@techreport{martensson-rocco-video-04, number = {draft-martensson-rocco-video-04}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-martensson-rocco-video/04/}, author = {Lars-Erik Jonsson and Anton Martensson and Torbjorn Einarsson}, title = {{ROCCO Conversational Video Profiles }}, pagetotal = 30, year = 2000, month = mar, day = 13, abstract = {The Robust Checksum-based header Compression {[}ROCCO{]} scheme is a header compression scheme designed to work over error prone channels. The scheme is adaptable to the characteristics of the link over which it is used and also to the properties of the packet streams it compresses. This document describes a number of ROCCO profiles designed for conversational video over error prone channels. The profiles compress the size of the IP/UDP/RTP header down to a minimum of 2 octets.}, }