@techreport{bidulock-sigtran-regext-04, number = {draft-bidulock-sigtran-regext-04}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-bidulock-sigtran-regext/04/}, author = {Brian Bidulock}, title = {{Registration Extensions (REGEXT) for Signalling User Adaptation Layers}}, pagetotal = 33, year = 2007, month = feb, day = 7, abstract = {This memo describes Registration Extensions (REGEXT) that provides the ability for an Application Server Process (ASP) to modify existing Routing (Link) Keys with a Signalling Gateway (SG). Current procedures in the SS7 Signalling User Adaptation Layers (UAs) {[}M2UA{]}, {[}M3UA{]}, {[}SUA{]}, {[}ISUA{]}, {[}TUA{]} do not provide for the modification of Routing (Link) Keys without deactivation of the Application Server (AS). This causes problems in making changes to live systems. The extensions described in this memo permit modification of Signalling Link membership in Application Servers for SS7 MTP2-User Adaptation Layer {[}M2UA{]}, modification of Circuit Identification Code (CIC) ranges for the SS7 MTP3-User Adaptation Layer {[}M3UA{]}, modification of Circuit Identification Code (CIC) ranges for the SS7 ISUP-User Adaptation Layer {[}ISUA{]}, modificiation of Destination Local Reference (DLR) ranges for SS7 SCCP-User Adaptation Layer {[}SUA{]}, and modification of Transaction Identifier (TID) ranges for SS7 TCAP-User Adaptation Layer {[}TUA{]}.}, }