     with the IANA.

     Note that experimental event types may be created by prepending
     the organization's internet domain, with the field order reversed

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     (e.g. "Event:").

     Further note that there must be exactly one event type listed per
     event header.

4.2.2. "Allow-Events" Header

     The following header is defined for the purposes of this

     Allow-Events =  "Allow-Events" ":" 1#event-type

     Allow-Events is added to the definition of the element
     "general-header" in the SIP message grammar.

4.3. "489 Bad Event" Response Code

     The 489 event response is added to the "Client-Error" header
     field definition:

     Client-Error = "400"  ; Bad Request
                  | "489"  ; Bad Event

     "489 Bad Event" is used to indicate that the server did not
     understand the event class specified in a "Event" header field.

5. Node Behavior

     Unless noted otherwise, call-member SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY requests
     follow the same protocol rules governing the usage of tags,
     Route, Record-Route, Via handling, retransmission, reliability,
     CSeq handling, Contact handling, provisional responses, and
     message formatting as those defined in RFC 2543 [1] for BYE.

     Similarly, unless noted otherwise, third-party SUBSCRIBE and
     NOTIFY requests follow the same protocol rules as those defined
     in RFC 2543 [1] for OPTIONS.

     Note that neither SUBSCRIBE nor NOTIFY necessitate the use of
     "Require" or "Proxy-Require" headers; similarly, there is no
     token defined for "Supported" headers. If necessary, clients may
     probe for the support of SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY using the OPTIONS
     request defined in RFC2543.

     For the purposes of generality, both SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY MAY be
     canceled; however, doing so is not recommended. Successfully
     cancelled SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY requests MUST be completed with a

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     "487 Request Cancelled" response; the server acts as if the
     request were never received.

5.1. Description of SUBSCRIBE Behavior

5.1.1. Correlation to legs, calls, and terminals

     A subscription is uniquely identified by the combination of the
     To, Call-ID and the From field in the SUBSCRIBE request.
     Refreshes of subscriptions SHOULD reuse the same Call-ID if
     possible, since subscriptions are uniquely identified at presence
     servers using the Call-ID. Two subscriptions from the same user,
     for the same user, but with different Call-IDs, are considered
     different subscriptions. Note this is exactly the same as usage
     of Call-ID in registrations.

     The relation between subscriptions and (INVITE-initiated)
     sessions sharing the same call leg identification information is
     undefined. Re-using session leg information for subscriptions is

5.1.2. Subscription duration

     All SUBSCRIBE requests are required to contain an "Expires"
     header. This value specifies for how long the subscription is to
     remain in effect. The 200 response to a SUBSCRIBE request also
     MUST contain an "Expires" header. The period of time in the
     response MAY be shorter than specified in the request, but MUST
     NOT be longer. The period of time in the response is the one
     which defines the duration of the subscription.

     Similar to REGISTER requests, SUBSCRIBE requests may be renewed
     at any time to prevent them from expiring at the end of the
     "Expires" period. These renewals will contain a the same "To,"
     "From," and "Call-ID" as the original request, and an incremented
     "CSeq" number. Subscriptions may similarly be cancelled by
     re-issuing them with an "Expires: 0" header.

     Further, notifiers may wish to cancel subscriptions to events;
     this is useful, for example, when the resource to which a
     subscription refers is no longer available. Further details on
     this mechanism are discussed in section 5.2.3. .

5.1.3. Identification of Subscribed Events and Event Classes

     Identification of events is provided by three pieces of
     information: Request URI, Event Type, and (optionally) message

     The Request URI of a SUBSCRIBE request, most importantly,

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     contains enough information to route the request to the
     appropriate entity. It also contains enough information to
     identify the resource for which event notification is desired,
     but not necessarily enough information to uniquely identify the
     nature of the event (e.g. "" would be
     an appropriate URI to subscribe to for my presence state; it
     would also be an appropriate URI to subscribe to the state of my
     voice mailbox).

     The "Event" header will contain a single opaque token which
     identifies the event or class of events for which a subscription
     is being requested. This token will be registered with the IANA
     and will correspond to an extension draft which further describes
     the semantics of the event or event class.

     The "Event" header is considered mandatory for the purposes of
     this document. However, to maintain compatibility with PINT (see
     [4] ), servers MAY interpret a SUBSCRIBE request with no "Event"
     header as requesting a subscription to PINT events. If the
     servers do not support PINT, they SHOULD instead return "400 Bad

     If the extension draft to which the event token corresponds
     defines behavior associated with the body of its SUBSCRIBE
     requests, those semantics apply. It is expected that most, but
     not all, extension drafts will define syntax and semantics for
     SUBSCRIBE method bodies; these bodies will typically modify,
     expand, filter, throttle, and/or set thresholds for the class of
     events being requested. Designers of extensions are strongly
     encouraged to re-use existing MIME types for message bodies where

5.1.4. Subscriber SUBSCRIBE Behavior

     When a subscriber wishes to subscribe to (or refresh a
     subscription to) an event class, he forms a SUBSCRIBE message. If
     the subscription is call related, the call leg information (To,
     From, Call-ID) are used in the SUBSCRIBE message as if it were
     any other request related to the call.

     The call leg information is formed as if for an original INVITE:
     the Call-ID is a new call ID with the syntax described in RFC
     2543; the To: field indicates the suscribed resource's persistent
     address (which will generally match the Request URI used to form
     the message); and the From: field will indicate the subscriber's
     persistent address (typically sip:user@machine for UAs, or
     sip:machine for other entities).

     The Contact: header will contain information about where
     resulting NOTIFY requests are to be sent. Each SUBSCRIBE request

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     must have exactly one contact header.

     Subscribers MUST include an "Event" header in SUBSCRIBE requests,
     indicating to which event or class of events they are
     subscribing. This header contains a token which corresponds to an
     extension draft; see section 5.1.3.

     SUBSCRIBE requests MAY contain an "Accept" header. This header,
     if present, indicates the body formats allowed in subsequent
     NOTIFY requests. Extensions making use of SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY
     MUST define the behavior for SUBSCRIBE requests without "Accept"
     headers; usually, this will connote a single, default body type.

     SUBSCRIBE requests MUST contain an "Expires" header. This expires
     value indicates the duration of the subscription. The formatting
     of these is described in RFC 2543. In order to keep subscriptions
     effective beyond the duration communicated in the "Expires"
     header, subscribers need to refresh subscriptions on a periodic
     basis. This refreshing is performed in the same way as REGISTER
     refreshes: the To, From, and Call-ID match those in the SUBSCRIBE
     being refreshed, while the CSeq number is incremented.

     Similar to REGISTER, a natural consequence of this scheme is that
     a SUBSCRIBE with an "Expires" of 0 constitutes a request to
     unsubscribe from an event.

     Due to the potential for both out-of-order messages and forking,
     the subscriber MUST be prepared to receive NOTIFY messages before
     the SUBSCRIBE transaction has completed.

     The subscriber can expect to receive a NOTIFY message from each
     node which has registered a successful subscription or
     subscription refresh. Until the first NOTIFY message(s) arrive,
     the subscriber should consider the state of the subscribed
     resource to be in an undefined state. Extension drafts which
     define new event packages MUST define this "undefined state" in
     such a way that makes sense for their application.

5.1.5. Proxy SUBSCRIBE Behavior

     Proxies need no additional behavior beyond that described in RFC
     2543 [1] to support SUBSCRIBE. Note that SIP proxies may also act
     as subscribers or notifiers, as appropriate; under these
     circumstances, they will act as described in 5.1.4. and 5.1.6.

5.1.6. Notifier SUBSCRIBE Behavior

     The notifier SHOULD check that the event package specified in the
     "Event" header is understood. If not, the notifier SHOULD return
     a "489 Bad Event" response to indicate that the specified

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     event/event class is not understood.

     The notifier SHOULD also perform any necessary authentication per
     its local policy. SIP authentication mechanisms are discussed in
     RFC2543. Note that, even if the notifier node typically acts as a
     proxy, authentication for SUBSCRIBE requests will always be
     performed via a "401" response, not a "407;" notifiers always act
     as a user agents when accepting subscriptions and sending

     If authorization is not granted, the notifier SHOULD return a
     600-class response.

     Once the notifier has determined that it understands the event
     package and that the authenticated subscriber is authorized to
     subscribe, it returns a "200 OK" response. The "Expires" values
     present in this 200 response behave in the same way as they do in
     REGISTER responses: the server MAY shorten the interval, but MUST
     not increase it.

     200 class responses to SUBSCRIBE requests will not generally
     contain any useful information beyond subscription duration;
     their primary purpose is to serve as a reliability mechanism.
     State information will be communicated via a subsequent NOTIFY
     request from the notifier.

     Upon successful processing of a SUBSCRIBE request (i.e. a
     200-class response), notifiers MUST send a NOTIFY message as soon
     as practical to communicate the current resource state to the
     subscriber. See section 5.2.3. for further details.

     Note that privacy concerns may require that notifiers either use
     access lists or ask the notifier owner, on a per-subscription
     basis, whether a particular remote node is allowed to subscribe
     to a certain set of events. If such authorization fails, the
     notifier should reply to the request with a "403 Forbidden"
     request. See section 6.

     The other response codes defined in RFC2543 may be used in
     response to SUBSCRIBE requests, as appropriate.

     When a notifier receives a subscription refresh, assuming that
     the subscriber is still authorized, the notifier updates the
     expiration time for the "Contact:" address present in the
     SUBSCRIBE. As with the initial subscription, the server MAY lower
     the amount of time until expiration, but MUST NOT increase it.
     The final expiration time is placed in the Expires header in the

     If no refresh for a notification address is received before its

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     expiration time, that address is removed from the list of
     addresses. If all notification addresses are removed, the entire
     subscription is deleted.

5.2. Description of NOTIFY Behavior

5.2.1. Correlation

     NOTIFY requests MUST contain the same Call-ID, local URI, and
     remote URI as the SUBSCRIBE request which ordered them. This is
     the same set of criteria that define a call leg.

     The From field of a NOTIFY request MUST contain a tag; this
     allows for the subscriber to differentiate between events from
     different notifiers.

     Note that successful SUBSCRIBE requests will receive only one
     200-class response; however, due to forking, the subscription may
     have been accepted by multiple nodes. The subscriber MUST
     therefore be prepared to receive NOTIFY requests with "To:" tags
     which differ from those in the SUBSCRIBE 200-class response.

     As expected, CSeq spaces are unique for each node; in other
     words, the notifier uses a different CSeq space than the
     subscriber and any other notifiers.

5.2.2. Identification of reported events, event classes, and current

     Identification of events being reported in a notification is very
     similar to that described for subscription to events (see section
     5.1.3. ).

     The Request URI of a NOTIFY request contains enough information
     to route the request to the party which is subscribed to receive
     notifications. It is derived from the "Contact" header present in
     the corresponding SUBSCRIBE request.

     If the same events for different resources are being subscribed
     to, implementors are expected to use different "Call Legs" (To,
     From, Call-ID) in order to be able to differentiate between
     notifications for them, unless the body for the event contains
     enough information for this correlation.

     As in SUBSCRIBE requests, NOTIFY "Event" headers will contain a
     single opaque token which identifies the event or class of events
     for which a subscription is being requested.

     If the extension draft to which the event token corresponds
     defines behavior associated with the body of its NOTIFY requests,

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     those semantics apply. This information is expected to provide
     additional details about the nature of the event which has
     occurred and the resultant resource state.

     When present, the body of the NOTIFY request MUST be formatted
     into one of the body formats specified in the "Accept" header of
     the corresponding SUBSCRIBE request. The formatting rules and
     behavior when no "Accept" header is present are expected to be
     defined by the document which describes the relevant event

     Note that sending a NOTIFY does not cancel the SUBSCRIBE which
     requested it; in other words, a single SUBSCRIBE request may
     trigger several NOTIFY requests.

5.2.3. Notifier NOTIFY Behavior

     When a SUBSCRIBE request is sucessfully processed or a relevant
     change in the subscribed state occurs, the notifier will
     construct and send a NOTIFY request to the subscriber(s). Such a
     message should be sent in as timely a manner as is practical.

     If the notifier is able, through any means, to determine that the
     subscriber is no longer available to receive notifications, it
     MAY elect to not send a notification. An example of a method by
     which such information may be known is the "SIP for Presence"
     event set (see [5] ).

     If the original subscription contained a "Record-Route" and/or
     "Contact" header, notifications are sent according to the rules
     outlined in RFC 2543 [1] , as if the SUBSCRIBE were an INVITE,
     and the NOTIFY were any subsequent message (e.g. BYE).

     Notify requests MUST contain a "Contact" header. This contact
     header is used by the subscriber in building "Route" headers for
     subsequent subscriptions (i.e. refreshes).

     A NOTIFY request is considered failed if the response times out,
     or a non-200 class response code is received which has no
     "Retry-After" header and no implied further action which can be
     taken to retry the request (e.g. "401 Authorization Required.")

     If the response to a NOTIFY request fails, the notifier SHOULD
     remove the contact from the appropriate subscription. If removal
     of the contact leaves no remaining contacts, the entire
     subscription is removed.

     NOTIFY requests MAY contain an "Expires" header which indicates
     the remaining duration of the subscription. The notifier MAY use
     this header to adjust the time remaining on the subscription;

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     however, this mechanism MUST not be used to lengthen a
     subscription, only to shorten it. The notifier may inform a
     subscriber that a subscription has been removed by sending a
     NOTIFY message with an "Expires" value of "0."

5.2.4. Proxy NOTIFY Behavior

     Proxies need no additional behavior beyond that described in RFC
     2543 [1] to support NOTIFY.

5.2.5. Subscriber NOTIFY Behavior

     Upon receiving a NOTIFY request, the subscriber should check that
     it matches at least one of its outstanding subscriptions; if not,
     it SHOULD return a "481 Call leg/transaction does not exist"
     response. It is RECOMMENDED that it also send a SUBSCRIBE request
     with "Expires: 0" and "Event:" copied from the NOTIFY request to
     cancel the subscription which triggered the errant notification.

     To prevent spoofing of events, NOTIFY requests MAY be
     authenticated, using any defined SIP authentication mechanism.

     NOTIFY requests may contain "Expires" headers which indicate the
     time remaining on the subscription. If this header is present,
     the subscriber should take it as the authoritative duration and
     adjust accordingly. If an expires value of "0" is present, the
     subscriber should consider the subscription cancelled.

     Once the notification is deemed acceptable to the susbcriber, the
     subscriber SHOULD return a 200 response. In general, it is not
     expected that NOTIFY responses will contain bodies; however, they
     MAY, if the NOTIFY request contained an "Accept" header.

     Other responses defined in RFC 2543 [1] may also be returned, as

     Extension drafts should describe appropriate handling for the
     situation in which NOTIFY requests are received from multiple
     notifiers. In general, such handling will involve a simple
     merging of the received notifications into a single, overall

5.3. Polling Resource State

     A natural consequence of the behavior described in the preceding
     sections is that an immediate fetch without a persistent
     subscription may be effected by sending an appropriate SUBSCRIBE
     with an "Expires" of 0.

     Of course, an immediate fetch while a subscription is active may

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Internet Draft         Event Notification in SIP           November 2000

     be effected by sending an appropriate SUBSCRIBE with an "Expires"
     greater than 0.

     Upon receipt of this SUBSCRIBE request, the notifier (or
     notifiers, if the SUBSCRIBE request was forked) will send a
     NOTIFY request containing resource state to the address in the
     SUBSCRIBE "Contact" field.

5.4. Allow-Events header usage

     The "Allow-Events" header, if present, includes a list of tokens
     which indicate the event packages supported by the client (if
     sent in a request) or server (if sent in a response).

     Any node implementing one or more event packages SHOULD include
     an appropriate "Allow-Events" header indicating all supported
     events in INVITE requests and responses, OPTIONS responses, and
     REGISTER requests. "Allow-Events" headers MAY be included in any
     other type of request or response.

     This information is very useful, for example, in allowing user
     agents to render particular interface elements appropriately
     according to whether the events required to implement the
     features they represent are supported by the appropriate nodes.

6. Security Considerations

     The ability to accept third-party subscriptions should be under
     the direct control of the user, since many types of events may be
     considered sensitive for the purposes of privacy. Similarly, the
     user agent should have the ability to selectively reject
     subscriptions based on the calling party (using either a
     white-list or black-list functionality), and/or using standard
     SIP authentication mechanisms.

     The mere act of returning a "403 Forbidden" response code to a
     SUBSCRIBE request may, under certain very rare circumstances,
     pose privacy concerns. In these cases, the notifier may elect to
     return a 200 response and send a NOTIFY message with (possibly
     erroneous) state. Note that this behavior is a rare exception,
     and should not be exhibited without justification.

7. Open Issues

7.1. Event Agents

     The SIP for Presence draft (draft-rosenberg-impp-presence-00.txt)
     describes a mechanism by which presentities having access to
     registration information can accept registrations on behalf of
     user agents incapable of processing SUBSCRIBE requests. This is a

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Internet Draft         Event Notification in SIP           November 2000

     very useful concept; however, it does not seem to be
     generalizable to all classes of events. Should this draft make
     explicit provisions for this capability, or should it remain
     defined in the SIP for Presence draft as behavior specific to the
     "presence" event package?

7.2. Event Throttling

     Is the concept of throttling events (e.g. "never inform me of
     events more frequently than once every n seconds, no matter
     what") useful enough across all event types that we should define
     a top-level mechanism for this, or do we let extension drafts
     that might benefit from this sort of scheme define their own

8. Changes from -01

     - Multiple contacts per SUBSCRIBE message disallowed.

     - Contact header now required in NOTIFY messages.

     - Distinction between third party/call member events removed.

     - Distinction between call-related/resource-related events removed.

     - Clarified that subscribers must expect NOTIFY messages before
       the SUBSCRIBE transaction completes

     - Added immediate NOTIFY message after successful SUBSCRIBE;
       this solves a myriad of issues, most having to do with forking.

     - Added discussion of "undefined state" (before a NOTIFY arrives).

     - Added mechanism for notifiers to shorten/cancel outstanding

     - Removed open issue about appropriateness of new "489" response.

     - Removed all discussion of out-of-band subscriptions.

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     - Added brief discussion of event state polling.

9. References

     [1] M. Handley/H. Schulzrinne/E. Schooler/J. Rosenberg, "SIP:
         Session Initiation Protocol", RFC 2543, IETF; March 1999.

     [2] Adam Roach, "Automatic Call Back Service in SIP", Internet
         Draft <draft-roach-sip-acb-00.txt>, IETF; March 2000. Work in

     [3] J. Rosenberg, H. Schulzrinne, "Guidelines for Authors of SIP
         Extensions", <draft-ietf-sip-guidelines-01.txt>, IETF; July
         2000. Work in progress.

     [4] S. Petrack, L. Conroy, "The PINT Service Protocol", RFC 2848,
         IETF; June 2000.

     [5] J. Rosenberg et. al., "SIP Extensions for Presence",
         <draft-rosenberg-impp-presence-00.txt>, IETF; June 2000. Work
         in progress.

10. Credits

     Thanks to the participants in the Events BOF at the 48th IETF
     meeting in Pittsburgh, as well as those who gave ideas and
     suggestions on the SIP Events mailing list. In particular, I wish
     to thank Henning Schulzrinne of Columbia University for coming up
     with the final three-tiered event identification scheme, Sean
     Olson of Ericsson for miscellaneous guidance, and the authors of
     the "SIP Extensions for Presence" draft for their input to
     SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY request semantics.

11. Author's Address

     Adam Roach
     Ericsson Inc.
     Mailstop L-04
     851 International Pkwy.
     Richardson, TX 75081
     Phone: +1 972 583 7594
     Fax: +1 972 669 0154

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