@techreport{fairhurst-ipdvb-s2-gule-04, number = {draft-fairhurst-ipdvb-s2-gule-04}, type = {Internet-Draft}, institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, publisher = {Internet Engineering Task Force}, note = {Work in Progress}, url = {https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-fairhurst-ipdvb-s2-gule/04/}, author = {Gorry Fairhurst}, title = {{An Encapsulation for Transmission of IP Datagrams over a DVB-S2 Generic Stream (GULE)}}, pagetotal = 42, year = 2006, month = jan, day = 18, abstract = {This document describes a Generic stream Unidirectional Lightweight Encapsulation (GULE) mechanism for the transport of IPv4 and IPv6 Datagrams and other network protocol packets directly over the DVB S2 Generic Stream. This specifies a base encapsulation format and supports an extension format that allows it to carry additional header information to assist in network/Receiver processing. Internet-Drafts can be and are used to describe technical issues and protocols that are of interest to the Internet community but that are not finally standardised within the IETF. This is such a document. It is intended for open discussion, but there is no current plan to publish this as an Internet RFC.}, }