@techreport{lee-ce-based-vpl-02, number = {draft-lee-ce-based-vpl-02}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-lee-ce-based-vpl/02/}, author = {C.J. Lee and Mitsuru Higashiyama}, title = {{CE-based Virtual Private LAN}}, pagetotal = 7, year = 2003, month = mar, day = 7, abstract = {This draft describes how a Virtual Private LAN (VPL) can be realized by setting up point-to-point tunnels from CE (Customer Edge) or CLE (Customer Located Equipment) to CE/CLE over a PSN, and bridging Ethernet traffic at the CE/CLE. Regardless of the access technology used (e.g. DSL or Ethernet) or the geographic distribution of CEs/CLEs, an end customer may use an emulated LAN service via an Ethernet interface, as long as the CEs/CLEs of the emulated LAN are reachable over the PSN. When used in conjunction with IPSec, the proposal allows secure transmission of Ethernet traffic, from one site to another site of a VPL, over the PSN.}, }