DISPATCH Working Group                              J.J. Garcia Aranda
                                                        J. Perez Lajo
Internet Draft                                      L.M. Diaz Vizcaino
Intended status: Standards Track                       Alcatel-Lucent
Expires: July 2011                                      C. Barcenilla
                                                         J. Salvachua
                                                           J. Quemada
                                           Univ. Politecnica de Madrid

                                                      January 25, 2011

                     The Quality for Service Protocol

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted to IETF in full conformance with
   the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
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   months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents
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   This Internet-Draft will expire on July 25, 2011.

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   Copyright (c) 2011 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
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   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
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   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with
   respect to this document.


   This memo describes an application level protocol for the standard
   communication of e2e QoS compliance information using a protocol
   based on Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which forms the basis
   for the World Wide Web, and Session Description Protocol (SDP).
   Quality HTTP (Q4S) provides a mechanism for latency, jitter,
   bandwidth an packet loss negotiation and monitoring, alerting
   whenever one of the negotiated conditions is violated.

   Implementation details on the actions to be triggered upon
   reception/detection of QoS alerts exchanged by the protocol are out
   of scope of this draft, it is application dependant (e.g. increase
   quality, reduce bit-rate) or even network dependant (e.g. change
   connection's quality profile).

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction......................................... 4
      1.1. Motivation...................................... 5
      1.2. Summary of Features............................... 6
   2. Terminology ......................................... 7
   3. Overview of Operation................................. 7
      3.1. Protocol Phases.................................. 8
         3.1.1. Handshake Phase.............................. 9
   Description of Quality parameters inside SDP. 12
         3.1.2. Quality negotiation phase..................... 16
   Stage 0: Measurement of latencies and jitters 17
      Round Trip Time calculation........... 19
      Jitter calculation.................. 19
      Packet loss calculation.............. 20
      Communication of results............. 20
      Constraints not reached.............. 22
      Constraints not reached with Policy server
               involved ................................... 25
      Constraints reached ................. 26
   Stage 1: Measurement of bandwidth and packet loss
            ............................................. 29
      Constraints not reached.............. 32
      Constraints not reached with Policy server
               involved ................................... 36

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      Constraints reached ................. 36
   QoS Level out of range................... 37
   QoS Level increments without changes in network
            behaviour..................................... 39
   Trigger an application in combination with HTTP39
         3.1.3. Continuity phase............................ 40
   Normal mode............................ 41
   Sliding window mode...................... 43
      3.2. Dynamic constraints and flows...................... 45
      3.3. Qos-level downgrade operation...................... 46
      3.4. Sanity check of Quality sessions................... 47
   4. Q4S messages........................................ 48
      4.1. Requests....................................... 48
      4.2. Responses...................................... 49
      4.3. Header Fields................................... 51
         4.3.1. Specific Q4S Request Header Fields............. 51
         4.3.2. Specific Q4S Response Header Fields ............ 52
      4.4. Bodies ........................................ 53
         4.4.1. Encoding................................... 53
   5. General User Agent behavior. .......................... 54
      5.1. Roles......................................... 54
      5.2. Multiple Quality sessions in parallel............... 54
      5.3. General client behavior .......................... 55
         5.3.1. Generating requests.......................... 56
      5.4. General server behavior .......................... 56
   6. Q4S method definitions ............................... 58
      6.1. BEGIN......................................... 58
      6.2. GET........................................... 58
      6.3. READY......................................... 59
      6.4. PING.......................................... 59
      6.5. DATA.......................................... 59
      6.6. QOS-ALERT...................................... 60
      6.7. CANCEL ........................................ 60
   7. Response codes...................................... 61
      7.1. 100 Trying..................................... 61
      7.2. 200 OK ........................................ 61
      7.3. Redirection 3xx................................. 61
      7.4. Request Failure 4xx.............................. 61
         7.4.1. 400 Bad Request............................. 61
         7.4.2. 404 Not Found............................... 61
         7.4.3. 405 Method Not Allowed....................... 62
         7.4.4. 406 Not Acceptable .......................... 62
         7.4.5. 408 Request Timeout.......................... 62
         7.4.6. 412 A precondition has not been met ............ 62
         7.4.7. 413 Request Entity Too Large.................. 62
         7.4.8. 414 Request-URI Too Long...................... 62
         7.4.9. 415 Unsupported Media Type.................... 62

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         7.4.10. 416 Unsupported URI Scheme................... 63
      7.5. Server Failure 5xx............................... 63
         7.5.1. 500 Server Internal Error..................... 63
         7.5.2. 501 Not Implemented.......................... 63
         7.5.3. 503 Service Unavailable...................... 63
         7.5.4. 504 Server Time-out.......................... 63
         7.5.5. 505 Version Not Supported..................... 64
         7.5.6. 513 Message Too Large........................ 64
      7.6. Global Failures 6xx.............................. 64
         7.6.1. 600 session not exist........................ 64
         7.6.2. 601 quality level not allowed ................. 64
         7.6.3. 603 Session not allowed...................... 64
         7.6.4. 604 authorization not allowed ................. 64
   8. Implementation Recommendations......................... 64
      8.1. Default client constraints........................ 64
      8.2. Bandwidth measurements........................... 65
      8.3. Packet loss measurement resolution ................. 65
      8.4. Measurements and reactions........................ 65
      8.5. Scenarios...................................... 66
         8.5.1. Client to ACP............................... 66
         8.5.2. Client to client............................ 67
   9. Security Considerations............................... 67
   10. IANA Considerations................................. 68
   11. Conclusions........................................ 71
   12. References ........................................ 72
      12.1. Normative References............................ 72
      12.2. Informative References .......................... 73
   13. Acknowledgments.................................... 74
   14. Authors' Addresses.................................. 75

1. Introduction

      The World Wide Web (WWW) is a distributed hypermedia system which
   has gained widespread acceptance among Internet users. Although WWW
   browsers support other, preexisting Internet application protocols,
   the native and primary protocol used between WWW clients and servers
   is the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) (RFC 2616 [1]).  The ease
   of use of the Web has prompted its widespread employment as a
   client/server architecture for many applications.  Many of such
   applications require the client and the server to be able to
   communicate each other and exchange information with certain quality

   Quality in communications at application level consists of four
   measurable parameters:

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      o Latency: The time a message takes to travel from source to
         destination. It may be approximated to RTT/2 (Round trip time),
         assuming the networks are symmetrical.

      o Jitter: latency variation. There are some formulas to calculate
         Jitter, and in this context we will consider the statistical
         variance formula.

      o Bandwidth: To assure the quality, a protocol MUST assure the
         availability of bandwidth needed by the application.

      o Packet loss: The percentage of packet loss is closely related
         to bandwidth and jitter. Affects bandwidth because a high
         packet loss implies sometimes retransmissions that also
         consumes extra bandwidth, other times the retransmissions are
         not achieved ( for example in video streaming over UDP) and the
         information received is less than the required bandwidth. In
         terms of jitter, a packet loss sometimes is seen by the
         destination like a larger time between arrivals, causing a
         jitter growth.

   Q4S provides a mechanism for quality monitoring and it is based on
   HTTP and SDP in order to be easily integrated in WWW, but it may be
   used by any type of application, not only those based on HTTP.
   Quality requirements may be needed by any type of application that
   communicates using any kind of protocol, especially those which have
   real-time constraints.

   Q4S is an application level Client/Server protocol which tries to
   measure continuously session quality for a given flow (or set of
   flows), end-to-end and in real-time; raising an alert if quality
   parameters are below a given threshold. The thresholds of each
   application are different, depending on the nature of each
   application. Q4S does not describe either the actions carried out to
   deal with the alert or how to implement them.

   Q4S is session-independent from the application flows, in order to
   minimize the impact on them. To perform the measurements, two
   control flows are created on either direction (forward and reverse).

   1.1. Motivation

   Monitoring quality of service (QoS) in computer networks is useful
   for several reasons:

      o Enable real-time services and applications to verify whether
         network resources achieve a certain QoS level.

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      o Monitoring helps real-time services and applications to run
         through the Internet, allowing the existence of Application
         Content providers (ACPs) which offer guaranteed real-time
         services to the final users.

      o Monitoring also applies to Peer to Peer (P2P) real-time

      o Enable ISPs to offer QoS to any ACP or final user application
         in an accountable way

      o Enable e2e negotiation of QoS parameters, from any ISP to any

   A protocol to monitor QoS must address the following issues:

      o Must be ready to be used in conjunction with current standard
         protocols and applications, without forcing a change on them.

      o Must have a formal and compact way to specify quality
         constraints of the desired application to run.

      o Must have measurement mechanisms avoiding application

      o Must have specific messages to alert about the violation of
         quality constraints in different directions (forward and
         reverse), because network routing may not be symmetrical, and
         of course, quality constraints may not be symmetrical.

      o Must Protect the data (constrains, measurements, QoS levels
         asked to the network) in order to avoid the injection of
         malicious data in the measurements.

   1.2. Summary of Features

      Quality for Service is a message-oriented communication protocol
   that can be used in conjunction with any other application-level

   The benefits in quality enhancement provided by Q4S can be used by
   any type of application that uses any type of protocol for data
   transport. It provides a quality monitoring scheme to any
   communication that takes place between the client and the server,
   not only the Q4S communication itself.

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   Q4S does not establish multimedia sessions and it does not transport
   application data. The type of use and kind of protocol of this
   quality communication is application dependant and can be whatever.
   Q4S doesn't force any particular protocol or way of using of the
   quality connection.

   Q4S session lifetime is composed of four phases with different
   purposes, and inside each phase a negotiated measurement procedure
   is used. Different measurement procedures can be used inside Q4S
   (although for compatibility reasons a default measurement mechanism
   is defined). Basically, Q4S only defines how to transport SLA
   information and measurement results as well as providing some
   mechanisms for alerting.

   Q4S MUST be executed just before starting a client-server
   application which needs a quality connection in terms of latency,
   jitter, bandwidth and packet loss. Once client and server have
   succeeded in establishing communication under quality constraints,
   the application can start, and Q4S continues measuring and alerting.

   During the lifetime of the quality session, the protocol stays in a
   special state in which it periodically renews the session and alerts
   if the measurements of quality parameters do not meet the negotiated
   application requirements.

   The quality parameters can be suggested by the client in the first
   message, but the server can accept these parameter values or force
   others. The server is in charge of deciding the final values of
   quality connection.

2. Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [3].

3. Overview of Operation

      This section introduces the basic operation of Q4S using simple
   examples.  This section is of tutorial nature and does not contain
   any normative statements.

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   3.1. Protocol Phases

      All elements of the IP network contribute to the quality in terms
   of latency, jitter, bandwidth and packet loss. All these elements
   have their own quality policies in terms of priorities, traffic
   mode, etc. and each element has its own way to manage the quality.
   The purpose of a quality connection is to establish an end-to-end
   communication with enough quality for the application.

   To monitor negotiated SLA compliance, four phases are defined

      o Handshake phase: in which the server is contacted by the client
         and in the answer message the quality constraints for the
         application is communicated.

      o Negotiation phase: in which the quality of the connection is
         measured in both directions (latency, jitter, bandwidth and
         packet loss), and Q4S messages are sent in order to alert when
         the quality does not match the constraints. This phase is
         iterative until quality constraints are reached or the session
         is cancelled after checking that the quality constraints are
         impossible to reach. Just after reaching the quality
         requirements, Q4S provides a simple optional mechanism to start
         the application which will benefit from quality connection,
         using HTTP.

      o Continuity phase: in which quality is continuously measured. If
         quality becomes degraded, an alert shall be released. New
         measurements may follow up to a negotiated maximum before
         moving to Termination phase. In this phase the measurements
         MUST avoid disturbing application by consuming network

      o Termination phase: in which the session is terminated.

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   |                            constraints not reached            |
   |                            +------------------+               |
   |                            |                  |               |
   | Handshake ---> Negotiation +--> Continuity -+-+-> Termination |
   |                   A  |     |     A          |                 |
   |                   |  |     |     |          |                 |
   |                   +--+     |     +----------+                 |
   |                            |                                  |
   |                            +->Application                     |
   |                               starts                          |
   |                                                               |

                     Figure 1 Session lifetime phases.

      3.1.1. Handshake Phase

   The first phase consists of a Q4S BEGIN method issued from the
   client to the server.

   The first Q4S message MUST have a special URI (RFC 3986 [4]), which
   forces the use of the Q4S protocol if it is implemented in a
   standard web browser.

   This URI, named "Contact URI", is used to request the start of a
   session. Its scheme MUST be:

         "q4s:" "//" host [":" port] [path["?" query]

   Optionally, the client can send the desired quality parameters
   (enclosed in the body of the message as an SDP document) and the
   server can take them into account when it builds the answer with the
   final values, following an offer / answer schema (RFC 3464 [5]). The
   description of these quality parameters are attached in an SDP

   If the request is accepted, the server MUST answer with a Q4S 200 OK
   message, and in the body of the answer message, an SDP document MUST
   be included (RFC 4566 [2]), with information about the required
   quality constraints. Q4S responses should use the protocol
   designator "Q4S/1.0".

   After these two messages are exchanged, the first phase is
   completed. The quality parameters have been sent to the client. Next

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   step is to measure the quality of the communication path between the
   client and the server and alert if the SLA is being violated.

   |                                                |
   | Client                            Server       |
   |                                                |
   |     ------- Q4S BEGIN ------------>            |
   |                                                |
   |     <------ Q4S 200 OK ------------            |
   |                                                |
   |                                                |

                     Figure 2 Regular handshake phase.

   Example of Client Request and server answer:

   Client Request:
   BEGIN q4s://www.example.com Q4S/1.0
   Content-Type: application/sdp
   User-Agent: q4s-ua-experimental-1.0
   Content-Length: 142

   (SDP not shown)

   Server Answer:
   Q4S/1.0 200 OK
   Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2010 10:00:01 GMT
   Content-Type: application/sdp
   Expires: 3000
   Q4S-Policy-Server: q4s://www.qosmanager.com/agent
   Signature: 6ec1ba40e2adf2d783de530ae254acd4f3477ac4
   Content-Length: 131

   (SDP not shown)

   The "Expires" header purpose is to provide a sanity check and
   enables the server to close inactive sessions. If the client does

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   not send a new request before the expiration time, the server can
   close the session.

   The "Signature" header contains a digital signature that can be used
   by the network to validate the SDP, preventing security attacks.

   The signature is an optional header generated by the server using a
   hash and encryption method such as MD5 (RFC 1321 [6]) and RSA (RFC
   2437 [7]), but it depends on the certificate used by the server.
   This certificate is supposed to be delivered by a Certification
   Authority (CA) or policy owner to the server. The signature is
   applied to the SDP body.

       Signature= RSA ( MD5 (<sdp>), <certificate> )

   If the signature is not present, other validation mechanism may be
   implemented in order to provide assured quality with security and

   The optional response header "Q4S-Resource-Server" contains the
   Session URI, which is in charge of this session. This URI MUST be
   invoked by the client in all later requests. Example:


   If this header is not present, the client will continue sending all
   requests to the original Contact URI, but if it is present, its use
   is mandatory.

   The last optional response header is "Q4S-Policy-Server" which
   contains the "Policy Server URI" towards which client MUST send the
   later QOS-ALERT messages. This header will be explained later on. In
   case this header is present, the Q4S-Resource-server header is

   During the next phases of the protocol, the client role will perform
   a mix of client and server role. Hence, the client can specify a
   "Q4S-Resource-Client" header in the BEGIN request, indicating the
   Resource Client URI, a relative URI in charge of the server requests
   when client receives requests from the server. Example:

   Q4S-Resource-Client: /example/useragent

   This URI MUST be relative because user agents may not have an
   associated domain, or its IP address is unknown.

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Internet-Draft    The Quality for Services Protocol       January 2011 Description of Quality parameters inside SDP

   The original goal of SDP was to announce necessary information for
   the participants and multicast MBONE (Multicast Backbone)
   applications. Right now, its use has been extended to the
   announcement and the negotiation of multimedia sessions. The purpose
   of SDP in the Q4S context is different because no media parameters
   are set, therefore the number of media attributes ("m") is always
   zero. This is because Q4S purpose is not to establish media stream
   sessions, but to monitor a quality connection, and this quality
   connection can be used to establish media sessions by other
   protocols, or for any other purpose.

   The SDP embedded in the messages is the container of the quality
   parameters. The included information can comprise all or some of the
   following parameters, by means of optional session-level attributes:

      o QoS level for uplink and downlink: specified in the "qos-level"
         attribute. Default values are 0 for both directions. The
         meaning of each level is out of scope of Q4S, but, in general,
         a higher level should correspond to a better service quality.

      o Maximum latency tolerance for uplink and downlink: specified in
         the "latency" attribute, expressed in milliseconds.

      o Maximum jitter tolerance for uplink and downlink: specified in
         the "jitter" attribute, expressed in milliseconds.

      o Minimum bandwidth for uplink and downlink: specified in the
         "bandwidth" attribute, expressed in kbps.

      o Maximum packet loss tolerance for uplink and downlink:
         specified in the "packetloss" attribute expressed in

      o Flows (protocol, source IP, source Port + destination IP,
         destination port) of data over TCP and UDP ports to be used in
         uplink and downlink: specified in the "flow" attribute.

      o Measurement procedure and results of quality measurements:
         specified in the "measurement" attribute.

   This is an example of SDP for Q4S usage. For each attribute two
   values separated by "/" are involved. These values represent the
   uplink and downlink values: <uplink> / <downlink>. When one or both

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   of these values are empty, it means that there is no constraint on
   this parameter.

   o=q4s-UA 53655765 2353687637 IN IP4
   i=Q4S parameters
   t=0 0
   a=flow:data downlink TCP/10000-20000
   a=flow:control downlink UDP/55000
   a=flow:control downlink TCP/55001
   a=flow:data uplink TCP/56000
   a=flow:control uplink UDP/56000
   a=flow:control uplink TCP/56001
   a=measurement:procedure default,50/50,75/75,,0
   a=measurement:latency 10000/10000
   a=measurement:jitter 10000/10000
   a=measurement:bandwidth 0/0
   a=measurement:packetloss 0/0

   Inside the constraints, several "flow" attributes can be defined.
   The goal is to monitor each flow to verify that the quality
   constraints are met. These flows include the type (uplink or
   downlink), the protocol (TCP or UDP) (RFC 761 [8] and RFC 768 [9])
   and the ports that are going to be used by the application data and,
   of course, by the control (for quality measurements), because the
   quality measurements MUST be achieved over the same quality session
   for each direction. All defined flows will be considered within the
   same quality profile, which is determined by the qos-level attribute
   in each direction.

   During negotiation phase control ports will be used for Q4S
   messages, and this is the reason to separate application data ports
   from Q4S control ports, otherwise they could collide.

   The control should involve two UDP flows (one for uplink and other
   for downlink) and two TCP flows (one for uplink and other for
   downlink), but application data could involve many flows, depending
   on the nature of the application. The handshake phase takes place
   through the Contact URI, using TCP port 80 for example. However, the

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   negotiation phase will take place on the specified control ports
   (UDP and TCP) using the Session URI.

   A "downlink port" is a port in which the client listens for server
   requests (and MUST be used as origin port of client responses),
   while an "uplink port" is a port in which server is listening
   incoming messages from the client (and MUST be used as origin port
   of server responses).

   Server's SDP information on "downlink" ports is informational for
   the client (it could even be a null value meaning that they could be
   choosen randomly as per OS standard rules). "Downlink" ports inside
   the SDP must always be matched against actual received port values
   on the server side in order deal with NAT/NATP devices. Example:
   a=flow:control downlink TCP/0

   |                                                |
   |    Client                         Server       |
   |                                                |
   | downlink port                  uplink port     |
   |       A                             |          |
   |       |                             |          |
   |       +-----------------------------+          |
   |                                                |
   |                                                |

                          Figure 3 Downlink flow.

   |                                                |
   |    Client                         Server       |
   |                                                |
   |   downlink port                uplink port     |
   |       |                             A          |
   |       |                             |          |
   |       +-----------------------------+          |
   |                                                |
   |                                                |

                           Figure 4 Uplink flow.

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   In addition, measurement parameters are included using the session
   attribute "measurement". The first measurement parameter is the
   procedure. By default, Q4S provides a "default" procedure for
   measurement, but others like RTP/RTCP might be used. In the initial
   client request a set of measurement procedures can be sent to the
   server for negotiation (one line MUST be included in SDP for each
   one). The server will answer with only one line with the chosen

   For each procedure, a set of values of parameters can be included in
   the same attribute line, as in the following example:

   a=measurement:procedure default,50/50,75/75,5000,0

   Where the procedure name is "default" and one parameter is included
   separated by ",". The meaning of each value depends on the
   procedure. In the procedure "default", the meaning of these
   parameters are:

      o The first parameter is the interval of time (in milliseconds)
         between PING requests during the negotiation phase. Forward and
         reverse values from the client's point of view are separated by
         "/". This allows having different responsiveness values
         depending on the control resources used in each direction.

      o The second parameter is the interval of time (in milliseconds)
         between PING requests during the continuity phase. Forward and
         reverse values are separated by "/". This allows having two
         different responsiveness values depending on the control
         resources used in each direction.

      o The third parameter is the time used to measure bandwidth
         during the negotiation phase. If not present, a default value
         of 5000 ms will be assumed. Forward and reverse values are
         separated by "/".

      o The fourth parameter indicates the mode for continuity phase (0
         means "normal" and 1 means "sliding window"). If not present,
         normal mode (default value of 0) will be assumed.

   Quality parameters read by the procedure provide a snapshot of the
   quality level reached in each stage.

   Since the handshake phase does not make any measurement, this
   section could be empty or filled with dummy values, except
   procedure, which is mandatory to start the next protocol phase.

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      3.1.2. Quality negotiation phase

   This phase depends on the chosen procedure. The following
   description corresponds to "default" procedure.

   The negotiation phase involves iterations of sequences of messages
   until the quality session is compliant with the minimum quality
   constraints or until the quality session is terminated due to the
   impossibility to meet the constraints.

   In order to measure the quality parameters, the client and server
   can use different mechanisms. This document only describes the
   "default" mechanism, but others can be used, like RTP/RTCP (RFC 3550
   [10]). Measurement of latency and jitter is done calculating the
   differences in arrival times of packets. This measurement can be
   achieved with little bandwidth consumption, whereas bandwidth
   measurement involves higher bandwidth consumption in both directions
   (uplink and downlink).

   Therefore the measurements involve two stages:

      o Stage 0: Measurement of latencies, jitters and packet loss

      o Stage 1: Measurement of bandwidths and packet loss

   Notice that packet loss can be measured in both parts, because the
   messages used for measure latencies can also be used for packet loss

   These two parts are executed sequentially in order to save network
   resources. If the required latencies and jitters can not be reached,
   it makes no sense to waste network resources measuring bandwidth. In
   addition, if the achievement of the required latency and jitter
   implies upgrading the quality session level, the chance of
   succeeding in bandwidth measurement without retries is higher,
   saving network traffic.

   The client starts the negotiation phase sending a READY request
   using the TCP control ports defined in the SDP. This READY request
   includes an "Stage" header that indicates the measurement stage.

   The motivation for this READY message is to synchronize negotiation
   phases in multiple quality sessions (see 4.2) enabling the
   possibility to repeat a successful stage.

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   If either jitter or latency are specified, the negotiation phase
   begins with the measurement of latencies and jitters (stage 0). If
   none of those attributes are specified, stage 0 is skipped.

 Stage 0: Measurement of latencies and jitters

   |                                                |
   | Client                            Server       |
   |                                                |
   |     ------- Q4S READY ----------->             |
   |                                                |
   |     <-----  Q4S 200 OK -----------             |
   |                                                |
   |                                                |

               Figure 5 Beginning of the Negotiation phase.

   Client Request:
          READY q4s://www.example.com Q4S/1.0
          Stage: 0
          Session-Id: 53655765
          User-Agent: q4s-ua-experimental-1.0
          Content-Length: 0

   Server Response:
     Q4S/1.0 200 OK
          Session-Id: 53655765
          Content-Length: 0

   Following this, the client and the server start exchanging a number
   of PING requests and responses that will lead to the calculation of
   RTT, jitter and packet loss.

   The server MUST send its PING requests using the UDP control flow
   ports defined in the SDP negotiated during the handshake phase. The
   downlink port is set as destination and the uplink port is set as
   origin (according to the example, from client UDP port 56000 to
   server UDP port 55000).

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   At the same time the server must begin to do exactly the same, using
   UDP control ports to send PING requests towards the clients.

   |                                                |
   | Client                                Server   |
   |                                                |
   |      --------- Q4S READY ----------->          |
   |      <-------- Q4S 200 OK -----------          |
   |                                                |
   |      --------- Q4S PING ------------>          |
   |      <-------- Q4S 200 OK -----------          |
   |      <-------- Q4S PING -------------          |
   |       -------- Q4S 200 OK ---------->          |
   |      --------- Q4S PING ------------>          |
   |      <-------- Q4S PING -------------          |
   |      --------- Q4S 200 OK ---------->          |
   |      <-------- Q4S 200 OK -----------          |
   |                     ...                        |
   |                                                |

       Figure 6 Simultaneous exchange of PING request and responses.

   This is an example of the message sent from the client and the
   server response:

   Client Request:
          PING q4s://www.example.com Q4S/1.0
          Session-Id: 53655765
          Sequence-Number: 0
          User-Agent: q4s-ua-experimental-1.0
          Content-Length: 0

   Server Response:
     Q4S/1.0 200 OK
          Session-Id: 53655765
          Sequence-Number: 0
          Content-Length: 0

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   The meaning of this method is similar to the ICMP echo request
   message. Basically the server MUST answer as soon as it receives the

   Both endpoints MUST send Q4S PING messages periodically, using the
   same UDP control ports always and do not need to wait for a response
   to send the next PING request. They just sends PING messages
   periodically with a different "Sequence-Number" header value. This
   value is a sequential integer number and MUST start at zero. If this
   stage is repeated, the initial Sequence-Number MUST start again at

   Optionally the PING request can include a "Timestamp" header, with
   the time in which the message has been sent. In case the header is
   present, the server MUST include the header in the response without
   changing the value.

   During this phase, the interval between PING requests is defined in
   the first parameter of the attribute line of SDP where the procedure
   is specified. In the example, this value is 50 milliseconds (from
   the client to the server) and 60ms (from the server to the client).

   a=measurement:procedure default,50/60,50/50,5000,0

   A couple of correlated messages (request and response matching the
   Sequence-Number) allow calculating each sample of RTT. Round Trip Time calculation

   Based on the PING exchange the client is able to calculate the RTT.
   The RTT is the sum of downlink latency (normally named "reverse
   latency") and uplink latency (normally named "forward latency").

   This process could take a few seconds, and after this time, at least
   100 samples of RTT MUST be taken by the client. Jitter calculation

   Two jitter values are calculated during this stage: uplink jitter
   and downlink jitter. Downlink jitter is calculated by the client
   taking into account the PING request messages received from the
   server. In the same way, uplink jitter is calculated taking into
   account the PIG request messages received by the server. Note that
   PING responses are not taken into account when calculating jitter

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   Every time a request message is received by an endpoint (either
   server or client), the corresponding jitter value is updated using
   the Statistical Jitter value which is calculated on the first 100
   packets received using the statistical variance formula:

      Jitter Statistical = SquareRootOf(SumOf((ElapsedTime[i]-

   Hence an endpoint sends a PING periodically with a fixed interval,
   each value of "elapsed time" (ET) should be very close to this
   interval. If a PING message is lost, the elapsed time value is
   doubled, however, this is not an issue because all PING messages are
   labeled with a Sequence-Number header. Therefore the receiver can
   discard this elapsed time value. In order to have the first jitter
   sample, the receiver needs to have 3 PING requests, because each ET
   is the time between two PINGs and a Jitter needs at least two ET.

   After 100 samples the client has the values of RTT and downlink
   jitter and the server has RTT and uplink jitter. Packet loss calculation

   Packet loss is measured in both directions. Because Sequence-Number
   headers are incremented sequentially, the client knows exactly the
   number of messages lost from the server to the client, and the
   server knows the number of packets lost from the client to the
   server. Communication of results

   After having calculated RTT, jitters and packet loss, the client
   MUST send a GET request to the server using TCP control port
   requesting instructions. This message MUST always be sent,
   independently of the used measurement procedure being used. An SDP
   carrying the updated values of latency, jitter and packet loss is
   attached to the body of the request.

   As the forward and reverse latencies are unknown, the calculation
   will assume that the network is symmetric and will assign RTT/2 for
   uplink and downlink latencies.

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   Client Request:
   GET q4s://www.example.com Q4S/1.0
   Host: www.example.com
   User-Agent: q4s-ua-experimental-1.0
   Content-Type: application/sdp
   Content-Length: 142

   o=q4s-UA 53655765 2353687637 IN IP4
   i=Q4S parameters
   t=0 0
   a=flow:data downlink TCP/10000-20000
   a=flow:control downlink UDP/55000
   a=flow:control downlink TCP/55001
   a=flow:data uplink TCP/56000
   a=flow:control uplink UDP/56000
   a=flow:control uplink TCP/56001
   a=measurement:procedure default,50/50,75/75,5000,0
   a=measurement:latency 40/40
   a=measurement:jitter 0/10
   a=measurement:bandwidth 0/0
   a=measurement:packetloss 0/2

   When the server receives this message, it compares the latency value
   (RTT/2) with its own measurements, in order to avoid

   At this point there are two possibilities

      o The latency, jitter and packet loss constraints are not reached

      o The latency, jitter and packet loss constraints are reached

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Internet-Draft    The Quality for Services Protocol       January 2011 Constraints not reached

   If the measurements do not meet the quality constraints, the server
   answers with a 412 message (a precondition setting required by the
   client or server has not been met).

   Server Answer:
   Q4S/1.0 412 latency
   Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2010 10:00:01 GMT
   Content-Type: application/sdp
   Expires: 3000
   Cause: downlink_latency
   Signature: 6ec1ba40e2adf2d783de530ae254acd4f3477ac4
   Content-Length: 131

   o=q4s-UA 53655765 2353687637 IN IP4
   i=Q4S parameters
   t=0 0
   a=flow:data downlink TCP/10000-20000
   a=flow:control downlink UDP/55000
   a=flow:control downlink TCP/55001
   a=flow:data uplink TCP/56000
   a=flow:control uplink UDP/56000
   a=flow:control uplink TCP/56001
   a=measurement:procedure default,50/50,75/75,5000,0
   a=measurement:latency 40/40
   a=measurement:jitter 20/10
   a=measurement:bandwidth 0/0
   a=measurement:packetloss 1/2

   In the 412 message, the server may include a different value for
   "qos-level" SDP session-level attribute, and the measurements done
   by the client. All these information MUST be protected using the
   signature header.

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   After a 412 message is received by the client, a QOS-ALERT request
   is sent by the client to acknowledge the SLA violation (using TCP
   control port). The QOS-ALET request does not have to be answered.

   Notice that the server signature header is present in the client
   request, in order to allow an optional integrity validation.

   If the "Q4S-Policy-Server" header was included in the server
   response of the handshake phase, this message MUST be sent to the
   URI indicated in that header, otherwise the QOS-ALERT request MUST
   be sent to the server. This request does not need to be answered.

   Client Request:
   QOS-ALERT q4s://www.example.com Q4S/1.0
   Host: www.example.com
   User-Agent: q4s-ua-experimental-1.0
   Signature: 6ec1ba40e2adf2d783de530ae254acd4f3477ac4
   Content-Type: application/sdp
   Content-Length: 142

   (SDP not shown)

   Upon receiving the QOS-ALERT request from the client, the server
   will issue a QOS-ALERT request towards the client.

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   Server Request:
   QOS-ALERT q4s://www.example.com Q4S/1.0
   Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2010 10:00:01 GMT
   Content-Type: application/sdp
   Expires: 3000
   Cause: latency
   Guard-time: 5000
   Signature: 6ec1ba40e2adf2d783de530ae254acd4f3477ac4
   Content-Length: 131

   o=q4s-UA 53655765 2353687637 IN IP4
   i=Q4S parameters
   t=0 0
   a=flow:data downlink TCP/10000-20000
   a=flow:control downlink UDP/55000
   a=flow:control downlink TCP/55001
   a=flow:data uplink TCP/56000
   a=flow:control uplink UDP/56000
   a=flow:control uplink TCP/56001
   a=measurement:procedure default,50/50,75/75,5000,0
   a=measurement:latency 40/40
   a=measurement:jitter 20/10
   a=measurement:bandwidth 0/0
   a=measurement:packetloss 1/2

   After the client receives this request, it waits for a while
   indicated in the server "Guard-time" header, for example to allow
   different actions to be carried out by the server. (5 seconds should
   be enough, but this depends on each case) and begins again the
   measurement process, starting from the beginning (sending the READY
   request). The maximum qos-level is 9/9 and if this value is reached
   without reaching the constraints, the quality session is aborted
   using the CANCEL method, which is detailed further.

   If the client does not obeys the "Guard-time", sending the READY
   message quickly, then the server MUST wait and not answer the READY
   message until the guard time has elapsed.

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   If during the measurement process some interference disturbs or
   affect the measurement results, it is better to repeat the process
   again rather than alerting of an SLA violation. This is always
   possible by sending current values of parameter "qos-level" without
   changes, and in this case a header Guard-time can be set to "0". It
   is a good practice to repeat the measurements before reporting a
   violation. Constraints not reached with Policy server involved

   If during handshake phase the optional header Q4S-Policy-Server is
   included in the server response, the QOS-ALERT request MUST be sent
   to the policy server, which should implement all or some of these
   features (but not exclusive to):

      o Client and server validation in terms of SLA.

      o Authentication (Signature validation) and security (block
         malicious clients)

      o Policy rules ( following rules are only examples):

           - Maximum quality level allowed for the ACP

           - Time bands allowed for provide quality sessions for the ACP

           - Number of simultaneous quality sessions allowed

           - Maximum time used by quality sessions allowed

           - Etc.

   With policy server, the QOS-ALERT message sent by the client MUST
   contain the URIs of the server and the client to be contacted later
   by the policy server. Therefore the following headers MUST be
   included in the client request: "Q4S-Resource-server" and

   Depending on the results of the operations achieved by the policy
   server, the client could receive different types of errors or CANCEL

   The flows of messages in this case are in the following figure:

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   |                                                |
   | Client             Policy             Server   |
   |                    Server                      |
   |                                                |
   |   --- QOS-ALERT ----->                         |
   |   <-- 100 trying -----                         |
   |                                                |
   |                       ---- QOS-ALERT ---->     |
   |                       <--- QOS-ALERT -----     |
   |   <--- QOS-ALERT -----                         |
   |                                                |

                          Figure 7 Policy server.

   If the validation or authentication of the QOS-ALERT operation
   fails, the policy server will send a CANCEL request to the client
   without contacting the server.

   If any of the policy rules fail, the server will send a 6XX error to
   the client, indicating the rule that is not satisfied.

   Only if the validation, authentication and policy checking are
   successful, the server is contacted by the policy server and the
   QOS-ALERT message is forwarded to it. Constraints reached

   When latency and jitter measurements match the constraints, the
   server answer should be 200 OK:

   Server Answer:
   Q4S/1.0 200 OK
   Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2010 10:00:01 GMT
   Content-Type: application/sdp
   Expires: 3000
   Signature: 6ec1ba40e2adf2d783de530ae254acd4f3477ac4
   Content-Length: 131

   (SDP not shown)

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   It means that the client and the server are ready for bandwidth and
   packet loss measurement (stage 1).

   If the bandwidth constraints are not empty, the negotiation phase
   continues with stage 1. Otherwise that stage is skipped.

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   |                                                |
   | Client                                Server   |
   |                                                |
   |      --------- Q4S READY ----------->          |
   |      <-------- Q4S 200 OK -----------          |
   |                                                |
   |      --------- Q4S PING ------------>          |
   |      <-------- Q4S 200 OK -----------          |
   |      <-------- Q4S PING -------------          |
   |      --------- Q4S 200 OK ---------->          |
   |      --------- Q4S PING ------------>          |
   |      <-------- Q4S PING -------------          |
   |      <-------- Q4S 200 OK -----------          |
   |      --------- Q4S 200 OK ---------->          |
   |                     ...                        |
   |      --------- Q4S GET ------------->          |
   |      <-------- Q4S 412 --------------          |
   |      --------- Q4S QOS-ALERT ------->          |
   |      <-------- Q4S QOS-ALERT --------          |
   |                  (delay)                       |
   |      --------- Q4S PING ------------>          |
   |      <-------- Q4S PING -------------          |
   |      <-------- Q4S 200 OK -----------          |
   |      --------- Q4S 200 OK ---------->          |
   |                     ...                        |
   |      --------- Q4S GET ------------->          |
   |      <-------- Q4S 412 --------------          |
   |      --------- Q4S QOS-ALERT ------->          |
   |      <-------- Q4S QOS-ALERT --------          |
   |                  (delay)                       |
   |      --------- Q4S PING ------------>          |
   |      <-------- Q4S PING -------------          |
   |      <-------- Q4S 200 OK -----------          |
   |      --------- Q4S 200 OK ---------->          |
   |                     ...                        |
   |      --------- Q4S GET ------------->          |
   |      <-------- Q4S 200 OK -----------          |
   |                                                |
        Figure 8 Latency and jitter measurements with final success

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 Stage 1: Measurement of bandwidth and packet loss

   This stage begins in the same way as the previous one, sending a
   READY request over TCP control ports. This READY message "Stage"
   header value is 1.

   |                                                |
   | Client                                Server   |
   |                                                |
   |      --------- Q4S READY ----------->          |
   |      <-------- Q4S 200 OK -----------          |
   |                                                |
          Figure 9 Starting bandwidth and packet loss measurement

   Client Request:
          READY q4s://www.example.com Q4S/1.0
          User-Agent: q4s-ua-experimental-1.0
          Stage: 1
          Session-Id: 53655765
          Content-Length: 0

   Server Response:
     Q4S/1.0 200 OK
          Session-Id: 53655765
          Stage: 1
          Content-Length: 0

   Just after receiving the 200 OK, both the client and the server MUST
   start sending messages simultaneously using the UDP control ports,
   at the needed rate to reach the bandwidth constraint in each
   direction using messages of 1 Kbyte length. The messages are sent
   during a period of time defined in the SDP. This time is the third
   parameter of procedure "default", in milliseconds. If this parameter
   is not present, a value of 5 seconds will be used by default.

   a=measurement:procedure default,50/50,75/75,5000,0

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   |             Rate                               |
   |              A                                 |
   |              |                                 |
   |downlink rate-|-------------------+ <-- traffic |
   |              |                   |     sent by |
   |              |                   |     server  |
   |              |                   |             |
   |              |                   |             |
   |              |                   |             |
   |              |                   |             |
   |              |                   |             |
   |              |                   |             |
   |              |                   |             |
   |              |                   |             |
   |              |                   |             |
   |              |                   |             |
   |              |                   |             |
   |              |                   |             |
   |  uplink rate-|-------------------+ <-- traffic |
   |              |                   |     sent by |
   |              |                   |     client  |
   |              |                   |             |
   |              |                   |             |
   |              |---|---|---|---|---|----> time   |
   |              0   1   2   3   4   5     (sec.)  |
   |                                                |

            Figure 10   Bandwidth and packet loss measurements.

   The goal of this phase is not to measure the internet connection
   bandwidth connection but to determine if the quality constraints can
   be reached or not. This is the reason for not sending more bit rate
   than needed.

   All requests to be sent MUST be 1 kilobyte length (UDP payload
   length), and include a Sequence-Number header with a sequential
   number starting at 0. If the stage is repeated, the values MUST
   start again at zero. Examples:

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   Client message:
          DATA q4s://www.example.com Q4S/1.0
          User-Agent: q4s-ua-experimental-1.0
          Session-Id: 53655765
          Sequence-Number: 0
          Content-Type: text
          Content-Length: XXXX

          aaaaaaaaaaaaa ( to complete 1024 bytes UDP payload length)

   The requests MUST NOT be answered, but only sent. The client will
   send packets to the server in order to allow server measure client
   bandwidth, and the server will do the same towards the client. The
   packets have a Sequence-Number to be aware of the packet loss at
   reception. The value of Sequence-Number will start at zero and will
   be incremented by 1 for each message.

   server message:
          DATA q4s://www.example.com Q4S/1.0
          Session-Id: 53655765
          Sequence-Number: 0
          Content-Type: text
          Content-Length: 1024

          aaaaaaaaaaaaa ( to complete 1024 bytes UDP payload length)

   After a 5 seconds measurements the client has a collection of server
   messages and may calculate the packet loss and downlink bandwidth
   received. At the other side, the server has the uplink bandwidth and
   packet loss.

   Client MUST send a GET message to the server using the TCP control
   port including the SDP data filled up with the measured downlink
   bandwidth and packet loss.

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   Client Request:
   GET q4s://www.example.com Q4S/1.0
   Host: www.example.com
   User-Agent: q4s-ua-experimental-1.0
   Session-Id: 53655765
   Content-Type: application/sdp
   Content-Length: 142

   o=q4s-UA 53655765 2353687637 IN IP4
   i=Q4S parameters
   t=0 0
   a=flow:data downlink TCP/10000-20000
   a=flow:control downlink UDP/55000
   a=flow:control downlink TCP/55001
   a=flow:data uplink TCP/56000
   a=flow:control uplink UDP/56000
   a=flow:control uplink TCP/56001
   a=measurement:procedure default,50/50,50/50,5000,0
   a=measurement:latency 30/30
   a=measurement:jitter 6/4
   a=measurement:bandwidth 0/4000
   a=measurement:packetloss 0/3

   At this point there are two possibilities:

      o The bandwidth and packet loss constraints are not reached in
         one or both directions.

      o The bandwidth and packet loss constraints are reached in both
         directions. Constraints not reached

   If the measurements do not reach the quality constraints, the server
   answers with a 412 message (a precondition setting required by the
   client or server has not been met). Otherwise it returns 200 OK.

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   In the 412 message, the server may include a different value for the
   "qos-level" SDP session-level attribute, and the measurements of
   bandwidth and packet loss in both directions. All these information
   MUST be protected using the signature header.

   Server Answer:
   Q4S/1.0 412 downlink_bandwidth
   Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2010 10:00:01 GMT
   Content-Type: application/sdp
   Expires: 3000
   Signature: 6ec1ba40e2adf2d783de530ae254acd4f3477ac4
   Content-Length: 131

   o=q4s-UA 53655765 2353687637 IN IP4
   i=Q4S parameters
   t=0 0
   a=flow:data downlink TCP/10000-20000
   a=flow:control downlink UDP/55000
   a=flow:control downlink TCP/55001
   a=flow:data uplink TCP/56000
   a=flow:control uplink UDP/56000
   a=flow:control uplink TCP/56001
   a=measurement:procedure default,50/50,50/50,5000,0
   a=measurement:latency 30/30
   a=measurement:jitter 6/4
   a=measurement:bandwidth 200/4000
   a=measurement:packetloss 2/3

   After a 412 message the client MUST send a QOS-ALERT request to
   acknowledge the SLA violation (using TCP control port). Notice that
   the server signature header is present in the client request, in
   order to allow integrity validation.

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   Client Request:
   QOS-ALERT q4s://www.example.com Q4S/1.0
   Host: www.example.com
   User-Agent: q4s-ua-experimental-1.0
   Signature: 6ec1ba40e2adf2d783de530ae254acd4f3477ac4
   Content-Type: application/sdp
   Content-Length: 142

   o=q4s-UA 53655765 2353687637 IN IP4
   i=Q4S parameters
   t=0 0
   a=flow:data downlink TCP/10000-20000
   a=flow:control downlink UDP/55000
   a=flow:control downlink TCP/55001
   a=flow:data uplink TCP/56000
   a=flow:control uplink UDP/56000
   a=flow:control uplink TCP/56001
   a=measurement:procedure default,50/50,50/50,5000,0
   a=measurement:latency 30/30
   a=measurement:jitter 6/4
   a=measurement:bandwidth 200/4000
   a=measurement:packetloss 2/3

   Upon receiving the QOS-ALERT request from the client, the server
   will issue another QOS-ALERT request towards the client.

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   Server Answer:
   QOS-ALERT q4s://www.example.com Q4S/1.0
   Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2010 10:00:01 GMT
   Content-Type: application/sdp
   Expires: 3000
   Cause: latency
   Signature: 6ec1ba40e2adf2d783de530ae254acd4f3477ac4
   Content-Length: 131

   o=q4s-UA 53655765 2353687637 IN IP4
   i=Q4S parameters
   t=0 0
   a=flow:data downlink TCP/10000-20000
   a=flow:control downlink UDP/55000
   a=flow:control downlink TCP/55001
   a=flow:data uplink TCP/56000
   a=flow:control uplink UDP/56000
   a=flow:control uplink TCP/56001
   a=measurement:procedure default,50/50,50/50,5000,0
   a=measurement:latency 30/30
   a=measurement:jitter 6/4
   a=measurement:bandwidth 200/4000
   a=measurement:packetloss 2/3

   After the client receives this request, both client and server wait
   for a while indicated in the server "Guard-Time" header, for example
   to allow different actions to be carried out by the server. (5
   seconds should be enough, but this depends on each case) and begins
   again the measurement process of this stage (bandwidth and packet
   loss), starting from the beginning (sending the READY request). The
   maximum qos-level is 9/9 and if this value is reached without
   reaching the constraints, the quality session is aborted using the
   CANCEL method, which is detailed further in this document.

Garcia Aranda           Expires July 25, 2011                [Page 35]

Internet-Draft    The Quality for Services Protocol       January 2011 Constraints not reached with Policy server involved

   If during the handshake phase the optional header Q4S-policy-server
   is included in the server response, the QOS-ALERT message MUST be
   sent to the policy server. The involved messages and operations are
   described in Constraints reached

   When measurements match the constraints, the server answer should be
   200 OK, and MUST include the URI for triggering the application
   using an optional "Trigger-URI" header.

   Server Answer:
   Q4S/1.0 200 OK
   Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2010 10:00:01 GMT
   Trigger-URI: http://www.example.com/app_start
   Expires: 3000
   Content-Type: application/sdp
   Signature: 6ec1ba40e2adf2d783de530ae254acd4f3477ac4
   Content-Length: 131

   (SDP not shown)

   It means that client and server are ready to start the application.

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   |                                                |
   |  Client                               Server   |
   |                                                |
   |     <-------- (DATA packets) ------------>     |
   |                    ...                         |
   |     --------- Q4S GET ---------------->        |
   |     <-------- Q4S 412 -----------------        |
   |     ---- Q4S QOS-ALERT --------------->        |
   |     <--- Q4S QOS-ALERT ----------------        |
   |                  (delay)                       |
   |     --------- Q4S READY -------------->        |
   |     <-------- Q4S 200 OK --------------        |
   |     <-------- (DATA packets) ------------>     |
   |                    ...                         |
   |     --------- Q4S GET ---------------->        |
   |     <-------- Q4S 412 -----------------        |
   |     ---- Q4S QOS-ALERT --------------->        |
   |     <--- Q4S QOS-ALERT ----------------        |
   |                  (delay)                       |
   |     --------- Q4S READY--------------->        |
   |     <-------- Q4S 200 OK --------------        |
   |     <-------- (DATA packets) ------------>     |
   |                    ...                         |
   |     --------- Q4S GET ---------------->        |
   |     <-------- Q4S 200 OK---------------        |
   |                                                |
   |                                                |
   |                                                |

       Figure 11   Bandwidth & packet loss measurement with success.

 QoS Level out of range

   If the qos-level has reached the maximum value for downlink or
   uplink without matching the constraints, then a CANCEL request MUST
   be sent in order to release the session. This request MUST be sent
   by the client using the control TCP port and does not have to be
   answered. In reaction to the receipt of the CANCEL request, the
   server MUST send a CANCEL request too. If the CANCEL request is not
   send to or received, the expiration time cancels the session at
   server side.

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   Client Request:
   CANCEL q4s://www.example.com Q4S/1.0
   Host: www.example.com
   User-Agent: q4s-ua-experimental-1.0
   Signature: 6ec1ba40e2adf2d783de530ae254acd4f3477ac4
   Content-Type: application/sdp
   Content-Length: 142

   (SDP not shown)

   Server Request in reaction to Client Request:
   CANCEL q4s://www.example.com Q4S/1.0
   Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2010 10:00:01 GMT
   Expires: 0
   Content-Type: application/sdp
   Signature: 6ec1ba40e2adf2d783de530ae254acd4f3477ac4
   Content-Length: 131

   (SDP not shown)

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   |                                                |
   | Client                                Server   |
   |                                                |
   |     <-------- (measurements) ------------>     |
   |                                                |
   |     --------- Q4S GET ---------------->        |
   |     <-------- Q4S 412 -----------------        |
   |     ---- Q4S QOS-ALERT --------------->        |
   |     <--- Q4S QOS-ALERT ---------------         |
   |     --------- Q4S READY -------------->        |
   |     <-------- Q4S 200 OK --------------        |
   |                                                |
   |     <-------- (measurements) ------------>     |
   |                                                |
   |     --------- Q4S GET ---------------->        |
   |     <-------- Q4S 412 -----------------        |
   |     --------- Q4S CANCEL ------------->        |
   |     <-------- Q4S CANCEL --------------        |
   |                                                |
   |                                                |

                  Figure 12   Failed negotiation phase. QoS Level increments without changes in network behaviour

   If the qos-level has not reached the maximum value (9) but after 3
   QOS-ALERT messages (with increments in qos-level) the network
   remains with the same quality values, the client and the server MUST
   assume that the network can not reach the desired quality and abort
   the session in order to save resources (time and traffic). To do
   that, the client MUST send a CANCEL request and the server MUST
   react to it sending a CANCEL request too.

   If the client does not send a CANCEL request but a request using a
   different method, the server MUST react to it sending a CANCEL
   request. Trigger an application in combination with HTTP

   When the negotiation phase is successful, an optional simple
   mechanism, based on HTTP, is defined to trigger the application.

   The application may be triggered using an URI, by means of an HTTP
   request, just after negotiation success. The URI MUST be specified
   in the Q4S header "Trigger-URI". Other mechanisms, such as including

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   a "Location" header in the Q4S message, to force redirection is not
   recommended because these mechanisms are achieved without parsing
   the body of the message.

   Example of use

   |                                                |
   | Client                                Server   |
   |                                                |
   |     ---------   HTTP GET ---------------->     |
   |     <-------- redirect to q4s ----------       |
   |                                                |
   |     ------- Q4S BEGIN ---------------->        |
   |                                                |
   |              (Handshake Phase)                 |
   |              (Negotiation Phase)               |
   |                                                |
   |     <---- Q4S 200 OK with trigger URI--        |
   |                                                |
   |     ---------   HTTP GET ---------------->     |
   |                                                |
   |            (Application starts)                |
   |                                                |

            Figure 13   Trigger the application using HTTP URI

   In the example, an integration of HTTP and Q4S is shown. First, the
   client contacts the server using HTTP, a redirection to a Q4S URI is
   achieved and the User Agent starts the Q4S handshake phase. After
   negotiation phase succeeds, the client trigger the application using
   the URI indicated in the Q4S 200 OK message.

      3.1.3. Continuity phase

   During the negotiation phase, latency, jitter, bandwidth and packet
   loss can be measured, but during continuity phase bandwidth will not
   be measured because bandwidth measurements may disturb application

   This phase is supposed to be executed at the same time as the real
   time application is being used.

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   In the default measurement procedure, two working modes are defined
   for this phase (normal and sliding window). The details of working
   modes are procedure dependant, and this draft only covers the
   default procedure.

 Normal mode

   The server can force the use of normal mode by setting the fourth
   parameter of "procedure" SDP attribute to 0. If this parameter is
   not set, the default value is assumed (zero), and normal mode will
   be used.


       a=measurement:procedure default,50/50,50/50,5000,0

   Considering that network conditions can change, the client may
   periodically check network conditions against negotiated
   constraints. The maximum interval expected between network testing
   is indicated in the Q4S Expires header.

   However, the measurements can be carried out periodically in a
   smaller period of time than "Expires" header value. Intense
   interactive applications, like arcade videogames, the period to
   repeat the measurements may be very small (even zero), in order to
   measure continuously the quality and assure the best reaction time.
   To reach the best reaction time, the use of the sliding window mode
   is recommended.

   To start the continuity phase, the client sends a Q4S READY method,
   using the TCP control port, exactly the same as Negotiation,
   indicating the new Stage header value for continuity phase (value

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   Client Request:
          READY q4s://www.example.com Q4S/1.0
          User-Agent: q4s-ua-experimental-1.0
          Stage: 2
          Session-Id: 53655765
          Content-Length: 0

   Server Response:
     Q4S/1.0 200 OK
          Session-Id: 53655765
          Stage: 2
          Content-Length: 0

   After these messages are exchanged, latency, jitter and packet loss
   measurement are started, taking care of bandwidth usage. If the
   default measurement method is being used, it is recommended to use a
   larger interval for PING messages than the one used in the
   negotiation phase, but the same number of samples will be taken to
   check quality. The goal of incrementing the interval of PING
   messages is to minimize the load of the server which would be
   running lots of connections in parallel.

   The process is the same as described in the negotiation phase. The
   difference is the time between samples, because the bandwidth usage
   MUST be protected. The interval used for this phase is indicated in
   the second parameter of the attribute line for the procedure. In
   this example, the interval is 75 milliseconds.

   a=measurement:procedure default,50/50,75/75,5000,0

   A value larger than the one used in the negotiation phase is

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   |                                                |
   | Client                            Server       |
   |                                                |
   |                                                |
   |      --------- Q4S READY ----------->          |
   |      <-------- Q4S 200 OK -----------          |
   |      --------- Q4S PING ------------>          |
   |      <-------- Q4S 200 OK -----------          |
   |      <-------- Q4S PING -------------          |
   |       -------- Q4S 200 OK ---------->          |
   |      --------- Q4S PING ------------>          |
   |      <-------- Q4S PING -------------          |
   |      --------- Q4S 200 OK ---------->          |
   |      <-------- Q4S 200 OK -----------          |
   |                     ...                        |
   |      --------- Q4S GET ------------->          |
   |      <-------- Q4S 412 --------------          |
   |      --------- Q4S QOS-ALERT ------->          |
   |      <-------- Q4S QOS-ALERT --------          |
   |                  (delay)                       |
   |      --------- Q4S READY ----------->          |
   |      <-------- Q4S 200 OK -----------          |
   |      --------- Q4S PING ------------>          |
   |      <-------- Q4S 200 OK -----------          |
   |      <-------- Q4S PING -------------          |
   |       -------- Q4S 200 OK ---------->          |
   |      --------- Q4S PING ------------>          |
   |      <-------- Q4S PING -------------          |
   |      --------- Q4S 200 OK ---------->          |
   |      <-------- Q4S 200 OK -----------          |
   |                     ...                        |
   |      --------- Q4S GET ------------->          |
   |      <-------- Q4S 200 OK -----------          |
   |                                                |

                         Figure 14   Continuity.

 Sliding window mode

   In order to improve the reaction time when network conditions
   degrade quickly, the server can force the use of the sliding window
   mode by setting the fourth parameter of the "procedure" SDP
   attribute to 1.


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       a=measurement:procedure default,50/50,50/50,5000,1

   The sliding window mode applies a sliding window of 100 samples
   instead cycles of 100 samples.

   In the sliding window mode, PING requests are sent continuously (in
   both directions) and when the Sequence-Number header reaches the
   value of 100, the client MUST NOT send a GET message for
   instructions, but continues sending PING messages with the Sequence-
   Number header starting again at zero. When the server PING Sequence-
   Number header reaches 100, it does the same, starting again from

   On the client side, the measured values of downlink jitter, downlink
   packet loss and latency are calculated using the last samples,
   discarding older ones, in a sliding window schema.

   |                                                |
   | 55 56 57 . . . 98 99 100 0 1 2 . . . 55 56     |
   |        A                                 A     |
   |        |                                 |     |
   |        +---------------------------------+     |
   |                                                |

                    Figure 15   Sliding samples window

   Only when the client detects that the measured values (downlink
   jitter, downlink packet loss and latency) are not reaching the
   constraints, a GET request is sent to the server.

   When the server receives the GET request, it stops sending PING
   requests and answers the GET request just received. If the response
   code is 412, then a QOS-ALERT will be requested by the client,
   exactly in the same way as described in normal mode.

   On the other hand, if the server detects that the measured values
   (uplink jitter, uplink packet loss and latency) are not reaching the
   constraints, it MUST choose between the following alternatives:

      o The server stops sending PING request to the client. In this
         case the client MUST notice this lack of PING requests using a
         timeout at reception. If so, the client reacts stopping the
         sending of PING requests to the server and sends a GET request
         for instructions, exactly in the same way as described in
         normal mode.

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      o It continues sending PING requests but all of them with
         Sequence-Number set to -1 till a client GET request is
         received. Then the server stops sending PING messages and
         answers the GET request with the corresponding 412 error,
         exactly in the same way as described in normal mode. The client
         reacts sending this GET request when it receives a PING request
         with Sequence-Number header set to -1. This behavior allows the
         shortest reaction time under degradation of network conditions.

   Both alternatives MUST be implemented by the Q4S client.

   3.2. Dynamic constraints and flows

   Depending on the nature of the application, the constraints to be
   reached may evolve, changing some or all constraint values in any

   The client MUST be able to deal with this possibility. When the
   server sends an SDP document attached to a reply (200 OK, or 412,
   etc), the client MUST assume all the new received values, overriding
   any previous value in use.

   The dynamic changes on the constraints can be as a result of two

      o The application communicates to the Q4S a change in the
         constraints. In this case the application requirements can
         evolve and the Q4S server will be aware of them.

      o The application uses TCP flows. In that case, in order to
         guarantee a constant throughput, the nature of TCP behavior
         forces the use of a composite constraint function which depends
         on RTT, packet loss and window control mechanism implemented in
         each TCP stack.

   TCP throughput can be less than actual bandwidth if the
   Bandwidth-Delay Product (BDP) is large or if the network suffers
   from a high packet loss rate. In both cases, TCP congestion control
   algorithms may result in a suboptimal performance.

   Different TCP congestion control implementations like Reno [14],
   High Speed TCP (RFC 3649 [15]), CUBIC [16], Compound TCP (CTCP
   [17]), etc. reach different throughputs under the same network
   conditions of RTT and packet loss. In all cases, depending on the
   RTT measured value, the Q4S server could change dynamically the
   packetloss constraints (defined in SDP) in order to make possible to

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   reach a required throughput or viceversa (use packetloss measurement
   to change dynamically latency constraints).

   A general guideline to calculate the packetloss constraint and RTT
   constraint consists in approximating the throughput using a
   simplified formula which should take into account the TCP stack
   implementation of the receiver, in addition to RTT and packet loss:

             Th= Function( RTT, packet loss, ...)

   Then, depending on RTT measured values, set dynamically the
   packetloss constraint.

   It is possible to easily calculate a worst-case boundary for the
   Reno algorithm which should ensure for all algorithms that the
   target throughput is actually achieved. Except that, high-speed
   algorithms will then have even a larger throughput, if more
   bandwidth is available.

   For the Reno algorithm, the Mathis' formula may be used [15] for the
   upper bound on the throughput:

            Th <= (MSS/RTT)*(1 / sqrt{p})

   In absence of packet loss, a practical limit for the TCP throughput
   is the receiver_window_size divided by the round-trip time. However,
   if the TCP implementation uses a window scale option, this limit can
   reach the available bandwidth value.

   3.3. Qos-level downgrade operation

   During the continuity phase it might be desirable to downgrade the
   current qos-level SDP parameter.

   The strategy to carry out downgrades must include the possibility to
   exclude specific data flows from SDP dynamically. A Q4S client MUST
   allow this kind of SDP modifications by server.

   Periodically (every several minutes, depending on the
   implementation) the server could force a QOS-ALERT, in which the
   level is downgraded for control flows, excluding application data
   flows from the embedded SDP of that request. To set the new SDP, the
   server MUST include the modified SDP in the 412 error message.

   This mechanism allows to measure at lower levels of quality while
   application flows continue using a higher qos level value.

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      o If the measurements in the lower level meet the constraints,
         then a new QOS-ALERT to this lower qos-level can be forced by
         the server, in which the SDP includes the application data
         flows in addition to control flows.

      o If the measurements in the lower level do not meet the
         constraints, then a new QOS-ALERT to the previous qos-level
         MUST be forced by the server, in which the SDP includes only
         the control flows.

   |                                                |
   | qos-level                                      |
   |   A                                            |
   |   |                                            |
   |  4|                                            |
   |   |                                            |
   |  3|             +------+                       |
   |   |             |      |                       |
   |  2|        +----+      +----+     +---         |
   |   |        |                |     |            |
   |  1|   +----+                +-----+            |
   |   |   |                                        |
   |  0+---+---------------------------------> time |
   |                                                |

               Figure 16   Possible evolution of qos-level

   This mechanism avoids the risk of disturbing the application, while
   the measurements are being run in lower levels. However, this
   optimization of resources is optional, and MUST be used carefully.

   The chosen period to measure a lower qos level is implementation
   dependant. Therefore it is not included as a measurement procedure
   parameter. It is recommended to use a large value, such as 20

   3.4. Sanity check of Quality sessions

   A session may finish by several reasons (client shutdown, client
   CANCEL request, constraints not reached, etc), and any session
   finished MUST release the assigned resources.

   In order to release the assigned server resources for the session,
   the "Expires" header indicates the maximum interval of time that a
   client can wait to repeat the continuity phase (in normal mode).

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4. Q4S messages

   Q4S is a text-based protocol and uses the UTF-8 charset (RFC 3629
   [11]). A Q4S message is either a request or a response.

   Both Request and Response messages use the basic format of Internet
   Message Format (RFC 5322 [12]). Both types of messages consist of a
   start-line, one or more header fields, an empty line indicating the
   end of the header fields, and an optional message-body.

         generic-message  =  start-line
                             [ message-body ]
         start-line       =  Request-Line / Status-Line

   The start-line, each message-header line, and the empty line MUST be
   terminated by a carriage-return line-feed sequence (CRLF).  Note
   that the empty line MUST be present even if the message-body is not.

      Much of Q4S's messages and header field syntax are identical to
   HTTP/1.1. However, Q4S is not an extension of HTTP.

   4.1. Requests

   Q4S requests are distinguished by having a Request-Line for a start-
   line. A Request-Line contains a method name, a Request-URI, and the
   protocol version separated by a single space (SP) character.

   The Request-Line ends with CRLF. No CR or LF are allowed except in
   the end-of-line CRLF sequence. No linear whitespace (LWS) is allowed
   in any of the elements.

         Request-Line  =  Method SP Request-URI SP Q4S-Version CRLF

    Method: This specification defines five methods: GET for getting
          information and sending quality reports, PING and DATA for
          quality measurements purpose, CANCEL for terminating

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          sessions, and QOS-ALERT for querying ISPs for quality

    Request-URI: The Request-URI is a Q4S URI (RFC 2396) as described in
          2.2.1 It Normally indicates the user or service to which this
          request is being addressed to, but in the Q4S context, there
          are some methods whose URI only reflects the service on the
          server side, but nothing more. This is the case of the QOS-
          ALERT method, because the real address of a QoS upgrade
          request is the network, and therefore in this case the URI
          only reflects the server address. In addition the CANCEL
          method has the same treatment, and in the ECHO and DATA
          methods invoked by the server to the client the meaning of
          the URI is only the URI of the service, but not the
          destination of the request. The Request-URI MUST NOT contain
          unescaped spaces or control characters and MUST NOT be
          enclosed in "<>".

    Q4S-Version: Both request and response messages include the version
          of Q4S in use. To be compliant with this specification,
          applications sending Q4S messages MUST include a Q4S-Version
          of "Q4S/1.0".  The Q4S-Version string is case-insensitive,
          but implementations MUST send upper-case. Unlike HTTP/1.1,
          Q4S treats the version number as a literal string.  In
          practice, this should make no difference.

   4.2. Responses

   Q4S responses are distinguished from requests by having a Status-
   Line as their start-line. A Status-Line consists of the protocol
   version followed by a numeric Status-Code and its associated textual
   phrase, with each element separated by a single SP character. No CR
   or LF is allowed except in the final CRLF sequence.

     Status-Line  =  Q4S-Version SP Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase CRLF

   The Status-Code is a 3-digit integer result code that indicates the
   outcome of an attempt to understand and satisfy a request. The
   Reason-Phrase is intended to give a short textual description of the
   Status-Code.  The Status-Code is intended for use by automata,
   whereas the Reason-Phrase is intended for the human user. A client
   is not required to examine or display the Reason-Phrase.

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   While this specification suggests specific wording for the reason
   phrase, implementations MAY choose other text, for example, in the
   language indicated in the Accept-Language header field of the

   The first digit of the Status-Code defines the class of response.
   The last two digits do not have any categorization role.  For this
   reason, any response with a status code between 100 and 199 is
   referred to as a "1xx response", any response with a status code
   between 200 and 299 as a "2xx response", and so on.  Q4S/1.0 allows
   following values for the first digit:

         1xx: Provisional -- request received, continuing to process
   the request;

         2xx: Success -- the action was successfully received,
              understood, and accepted;

         3xx: Redirection -- further action needs to be taken in order
              to complete the request;

         4xx: Client Error -- the request contains bad syntax or cannot
              be fulfilled at this server;

         5xx: Server Error -- the server failed to fulfill an
              valid request;

         6xx: Global Failure -- the request cannot be fulfilled at any

   The status codes are the same described in HTTP (RFC 2616 [1]). In
   the same way as HTTP, Q4S applications are not required to
   understand the meaning of all registered status codes, though such
   understanding is obviously desirable. However, applications MUST
   understand the class of any status code, as indicated by the first
   digit, and treat any unrecognized response as being equivalent to
   the x00 status code of that class.

   The Q4S-ALERT and CANCEL requests do not have to be responded.

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   4.3. Header Fields

   Q4S header fields are identical to HTTP header fields in both syntax
   and semantics.

   Some header fields only make sense in requests or responses. These
   are called request header fields and response header fields,
   respectively.  If a header field appears in a message not matching
   its category (such as a request header field in a response), it MUST
   be ignored.

      4.3.1. Specific Q4S Request Header Fields

   In addition to HTTP header fields, these are the specific Q4S
   request header fields

      o Session-Id: the value for this header is the same session id
         used in SDP and is assigned by the server. The messages without
         SDP MUST include this header. If a message has and SDP body,
         this header is optional. The method of <session id> allocation
         is up to the creating tool, but it is suggested that a UTC
         timestamp be used to ensure uniqueness.

      o Sequence-Number: sequential integer number assigned to PING and
         DATA messages.

      o Timestamp: this optional header contains the system time (with
         the best possible accuracy). Indicates the time in which the
         request was sent.

      o Signature: this header contains a digital signature that can be
         used by the network to validate the SDP. The signature is
         always generated by the server. It is optional.

      o Q4S-Resource-Client: this optional header contains the relative
         URI in charge of this session at the client side. In The case
         of being included, it MUST appear in the GET request of
         handshake phase. This URI MUST be invoked by the server in all
         later requests. It is optional, but it should be present, it
         becomes mandatory for the counterpart. This URI MUST be
         relative because user agents can not have associated domain, in
         addition to ignore their public IP address.

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      4.3.2. Specific Q4S Response Header Fields

      o Expires: the purpose is to provide a sanity check and allow the
         server to close inactive sessions. If the client does not send
         a new request before the expiration time, the server can close
         the session. The value MUST be an integer and the measurement
         unit are milliseconds.

      o Guard-time: A time interval in milliseconds left vacant (i.e.,
         during which no data is sent) during the quality session. The
         guard time provides a safety margin before re-starting each
         measurement process when a QOS-ALERT has been raised. This
         header is optional in all messages but mandatory in the QOS-
         ALERT sent by the server.

      o Sequence-Number: same meaning as Request Header Fields

      o Timestamp: UTC time in nanoseconds. Indicates the time in which
         the request was sent. If the server (or a client) receives a
         Timestamp header in a request, MUST include the same header
         with the same value in the response. The purpose of this header
         is simplify the RTT calculation.

      o Signature: same meaning as Request Header Fields

      o Q4S-Resource-Server: this optional header contains the URI in
         charge of this session (Session URI). In case of being
         included, it MUST appear in the response to the BEGIN request
         of the handshake phase. This URI MUST be invoked by the client
         in all later requests. It is optional, but if present, it
         becomes mandatory for the counterpart.

      o Q4S-Policy-Server: this optional header contains the URI
         towards which the client and MUST send the QOS-ALERT messages
         (Policy Server URI). In case this header is present, the Q4S-
         Resource-Server header is mandatory, and MUST be included in
         the QOS-ALERT messages sent by the client to the policy server.
         In addition, the QOS-ALERT sent to the policy server MUST
         contain the header Q4S-Resource-client

      o Cause: This header field is a comma-separated list which
         contains the cause(s) for which the connection constraints were
         not reached after measurement process. Current defined values

               . Downlink_latency

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               . Uplink_latency

               . Downlink_jitter

               . Uplink_jitter

               . Downlink_bw

               . Uplink_bw

   4.4. Bodies

     Requests, including new requests defined in extensions to this
   specification, MAY contain message bodies unless otherwise noted.
   The interpretation of the body depends on the request method.

   For response messages, the request method and the response status
   code determine the type and interpretation of any message body.  All
   responses MAY include a body.

   The Internet media type of the message body MUST be given by the
   Content-Type header field.

      4.4.1. Encoding

      The body MUST NOT be compressed. This mechanism is valid for
   other protocols such as HTTP and SIP (RFC 3261 [13]), but
   a compression/coding scheme will limit certain logical
   implementations of the way the request is parsed, thus, making the
   protocol concept more implementation dependant. In addition,
   bandwidth calculation may not be valid if compression is used.
   Therefore, the HTTP request header "Accept-Encoding" can not be used
   in Q4S with different values than "identity" and if it is present in
   a request, the server MUST ignore it. In addition, the response
   header "Content-Encoding" is optional, but if present, the unique
   permitted value is "identity".

   The body length in bytes is provided by the Content-Length header
   field. The "chunked" transfer encoding of HTTP/1.1 MUST NOT be used
   for Q4S (Note: The chunked encoding modifies the body of a message
   in order to transfer it as a series of chunks, each one with its own
   size indicator.)

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5. General User Agent behavior.

   5.1. Roles

   In order to allow peer to peer applications, a Q4S User Agent (UA)
   MUST be able to assume both client and server role. The role assumed
   depends on who sends the first message.

   In a communication between two UAs, the UA that sends the Q4S BEGIN
   request in the first place, for starting the handshake phase, shall
   assume the client role.

   If both UASs send the BEGIN request at the same time, they will wait
   for a random time to restart again.

   Otherwise, an UA may be configured to act only as server (e.g.,
   content provider's side).

   |                                               |
   | UA(Client)                         UA(Server) |
   |                                               |
   |     -------- Q4S BEGIN ------------->         |
   |     <------- Q4S BEGIN --------------         |
   |                                               |
   |     ------- Q4S BEGIN -------------->         |
   |     <------ Q4S 200 OK --------------         |
   |                                               |
   |                                               |

                          Figure 17   P2P roles.

   5.2. Multiple Quality sessions in parallel

   A quality session is intended to be used for a single application
   (or application instance). It means that for using the application,
   the client MUST establish only one quality session against the
   server. Indeed, the relation between Session-Id and application is 1
   to 1.

   If a user wants to raise several independent quality sessions
   simultaneously against different servers (or against the same
   server) it can execute multiple Q4S clients to establish separate
   quality sessions. However, this is not recommended because:

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      o The establishment of a new quality session may affect other
         running applications over other quality sessions. Thus, minimum
         quality level may not be achieved depending on individual
         requirements of each application.

      o If the negotiation phase is executed separately before running
         any application, the quality requirements could not be assured
         when the applications are running in parallel.

      o Flow identification (Protocol, SourceIP, Source Port +
         Destination IP, Destination Port) must always be unique for
         each application/application instance, to ensure that each one
         of them is using their QoS constraints.

   For running different applications in parallel it is highly
   recommended to execute the negotiation phase of all of them
   simultaneously, in order to assure the quality constraints of all
   applications in parallel. To do that, a single User Agent MUST be
   used, and this User Agent MUST be able to launch several quality
   session negotiations in parallel, synchronizing the beginning of
   each negotiation phase, and running again the negotiation phase of
   all applications in parallel until all of them succeed.

   In order to repeat the execution of a negotiation phase that has
   been succeeded, both, client and server MUST allow using the READY
   method with a Stage header value already succeeded.

   5.3. General client behavior

   A Q4S Client has different behaviors. We will use letters X,Y,Z to
   designate each different behavior (follow the letter bullets in the
   figure below).

      X) When it sends messages over TCP (methods GET, QOS-ALERT and
      CANCEL) it behaves strictly like a state machine that sends
      requests and waits for responses. Depending on the response type
      it enters in a new state.

   When it sends UDP messages (methods PING and DATA), a Q4S client is
   not strictly a state machine that sends messages and waits for
   responses because:

      Y) At latency, jitter and packet loss measurement, the PING
      requests are sent periodically, not after receiving the response
      to the previous request. In addition, the client MUST answer the

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      PING requests coming from the server, therefore assumes the role
      of a server.

      Z) At bandwidth and packet loss measurement stage, the client does
      not expect to receive responses when sending DATA requests to the
      server. In addition, it MUST receive and process all server
      messages in order to achieve the downlink measurement.

   The QOS-ALERT and CANCEL do not need to be answered. However, these
   methods may have a conventional answer if an error is produced.

   | Handshake |    Negotiation         |Continuity |Termination|
   |   Phase   |      Phase             |   Phase   |  Phase    |
   |           |                        |           |           |
   | X ---------> Y --> X --> Z --> X ---> Y --> X ---> X       |
   |           |  A     |     A     |   |  A     |  |           |
   |           |  |     |     |     |   |  |     |  |           |
   |           |  +-----+     +-----+   |  +-----+  |           |
   |           |                        |           |           |

                  Figure 18   Phases & client behaviors.

      5.3.1. Generating requests

   A valid Q4S request formulated by a Client MUST, at a minimum,
   contain the following header fields:

   If no SDP is included: This is the case of PING and DATA messages.
   The header Session-Id and Sequence-Number are mandatory.

   If SDP is included: this is the case of GET, QOS-ALERT and CANCEL
   messages. Inside SDP is included Session-Id, therefore the inclusion
   of Session-Id header is optional.

   5.4. General server behavior

   If a server does not understand a header field in a request (that
   is,   the header field is not defined in this specification or in
   any supported extension), the server MUST ignore that header field
   and continue processing the message.

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   The role of the server is changed at negotiation and continuity
   phases, in which server MUST send packets to measure jitter, latency
   and bandwidth. Therefore, the different behaviors of server are
   (follow the letter bullets in the figure below):

      R) When the client sends messages over TCP (methods GET, QOS-
      ALERT and CANCEL) it behaves strictly like a state machine that
      receives messages and sends responses.

   When the client begins to send UDP messages (methods PING and DATA),
   a Q4S server is not strictly a state machine that receives messages
   and sends responses because:

      S) At latency, jitter and packet loss measurement, the PING
      requests are sent periodically by the client but also by the
      server. In this case the server behaves as a server answering
      client requests but also behaves as a client, sending PING
      requests toward the client and receiving responses.

      T) At bandwidth and packet loss measurement, the server sends
      DATA requests to the client. In addition, it MUST receive and
      process client messages in order to achieve the uplink

   The QOS-ALERT and CANCEL do not need to be answered. However, these
   methods may have a conventional answer if an error is produced.

   | Handshake |    Negotiation         |Continuity |Termination|
   |   Phase   |      Phase             |   Phase   |  Phase    |
   |           |                        |           |           |
   | R ---------> S --> R --> T --> R ---> S --> R ---> R       |
   |           |  A     |     A     |   |  A     |  |           |
   |           |  |     |     |     |   |  |     |  |           |
   |           |  +-----+     +-----+   |  +-----+  |           |
   |           |                        |           |           |

                 Figure 19   Phases & server behaviours.

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6. Q4S method definitions

   The Method token indicates the method to be performed on the
   resource identified by the Request-URI. The method is case-

          Method  = "BEGIN" | "PING" | "DATA" | "GET" | "QOS-ALERT" |
                    "CANCEL" | "READY" | extension-method

          extension-method = token

   The list of methods allowed by a resource can be specified in an
   "Allow" header field (RFC 2616 [1] section 14.7). The return code of
   the response always notifies the client when a method is currently
   allowed on a resource, since the set of allowed methods can change
   dynamically. Any server application SHOULD return the status code
   405 (Method Not Allowed) if the method is known, but not allowed for
   the requested resource, and 501 (Not Implemented) if the method is
   unrecognized or not implemented by the server.

   6.1. BEGIN

   The BEGIN method means request information from a resource
   identified by a Q4S URI. The semantics of this method is the
   starting of a quality session.

   This method is only used during the handshake phase to retrieve the
   SDP containing all quality parameters for the desired application to

   When a BEGIN message is received by the server, any current quality
   session is cancelled and a new session should be created.

   The response to a Q4S BEGIN request is not cacheable.

   6.2. GET

   The GET method means retrieve information from a resource identified
   by a Q4S URI.

   In the negotiation and continuity phases, this method is used to
   check if the server considers the quality good enough to execute the
   desired application. If the measured quality is not enough, the
   server will return a 412 error.

   The response to a Q4S GET request is not cacheable.

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   6.3. READY

   The READY method is used to synchronize the starting time for
   sending of PING and DATA messages over UDP between clients and

   In addition, the Stage header included in this method is mandatory
   and allows clients to repeat a test, which is needed in scenarios
   with multiple quality sessions between one client and different

   This message is only used in negotiation and continuity phases, and
   only just before making a measurement. Otherwise (out of this
   context), the server MUST ignore this method.

   6.4. PING

   This message is used during the negotiation and continuity phases to
   measure the RTT and jitter of a session. The message MUST be sent
   only over UDP control port. If a server receives this message in
   another port it MUST ignore it.

   The fundamental difference between the PING and DATA requests is
   reflected in the different measurements achieved with them. PING is
   a short message, and MUST be answered in order to measure RTT,
   whereas DATA is a long message (1 Kbyte) and MUST NOT be answered.

   PING is a request method that can be originated by client but also
   by server. Client MUST answer the server PINGs, assuming a "server
   role" for these messages during measurement process.

   6.5. DATA

   This message is used only during the continuity phase to measure the
   bandwidth and packet loss of a session. The message MUST be sent
   only over UDP control port. If a server receives this message in
   other port it MUST ignore it.

   The fundamental difference between the PING and DATA requests is
   reflected in the different measurements achieved with them. PING is
   a short message, and MUST be answered in order to measure RTT,
   whereas DATA is a long message (1 Kbyte) and MUST NOT be answered.

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   DATA is a request method that can be originated by the client but
   also by server. Both (client and server) MUST NOT answer DATA

   6.6. QOS-ALERT

   This is the request message that Q4S generates when the measurements
   indicate that quality SLA is being violated. It is used during the
   negotiation and continuity phases.

   This informative message indicates that the user experience is being
   degraded and includes the details of the problem (bandwidth, jitter,
   packet loss measurements and the SLA). The QOS-ALERT message does
   not contain any detail on the actions to be taken, which depends on
   the agreements between all involved parties.

   A QOS-ALERT request does not have to be answered unless there is an
   error condition. However, after receiving a QOS-ALERT request, the
   server sends a QOS-ALERT request to the client.

   This method can be initiated by the client only after a 412 error
   coming from server, and with enough information to build the
   QOS-ALERT message.

   If the "Q4S-Policy-Server" header was included in the server
   response of the handshake phase, the QOS-ALERT message MUST be sent
   to the URI indicated in this header, otherwise the QOS-ALERT message
   MUST be sent to the server.

   With policy server, the QOS-ALERT message sent by the client MUST
   contain the URIs of the server and the client to be contacted later
   by the policy server. Therefore the following headers MUST be
   included in the client request: "Q4S-Resource-Server" and "Q4S-

   The response to a Q4S QOS-ALERT request is not cacheable.

   6.7. CANCEL

   Like QOS-ALERT, this message is used for communication with the
   network resources. The semantics in this case is the release of the
   special resources assigned to the session.

   In the same way as QOS-ALERT, CANCEL does not need to be answered.
   However, if the server receives a CANCEL message, it should send a
   new CANCEL request towards the client acknowledging the reception.

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7. Response codes

   Q4S response codes are used for TCP and UDP. However, in UDP only
   the response code 200 is used.

   7.1. 100 Trying

   This response indicates that the request has been received by the
   next-hop server (the policy server) and that some unspecified action
   is being taken on behalf of this request (for example, a database is
   being consulted). This response, like all other provisional
   responses, stops retransmissions of a QOS-ALERT by the client.

   7.2. 200 OK

   The request has succeeded.

   7.3. Redirection 3xx

   3xx responses give information about the user's new location, or
   about alternative services that might be able to satisfy the

   The requesting client SHOULD retry the request at the new
   address(es) given by the Location header field.

   7.4. Request Failure 4xx

   4xx responses are definite failure responses from a particular
   server. The client SHOULD NOT retry the same request without
   modification (for example, adding appropriate headers or SDP
   values). However, the same request to a different server might be

      7.4.1. 400 Bad Request

   The request could not be understood due to malformed syntax. The
   Reason-Phrase SHOULD identify the syntax problem in more detail, for
   example, "Missing Sequence-Number header field".

      7.4.2. 404 Not Found

   The server has definitive information that the user does not exist
   at the domain specified in the Request-URI. This status is also
   returned if the domain in the Request-URI does not match any of the
   domains handled by the recipient of the request.

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      7.4.3. 405 Method Not Allowed

   The method specified in the Request-Line is understood, but not
   allowed for the address identified by the Request-URI.

   The response MUST include an Allow header field containing a list of
   valid methods for the indicated address.

      7.4.4. 406 Not Acceptable

   The resource identified by the request is only able of generating
   response entities that have content characteristics not acceptable
   according to the Accept header field sent in the request.

      7.4.5. 408 Request Timeout

   The server could not produce a response within a suitable amount of
   time, and the client MAY repeat the request without modifications at
   any later time

      7.4.6. 412 A precondition has not been met

   The server is indicating that the SLA is being violated.

      7.4.7. 413 Request Entity Too Large

   The server is refusing to process a request because the request
   entity-body is larger than the one that the server is willing or
   able to process. The server MAY close the connection to prevent the
   client from continuing the request.

      7.4.8. 414 Request-URI Too Long

   The server is refusing to process the request because the Request-
   URI is longer than the one that the server accepts.

      7.4.9. 415 Unsupported Media Type

   The server is refusing to process the request because the message
   body of the request is in a format not supported by the server for
   the requested method. The server MUST return a list of acceptable
   formats using the Accept, Accept-Encoding, or Accept-Language header
   field, depending on the specific problem with the content.

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      7.4.10. 416 Unsupported URI Scheme

   The server cannot process the request because the scheme of the URI
   in the Request-URI is unknown to the server.

   7.5. Server Failure 5xx

   5xx responses are failure responses given when a server itself is
   having trouble.

      7.5.1. 500 Server Internal Error

   The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it
   from fulfilling the request. The client MAY display the specific
   error condition and MAY retry the request after several seconds.

      7.5.2. 501 Not Implemented

   The server does not support the functionality required to fulfill
   the request. This is the appropriate response when a Server does not
   recognize the request method and it is not capable of supporting it
   for any user.

   Note that a 405 (Method Not Allowed) is sent when the server
   recognizes the request method, but that method is not allowed or

      7.5.3. 503 Service Unavailable

   The server is temporarily unable to process the request due to a
   temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. The server MAY
   indicate when the client should retry the request in a Retry-After
   header field. If no Retry-After is given, the client MUST act as if
   it had received a 500 (Server Internal Error) response.

   A client receiving a 503 (Service Unavailable) SHOULD attempt to
   forward the request to an alternate server. It SHOULD NOT forward
   any other requests to that server for the duration specified in the
   Retry-After header field, if present.

   Servers MAY refuse the connection or drop the request instead of
   responding with 503 (Service Unavailable).

      7.5.4. 504 Server Time-out

   The server did not receive a timely response from an external server
   it accessed in attempting to process the request.

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      7.5.5. 505 Version Not Supported

   The server does not support, or refuses to support, the Q4S protocol
   version that was used in the request. The server is indicating that
   it is unable or unwilling to complete the request using the same
   major version as the client, other than with this error message.

      7.5.6. 513 Message Too Large

   The server was unable to process the request since the message
   length exceeded its capabilities.

   7.6. Global Failures 6xx

   6xx responses indicate that a server has definitive information
   about a particular policy not satisfied for processing the request.

      7.6.1. 600 session not exist

   The Session-Id is not valid

      7.6.2. 601 quality level not allowed

   The QOS level requested is not allowed for the pair client/server

      7.6.3. 603 Session not allowed

   The session is not allowed due to some policy (number of sessions
   allowed for the server is exceeded, or the time band of the QOS-
   ALERT is not allowed for the pair client/server, etc)

      7.6.4. 604 authorization not allowed

   The policy server does not authorize the QOS-ALERT operation because
   any internal or external reason.

8. Implementation Recommendations

   8.1. Default client constraints

   To provide a default configuration, it would be good that the client
   had a configurable set of Quality headers in the browser settings
   menu. Otherwise these quality headers will not be present in the
   first message.

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   Different business models (out of scope of this proposal) may be
   achieved: depending on who pays for the quality session, the server
   can accept certain Client parameters sent in the first message, or
   force billing parameters on the server side.

   8.2. Bandwidth measurements

   In programming languages or Operating Systems with timers or limited
   clock resolution, it is recommended to use an approach based on
   several intervals to send messages of 1KB, in order to reach the
   required bandwidth consumption using a rate as close as possible to
   a constant rate.

   For example, if the resolution is 1 millisecond, and the bandwidth
   to reach is 11Mbps, a good approach consists of sending:

     1 message of 1KB every 1 millisecond +

     1 message of 1KB every 3 milliseconds +

     1 message of 1KB every 23 milliseconds

   The number of intervals depends on required bandwidth and accuracy
   that the programmer wants to achieve.

   8.3. Packet loss measurement resolution

   Depending on application nature and network conditions, a packet
   loss resolution less than 1% may be needed. In such case, there is
   no limit to the number of samples used for this calculation. A
   tradeoff between time and resolution should be reached in each case.
   For example, in order to have a resolution of 1/10000, the last
   10000 samples should be considered in the packetloss measured value.

   The problem of this approach is the reliability of old samples. If
   the interval used between PING messages is 50ms, then to have a
   resolution of 1/1000 it takes 50 seconds and a resolution of 1/10000
   takes 500 seconds (more than 8 minutes). The reliability of a packet
   loss calculation based on a sliding window of 8 minutes depends on
   how fast network conditions evolve.

   8.4. Measurements and reactions

   Q4S can be used as a mechanism for measure and trigger actions (i.e.
   lowering video bit-rate) in real-time in order to reach the
   application constraints, addressing measured possible network

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   The trigger is based on message QOS-ALERT, which is always forced by
   the server response 412 error. A server can avoid these QOS-REQUEST
   messages sending 200 OK when a GET message is received from server,
   independently whether the constraints are met or not.

   8.5. Scenarios

   Q4S could be used in two scenarios:

      o client to ACP (Application content provider)

      o client to client.

      8.5.1. Client to ACP

   In this scenario, the policy server is optional. If it exists, the
   QOS-ALERT messages MUST be sent to this policy server which acts as
   a proxy for this type of messages and validates them (plus any other
   actions out of scope of this document).

   In order to avoid useless load on the server, the policy server
   could receive the BEGIN messages of handshake phase. For this
   purpose, the policy server MUST know the URI of the Q4S servers.

   In this scenario a client could send the BEGIN to the policy server,
   with an additional parameter in the URI requested, which identifies
   the server, like:


   Then the Policy Server validates the request and forward the BEGIN
   to the Q4S server, adding the Q4S-Resource-Server to the response
   for the client in the 200 OK response.

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   |                                                |
   | Client             Policy             Server   |
   |                    Server                      |
   |   --- BEGIN --------->                         |
   |   <-- 100 trying -----                         |
   |                                                |
   |                       ---  BEGIN ---------->   |
   |                       <--- 200 OK ----------   |
   |   <--- 200 OK----- ---                         |
   |                                                |

                        Figure 20   Policy server.

   In this scenario the client MUST send further messages directly to
   the server without passing through policy server.

      8.5.2. Client to client

   In order to solve the client to client scenario, a Q4S register
   function MUST be implemented. This allows clients contact each other
   for sending the BEGIN message. In this scenario, the policy server
   MUST complete the Q4S-Resource-Server header with the public IP
   address of the peer which assumes the server role.

   The register function is out of scope of this protocol version,
   because different HTTP mechanisms can be used and Q4S MUST NOT force

9. Security Considerations

   Different types of attacks can be avoided:

          o Spoofing of server IP address can be avoided using the
             digital signature mechanism. The network can easily
             validate this digital signature using the public key of the
             server certificate.

          o The client could try to send QOS-ALERT requests constantly,
             trying to enter in the negotiation phase continuously. In
             this case, the server MUST answer a message "CANCEL", in
             order to release the all levels reached and return to plain
             access without enhanced quality.

   This protocol could be supported over IPSec to increase privacy,
   although it is out of scope of this proposal.

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10. IANA Considerations

   A specific port for Q4S TCP control flow mechanism could be
   assigned. It could simplify the network implementation. Other
   possibility is to use any other port (like 80, HTTP). In this case
   the network could use the protocol designator "Q4S" as the mark for
   distinguish and treat the packets.

   Q4S uses SDP as a container for session information, in which
   quality attributes have been added as extended "session-level"
   attributes. These set of new attributes should be registered (in
   order to avoid the prefix "X-"). In this document, this set of
   attributes has been presented as registered attributes.

   This is the list of attribute field names to register:

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   Attribute name: qos-level
   Type of attribute: session level
   Subject to the charset attribute: NO
   Explanation of purpose: defines the current QoS profile in uplink
   and downlink for the communication between client and server. The
   exact meaning of each level is implementation dependant but in
   general, a higher qos-level value corresponds to a better quality
   network profile.
   Appropriate attribute values: [0..9] "/" [0..9]

   Attribute name: latency
   Type of attribute: session level
   Subject to the charset attribute: NO
   Explanation of purpose: defines the latency constraints in
   milliseconds in uplink and downlink for the communication between
   client and server. Appropriate attribute values: [0..9999] "/"
   If there is no constraint in some direction (uplink, downlink or
   both) the value can be empty in that direction

   Attribute name: jitter
   Type of attribute: session level
   Subject to the charset attribute: NO
   Explanation of purpose: defines the jitter constraints in
   milliseconds in uplink and downlink for the communication between
   client and server.
   Appropriate attribute values: [0..9999] "/" [0..9999]

   Attribute name: bandwidth
   Type of attribute: session level
   Subject to the charset attribute: NO
   Explanation of purpose: define the bandwidth constraints in kbps in
   uplink and downlink for the communication between client and server.
   Appropriate attribute values: [0..99999] "/" [0..99999]

   Attribute name: packetloss
   Type of attribute: session level
   Subject to the charset attribute: NO
   Explanation of purpose: define the packet loss tolerance constraints
   in 100% in uplink and downlink for the communication between client
   and server.
   Appropriate attribute values: [0..99] "/" [0..99]

   Attribute name: flow
   Type of attribute: session level
   Subject to the charset attribute: NO

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   Explanation of purpose: define a flow between a client and a server.
   The flow involves purpose (data or control), direction (uplink or
   downlink) protocol (UDP or TCP) and port or range or ports
   Attribute values:
      <"control"|"data"> <"uplink"|"downlink"> <"UDP"|"TCP">
   <0..65535>[ "-" [0..65535]]

   Attribute name: measurement
   Type of attribute: session level
   Subject to the charset attribute: NO
   Explanation of purpose: define the procedure to measure the quality
   and the different values for each measurement
   Attribute values:  "procedure/" <procedure> |
                      "latency "[0..9999] "/" [0..9999] |
                      "jitter "[0..9999] "/" [0..9999] |
                      "bandwidth "[0..99999] "/" [0..99999] |
                      "packetloss "[0..99] "/" [0..99]

   If the attribute value is "procedure", the rest of the line MUST
   contain the name of the procedure and optional parameters, separated
   by ",".

   In the case of procedure "default", the valid values are:

   a=measurement:procedure default,[0..999]"/" [0..999]  "," [0..999]
   "/" [0..999]   "," [0..9999] "," [0|1]


      o The first parameter is the interval of time (in milliseconds)
         between PING messages in the negotiation phase. Forward (client
         to server) and reverse (server to client) values separated by

      o The second parameter is the interval of time (in milliseconds)
         between PING messages in the continuity phase. Forward (client
         to server) and reverse (server to client) values separated by

      o The third parameter is the time used to measure bandwidth
         during negotiation phase. In case of not present, a default
         value of 5000 ms will be assumed.

      o The fourth parameter indicates the mode for continuity phase (0
         means "normal" and 1 means "sliding window"). In case of not be
         present, normal mode (default value of 0) will be assumed.

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   Other procedure names are allowed, but at least "default" procedure
   implementation is mandatory in client and servers.

11. Conclusions

   Q4S defines four phases with different purposes, and inside these
   phases the negotiated measurement procedure is used. Different
   measurement procedures can be used (even RTCP itself) inside Q4S.
   Basically, Q4S only defines how to transport SLA information and
   measurement results as well as providing some mechanisms for
   alerting. Q4S does not ask for resources. Q4S only alerts if one (or
   some) of SLA quality parameters are being violated. Depends on
   server (Application content provider) to do something with this
   information and return it back to a SLA-compliant state.

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12. References

   12.1. Normative References

   [1]  Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H.,Masinter, L.,
         Leach, P. and T. Berners-Lee, "Hypertext Transfer Protocol --
         HTTP/1.1" RFC 2616, June 1999.

   [2]  Handley, M. and V. Jacobson, "SDP: Session Description
         Protocol", RFC 4566, July 2006.

   [3]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
         RequirementLevels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [4]  Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R. and L. Masinter, "Uniform
         Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax", RFC 3986, January

   [5]  Rosenberg, J. and H. Schulzrinne, "An Offer/Answer Model with
         SDP", RFC 3264, June 2002.

   [6]  Rivest, R., "The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm", RFC 1321,
         April        1992.

   [7]  Johnsson, J., B. Kaliski, "Public-Key Cryptography Standards
         (PCS) #1: RSA Cryptography Specifications version 2.1", RFC
         3447, February 2003.

   [8]  Postel, J., "DoD Standard Transmission Control Protocol", RFC
         761, January 1980.

   [9]  Postel, J., "User Datagram Protocol", STD 6, RFC 768, August

   [10] Schulzrinne, H., Casner, S., Frederick, R., Jacobson, V. "RTP:
         A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications", RFC 3550,
         july 2003.

   [11] Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646",
         RFC        3629, November 2003.

   [12] Resnick, P., "Internet Message Format", RFC 5322, October 2008

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   12.2. Informative References

   [13] Rosenberg, J., Schulzrinne, H., Camarillo, G., Johnston, A.
         Peterson, J., Sparks, R., Handley, M. and Schooler, E. , "SIP:
         Session Initiation Protocol", RFC 3261, June 2002.

   [14] Mathis, M., Semke, J., Mahdavi, J., Ott, T., "The Macroscopic
         Behavior of the TCP Congestion Avoidance Algorithm", Computer
         Communications Review, 27(3), July 1997.

   [15] Floyd, S., "HighSpeed TCP for a Large Congestion Windows", RFC
         3649, December 2003.

   [16] Rhee, I., Xu, L., Ha, S., "CUBIC for Fast Long-Distance
         Networks", Internet-draft draft-rhee-tcpm-cubic-02, February

   [17] Sridharan, M., Tan, K., Bansal, D., Thaler, D., "Compound TCP:
         A New TCP Congestion Control for High-Speed and Long Distance
         Networks", Internet-draft draft-sridharan-tcpm-ctcp-02,
         November, 2008.

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13. Acknowledgments

   Many people have made comments and suggestions contributing to this
   document. In particular, we would like to thank:

   Sonia Herranz Pablo, Clara Cubillo Pastor, Francisco Duran Pina,
   Ignacio Moreno Lopez, Michael Scharf and Jesus Soto Viso.

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14. Authors' Addresses

   Jose Javier Garcia Aranda
   C/Maria Tubau 9
   28050 Madrid
   Phone: +34 91 330 4348
   Email: Jose_Javier.Garcia_Aranda@alcatel-lucent.com

   Jacobo Perez Lajo
   C/Maria Tubau 9
   28050 Madrid
   Phone: +34 91 330 4165
   Email: Jose_Javier.Garcia_Aranda@alcatel-lucent.com

   Luis Miguel Diaz Vizcaino
   C/Maria Tubau 9
   28050 Madrid
   Phone: +34 91 330 4871
   Email: Luismi.Diaz@alcatel-lucent.com

   Carlos Barcenilla
   Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
   Avenida Complutense 30
   28040 Madrid
   Phone: +34 91 549 5700 - 3032
   Email: barcenilla@dit.upm.es

   Joaquin Salvachua
   Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
   Avenida Complutense 30
   28040 Madrid
   Phone: +34 91 549 5700 - 3056
   Email: jsr@dit.upm.es

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   Juan Quemada
   Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
   Avenida Complutense 30
   28040 Madrid
   Phone: +34 91 336 7331
   Email: jquemada@dit.upm.es

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