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The Authenticated Received Chain (ARC) Protocol
RFC 8617

Revision differences

Document history

Date By Action
Gunter Van de Velde Closed request for Last Call review by OPSDIR with state 'Overtaken by Events'
Gunter Van de Velde Assignment of request for Last Call review by OPSDIR to Susan Hares was marked no-response
Received changes through RFC Editor sync (created alias RFC 8617, changed title to 'The Authenticated Received Chain (ARC) Protocol', changed abstract to 'The Authenticated …
Received changes through RFC Editor sync (created alias RFC 8617, changed title to 'The Authenticated Received Chain (ARC) Protocol', changed abstract to 'The Authenticated Received Chain (ARC) protocol provides an authenticated "chain of custody" for a message, allowing each entity that handles the message to see what entities handled it before and what the message's authentication assessment was at each step in the handling.

ARC allows Internet Mail Handlers to attach assertions of message authentication assessment to individual messages. As messages traverse ARC-enabled Internet Mail Handlers, additional ARC assertions can be attached to messages to form ordered sets of ARC assertions that represent the authentication assessment at each step of the message-handling paths.

ARC-enabled Internet Mail Handlers can process sets of ARC assertions to inform message disposition decisions, identify Internet Mail Handlers that might break existing authentication mechanisms, and convey original authentication assessments across trust boundaries.', changed pages to 35, changed standardization level to Experimental, changed state to RFC, added RFC published event at 2019-07-09, changed IESG state to RFC Published)
(System) RFC published