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Single Nickname for an Area Border RBridge in Multilevel Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL)

Approval announcement
Draft of message to be sent after approval:


From: The IESG <>
To: IETF-Announce <>
Cc: The IESG <>,,,,
Subject: Protocol Action: 'Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL) Single Area Border RBridge Nickname for Multilevel' to Proposed Standard (draft-ietf-trill-multilevel-single-nickname-17.txt)

The IESG has approved the following document:
- 'Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL) Single Area
   Border RBridge Nickname for Multilevel'
  (draft-ietf-trill-multilevel-single-nickname-17.txt) as Proposed Standard

This document has been reviewed in the IETF but is not the product of an IETF
Working Group.

The IESG contact person is Martin Vigoureux.

A URL of this Internet Draft is:

Ballot Text

Technical Summary

  This document specifies a protocol for multilevel TRILL using a form
  of aggregated nicknames where level 1 areas are identified by the
  set of border RBridges connecting them to level 2. Nicknames can be
  re-used in multiple level 1 areas of this type while nicknames used
  in level 2, including by boarder RBridges, must be unique across the
  TRILL campus.

Working Group Summary

  This document was adopted by the TRILL Working Group but that
  working group was dissolved before the document was progressed.
  The WG designed two approaches (unique nickname and an aggregated 
  nickname) and documented these in RFC8243.  The aggregated approach
  has discussed these improvements, but implementation "proof of 
  concepts" were considered useful prior to standardization. 

Document Quality

  This document is of good quality.  


Document Shepherd: Susan Hares  (past TRILL co-chair + shepherd)
Responsible AD:Martin Vigoureux

RFC Editor Note