Network Working Group                                        M. Schwartz
Internet-Draft                                           NetTopBox, Inc.
Expires: April 23, 2002                                          M. Rose
                                            Dover Beach Consulting, Inc.
                                                             K. Carlberg
                                               University College London
                                                        October 23, 2001

                   The APEX Publish-Subscribe Service

Status of this Memo

   This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
   all provisions of Section 10 of RFC 2026.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

   This Internet-Draft will expire on April 23, 2002.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001).  All Rights Reserved.


   This memo describes the APEX publish-subscribe service, addressed as
   the well-known endpoint "apex=pubsub".  The pubsub service is used to
   manage subscriber lists for a set of topical distribution groups, and
   to forward messages to group subscribers.

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Table of Contents

   1.    Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
   2.    Topic and Subscription Management  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
   2.1   Defining a New Topic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
   2.2   Deleting an Existing Topic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
   2.3   Listing Existing Topics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
   2.4   Subscribing to a Topic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
   2.5   Cancelling a Subscription  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
   2.6   Distributing Subscription Management . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
   3.    Publishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
   4.    The Pubsub Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
   4.1   Use of XML and MIME  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
   4.2   The Createtopic Operation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
   4.3   The Deletetopic Operation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
   4.4   The Listtopics Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
   4.5   The Subscribe Operation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
   4.6   The Cancel Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
   4.7   Data Transmissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
   4.7.1 Use of APEX Data Messages  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
   4.8   The Reply Operation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
   5.    Initial Registrations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
   5.1   Registration: The Pubsub Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
   6.    DTDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
   6.1   The Pubsub Service DTD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
   7.    Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
         References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
         Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
   A.    IANA Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
   B.    Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
   C.    Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
   C.1   Changes from draft-schwartz-apex-pubsub-01 . . . . . . . . . 33
   C.2   Changes from draft-schwartz-apex-pubsub-00 . . . . . . . . . 33
         Full Copyright Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

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1. Introduction

   Multicast is a form of one-to-many distribution of datagrams.  Its
   perceived strength relies on the "network" (in whatever form it is
   realized), rather than the source, replicating traffic to the
   different receivers of a group.  The replication topology is a tree
   of nodes overlayed on top of a physical network.  Traditionally,
   multicast has been viewed as a network layer service in which
   replication is done by routers.

   In this document we describe an application-level multicast service.
   Rather than relying on IP layer multicast [1], the service
   distributes information through an APEX [2] "relay mesh".  The APEX
   relaying mesh uses BEEP [3], which in turn runs on top of TCP [4].
   This last point allows the service to adapt to congestion in a
   fashion that is TCP-friendly.

   An application-level multicast service could, for example, allow
   implementation of a messaging "exploder" that performs a single
   store-and-forward delivery of a group-addressed message across a
   trans-oceanic link, after which point messages are delivered to
   multiple recipients on the remote side of the link.  The service can
   be deployed using static tree configuration, and possibly later
   augmented with a protocol for automating tree configuration.

   The service we describe is called the APEX publish-subscribe (pubsub)
   service.  The pubsub service is used to manage subscriber lists for a
   set of topical distribution groups, and to forward messages to group

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   APEX, at its core, provides a best-effort datagram service.  Within
   an administrative domain, all relays must be able to handle messages
   for any endpoint within that domain.  APEX services are logically
   defined as endpoints but given their ubiquitous semantics they do not
   necessarily need to be associated with a single physical endpoint.
   As such, they may be provisioned co-resident with each relay within
   an administrative domain, even though they are logically provided on
   top of the relaying mesh, i.e.,

      +----------+     +----------+    +----------+    +---------+
      |   APEX   |     |   APEX   |    |   APEX   |    |         |
      |  access  |     |  pubsub  |    | presence |    |   ...   |
      |  service |     |  service |    |  service |    |         |
      +----------+     +----------+    +----------+    +---------+
           |                |               |               |
           |                |               |               |
   |                                                                |
   |                            APEX core                           |
   |                                                                |

   That is, applications communicate with an APEX service by exchanging
   data with a "well-known endpoint" (WKE).

   APEX applications communicate with the pubsub service by exchanging
   data with the well-known endpoint "apex=pubsub" in the corresponding
   administrative domain, e.g., "" is the
   endpoint associated with the pubsub service in the ""
   administrative domain.

   Note that within a single administrative domain, the pubsub service
   makes use of the APEX access [5] service to determine whether an
   originator is allowed to manage topic and subscription information,
   and whether an originator is allowed to publish to a given topic.

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2. Topic and Subscription Management

   The APEX pubsub service manages a list of named topics and a list of
   subscribers for each topic, and implements delivery for group-
   addressed messages using the underlying APEX relay service.

   The pubsub service uses hierarchical topic names similar to NNTP [6]
   group names.  Unlike NNTP's global newsgroup namespace, the pubsub
   service defines a distinct topic name space per administrative
   domain.  The allocation of the topic name space, including any
   conventions applied at particular levels in the hierarchy, is an
   issue for each local administrative domain.  Each administrative
   domain is also responsible for setting access control policy for
   pubsub operations, and for maintaining state on stable storage about
   the currently existing set of topics and subscribers for each topic.

   Each of the topic and subscription management operations is described
   in the subsections below.

2.1 Defining a New Topic

   When an application wants to define a new topic to which group-
   delivery messages can be addressed, it sends a createtopic operation
   to the service, e.g.,

       +-------+                  +-------+
       |       | -- data -------> |       |
       | appl. |                  | relay |
       |       | <--------- ok -- |       |
       +-------+                  +-------+

       C: <data content='#Content'>
              <originator identity='' />
              <recipient identity='' />
              <data-content Name='Content'>
                  <createtopic topic='music.jazz.milesdavis'
                               transID='1' />
       S: <ok />

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   The service immediately responds with a reply operation containing
   the same transaction-identifier, e.g.,

                                  +-------+                  +-------+
                                  |       | <------- data -- |       |
                                  | relay |                  | pubsub|
                                  |       | -- ok ---------> |  svc. |
                                  +-------+                  +-------+

     C: <data content='#Content'>
            <originator identity='' />
            <recipient identity='' />
            <data-content Name='Content'>
                <reply code='250' transID='1' />
     S: <ok />

2.2 Deleting an Existing Topic

   When an application wants to delete an existing topic, it sends a
   deletetopic operation to the service, e.g.,

       +-------+                  +-------+
       |       | -- data -------> |       |
       | appl. |                  | relay |
       |       | <--------- ok -- |       |
       +-------+                  +-------+

       C: <data content='#Content'>
              <originator identity='' />
              <recipient identity='' />
              <data-content Name='Content'>
                  <deletetopic topic='music.jazz.milesdavis'
                               transID='2' />
       S: <ok />

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   The service immediately responds with a reply operation containing
   the same transaction-identifier, e.g.,

                                  +-------+                  +-------+
                                  |       | <------- data -- |       |
                                  | relay |                  | pubsub|
                                  |       | -- ok ---------> |  svc. |
                                  +-------+                  +-------+

     C: <data content='#Content'>
            <originator identity='' />
            <recipient identity='' />
            <data-content Name='Content'>
                <reply code='250' transID='2' />
     S: <ok />

2.3 Listing Existing Topics

   When an application wants to get a list of existing topics, it sends
   a listtopics operation to the service, e.g.,

       +-------+                  +-------+
       |       | -- data -------> |       |
       | appl. |                  | relay |
       |       | <--------- ok -- |       |
       +-------+                  +-------+

       C: <data content='#Content'>
              <originator identity='' />
              <recipient identity='' />
              <data-content Name='Content'>
                  <listtopics />
       S: <ok />

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   The service immediately responds with a topiclist operation
   containing the list of topics registered with its administrative
   domain, e.g.,

                                  +-------+                  +-------+
                                  |       | <------- data -- |       |
                                  | relay |                  | pubsub|
                                  |       | -- ok ---------> |  svc. |
                                  +-------+                  +-------+

     C: <data content='#Content'>
            <originator identity='' />
            <recipient identity='' />
            <data-content Name='Content'>
                    <topic name="music.jazz.milesdavis" />
                    <topic name="music.classicrock.zeppelin" />
     S: <ok />

   In addition to the topiclist operation, applications can track
   changes to the topic list via the APEX presence service [7].  This
   approach is discussed is more detail later.

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2.4 Subscribing to a Topic

   When an application wants to subscribe to a topic it sends a
   subscribe operation to the service, e.g.,

       +-------+                  +-------+
       |       | -- data -------> |       |
       | appl. |                  | relay |
       |       | <--------- ok -- |       |
       +-------+                  +-------+

     C: <data content='#Content'>
            <originator identity='' />
            <recipient identity='' />
            <data-content Name='Content'>
                <subscribe subscriber=''
                           transID='3' />
     S: <ok />

   The service immediately responds with a reply operation containing
   the same transaction-identifier, e.g.,

                                  +-------+                  +-------+
                                  |       | <------- data -- |       |
                                  | relay |                  | pubsub|
                                  |       | -- ok ---------> |  svc. |
                                  +-------+                  +-------+

     C: <data content='#Content'>
            <originator identity='' />
            <recipient identity='' />
            <data-content Name='Content'>
                <reply code='250' transID='3' />
     S: <ok />

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2.5 Cancelling a Subscription

   Either the subscriber or the service may cancel a subscription by
   sending a cancel operation., e.g.,

       +-------+                  +-------+
       |       | -- data -------> |       |
       | appl. |                  | relay |
       |       | <--------- ok -- |       |
       +-------+                  +-------+

     C: <data content='#Content'>
            <originator identity='' />
            <recipient identity='' />
            <data-content Name='Content'>
                <cancel topic='music.jazz.milesdavis' transID='4' />
     S: <ok />
                                  +-------+                  +-------+
                                  |       | <------- data -- |       |
                                  | relay |                  | pubsub|
                                  |       | -- ok ---------> |  svc. |
                                  +-------+                  +-------+
     C: <data content='#Content'>
            <originator identity='' />
            <recipient identity='' />
            <data-content Name='Content'>
                <reply code='250' transID='4' />
     S: <ok />


                                  +-------+                  +-------+
                                  |       | <------- data -- |       |
                                  | relay |                  | pubsub|
                                  |       | -- ok ---------> |  svc. |
                                  +-------+                  +-------+
     C: <data content='#Content'>
            <originator identity='' />
            <recipient identity='' />
            <data-content Name='Content'>
                <cancel topic='music.jazz.milesdavis' transID='99' />
     S: <ok />

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2.6 Distributing Subscription Management

   Servicing publish/subscribe activity from a single location would
   present scaling problems.  To support distributed subscriber
   management, individual administrative domains can field pubsub
   servers that send subscribe and cancel requests to other pubsub
   servers.  In this fashion, it is possible to construct a distributed
   tree of servers that handle publish and subscribe activity.  Whether
   this set of servers is configured manually or through an automated
   tree formation protocol is outside the scope of the current document.

   When a pubsub server wants to act as a distributor for a particular
   topic it sends a subscribe operation to the service, using the
   appropriate subaddress as the originator, e.g.,

       +-------+                  +-------+
       | pubsub| -- data -------> |       |
       |  svc. |                  | relay |
       |   #2  | <--------- ok -- |       |
       +-------+                  +-------+

     C: <data content='#Content'>
             identity='apex=pubsub/' />
            <recipient identity='' />
            <data-content Name='Content'>
                transID='5' />
     S: <ok />

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   The service immediately responds with a reply operation containing
   the same transaction-identifier, e.g.,

                                  +-------+                  +-------+
                                  |       | <------- data -- | pubsub|
                                  | relay |                  |  svc. |
                                  |       | -- ok ---------> |   #1  |
                                  +-------+                  +-------+

     C: <data content='#Content'>
            <originator identity='' />
             identity='apex=pubsub/' />
            <data-content Name='Content'>
                <reply code='250' transID='5' />
     S: <ok />

   Similarly, a pubsub server would send a cancel request using the
   appropriate subaddress as the originator.

   Additional processing steps are needed to handle the case where
   pubsub servers themselves may originate subscribe and cancel
   requests.  Specifically, when any subscribe or cancel request is
   received, the receiving server must first check whether the
   originator falls within the administrative domain of a redistributing
   pubsub server for the given topic, and if so, the subscribe or cancel
   request is forwarded to that pubsub server.  Section 4.5 and Section
   4.6 present the algorithmic details.

   It is a local provisioning decision whether a redistributing pubsub
   server advertises its presence to end users.

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3. Publishing

   To publish a message to subscribers of a particular topic, an
   application sends an APEX data message to the service, using
   subaddressing to specify the topic for which group delivery is
   desired, e.g.,

       +-------+                  +-------+
       |       | -- data -------> |       |
       | appl. |                  | relay |
       |       | <--------- ok -- |       |
       +-------+                  +-------+

     C: <data content='cid:...'>
            <originator identity='' />
             identity='apex=pubsub/' />
     S: <ok />

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   In response, the service forwards the message content to each
   subscriber of the subaddress-named topic, rewriting the message to
   use the dataHopping option (see Section 4 of [8] for details) and to
   contain a list of recipients so that the APEX core will relay the
   message to each subscriber in turn:

                                   +-------+                  +-------+
                                   |       | <------- data -- |       |
                                   |       |                  | pubsub|
                                   |       | -- ok ---------> |  svc. |
                                   |       |                  +-------+
        +-------+                  |       |
        |       | <------- data -- |       |
        | sub 1 |                  | relay |
        |       | -- ok ---------> |       |
        +-------+                  |       |
        +-------+                  |       |
        |       | <------- data -- |       |
        | sub 2 |                  |       |
        |       | -- ok ---------> |       |
        +-------+                  +-------+


     C: <data content='cid:...'>
             identity='apex=pubsub/' />
            <recipient identity='' />
            <recipient identity='' />
            <option internal='dataHopping' targetHop='all'
                    mustUnderstand='true' transID='86' />
                <dataHopping noMoreThan='2' reportErrors='true' />
     S: <ok />

   This subaddress-based topic naming is used rather than defining an
   explicit "publish" operation so that sending and receiving
   applications need not be aware that they are participating in group
   delivery transmissions.  The placement of multiple subscribers within
   a pubsub message realizes the benefit of a single message being
   replicated N times by the APEX relay mesh, versus the transmission of
   N messages by the publisher (source) to the relay mesh.

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4. The Pubsub Service

   Section 5.1 contains the APEX service registration for the pubsub

   o  Within an administrative domain, the service is addressed using
      the well-known endpoint of "apex=pubsub", or a subaddress of this
      well-known endpoint.  Consult Section 2.2 of [2] for a discussion
      of APEX subaddresses.

   o  Section 6.1 defines the syntax of the operations exchanged with
      the service.

   o  A consumer of the service initiates communications by sending data
      containing the createtopic, deletetopic, subscribe, or cancel
      operation to the "apex=pubsub" well-known endpoint; or by sending
      any data to a subaddress of this well-known endpoint.

   o  In addition to replying to these operations, the service may also
      initiate communications by sending data containing the cancel
      operation or by forwarding data previously sent to a subaddress of
      the "apex=pubsub" well-known endpoint.

   An implementation of the service must maintain information about in-
   progress operations in persistent storage.

   Consult Section 6.1.1 of [2] for a discussion on the properties of
   long-lived transaction-identifiers.

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4.1 Use of XML and MIME

   Section 4.1 of [2] describes how arbitrary MIME content is exchanged
   as a BEEP [3] payload.  For example, to transmit:

       <data content='...'>
           <originator identity='' />
            identity='apex=pubsub/' />

   where "..." refers to: <FavoriteAlbum title="Kind of Blue" />

   then the corresponding BEEP message might look like this:

       MSG 1 1 . 42 1234
       Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="boundary";

       Content-Type: application/beep+xml
       Content-ID: <>

       <data content=''>
           <originator identity='' />
            identity='apex=pubsub/' />
       Content-Type: application/beep+xml
       Content-ID: <>

       <FavoriteAlbum title="Kind of Blue" />

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   or this:

       MSG 1 1 . 42 1234
       Content-Type: application/beep+xml

       <data content='#Content'>
           <originator identity='' />
            identity='apex=pubsub/' />
           <data-content Name='Content'>
               <FavoriteAlbum title="Kind of Blue" />

4.2 The Createtopic Operation

   When an application wants to create a new topic to which subscribe
   operations and data transmissions can refer, it sends a "createtopic"
   element to the service.

   The "createtopic" element has a "topic" attribute, a "transID"
   attribute, and no content:

   o  the "topic" attribute specifies the topic name for which this
      application wishes to allow future subscribe operations and data
      transmissions to be supported; and,

   o  the "transID" attribute specifies the transaction-identifier
      associated with this operation.

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   When the service receives a "createtopic" element, the service
   performs these steps:

   1.  If the access entry for the service matching the originator does
       not contain a "pubsub:createtopic" token, a "reply" element
       having code 537 is sent to the originator.

   2.  If the "topic" attribute specifies a topic name that already
       exists, a "reply" element having code 553 is sent to the

   3.  Otherwise:

       1.  The service records the topic in its non-volatile state, to
           enable future subscribe operations and data transmissions
           refering to this new topic.

       2.  The service updates its presence information by adding a
           "tuple" element that corresponds to the new topic.  The
           "destination" attribute of the "tuple" element identifies the
           subaddress used for the topic, and the "tupleInfo" attribute
           identifies arbitrary descriptive information about the topic
           (e.g., a textual description, a specification of the syntax
           of data messages transmitted for that topic, PICS [9] labels
           rating topic content, etc.)  Consult Sections 2.1 and 4.4 of
           [7] for further details.

       3.  A "reply" element having code 250 is immediately sent to the

   When sending the "reply" element, the "transID" attribute is
   identical to the value found in the "createtopic" element sent by the

4.3 The Deletetopic Operation

   When an application wants to delete an existing topic (i.e., one for
   which a previous createtopic operation completed successfully), it
   sends a "deletetopic" element to the service.

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   The "deletetopic" element has a "topic" attribute, a "transID"
   attribute, and no content:

   o  the "topic" attribute specifies the topic name for which this
      application wishes to disable future subscribe operations and data
      transmissions; and,

   o  the "transID" attribute specifies the transaction-identifier
      associated with this operation.

   When the service receives a "deletetopic" element, the service
   performs these steps:

   1.  If the access entry for the service matching the originator does
       not contain a "pubsub:deletetopic" token, a "reply" element
       having code 537 is sent to the originator.

   2.  If the "topic" attribute specifies a topic name that does not
       currently exist, a "reply" element having code 553 is sent to the

   3.  Otherwise:

       1.  The service deletes the topic from its non-volatile state, to
           disable future subscribe operations and data transmissions
           refering to this topic.

       2.  The service updates its presence information by removing the
           "tuple" element that corresponds to the deleted topic.

       3.  A "reply" element having code 250 is immediately sent to the

   When sending the "reply" element, the "transID" attribute is
   identical to the value found in the "deletetopic" element sent by the

   Note that following a deletetopic operation, data transmissions
   refering to this topic may continue to be propagated.  Although the
   service will all no new data transmissions to start refering to this
   topic, in-progress data transmissions may be in transit.

4.4 The Listtopics Operation

   When an application wants to get a list of existing topics, it sends
   a "listtopics" element to the service.

   The "listtopics" element has no content.

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   When the service receives a "listtopics" element, the service
   performs these steps:

   1.  If the access entry for the service matching the originator does
       not contain a "pubsub:listtopics" token, a "reply" element having
       code 537 is sent to the originator.

   2.  Otherwise, a "topiclist" element is immediately sent to the
       originator, having the same "transID" attribute value", and
       containing a sequence of "topic" elements each with a single
       "name" attribute, enumerating the topics known in this
       administrative domain.

4.5 The Subscribe Operation

   When an application wants to receive forwarded messages sent to the
   service via the data transmissions sent to a particular topic
   (subaddress) at a domain, it sends a "subscribe" element to the

   The "subscribe" element has a "subscriber" attribute, a "topic"
   attribute, a "transID" attribute, a "duration" attribute, and no

   o  the "subscriber" attribute specifies the endpoint to which data
      transmissions should be forwarded;

   o  the "topic" attribute specifies the topic name for which this
      application wishes to have corresponding data transmissions

   o  the "duration" attribute specifies a non-zero maximum number of
      seconds for which the subscriber is interested in receiving
      forwarded data transmissions; and,

   o  the "transID" attribute specifies the transaction-identifier
      associated with this operation.

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   When the service receives a "subscribe" element, we refer to the
   "subscriber" attribute of the "subscribe" element as the "subject",
   and the service performs these steps:

   1.  If the access entry for the service matching the originator does
       not contain a "pubsub:subscribe" token, a "reply" element having
       code 537 is sent to the originator.

   2.  If the "topic" attribute specifies a topic name that does not
       exist, a "reply" element having code 553 is sent to the

   3.  If the duration attribute is less than or equal to zero, a
       "reply" element having code 553 is sent to the originator.

   4.  If the topic already has a subscriber whose local-part is
       "apex=pubsub/TOPIC" (where "TOPIC" matches the value of the
       "topic" attribute), and whose domain-part matches the domain-part
       of the subject, then the service forwards the "subscribe" element
       to the existing subscriber.

   5.  Otherwise:

       1.  A "reply" element having code 250 is sent to the originator.

       2.  For up to the amount of time indicated by the "duration"
           attribute of the "subscribe" element, if a data transmission
           is sent to the service with a subaddress matching the
           specified topic, it is forwarded to the subject.  (If the
           subject is already subscribed, the previous duration is no
           longer consulted.) Finally, when the amount of time indicated
           by the "duration" attribute expires, a cancel operation
           (Section 4.6) is sent to the originator.

   When sending the "reply" element, the "transID" attribute is
   identical to the value found in the "subscribe" element sent by the

4.6 The Cancel Operation

   When an application no longer wishes to subscribe to a particular
   topic, it sends an "cancel" element to the service; similarly, when
   the service no longer considers an application to be subscribing, an
   "cancel" element is sent to the application.

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   The "cancel" element has a "subscriber" attribute, a "topic"
   attribute, a "transID" attribute, and no content:

   o  the "subscriber" attribute specifies the endpoint to which data
      transmissions should no longer be forwarded;

   o  the "topic" attribute specifies the topic name for which this
      application wishes to cease having corresponding subscribed data
      transmissions forwarded; and,

   o  the "transID" attribute specifies the transaction-identifier
      associated with this operation.

   When the service receives an "cancel" element, we refer to the
   "subscriber" attribute of the "subscribe" element as the "subject",
   and the service performs these steps:

   1.  If the access entry for the service matching the originator does
       not contain a "pubsub:cancel" token, a "reply" element having
       code 537 is sent to the originator.

   2.  If the "topic" attribute specifies a topic name that does not
       exist, a "reply" element having code 553 is sent to the

   3.  If the topic already has a subscriber whose local-part is
       "apex=pubsub/TOPIC" (where "TOPIC" matches the value of the
       "topic" attribute), and whose domain-part matches the domain-part
       of the subject, then the service forwards the "cancel" element to
       the existing subscriber.

   4.  Otherwise:

       1.  A "reply" element having code 250 is sent to the originator.

       2.  The service removes the subject from the list of endpoints to
           which data is forwarded for the topic.

   When sending the "reply" element, the "transID" attribute is
   identical to the value found in the "subscribe" element sent by the

   Note that following a cancel operation, the originator may receive
   further data transmissions directed to the specified topic.  Although
   the service will forward no new data after processing a cancel
   operation and sending the reply operation, earlier transmissions may
   be in transit.

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4.7 Data Transmissions

4.7.1 Use of APEX Data Messages

   When an application wants to transmit information to other
   applications subscribed to a particular topic within an
   administrative domain, it sends data to the apex=pubsub service at
   the given administrative domain using the APEX "data" operation, with
   the subaddress set to the desired topic.  When the service receives a
   data operation so addressed, it performs the following steps:

   1.  If the subaddress does not match an existing topic at this
       administrative domain, then when the APEX core delivers the data
       to the pubsub service (Step 5.3 of Section of [2]), the
       pubsub service returns an "error" element having code 550.

   2.  Otherwise, the pubsub service returns an "ok" element, and then
       submits a new data element to the relay service, replacing the
       recipient with a set of recipients enumerating each endpoint that
       had previously successfully performed a "subscribe" operation
       specifying a topic name that matches the subaddress and for which
       the "subscribe" operation is still active (i.e., its specified
       duration has not been exceeded).

4.8 The Reply Operation

   While processing operations, the service may respond with a "reply"
   element.  Consult Sections 10 and 6.1.2 of [2], respectively, for the
   definition and an exposition of the syntax of the reply element.

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5. Initial Registrations

5.1 Registration: The Pubsub Service

   Well-Known Endpoint: apex=pubsub

   Syntax of Messages Exchanged: c.f., Section 6.1

   Sequence of Messages Exchanged: c.f., Section 4

   Access Control Tokens: pubsub:createtopic, pubsub:deletetopic,
      pubsub:listtopics, pubsub:subscribe, pubsub:cancel, core:data

   Contact Information: c.f., the "Authors' Addresses" section of this

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6. DTDs

6.1 The Pubsub Service DTD

    DTD for the APEX pubsub service, as of 2001-09-16

    Refer to this DTD as:




    DTD data types:

         entity        syntax/reference     example
         ======        ================     =======
         TOPIC         [a-z][a-z0-9.-_]*
                       c.f., Section x.x


   <!ENTITY  % TOPIC     "CDATA">

    Synopsis of the APEX pubsub service

      service WKE: apex=pubsub

      message exchanges:

          consumer initiates    service replies
          ==================    ================
          createtopic           reply
          deletetopic           reply
          listtopics            topiclist
          subscribe             reply
          cancel                reply

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          service initiates     consumer replies
          =================     ================
          cancel                (nothing)

      access control:

          operation   subject           token
          ----------- ----------        ------------------
          createtopic apex=pubsub       pubsub:createtopic
          deletetopic apex=pubsub       pubsub:deletetopic
          listtopics  apex=pubsub       pubsub:listtopics
          subscribe   apex=pubsub/topic pubsub:subscribe
          cancel      apex=pubsub/topic pubsub:cancel
          data        apex=pubsub/topic core:data

   <!ELEMENT createtopic EMPTY>
   <!ATTLIST createtopic
             topic       %TOPIC;           #REQUIRED
             transID     %UNIQID;          #REQUIRED>

   <!ELEMENT deletetopic EMPTY>
   <!ATTLIST deletetopic
             topic       %TOPIC;           #REQUIRED
             transID     %UNIQID;          #REQUIRED>

   <!ELEMENT listtopics EMPTY>

   <!ELEMENT subscribe   EMPTY>
   <!ATTLIST subscribe
             subscriber  %ENDPOINT;        #REQUIRED
             topic       %TOPIC;           #REQUIRED
             transID     %UNIQID;          #REQUIRED
             duration    %SECONDS;         #REQUIRED>

   <!ELEMENT cancel      EMPTY>
   <!ATTLIST cancel
             topic       %TOPIC;           #REQUIRED
             transID     %UNIQID;          #REQUIRED>

   <!ELEMENT topiclist   (topic*)>

   <!ELEMENT topic       EMPTY>
   <!ATTLIST name        %TOPIC;           #REQUIRED>

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7. Security Considerations

   Consult [2]'s Section 11 for a discussion of APEX security issues.

   The APEX access [5] service provides considerable flexibility to
   administrators.  For example:

   To implement a policy that only allows applications within the administrative domain to create and delete topics in that
   administrative domain, the APEX access service would contain the

       <access owner=''
               actions='pubsub:createtopic pubsub:deletetopic' />

   To implement a policy that allows any application to subscribe to the
   music.jazz.milesdavis topic in the administrative and
   that allows a pubsub server in the domain to handle
   distributed subscription management for this topic, the APEX access
   service would contain the entries:

          <access owner='apex=pubsub/'
                  actions='pubsub:subscribe' />
          <access owner='apex=pubsub/'
                  actions='pubsub:subscribe' />

   To implement a policy that allows anyone to publish to the
   music.jazz.milesdavis topic in the administrative domain,
   the APEX access service would contain the entry:

       <access owner='apex=pubsub/'
               actions='core:data' />

   To add an exception list stating that is not
   allowed to publish to this topic, the APEX access service would
   contain the above entry and also this entry:

       <access owner='apex=pubsub/'
               actions='' />

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   To implement a policy that only allows people who are subscribed to a
   topic to publish to that topic, the pubsub service would update the
   set of access entries whenever a subscribe or cancel operation was
   successfully performed.  For example, when user
   subscribes to the music.jazz.milesdavis topic in the
   administrative domain, the following token would be added to the APEX
   access service:

       <access owner='apex=pubsub/'
               actions='core:data' />

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   [1]  Deering, S., "Host extensions for IP multicasting", STD 5, RFC
        1112, August 1989.

   [2]  Rose, M., Klyne, G. and D. Crocker, "The Application Exchange
        Core", draft-ietf-apex-core-05 (work in progress), August 2001.

   [3]  Rose, M., "The Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol Core", RFC
        3080, March 2001.

   [4]  Rose, M., "Mapping the BEEP Core onto TCP", RFC 3081, March

   [5]  Rose, M., Klyne, G. and D. Crocker, "The APEX Access Service",
        draft-ietf-apex-access-07 (work in progress), August 2001.

   [6]  Kantor, B. and P. Lapsley, "Network News Transfer Protocol", RFC
        977, Feb 1986.

   [7]  Rose, M., Klyne, G. and D. Crocker, "The APEX Presence Service",
        draft-ietf-apex-presence-05 (work in progress), July 2001.

   [8]  Dixon, E., Franklin, H., Kint, J., Klyne, G., New, D., Pead, S.,
        Rose, M. and M. Schwartz, "The APEX Option Party Pack, Part
        Deux!", draft-ietf-apex-party-04 (work in progress), October

   [9]  World Wide Web Consortium, "Platform For Internet Content
        Selection (PICS)", W3C PICS, October 2001,

Authors' Addresses

   Michael F. Schwartz
   NetTopBox, Inc.


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   Marshall T. Rose
   Dover Beach Consulting, Inc.
   POB 255268
   Sacramento, CA  95865-5268

   Phone: +1 916 483 8878

   K. Carlberg
   University College London


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Appendix A. IANA Considerations

   The IANA makes the registration specified in Section 5.

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Appendix B. Acknowledgements

   The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of: Jon
   Crowcroft, Eric Dixon, Huston Franklin, Carl Malamud, and Bob Wyman.

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Internet-Draft     The APEX Publish-Subscribe Service       October 2001

Appendix C. Revision History

   Note to RFC editor: please remove this entire appendix, and the
   corresponding entries in the table of contents, prior to publication.

C.1 Changes from draft-schwartz-apex-pubsub-01

   o  Moved the dataHopping option to the APEX party pack specification.

C.2 Changes from draft-schwartz-apex-pubsub-00

   o  dropped references to expired MAPEX Internet Draft

   o  modified createtopic and deletetopic operation descriptions
      (sections 4.2, 4.3) to include interactions with APEX presence
      service to track current topic list and to provide pointer to
      arbitrary descriptive content about topic (e.g., for PICS labels
      or a syntax description of the data messages sent for that topic)

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Full Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001).  All Rights Reserved.

   This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
   others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
   or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
   and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
   kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
   included on all such copies and derivative works.  However, this
   document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
   the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
   Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
   developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
   copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
   followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than

   The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
   revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

   This document and the information contained herein is provided on an


   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
   Internet Society.

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