Network Working Group                                          R. Barnes
Internet-Draft                                                     Cisco
Intended status: Informational                              K. Bhargavan
Expires: May 7, 2020                                               Inria
                                                       November 04, 2019

                      Hybrid Public Key Encryption


   This document describes a scheme for hybrid public-key encryption
   (HPKE).  This scheme provides authenticated public key encryption of
   arbitrary-sized plaintexts for a recipient public key.  HPKE works
   for any combination of an asymmetric key encapsulation mechanism
   (KEM), key derivation function (KDF), and authenticated encryption
   with additional data (AEAD) encryption function.  We provide
   instantiations of the scheme using widely-used and efficient

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on May 7, 2020.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2019 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect

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   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Requirements Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Security Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   4.  Notation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   5.  Cryptographic Dependencies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     5.1.  DH-Based KEM  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   6.  Hybrid Public Key Encryption  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     6.1.  Creating the Encryption Context . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     6.2.  Encryption to a Public Key  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     6.3.  Authentication using a Pre-Shared Key . . . . . . . . . .  11
     6.4.  Authentication using an Asymmetric Key  . . . . . . . . .  12
     6.5.  Authentication using both a PSK and an Asymmetric Key . .  13
     6.6.  Encryption and Decryption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   7.  Single-Shot APIs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   8.  Algorithm Identifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     8.1.  Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs) . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     8.2.  Key Derivation Functions (KDFs) . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     8.3.  Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD)
           Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   9.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     9.1.  Metadata Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     9.2.  Designated-Verifier Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   10. Message Encoding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   11. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     11.1.  KEM Identifiers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     11.2.  KDF Identifiers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     11.3.  AEAD Identifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   12. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     12.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     12.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
   Appendix A.  Test Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
     A.1.  DHKEM(Curve25519), HKDF-SHA256, AES-GCM-128 . . . . . . .  22
       A.1.1.  AuthPSK Setup Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     A.2.  DHKEM(Curve25519), HKDF-SHA256, AES-GCM-128 . . . . . . .  23
       A.2.1.  Base Setup Information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     A.3.  DHKEM(Curve25519), HKDF-SHA256, AES-GCM-128 . . . . . . .  25
       A.3.1.  PSK Setup Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     A.4.  DHKEM(Curve25519), HKDF-SHA256, AES-GCM-128 . . . . . . .  27
       A.4.1.  Auth Setup Information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
     A.5.  DHKEM(P-256), HKDF-SHA256, ChaCha20Poly1305 . . . . . . .  29
       A.5.1.  Auth Setup Information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29

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     A.6.  DHKEM(P-256), HKDF-SHA256, ChaCha20Poly1305 . . . . . . .  31
       A.6.1.  AuthPSK Setup Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
     A.7.  DHKEM(P-256), HKDF-SHA256, ChaCha20Poly1305 . . . . . . .  33
       A.7.1.  Base Setup Information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
     A.8.  DHKEM(P-256), HKDF-SHA256, ChaCha20Poly1305 . . . . . . .  35
       A.8.1.  PSK Setup Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
     A.9.  DHKEM(P-521), HKDF-SHA512, AES-GCM-256  . . . . . . . . .  37
       A.9.1.  Base Setup Information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  37
     A.10. DHKEM(P-521), HKDF-SHA512, AES-GCM-256  . . . . . . . . .  39
       A.10.1.  PSK Setup Information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
     A.11. DHKEM(P-521), HKDF-SHA512, AES-GCM-256  . . . . . . . . .  41
       A.11.1.  Auth Setup Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  41
     A.12. DHKEM(P-521), HKDF-SHA512, AES-GCM-256  . . . . . . . . .  43
       A.12.1.  AuthPSK Setup Information  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  43
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  45

1.  Introduction

   "Hybrid" public-key encryption schemes (HPKE) that combine asymmetric
   and symmetric algorithms are a substantially more efficient solution
   than traditional public key encryption techniques such as those based
   on RSA or ElGamal.  Encrypted messages convey a single ciphertext and
   authentication tag alongside a short public key, which may be further
   compressed.  The key size and computational complexity of elliptic
   curve cryptographic primitives for authenticated encryption therefore
   make it compelling for a variety of use cases.  This type of public
   key encryption has many applications in practice, for example:

   o  PGP [RFC6637]

   o  Messaging Layer Security [I-D.ietf-mls-protocol]

   o  Encrypted Server Name Indication [I-D.ietf-tls-esni]

   o  Protection of 5G subscriber identities [fiveG]

   Currently, there are numerous competing and non-interoperable
   standards and variants for hybrid encryption, including ANSI X9.63
   [ANSI], IEEE 1363a [IEEE], ISO/IEC 18033-2 [ISO], and SECG SEC 1
   [SECG].  All of these existing schemes have problems, e.g., because
   they rely on outdated primitives, lack proofs of IND-CCA2 security,
   or fail to provide test vectors.

   This document defines an HPKE scheme that provides a subset of the
   functions provided by the collection of schemes above, but specified
   with sufficient clarity that they can be interoperably implemented
   and formally verified.

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2.  Requirements Notation

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

3.  Security Properties

   As a hybrid authentication encryption algorithm, we desire security
   against (adaptive) chosen ciphertext attacks (IND-CCA2 secure).  The
   HPKE variants described in this document achieve this property under
   the Random Oracle model assuming the gap Computational Diffie Hellman
   (CDH) problem is hard [S01].

   [[ TODO - Provide citations to these proofs once they exist ]]

4.  Notation

   The following terms are used throughout this document to describe the
   operations, roles, and behaviors of HPKE:

   o  Initiator (I): Sender of an encrypted message.

   o  Responder (R): Receiver of an encrypted message.

   o  Ephemeral (E): A fresh random value meant for one-time use.

   o  "(skX, pkX)": A KEM key pair used in role X; "skX" is the private
      key and "pkX" is the public key

   o  "pk(skX)": The public key corresponding to private key "skX"

   o  "len(x)": The length of the octet string "x", expressed as a two-
      octet unsigned integer in network (big-endian) byte order

   o  "encode_big_endian(x, n)": An octet string encoding the integer
      value "x" as an n-byte big-endian value

   o  "concat(x0, ..., xN)": Concatenation of octet strings.
      "concat(0x01, 0x0203, 0x040506) = 0x010203040506"

   o  "zero(n)": An all-zero octet string of length "n". "zero(4) =

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   o  "xor(a,b)": XOR of octet strings; "xor(0xF0F0, 0x1234) = 0xE2C4".
      It is an error to call this function with two arguments of unequal

5.  Cryptographic Dependencies

   HPKE variants rely on the following primitives:

   o  A Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM):

      *  GenerateKeyPair(): Generate a key pair (sk, pk)

      *  Marshal(pk): Produce a fixed-length octet string encoding the
         public key "pk"

      *  Unmarshal(enc): Parse a fixed-length octet string to recover a
         public key

      *  Encap(pk): Generate an ephemeral, fixed-length symmetric key
         and a fixed-length encapsulation of that key that can be
         decapsulated by the holder of the private key corresponding to

      *  Decap(enc, sk): Use the private key "sk" to recover the
         ephemeral symmetric key from its encapsulated representation

      *  AuthEncap(pkR, skI) (optional): Same as Encap(), but the
         outputs encode an assurance that the ephemeral shared key is
         known only to the holder of the private key "skI"

      *  AuthDecap(skR, pkI) (optional): Same as Decap(), but the holder
         of the private key "skR" is assured that the ephemeral shared
         key is known only to the holder of the private key
         corresponding to "pkI"

      *  Nenc: The length in octets of an encapsulated key from this KEM

      *  Npk: The length in octets of a public key for this KEM

   o  A Key Derivation Function:

      *  Hash(m): Compute the cryptographic hash of input message "m"

      *  Extract(salt, IKM): Extract a pseudorandom key of fixed length
         from input keying material "IKM" and an optional octet string

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      *  Expand(PRK, info, L): Expand a pseudorandom key "PRK" using
         optional string "info" into "L" bytes of output keying material

      *  Nh: The output size of the Hash and Extract functions

   o  An AEAD encryption algorithm [RFC5116]:

      *  Seal(key, nonce, aad, pt): Encrypt and authenticate plaintext
         "pt" with associated data "aad" using secret key "key" and
         nonce "nonce", yielding ciphertext and tag "ct"

      *  Open(key, nonce, aad, ct): Decrypt ciphertext "ct" using
         associated data "aad" with secret key "key" and nonce "nonce",
         returning plaintext message "pt" or the error value "OpenError"

      *  Nk: The length in octets of a key for this algorithm

      *  Nn: The length in octets of a nonce for this algorithm

   A set of algorithm identifiers for concrete instantiations of these
   primitives is provided in Section 8.  Algorithm identifier values are
   two octets long.

5.1.  DH-Based KEM

   Suppose we are given a Diffie-Hellman group that provides the
   following operations:

   o  GenerateKeyPair(): Generate an ephemeral key pair "(sk, pk)" for
      the DH group in use

   o  DH(sk, pk): Perform a non-interactive DH exchange using the
      private key sk and public key pk to produce a fixed-length shared

   o  Marshal(pk): Produce a fixed-length octet string encoding the
      public key "pk"

   o  Unmarshal(enc): Parse a fixed-length octet string to recover a
      public key

   Then we can construct a KEM (which we'll call "DHKEM") in the
   following way:

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   def Encap(pkR):
     skE, pkE = GenerateKeyPair()
     zz = DH(skE, pkR)
     enc = Marshal(pkE)
     return zz, enc

   def Decap(enc, skR):
     pkE = Unmarshal(enc)
     return DH(skR, pkE)

   def AuthEncap(pkR, skI):
     skE, pkE = GenerateKeyPair()
     zz = concat(DH(skE, pkR), DH(skI, pkR))
     enc = Marshal(pkE)
     return zz, enc

   def AuthDecap(enc, skR, pkI):
     pkE = Unmarshal(enc)
     return concat(DH(skR, pkE), DH(skR, pkI))

   The GenerateKeyPair, Marshal, and Unmarshal functions are the same as
   for the underlying DH group.  The Marshal functions for the curves
   referenced in {#ciphersuites} are as follows:

   o  P-256: The X-coordinate of the point, encoded as a 32-octet big-
      endian integer

   o  P-521: The X-coordinate of the point, encoded as a 66-octet big-
      endian integer

   o  Curve25519: The standard 32-octet representation of the public key

   o  Curve448: The standard 56-octet representation of the public key

6.  Hybrid Public Key Encryption

   In this section, we define a few HPKE variants.  All variants take a
   recipient public key and a sequence of plaintexts "pt", and produce
   an encapsulated key "enc" and a sequence of ciphertexts "ct".  These
   outputs are constructed so that only the holder of the private key
   corresponding to "pkR" can decapsulate the key from "enc" and decrypt
   the ciphertexts.  All of the algorithms also take an "info" parameter
   that can be used to influence the generation of keys (e.g., to fold
   in identity information) and an "aad" parameter that provides
   Additional Authenticated Data to the AEAD algorithm in use.

   In addition to the base case of encrypting to a public key, we
   include two authenticated variants, one of which authenticates

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   possession of a pre-shared key, and one of which authenticates
   possession of a KEM private key.  The following one-octet values will
   be used to distinguish between modes:

                         | Mode          | Value |
                         | mode_base     | 0x00  |
                         |               |       |
                         | mode_psk      | 0x01  |
                         |               |       |
                         | mode_auth     | 0x02  |
                         |               |       |
                         | mode_psk_auth | 0x03  |

   All of these cases follow the same basic two-step pattern:

   1.  Set up an encryption context that is shared between the sender
       and the recipient

   2.  Use that context to encrypt or decrypt content

   A "context" encodes the AEAD algorithm and key in use, and manages
   the nonces used so that the same nonce is not used with multiple

   The procedures described in this session are laid out in a Python-
   like pseudocode.  The algorithms in use are left implicit.

6.1.  Creating the Encryption Context

   The variants of HPKE defined in this document share a common key
   schedule that translates the protocol inputs into an encryption
   context.  The key schedule inputs are as follows:

   o  "pkR" - The receiver's public key

   o  "zz" - A shared secret generated via the KEM for this transaction

   o  "enc" - An encapsulated key produced by the KEM for the receiver

   o  "info" - Application-supplied information (optional; default value

   o  "psk" - A pre-shared secret held by both the initiator and the
      receiver (optional; default value "zero(Nh)").

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   o  "pskID" - An identifier for the PSK (optional; default value """ =

   o  "pkI" - The initiator's public key (optional; default value

   The "psk" and "pskID" fields MUST appear together or not at all.
   That is, if a non-default value is provided for one of them, then the
   other MUST be set to a non-default value.

   The key and nonce computed by this algorithm have the property that
   they are only known to the holder of the receipient private key, and
   the party that ran the KEM to generate "zz" and "enc".  If the "psk"
   and "pskID" arguments are provided, then the recipient is assured
   that the initiator held the PSK.  If the "pkIm" argument is provided,
   then the recipient is assued that the initator held the corresponding
   private key (assuming that "zz" and "enc" were generated using the
   AuthEncap / AuthDecap methods; see below).

   The HPKE algorithm identifiers, i.e., the KEM "kem_id", KDF "kdf_id",
   and AEAD "aead_id" 2-octet code points, are assumed implicit from the
   implementation and not passed as parameters.

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default_pkIm = zero(Npk)
default_psk = zero(Nh)
default_pskID = zero(0)

def VerifyMode(mode, psk, pskID, pkIm):
  got_psk = (psk != default_psk and pskID != default_pskID)
  no_psk = (psk == default_psk and pskID == default_pskID)
  got_pkIm = (pkIm != default_pkIm)
  no_pkIm = (pkIm == default_pkIm)

  if mode == mode_base and (got_psk or got_pkIm):
    raise Exception("Invalid configuration for mode_base")
  if mode == mode_psk and (no_psk or got_pkIm):
    raise Exception("Invalid configuration for mode_psk")
  if mode == mode_auth and (got_psk or no_pkIm):
    raise Exception("Invalid configuration for mode_auth")
  if mode == mode_psk_auth and (no_psk or no_pkIm):
    raise Exception("Invalid configuration for mode_psk_auth")

def KeySchedule(mode, pkRm, zz, enc, info, psk, pskID, pkIm):
  VerifyMode(mode, psk, pskID, pkI)

  pkRm = Marshal(pkR)
  ciphersuite = concat(kem_id, kdf_id, aead_id)
  pskID_hash = Hash(pskID)
  info_hash = Hash(info)
  context = concat(mode, ciphersuite, enc, pkRm, pkIm, pskID_hash, info_hash)

  secret = Extract(psk, zz)
  key = Expand(secret, concat("hpke key", context), Nk)
  nonce = Expand(secret, concat("hpke nonce", context), Nn)
  return Context(key, nonce)

   Note that the context construction in the KeySchedule procedure is
   equivalent to serializing a structure of the following form in the
   TLS presentation syntax:

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   struct {
       // Mode and algorithms
       uint8 mode;
       uint16 kem_id;
       uint16 kdf_id;
       uint16 aead_id;

       // Public inputs to this key exchange
       opaque enc[Nenc];
       opaque pkR[Npk];
       opaque pkI[Npk];

       // Cryptographic hash of application-supplied pskID
       opaque pskID_hash[Nh];

       // Cryptographic hash of application-supplied info
       opaque info_hash[Nh];
   } HPKEContext;

6.2.  Encryption to a Public Key

   The most basic function of an HPKE scheme is to enable encryption for
   the holder of a given KEM private key.  The "SetupBaseI()" and
   "SetupBaseR()" procedures establish contexts that can be used to
   encrypt and decrypt, respectively, for a given private key.

   The shared secret produced by the KEM is combined via the KDF with
   information describing the key exchange, as well as the explicit
   "info" parameter provided by the caller.

   def SetupBaseI(pkR, info):
     zz, enc = Encap(pkR)
     return enc, KeySchedule(mode_base, pkR, zz, enc, info,
                             default_psk, default_pskID, default_pkIm)

   def SetupBaseR(enc, skR, info):
     zz = Decap(enc, skR)
     return KeySchedule(mode_base, pk(skR), zz, enc, info,
                        default_psk, default_pskID, default_pkIm)

6.3.  Authentication using a Pre-Shared Key

   This variant extends the base mechansism by allowing the recipient to
   authenticate that the sender possessed a given pre-shared key (PSK).
   We assume that both parties have been provisioned with both the PSK
   value "psk" and another octet string "pskID" that is used to identify
   which PSK should be used.

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   The primary differences from the base case are:

   o  The PSK is used as the "salt" input to the KDF (instead of 0)

   o  The PSK ID is added to the context string used as the "info" input
      to the KDF

   This mechanism is not suitable for use with a low-entropy password as
   the PSK.  A malicious recipient that does not possess the PSK can use
   decryption of a plaintext as an oracle for performing offline
   dictionary attacks.

   def SetupPSKI(pkR, info, psk, pskID):
     zz, enc = Encap(pkR)
     return enc, KeySchedule(mode_psk, pkR, zz, enc, info,
                             psk, pskId, default_pkIm)

   def SetupPSKR(enc, skR, info, psk, pskID):
     zz = Decap(enc, skR)
     return KeySchedule(mode_psk, pk(skR), zz, enc, info,
                        psk, pskId, default_pkIm)

6.4.  Authentication using an Asymmetric Key

   This variant extends the base mechansism by allowing the recipient to
   authenticate that the sender possessed a given KEM private key.  This
   assurance is based on the assumption that "AuthDecap(enc, skR, pkI)"
   produces the correct shared secret only if the encapsulated value
   "enc" was produced by "AuthEncap(pkR, skI)", where "skI" is the
   private key corresponding to "pkI".  In other words, only two people
   could have produced this secret, so if the recipient is one, then the
   sender must be the other.

   The primary differences from the base case are:

   o  The calls to "Encap" and "Decap" are replaced with calls to
      "AuthEncap" and "AuthDecap".

   o  The initiator public key is added to the context string

   Obviously, this variant can only be used with a KEM that provides
   "AuthEncap()" and "AuthDecap()" procuedures.

   This mechanism authenticates only the key pair of the initiator, not
   any other identity.  If an application wishes to authenticate some
   other identity for the sender (e.g., an email address or domain
   name), then this identity should be included in the "info" parameter
   to avoid unknown key share attacks.

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   def SetupAuthI(pkR, info, skI):
     zz, enc = AuthEncap(pkR, skI)
     pkIm = Marshal(pk(skI))
     return enc, KeySchedule(mode_auth, pkR, zz, enc, info,
                             default_psk, default_pskID, pkIm)

   def SetupAuthR(enc, skR, info, pkI):
     zz = AuthDecap(enc, skR, pkI)
     pkIm = Marshal(pkI)
     return KeySchedule(mode_auth, pk(skR), zz, enc, info,
                        default_psk, default_pskID, pkIm)

6.5.  Authentication using both a PSK and an Asymmetric Key

   This mode is a straightforward combination of the PSK and
   authenticated modes.  The PSK is passed through to the key schedule
   as in the former, and as in the latter, we use the authenticated KEM

   def SetupAuthPSKI(pkR, info, psk, pskID, skI):
     zz, enc = AuthEncap(pkR, skI)
     pkIm = Marshal(pk(skI))
     return enc, KeySchedule(mode_psk_auth, pkR, zz, enc, info,
                             psk, pskID, pkIm)

   def SetupAuthPSKR(enc, skR, info, psk, pskID, pkI):
     zz = AuthDecap(enc, skR, pkI)
     pkIm = Marshal(pkI)
     return KeySchedule(mode_psk_auth, pk(skR), zz, enc, info,
                        psk, pskID, pkIm)

6.6.  Encryption and Decryption

   HPKE allows multiple encryption operations to be done based on a
   given setup transaction.  Since the public-key operations involved in
   setup are typically more expensive than symmetric encryption or
   decryption, this allows applications to "amortize" the cost of the
   public-key operations, reducing the overall overhead.

   In order to avoid nonce reuse, however, this decryption must be
   stateful.  Each of the setup procedures above produces a context
   object that stores the required state:

   o  The AEAD algorithm in use

   o  The key to be used with the AEAD algorithm

   o  A base nonce value

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   o  A sequence number (initially 0)

   All of these fields except the sequence number are constant.  The
   sequence number is used to provide nonce uniqueness: The nonce used
   for each encryption or decryption operation is the result of XORing
   the base nonce with the current sequence number, encoded as a big-
   endian integer of the same length as the nonce.  Implementations MAY
   use a sequence number that is shorter than the nonce (padding on the
   left with zero), but MUST return an error if the sequence number

   Each encryption or decryption operation increments the sequence
   number for the context in use.  A given context SHOULD be used either
   only for encryption or only for decryption.

   It is up to the application to ensure that encryptions and
   decryptions are done in the proper sequence, so that the nonce values
   used for encryption and decryption line up.  If a Seal or Open
   operation would cause the "seq" field to wrap, then the
   implementation MUST return an error.

   def Context.Nonce(seq):
     encSeq = encode_big_endian(seq, len(self.nonce))
     return xor(self.nonce, encSeq)

   def Context.IncrementSeq():
     if self.seq >= (1 << Nn) - 1:
       return NonceOverflowError
     self.seq += 1

   def Context.Seal(aad, pt):
     ct = Seal(self.key, self.Nonce(self.seq), aad, pt)
     return ct

   def Context.Open(aad, ct):
     pt = Open(self.key, self.Nonce(self.seq), aad, ct)
     if pt == OpenError:
       return OpenError
     return pt

7.  Single-Shot APIs

   In many cases, applications encrypt only a single message to a
   recipient's public key.  This section provides templates for HPKE
   APIs that implement "single-shot" encryption and decryption using
   APIs specified in Section 6.2 and Section 6.6:

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   def Seal<MODE>(pkR, info, aad, pt, ...):
     enc, ctx = Setup<MODE>I(pkR, info, ...)
     ct = ctx.Seal(aad, pt)
     return enc, ct

   def Open<MODE>(enc, skR, info, aad, ct, ...):
     ctx = Setup<MODE>R(enc, skR, info, ...)
     return ctx.Open(aad, ct)

   The "MODE" template parameter is one of Base, PSK, Auth, or AuthPSK.
   The optional parameters indicated by "..."" depend on "MODE" and may
   be empty.  SetupBase, for example, has no additional parameters.
   Thus, SealAuthPSK and OpenAuthPSK would be implemented as follows:

   def SealAuthPSK(pkR, info, aad, pt, psk, pskID, skI):
     enc, ctx = SetupAuthPSKI(pkR, info, psk, pskID, skI)
     ct = ctx.Seal(aad, pt)
     return enc, ct

   def OpenAuthPSK(enc, skR, info, aad, ct, psk, pskID, pkI):
     ctx = SetupAuthPSKR(enc, skR, info, psk, pskID, pkI)
     return ctx.Open(aad, ct)

8.  Algorithm Identifiers

8.1.  Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs)

        | Value  | KEM               | Nenc | Npk | Reference    |
        | 0x0000 | (reserved)        | N/A  | N/A | N/A          |
        |        |                   |      |     |              |
        | 0x0001 | DHKEM(P-256)      | 32   | 32  | [NISTCurves] |
        |        |                   |      |     |              |
        | 0x0002 | DHKEM(Curve25519) | 32   | 32  | [RFC7748]    |
        |        |                   |      |     |              |
        | 0x0003 | DHKEM(P-521)      | 65   | 65  | [NISTCurves] |
        |        |                   |      |     |              |
        | 0x0004 | DHKEM(Curve448)   | 56   | 56  | [RFC7748]    |

   For the NIST curves P-256 and P-521, the Marshal function of the DH
   scheme produces the normal (non-compressed) representation of the
   public key, according to [SECG].  When these curves are used, the
   recipient of an HPKE ciphertext MUST validate that the ephemeral
   public key "pkE" is on the curve.  The relevant validation procedures
   are defined in [keyagreement]

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   For the CFRG curves Curve25519 and Curve448, the Marshal function is
   the identity function, since these curves already use fixed-length
   octet strings for public keys.

8.2.  Key Derivation Functions (KDFs)

                | Value  | KDF         | Nh  | Reference |
                | 0x0000 | (reserved)  | N/A | N/A       |
                |        |             |     |           |
                | 0x0001 | HKDF-SHA256 | 32  | [RFC5869] |
                |        |             |     |           |
                | 0x0002 | HKDF-SHA512 | 64  | [RFC5869] |

8.3.  Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) Functions

           | Value  | AEAD             | Nk  | Nn  | Reference |
           | 0x0000 | (reserved)       | N/A | N/A | N/A       |
           |        |                  |     |     |           |
           | 0x0001 | AES-GCM-128      | 16  | 12  | [GCM]     |
           |        |                  |     |     |           |
           | 0x0002 | AES-GCM-256      | 32  | 12  | [GCM]     |
           |        |                  |     |     |           |
           | 0x0003 | ChaCha20Poly1305 | 32  | 12  | [RFC8439] |

9.  Security Considerations

   The general security properties of HPKE are described in Section 3.
   In this section, we consider a security issue that may arise in
   practice and an advanced use case.

9.1.  Metadata Protection

   The authenticated modes of HPKE (PSK, Auth, AuthPSK) require that the
   receiver know what key material to use for the initiator.  This can
   be signaled in applications by sending the PSK ID ("pskID" above)
   and/or the initiator's public key ("pkI").  However, these values
   themselves might be considered sensitive, since in a given
   application context, they might identify the initiator.

   An application that wishes to protect these metadata values without
   requiring further provisioning of keys can use an additional instance
   of HPKE, using the unauthenticated base mode.  Where the application

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   might have sent "(pskID, pkI, enc, ciphertext)" before, it would now
   send (enc2, ciphertext2, enc, ciphertext), where "(enc2,
   ciphertext2)" represent the encryption of the "pskID" and "pkI"

   The cost of this approach is an additional KEM operation each for the
   sender and the receiver.  A potential lower-cost approach (involving
   only symmetric operations) would be available if the nonce-protection
   schemes in [BNT19] could be extended to cover other metadata.
   However, this construction would require further analysis.

9.2.  Designated-Verifier Signature

   The Auth and AuthPSK modes HPKE can be used to construct a
   lightweight "designated-verifier signature" scheme [JKR96], in the
   sense that the message is authenticated as coming from the initiator,
   but the only party who can verify the authentication is the receiver
   (the holder of "skR").

   To create such a signature, the initator simply performs a normal
   HPKE setup in the proper mode, and calls the Seal method on the
   resulting context with an empty plaintext value and the content to be
   signed as AAD.  This produces an encoded key "enc" and a ciphertext
   value that contains only the AAD tag.

   For example, using DHKEM-X25519 and AES-128-GCM, this would produce a
   48-byte signature comprising a 32-byte ephemeral X25519 key and a
   16-byte GCM tag.

   To verify such a signature, the receiver performs the corresponding
   HPKE setup and calls Open with the provided ciphertext.  If the AEAD
   authentication passes, then the signature is valid.

   This scheme re-uses the authentication scheme underlying the AEAD
   algorithm in use, while using the KEM to establish a one-time
   authentication key from a pair of KEM public keys.

10.  Message Encoding

   This document does not specify a wire format encoding for HPKE
   messages.  Applications that adopt HPKE must therefore specify an
   unambiguous encoding mechanism which includes, minimally: the
   encapsulated value "enc", ciphertext value(s) (and order if there are
   multiple), and any info values that are not implicit.

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11.  IANA Considerations

   This document requests the creation of three new IANA registries:

   o  HPKE KEM Identifiers

   o  HPKE KDF Identifiers

   o  HPKE AEAD Identifiers

   All of these registries should be under a heading of "Hybrid Public
   Key Encryption", and administered under a Specification Required
   policy [RFC8126]

11.1.  KEM Identifiers

   The "HPKE KEM Identifiers" registry lists identifiers for key
   encapsulation algorithms defined for use with HPKE.  These are two-
   byte values, so the maximum possible value is 0xFFFF = 65535.


   o  Value: The two-byte identifier for the algorithm

   o  KEM: The name of the algorithm

   o  Nenc: The length in bytes of an encapsulated key produced by the

   o  Npk: The length in bytes of a public key for the algorithm

   o  Reference: Where this algorithm is defined

   Initial contents: Provided in Section 8.1

11.2.  KDF Identifiers

   The "HPKE KDF Identifiers" registry lists identifiers for key
   derivation functions defined for use with HPKE.  These are two-byte
   values, so the maximum possible value is 0xFFFF = 65535.


   o  Value: The two-byte identifier for the algorithm

   o  KDF: The name of the algorithm

   o  Nh: The length in bytes of the output of the KDF

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   o  Reference: Where this algorithm is defined

   Initial contents: Provided in Section 8.2

11.3.  AEAD Identifiers

   The "HPKE AEAD Identifiers" registry lists identifiers for
   authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) algorithms
   defined for use with HPKE.  These are two-byte values, so the maximum
   possible value is 0xFFFF = 65535.


   o  Value: The two-byte identifier for the algorithm

   o  AEAD: The name of the algorithm

   o  Nk: The length in bytes of a key for this algorithm

   o  Nn: The length in bytes of a nonce for this algorithm

   o  Reference: Where this algorithm is defined

   Initial contents: Provided in Section 8.3

12.  References

12.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC5116]  McGrew, D., "An Interface and Algorithms for Authenticated
              Encryption", RFC 5116, DOI 10.17487/RFC5116, January 2008,

   [RFC8126]  Cotton, M., Leiba, B., and T. Narten, "Guidelines for
              Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26,
              RFC 8126, DOI 10.17487/RFC8126, June 2017,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

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12.2.  Informative References

   [ANSI]     "Public Key Cryptography for the Financial Services
              Industry -- Key Agreement and Key Transport Using Elliptic
              Curve Cryptography", n.d..

   [BNT19]    "Nonces Are Noticed: AEAD Revisited", n.d.,

   [fiveG]    "Security architecture and procedures for 5G System",

   [GCM]      Dworkin, M., "Recommendation for block cipher modes of
              operation :", National Institute of Standards and
              Technology report, DOI 10.6028/nist.sp.800-38d, 2007.

              Barnes, R., Beurdouche, B., Millican, J., Omara, E., Cohn-
              Gordon, K., and R. Robert, "The Messaging Layer Security
              (MLS) Protocol", draft-ietf-mls-protocol-07 (work in
              progress), July 2019.

              Rescorla, E., Oku, K., Sullivan, N., and C. Wood,
              "Encrypted Server Name Indication for TLS 1.3", draft-
              ietf-tls-esni-04 (work in progress), July 2019.

   [IEEE]     "IEEE 1363a, Standard Specifications for Public Key
              Cryptography - Amendment 1 -- Additional Techniques",

   [ISO]      "ISO/IEC 18033-2, Information Technology - Security
              Techniques - Encryption Algorithms - Part 2 -- Asymmetric
              Ciphers", n.d..

   [JKR96]    "Designated Verifier Proofs and Their Applications", n.d.,

              Barker, E., Chen, L., Roginsky, A., and M. Smid,
              "Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes
              Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography", National Institute
              of Standards and Technology report,
              DOI 10.6028/nist.sp.800-56ar2, May 2013.

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   [MAEA10]   "A Comparison of the Standardized Versions of ECIES",
              n.d., <

              "Digital Signature Standard (DSS)", National Institute of
              Standards and Technology report,
              DOI 10.6028/nist.fips.186-4, July 2013.

   [RFC5869]  Krawczyk, H. and P. Eronen, "HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand
              Key Derivation Function (HKDF)", RFC 5869,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5869, May 2010,

   [RFC6637]  Jivsov, A., "Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) in
              OpenPGP", RFC 6637, DOI 10.17487/RFC6637, June 2012,

   [RFC7748]  Langley, A., Hamburg, M., and S. Turner, "Elliptic Curves
              for Security", RFC 7748, DOI 10.17487/RFC7748, January
              2016, <>.

   [RFC8439]  Nir, Y. and A. Langley, "ChaCha20 and Poly1305 for IETF
              Protocols", RFC 8439, DOI 10.17487/RFC8439, June 2018,

   [S01]      "A Proposal for an ISO Standard for Public Key Encryption
              (verison 2.1)", n.d.,

   [SECG]     "Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Standards for Efficient
              Cryptography Group, ver. 2", n.d.,

              "HPKE Test Vectors", n.d., <

Appendix A.  Test Vectors

   These test vectors are also available in JSON format at

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A.1.  DHKEM(Curve25519), HKDF-SHA256, AES-GCM-128

A.1.1.  AuthPSK Setup Information

mode: 3
kemID: 2
kdfID: 1
aeadID: 1
info: 4f6465206f6e2061204772656369616e2055726e
skR: 2d7c739195ba102216de162f9435991aa3ad42aeefdb7e22391ae34bae7e5a13
skI: 59c77f5734aef369f30d83c7e30c6bf372e120391cdaf13f34c915030284b75d
skE: 6827bbf4f7ebd0182a8ebc0ea364c7ddae1d1c8a4f58a903fa9f9f9d4228b126
psk: 6d656c6c6f6e
pskID: 456e6e796e20447572696e206172616e204d6f726961
pkR: cc980df06e532bdb6b957f9f5a5caf55c55f46822cdfbd97e76f6ad4c62b322b
pkI: db6ee4a53276b7bc90657cdde514f948af83c140540797ec717881490afed921
pkE: bc09d66a6e8a77ce2fe3bf6603f227d5c673f5329a3c9ad031bbdfadbc9b1d28
enc: bc09d66a6e8a77ce2fe3bf6603f227d5c673f5329a3c9ad031bbdfadbc9b1d28
zz: fb907aabc5e9e03f9665c937606c46d8da4932380d297a35e0c6aa3ff641ff349695
context: 03000200010001bc09d66a6e8a77ce2fe3bf6603f227d5c673f5329a3c9ad03
secret: 5980d041d0343ae0ee09932c03ea7c3e383f30fd55ef4d66c7459e01a78683ea
key: 958a60f49b2b9ee8addb9ed96e4fd4fb
nonce: 52b1a515904660435ef1feac

A.1.1.1.  Encryptions

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sequence number: 0
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d30
ciphertext: 08ff327654d2696724eaf57b3899299ee51412ecafb3435f3cd5f31698f5

sequence number: 1
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d31
ciphertext: afd8ddcb4329cb3e1fc8a46d3900eb34dcf29b6fc9e293d4ca3c59fd6f40

sequence number: 2
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d32
ciphertext: 1c9ecb83737a1723d22ddd0bd3827b549128035667c58b035e2026d51d04

sequence number: 4
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d34
ciphertext: f26b7df1e08ba8d5d6702c66a5f6c9801ed051211dc0f1aad9169e17e149

A.2.  DHKEM(Curve25519), HKDF-SHA256, AES-GCM-128

A.2.1.  Base Setup Information

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mode: 0
kemID: 2
kdfID: 1
aeadID: 1
info: 4f6465206f6e2061204772656369616e2055726e
skR: 139c8d38df6d8dfa2c8de98af621667c76c3f63f65c7c3966c4258c316f05033
skI: dd5f9525b2fa94f21b7237ade72006a76f612dabf020a02527fcb75db6bebe6f
skE: 7227b3fee6b8e01b293b826ec8671b69894a1142981bb1513afa42819f2a22ef
psk: 6d656c6c6f6e
pskID: 456e6e796e20447572696e206172616e204d6f726961
pkR: 186c394e175b7b161760b1bd5b822a0804bd066b170c695c0df123176fa7df6f
pkI: 55f618acd854b99bc5167b72c6fbaa70056b6b30d709768658468e830c62dd5d
pkE: ef0bf7ee58713568663204cf720cff64a852c77ace25f478cfe7dc0721508e03
enc: ef0bf7ee58713568663204cf720cff64a852c77ace25f478cfe7dc0721508e03
zz: e57ee01e09664418fcb3dba12ad3d1fae7a28f733e5979d6e9e7a8b11ced503d
context: 00000200010001ef0bf7ee58713568663204cf720cff64a852c77ace25f478c
secret: 42d03b2f22bd9da609ec3455497ce2eb71a5d02b0b456e5183674d14d41ca39e
key: 91183d395d6ed690ed165a26ec9d815c
nonce: 79b082c2bba5fc13d6d29fc7

A.2.1.1.  Encryptions

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sequence number: 0
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d30
ciphertext: 25002bf75aaf65a173b0fa98e1c73e5ee1b88f1c88e9870c9867e46b2904

sequence number: 1
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d31
ciphertext: bbcb5528d0e696fd8ed4f76f326c81063aa1eca92968a8445dbf28190c18

sequence number: 2
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d32
ciphertext: fcb24627efbd6c3b08b2d16567ef0883faebe867fc0eb20b7070717279a9

sequence number: 4
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d34
ciphertext: 93b1b27a5727eb806f9c2ea7f99db94682e620caf64b2cea54fee79c123c

A.3.  DHKEM(Curve25519), HKDF-SHA256, AES-GCM-128

A.3.1.  PSK Setup Information

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mode: 1
kemID: 2
kdfID: 1
aeadID: 1
info: 4f6465206f6e2061204772656369616e2055726e
skR: fdf4507c4507ececd2b2232a761ce2cdb50d993b6216e6cb9538a1fc53baed02
skI: 01f60c92806f04327cee19d1822f78a8e88fc0e6d1cada7cd94f902511bb2457
skE: 0dc7bf88c1849fd7800f8bd52eed75f26160a3cb9d634190c48ced1daa4c341a
psk: 6d656c6c6f6e
pskID: 456e6e796e20447572696e206172616e204d6f726961
pkR: 696977f50e929c99287852ded3fc9b2709f8cd51c0d270c45c338dece959f437
pkI: 5bbcd7531308ffc2653b89ad79d6c9df64bd0c981536c08e887f147b8f92d16a
pkE: ff8ad2005cae6857bf12f1a3e34b1e43dcd6b34c4685f2473d09d6595c11634f
enc: ff8ad2005cae6857bf12f1a3e34b1e43dcd6b34c4685f2473d09d6595c11634f
zz: 9839c5431904c86ff5b6f24ed3f78c10fe89ddaa4f8a45d87f80cba69c3e6c6f
context: 01000200010001ff8ad2005cae6857bf12f1a3e34b1e43dcd6b34c4685f2473
secret: 08cfc4eadd1b6652df9cc2e5d022f5ff095c869d9ac9b66abefe2bf42cefa9e4
key: 3beaafd348e6124cad09a017506a1d27
nonce: e366f7d523287dcee75ee15b

A.3.1.1.  Encryptions

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sequence number: 0
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d30
ciphertext: c8652f1d6efd1331352b5c5dc2bacf69ae8a591cb90cd48a7c9aac75fc0c

sequence number: 1
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d31
ciphertext: 0e67a63aa0cd0791ee3fc05a948c6dc1341a0699afcd074e0c68e1a64f6d

sequence number: 2
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d32
ciphertext: df7a3586fbf5d438320c4ad17263431624a784ebcabdc534aaf9085d068d

sequence number: 4
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d34
ciphertext: 2653ca0b51c544df3ef474c6ec057d4659547869caccb26ada2c7deb0324

A.4.  DHKEM(Curve25519), HKDF-SHA256, AES-GCM-128

A.4.1.  Auth Setup Information

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mode: 2
kemID: 2
kdfID: 1
aeadID: 1
info: 4f6465206f6e2061204772656369616e2055726e
skR: a3f26ded71d69e6b7c4924e5756388efce4c8857b89cd00e492cd5a5778c40d7
skI: 42962c361fe2e92343113407b95abe4eebef311e315726c579fc6fb7f22e16c5
skE: 372c79a960e1c33c6b6f69c7f4c63567f743a018d5d04fc4a243e0af2aeb3708
psk: 6d656c6c6f6e
pskID: 456e6e796e20447572696e206172616e204d6f726961
pkR: 39c07ff4a258dfe61a1e9e23ef1d9d39efce89c5326da949a9dfa3b11b9f2f2e
pkI: 9888840b794623840275e594ec76a526e690b9111d21cdec3fe2faf18227f676
pkE: 617c577bb03e3b6423efae1e4da7e9b82f690ef4d312af6c68a6b78a0977a550
enc: 617c577bb03e3b6423efae1e4da7e9b82f690ef4d312af6c68a6b78a0977a550
zz: 47bdf821a19dfff3f1c868fcaccef934541076ef3cb90a215f4aa9c55512ff738d50
context: 02000200010001617c577bb03e3b6423efae1e4da7e9b82f690ef4d312af6c6
secret: 32b18835e15daaa76a1ff0b8a04000fa1e1c735a033322c12b4ab1446e0d9a40
key: 71b005dc14a7446c512af54fc5fc5e44
nonce: 75f22f1765b8349fafa53bdc

A.4.1.1.  Encryptions

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Internet-Draft                    HPKE                     November 2019

sequence number: 0
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d30
ciphertext: 5bcb5fb904f4af215155fe742ec23028a07a1b87fd61017a6bcb66959892

sequence number: 1
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d31
ciphertext: b0d8feae5b28a09e6cdec173e6f0a18184cb2b9cc56614300a684622ef3e

sequence number: 2
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d32
ciphertext: d62e75b44c04c37b25cd026935920dc842196500a34922ff7db97a9576a2

sequence number: 4
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d34
ciphertext: 54b8d9c1e2ebf0a78c8f64d11e19e95d5a5ee993da38c144f9aca3f39e49

A.5.  DHKEM(P-256), HKDF-SHA256, ChaCha20Poly1305

A.5.1.  Auth Setup Information

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Internet-Draft                    HPKE                     November 2019

mode: 2
kemID: 1
kdfID: 1
aeadID: 3
info: 4f6465206f6e2061204772656369616e2055726e
skR: 0bfbc9b95d6bb528019f8852c67dd2b1e449796cd5ea9d0a4d875ba105c0998b
skI: 03ca6aa924d700e2ae2e4347e658e05e1543c8cb580683c155ac30bfbe56cb07
skE: 4a0fe976e4ef4f3c835739775549689bac1d9e815a84706bc648c02a8ea475e8
psk: 6d656c6c6f6e
pskID: 456e6e796e20447572696e206172616e204d6f726961
pkR: 04b09c11d56c7ce347cb9d45c8b0d8e7cfeed5792e2dd52430bf79908b98641ec91
pkI: 0465df804f772b75d8349296932f59a17215ab58cb5d1fb3f530840bd2a3a946181
pkE: 04b619b60048a5cdd14aa8e5299e2439259f87b92ad890105cd1c5cf191ecb5520b
enc: 04b619b60048a5cdd14aa8e5299e2439259f87b92ad890105cd1c5cf191ecb5520b
zz: 18bd7013cc5c7accacc968230580615e506f5f4b937f2812141d88537a66fee12c05
context: 0200010001000304b619b60048a5cdd14aa8e5299e2439259f87b92ad890105
secret: b4771505c7f85be0c8e1a67793c5181bcf8d78485f03d3df51a632d44a8da4e9
key: edfd08c4da2c9f3db58cac53cae1798ccbef1e640f1c09072390cbe0b53cdd0c
nonce: 28e30b5955de5fc27aa0d54c

A.5.1.1.  Encryptions

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Internet-Draft                    HPKE                     November 2019

sequence number: 0
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d30
ciphertext: f9b218b328c413b180b299a1e6ff0b04976a9f6c46b06f0add237dbe1598

sequence number: 1
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d31
ciphertext: b088e62de28db00b504c786e73b0ac35a969169dc40f5af6926a06b872d7

sequence number: 2
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d32
ciphertext: 2f58a5698c8b14661abddc3a654d3549523b35a9e15f3404bd83c0b005bd

sequence number: 4
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d34
ciphertext: 3a3c7983d212943c45bb8d50dc16ce00626656fc395506a871b25d5517cf

A.6.  DHKEM(P-256), HKDF-SHA256, ChaCha20Poly1305

A.6.1.  AuthPSK Setup Information

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Internet-Draft                    HPKE                     November 2019

mode: 3
kemID: 1
kdfID: 1
aeadID: 3
info: 4f6465206f6e2061204772656369616e2055726e
skR: 9f7b84c3e08b21dfb811b1809d53d4154456e6b1dc893bcc8e169ea32134af04
skI: e6ee38aad52ea20c46f987264011ee5f822fde3f0382ca98638c8b08dc4661f1
skE: 498b7e5c0bb0679ec27868accb89135c14f392189de6242d4170fdb640173292
psk: 6d656c6c6f6e
pskID: 456e6e796e20447572696e206172616e204d6f726961
pkR: 04277f8aa3debfbbfb0ee02a6a3e121cd4946ce33d86a67fce3fe5d5cb556ca0626
pkI: 0468bc33b8751319c315e73a2e3b0929177ffebe3e6725a65b951c21b30fa0ca7fe
pkE: 04340d95e86854286d59cc28f2adce3b67888a9c0f770e53a12bd8a2632558a0fed
enc: 04340d95e86854286d59cc28f2adce3b67888a9c0f770e53a12bd8a2632558a0fed
zz: 10bce6407decf68f945fd6393942128fa6f16d8c52e6422e6e83e36e0a3a505bb39f
context: 0300010001000304340d95e86854286d59cc28f2adce3b67888a9c0f770e53a
secret: 0f29c1d186095b37e99f8e6247420c76eaf90da90285dcb86a88867668263aad
key: 1f8336823ab323cbc05303691c0891929f309efbc0c669e6ec6042ef801c576b
nonce: bdae0dfcac3dc33199992830

A.6.1.1.  Encryptions

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Internet-Draft                    HPKE                     November 2019

sequence number: 0
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d30
ciphertext: 50fcf59dc592c112d501370036005502d89952ae38a7a61efa5a296b4173

sequence number: 1
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d31
ciphertext: 1ac7522e5aaab444dab431f1c52ea84ea655cac0f60296dda43cbf120c5a

sequence number: 2
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d32
ciphertext: 05dc4db59436f4da435407e2ca5ed662926c1dab93cc344610f85227ed9e

sequence number: 4
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d34
ciphertext: 524b40454bee3b4edb8be19770122f7b0fc7d13746044572a23087f389ee

A.7.  DHKEM(P-256), HKDF-SHA256, ChaCha20Poly1305

A.7.1.  Base Setup Information

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Internet-Draft                    HPKE                     November 2019

mode: 0
kemID: 1
kdfID: 1
aeadID: 3
info: 4f6465206f6e2061204772656369616e2055726e
skR: f0bcfbd0971219e2babcf8bf46f9b45afb170fdfe93a9218fb5eeb18592e6f7a
skI: 8d8dbf4b6b8d118b1ffe5708b754b4e1d148daa1a2e16647ef7c0facfb4888ad
skE: 68d9ec029f23625ef2d5ac9cc5f22f8325369ace5eef51f191baecba755bfbaf
psk: 6d656c6c6f6e
pskID: 456e6e796e20447572696e206172616e204d6f726961
pkR: 045e8a58b5816749e863f570ab5a321fb6b6564d8aae2d9d6677131cabc534cc35c
pkI: 04fc797f3f266ca4f552b38adfbf40acee82bdf1b26dc3309cbedee696d07c78da2
pkE: 04ce353132868f8e171c4094c962916be7e15abe88d508c53a771ee274d3d275b39
enc: 04ce353132868f8e171c4094c962916be7e15abe88d508c53a771ee274d3d275b39
zz: eb7399ba2fb4a6a06e0b414e865dbf3d09031a4df4430ca73a4af6408f10a999
context: 0000010001000304ce353132868f8e171c4094c962916be7e15abe88d508c53
secret: 7fd7a388a9f38c65daeee6ec32cb28c3675a77f606578ecef69c155ebe7cebd3
key: 6eb3b1f3db37ca004725290462a31ffd132e597f17f26ff2dd654d0ca89286bb
nonce: 07354970f99e0f602c4c4b53

A.7.1.1.  Encryptions

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Internet-Draft                    HPKE                     November 2019

sequence number: 0
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d30
ciphertext: 627c7e1c3c820c19aac9db27580df3ea16c9f6f298393ffa23e33b464c0d

sequence number: 1
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d31
ciphertext: f9725c7f6760dc056dacb72d6b9e530c221df7c9ce8e466584f13f9a6934

sequence number: 2
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d32
ciphertext: 6447b64e328d19a742e957b0a5a23aae04d7ba2dc54235008a06ec32c1fe

sequence number: 4
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d34
ciphertext: bbb89746f9c9121f8ad078c27559354a86796bcf057ecca1ae6142d9e339

A.8.  DHKEM(P-256), HKDF-SHA256, ChaCha20Poly1305

A.8.1.  PSK Setup Information

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Internet-Draft                    HPKE                     November 2019

mode: 1
kemID: 1
kdfID: 1
aeadID: 3
info: 4f6465206f6e2061204772656369616e2055726e
skR: e121dd61c164efe26be222b4c0409ae56099d65690ea98036f3bd6591036e5d4
skI: eafe161c698c549fc4f1ac49aa43e9a4683dda0ecdf4f10480a43e0d4643377f
skE: fed0929f409b0c4e94215ce0a0709d78b16bd3437fd094b663e9593e27867de6
psk: 6d656c6c6f6e
pskID: 456e6e796e20447572696e206172616e204d6f726961
pkR: 043b950975425f0eb96360e99704e558a3fccbe983930a262dcf0d84bcedb4a70a6
pkI: 047542daee27355cf4e2667f7df7a95e6e759a044a214d9a1c79909f4b67614b920
pkE: 04f266eac3045b039ac6aaa51b0deae083e5eb8e2d7e6c720d2cb572f1c2496aca9
enc: 04f266eac3045b039ac6aaa51b0deae083e5eb8e2d7e6c720d2cb572f1c2496aca9
zz: bcbf9865e689d4cc851ced68c176405cbec7dc87bf035ee4d510069ccc378611
context: 0100010001000304f266eac3045b039ac6aaa51b0deae083e5eb8e2d7e6c720
secret: 1faa3fca75887e37ea8f1614d13c080cfe8ef587f9ea5c8d4e35ceeb10de13fb
key: 2480ce03ab0e7af028275c37792fbede44a826e3bc52ae7484d7ad88635f924f
nonce: 32f27c096edc4cd8c7dd2305

A.8.1.1.  Encryptions

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Internet-Draft                    HPKE                     November 2019

sequence number: 0
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d30
ciphertext: ad365850dc8801505650b6ea634b6dfc419f285cf6db33a94f07fb077ea0

sequence number: 1
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d31
ciphertext: f0337efa1fba66dff53816b0904898383ac58913962fbf3753eedd28f3db

sequence number: 2
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d32
ciphertext: 0ae22018b989b6d06e7f1e28cf9e79812a3e47e8f1b795e10c11dd324c81

sequence number: 4
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d34
ciphertext: 31c4a4c2b83a9db26e825d1e5d0057c99e3385149f474238f24646921aa5

A.9.  DHKEM(P-521), HKDF-SHA512, AES-GCM-256

A.9.1.  Base Setup Information

mode: 0
kemID: 3
kdfID: 2
aeadID: 2
info: 4f6465206f6e2061204772656369616e2055726e
skR: 011d0d02be6fe4eb49654d5641f0ebb40b594aca84a7c1e76faa1fa0f5f3582502d
skI: 01f6343e4068d73fc49b7d1701612b264b2ce45c035ac197ad11e3e057333c6b752
skE: 0099f6326effd78a5c54eeba93e911f35bdd418f2e1de3281ba2172aebf251ff736
psk: 6d656c6c6f6e
pskID: 456e6e796e20447572696e206172616e204d6f726961
pkR: 04015c0e75e50b266e5fb8e3a3f317608bbf64843c47cca29faa3b894a4f9b95ba5
pkI: 0400430b1dbd3c329055a1e76b57abf0e9c0e28f01c6daf8cdddee13c0d0668789e

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Internet-Draft                    HPKE                     November 2019

pkE: 04007dd2d51007fb7c1f690aa26da4afcc005434fe0b0dd88aec70898e5f1443514
enc: 04007dd2d51007fb7c1f690aa26da4afcc005434fe0b0dd88aec70898e5f1443514
zz: 010114f78d86b60c3db2c0dfdf24a06b6c61d7bb1d60c9e412c792a4d468fb897e8d
context: 0000030002000204007dd2d51007fb7c1f690aa26da4afcc005434fe0b0dd88
secret: 5d82ab17b6a25686329228495209c97da5be51262fa96170b082730817e92633
key: 38c2168887316bcbdb2d8e47d86c329f9dde21c19ff6ffe06e89e7ccde02945a
nonce: 30e7764a7a038f9830cab2d5

A.9.1.1.  Encryptions

Barnes & Bhargavan         Expires May 7, 2020                 [Page 38]

Internet-Draft                    HPKE                     November 2019

sequence number: 0
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d30
ciphertext: 324a22241a7886c3f8c69c982be9c5e05fec65612a1f720fc1a32ca469c3

sequence number: 1
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d31
ciphertext: 89f9624107c8a25e3d3e6b8ac277a36687a0cae634326589a7f89c0df897

sequence number: 2
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d32
ciphertext: c686d16cb37ff082745a6b1348871333d1b3374ce439aa0d3d95cfcfc78e

sequence number: 4
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d34
ciphertext: cc9e2936752e02fcc0be0f8aef030b9ba79a87004a1f311846887784575e

A.10.  DHKEM(P-521), HKDF-SHA512, AES-GCM-256

A.10.1.  PSK Setup Information

mode: 1
kemID: 3
kdfID: 2
aeadID: 2
info: 4f6465206f6e2061204772656369616e2055726e
skR: 00953f712b5c288be50460d0372612f88c3da171196a4cd958b0f658e988aa56ce5
skI: 00c1842b428c23730b0d4eb3859b20bbbe8fef23068e4a6431647379e4a2b92e9c1
skE: 00416c4a6236475f01a0cd0a9a7a0d7229be88a63281fca350ea98d4438de57a23b
psk: 6d656c6c6f6e
pskID: 456e6e796e20447572696e206172616e204d6f726961
pkR: 040108f48ce8fcd71e7e07270fa566cfd66d9b7ab124df141d700b82141264a0130
pkI: 04016c7b375e83c3e9252a4768986fff255917ca307345b4a953031a0314b8209b5

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Internet-Draft                    HPKE                     November 2019

pkE: 04014e52461ba98b13a2e0f47c39cffbbb78769d13f6eca78250fa2cb88ec2aa449
enc: 04014e52461ba98b13a2e0f47c39cffbbb78769d13f6eca78250fa2cb88ec2aa449
zz: 012281cc1b8c8c3d2397aafdbc02e8d20a0ce95da7f4f334739a74413a20c4bc551d
context: 0100030002000204014e52461ba98b13a2e0f47c39cffbbb78769d13f6eca78
secret: 9978ffaa9ac0e2d311ed52db2232f77ac3491790d08c09b951843401a50100fe
key: 3f37b55ed1305cfbb36ecae3ae2926677bc46fe7c3ed99adce3b8d6cbd01d300
nonce: fe49897600606833182a3b11

A.10.1.1.  Encryptions

Barnes & Bhargavan         Expires May 7, 2020                 [Page 40]

Internet-Draft                    HPKE                     November 2019

sequence number: 0
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d30
ciphertext: d4b50a1608cbc0eab2091657b8310c073045c982f582c3ca26d8c5139f60

sequence number: 1
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d31
ciphertext: 0547d0baac17c97b70b086f27574a3ca3e9303eb9083103f155ecb2e0877

sequence number: 2
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d32
ciphertext: 43e7ed5027c26321533daac80b1abc3127cac53a6ca30b077e63b514d582

sequence number: 4
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d34
ciphertext: 17896c16e9915155240b1a5eff176aba8d5319e06879e64fdae655741794

A.11.  DHKEM(P-521), HKDF-SHA512, AES-GCM-256

A.11.1.  Auth Setup Information

mode: 2
kemID: 3
kdfID: 2
aeadID: 2
info: 4f6465206f6e2061204772656369616e2055726e
skR: 006ae74c6d37982c4a6087500b66948a715ca971e7aa43260bae4683d78818cfc72
skI: 01d9581f65c8cf1a90f1711fe377c15e68f534be11ea5e0158a8adebaa04f0be9c8
skE: 0195e8805187cf89fc17007d90a75dff2dc9ae824aea70adf001ef539832932f0d8
psk: 6d656c6c6f6e
pskID: 456e6e796e20447572696e206172616e204d6f726961
pkR: 040054116ccfb36d9cd99e59b100ef9dbc70a6992b38632ee7650659275cdcab37b
pkI: 0400fdb5f8a16b80e8a61c967f4f4f6b83740fc3521cd1654ee7e1cc42f4f645a57

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Internet-Draft                    HPKE                     November 2019

pkE: 0401c72c45d970511e760274a3cb8b4457132b32a0aff685e7d3bc859e2d1a08fcd
enc: 0401c72c45d970511e760274a3cb8b4457132b32a0aff685e7d3bc859e2d1a08fcd
zz: 0050f396090a25a9ceaec1441f09355575cd07bf869ea98176be4c78e621a300dcd9
context: 020003000200020401c72c45d970511e760274a3cb8b4457132b32a0aff685e
secret: c0359db265419a1734df0b692284c1f1b8df60fde983221dbae7e423004e5f69
key: c6104b46ff783743124749408842f8e6b7e7a4a8661756744463d810cf5e99a5
nonce: 7928a07ba38e10c7fb17379b

A.11.1.1.  Encryptions

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Internet-Draft                    HPKE                     November 2019

sequence number: 0
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d30
ciphertext: 1a29ac1c5618a2672e66ea0affae0132985abddcd097cadd43761052d9cb

sequence number: 1
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d31
ciphertext: 0e6ef91c9e99b752677f636b84a40d59f4004afc408fc11e01611ec46b55

sequence number: 2
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d32
ciphertext: ee6263f5ab9e33c956262ceb94f42356f30c7f6313aaf2940bb7dde78b4f

sequence number: 4
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d34
ciphertext: ae46e55cc95e5dfd3a319573875ca78e228caf19b98e1beb6867edb6e88e

A.12.  DHKEM(P-521), HKDF-SHA512, AES-GCM-256

A.12.1.  AuthPSK Setup Information

mode: 3
kemID: 3
kdfID: 2
aeadID: 2
info: 4f6465206f6e2061204772656369616e2055726e
skR: 010bf0c9af1d5dda4c97151d6a9425c8f590aa7c0adff53c06d23380ae82bbd32f6
skI: 01800af579dbd0c91a09fa0ff3ddf21d9a1447649528d777e00962c748159e6de03
skE: 013e65c19df676b1d7da923475c72c359fbdd91f224d68785bdf5891bbadfd136a3
psk: 6d656c6c6f6e
pskID: 456e6e796e20447572696e206172616e204d6f726961
pkR: 0400a1735a659c6b281e603f170b5e886ccfff35d274b042d43a815447fc80208f5
pkI: 0400f0fe8e86b8d86d02a4dc5db6988f6343067174caff2e2700834b98d25045013

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Internet-Draft                    HPKE                     November 2019

pkE: 0400f86941ff8711fc30860d2d8c2e2894e3301a072940ff54c54c46a1c6b1ed46d
enc: 0400f86941ff8711fc30860d2d8c2e2894e3301a072940ff54c54c46a1c6b1ed46d
zz: 01175e2421582f1a01e492e7dc3acbb7426a9f592f53192d8ef67f9bb2a5187c9dc7
context: 030003000200020400f86941ff8711fc30860d2d8c2e2894e3301a072940ff5
secret: 292ecdeeee0ea44e81594cc8a08d515efcbe3904979841866760cc2a1a765e54
key: 87a4d83695a7175153a89b82074ca3d3c70af9437714ee0e31c28faae24e0c90
nonce: 24ddc8cc50a9626caf84a204

A.12.1.1.  Encryptions

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Internet-Draft                    HPKE                     November 2019

sequence number: 0
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d30
ciphertext: 5569e7435fff9cb4cd306734c4caf42a6dfb3c38cc3ecf16d696d13e733f

sequence number: 1
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d31
ciphertext: e74619c530a9c7d54803ae3f585b0b41e114b1f59de11ceb1858674240dd

sequence number: 2
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d32
ciphertext: ba291704b425866d69a82912f8aaed74c8796a733e3dc4d04b6eb6cfbcfa

sequence number: 4
plaintext: 4265617574792069732074727574682c20747275746820626561757479
aad: 436f756e742d34
ciphertext: 80bb5f19a7b934e26f4c74aff965152a0b275488d479041005069d1f43d4

Authors' Addresses

   Richard L. Barnes


   Karthik Bhargavan


Barnes & Bhargavan         Expires May 7, 2020                 [Page 45]