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WebRTC Data Channel Establishment Protocol
RFC 8832

Revision differences

Document history

Date By Action
(System) Received changes through RFC Editor sync (added Errata tag)
(System) IANA registries were updated to include RFC8832
Received changes through RFC Editor sync (created alias RFC 8832, changed abstract to 'The WebRTC framework specifies protocol support for direct interactive rich communication …
Received changes through RFC Editor sync (created alias RFC 8832, changed abstract to 'The WebRTC framework specifies protocol support for direct interactive rich communication using audio, video, and data between two peers' web browsers.  This document specifies a simple protocol for establishing symmetric data channels between the peers.  It uses a two-way handshake and allows sending of user data without waiting for the handshake to complete.', changed pages to 12, changed standardization level to Proposed Standard, changed state to RFC, added RFC published event at 2021-01-18, changed IESG state to RFC Published)
(System) RFC published