%% You should probably cite rfc8549 instead of this I-D. @techreport{ietf-opsawg-ipfix-bgp-community-09, number = {draft-ietf-opsawg-ipfix-bgp-community-09}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-opsawg-ipfix-bgp-community/09/}, author = {Zhenqiang Li and Rong Gu and Jie Dong}, title = {{Export BGP community information in IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX)}}, pagetotal = 16, year = ** No value found for 'doc.pub_date.year' **, month = ** No value found for 'doc.pub_date' **, day = ** No value found for 'doc.pub_date.day' **, abstract = {By introducing new Information Elements (IEs), this draft extends the existing BGP related IEs to enable IPFIX {[}RFC7011{]} to export the BGP community information, including the information of BGP standard community {[}RFC1997{]}, BGP extended community {[}RFC4360{]}, and BGP large community {[}RFC8092{]}. Network traffic information can then be accumulated and analysed at the BGP community granularity, which represents the traffic of different kinds of customers, services, or geographical regions according to the network operator's BGP community planning. Network traffic information at the BGP community granularity is useful for network traffic analysis and engineering. To clarify, no new BGP community attribute is defined in this document and this document has no purpose to replace BGP Monitoring Protocol (BMP) defined in RFC7854. The IEs introduced in this document are used by IPFIX together with other IEs to facilitate the IPFIX Collector analyzing the network traffic at the BGP community granularity without running the heavy BGP protocol. When needed, the IPFIX Mediator or Collector can use the IEs introduced in this document to report the BGP community related traffic flow information it gets either from Exporters or through local correlation to other IPFIX devices.}, }