@misc{rfc9463, series = {Request for Comments}, number = 9463, howpublished = {RFC 9463}, publisher = {RFC Editor}, doi = {10.17487/RFC9463}, url = {https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9463}, author = {Mohamed Boucadair and Tirumaleswar Reddy.K and Dan Wing and Neil Cook and Tommy Jensen}, title = {{DHCP and Router Advertisement Options for the Discovery of Network-designated Resolvers (DNR)}}, pagetotal = 23, year = 2023, month = nov, abstract = {This document specifies new DHCP and IPv6 Router Advertisement options to discover encrypted DNS resolvers (e.g., DNS over HTTPS, DNS over TLS, and DNS over QUIC). Particularly, it allows a host to learn an Authentication Domain Name together with a list of IP addresses and a set of service parameters to reach such encrypted DNS resolvers.}, }