%% You should probably cite draft-yangcan-core-web-software-built-in-cloud-04 instead of this revision. @techreport{yangcan-core-web-software-built-in-cloud-03, number = {draft-yangcan-core-web-software-built-in-cloud-03}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-yangcan-core-web-software-built-in-cloud/03/}, author = {Can Yang and Shiying Pan and Haibo Sun and Kemin Qu and Guoqiang Han}, title = {{The Standards on a Cloud Service Framework and Protocol for Construction, Migration, Deployment,and Publishing of Internet-Oriented Scalable Web Software Systems in Non-Programming Mode}}, pagetotal = 25, year = 2020, month = may, day = 21, abstract = {This draft mainly focuses on the scalable architecture and publishing protocol standard of REST-based SAAS cloud model Web software in non- programming mode, stipulates the data structure pattern and data exchange protocol for the construction and release of REST-based scalable Web cloud service software systems. Using the standardized framework and protocol, users can easily and quickly design their own software systems in the cloud, transfer and release data, which may make conventional software development so ease to improve the efficiency of complex database construction and server management. Without having to write codes under the standard framework, users can get consistent style background to create service, rapidly develop web application systems with the function of standard data management and data maintenance, and directly publish the software system to the end users of the Internet for access and use. And provide RESTful APIs to facilitate external access to required service resources. The framework can thus greatly shorten the software development life cycle, and save a great deal of development cost and maintenance overhead.}, }