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Liaison statement
Response to LS on NG eCall support for the EU

Additional information about IETF liaison relationships is available on the IETF webpage and the Internet Architecture Board liaison webpage.
State Posted
Submitted Date 2016-01-31
From Group 3GPP-TSGCT-CT1
From Contact Susanna Kooistra
To Group ecrit
To Contacts Marc Linsner <>
Roger Marshall <>
Cc Barry Leiba <>
Marc Linsner <>
Ben Campbell <>
Alissa Cooper <>
Roger Marshall <>
Emergency Context Resolution with Internet Technologies Discussion List <>
Response Contact
Purpose In response
Attachments Response to LS on NG eCall support for the EU
Liaisons referred by this one Liaison Statement on NG eCall support for the EU
1. Overall description
3GPP TSG CT WG1 would like to thank IETF Ecrit WG for the LS (C1-152644) on NG
eCall support for the EU. 3GPP TSG CT WG1 would like to inform IETF Ecrit WG
that 3GPP TSG CT WG1 will work on stage-3 for eCall in IMS in Release 14
(ending in June 2017), subject to 3GPP TSG SA WG2 completion of the normative
stage-2 work and approval of a 3GPP TSG CT work item. 3GPP TSG CT WG1 stage-3
work might result in protocol requirements deviating or conflicting with the
current version of IETF draft-ietf-ecrit-ecall, and thus might impact IETF work.

2. Actions
To IETF Ecrit WG
ACTION: 3GPP TSG CT WG1 respectfully asks IETF Ecrit WG to take the above into

3. Dates of next TSG CT WG1 meetings
TSG CT WG1 Meeting 96   15-19 February 2016     Jeju Island, Korea
TSG CT WG1 Meeting 97   11-15 April 2016        Ljubljana, Slovenia