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Concluded WG Resource Reservation Setup Protocol (rsvp)

Note: The data for concluded WGs is occasionally incorrect.

WG Name Resource Reservation Setup Protocol
Acronym rsvp
Area Transport Area (tsv)
State Concluded
Charter charter-ietf-rsvp-01 Approved
Document dependencies
Additional resources Additional RSVP Page
Personnel Chairs Lixia Zhang, Robert T. Braden
Mailing list Address
To subscribe

Final Charter for Working Group

RSVP is a resource reservation setup protocol for the Internet. Its
major features include: (1) the use of ``soft state'' in the routers,
receiver-controlled reservation requests, (3) flexible control over
sharing of reservations and forwarding of subflows, and (4) the use of
IP multicast for data distribution.

The primary purpose of this working group is to evolve the RSVP
specification and to introduce it into the Internet standards track.
The working group will also serve as a meeting place and forum for
those developing and experimenting with RSVP implementations.

The task of the RSVP Working Group, creating a robust specification for
real-world implementations of RSVP, will require liaison with two other
efforts: (1) continuing research and development work on RSVP in the
DARTnet research
community, and (2) the parallel IETF working group that is considering
the service model for integrated service. Although RSVP is largely
independent of the service model, its design does depend upon the
overall integrated service architecture and the requirements of
real-time applications. As an additional task, RSVP will maintain
coordination with the IPng-related working groups.

Done milestones

Date Milestone Associated documents
Done Submit RSVP specification to IESG for Proposed Standard status.
Done Release revised specification.
Done Submit the RSVP specification to the IESG for consideration as a Prototype RFC. Begin revision based on experience.
Done Prepare new draft of RSVP Protocol in time for Seattle IETF meeting, following e-mail review and possible MBONE meetings.
Done Hold BOF on RSVP at Houston IETF meeting.